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I ] ] i ; , I i , i i I l i i i » l i , , j . • * 1 j o 5 -, ii 5 CHARLESTON FORM CHART. CHARLESTON. S. C, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1888.— Palmetto Park. Tenth day. Charleston Fair and Raeing Association. Winter Meeting of 50 days, is 1 Ws on. 1 Weather clear. Presiding Steward, W". P. Burch. Presidmg Judge. W. F. SebaltC. Starter, James Milton. Racing S. lel.lix , 1. .1. Iol.s. Racing stalls at 2:::o p. m. Chicago time 1:39 p. m.i. W Indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fil in- in parentheses following ihe distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of bone and weight carried. * Indicates apprentice allowance. rT/"v/"»p- 11 i:st RACE-1-4 Mile. Hill 21"-. 2—112.1 Parse 8389. 2-year-olds. Maidens. I V/OO Filii-s. Special Weights. Net value to wiaaer 2.".: second. 889; third, 825. *W ™ 1ml Dorses AWtllSt % K % Str Pin Jockeys Owners n CDS S988JRIJB7 HV.Wls m lit 1 E 1 lI T Koerner A B Jopitn 1 1 1 1-2 1-4 S988 hvi.l.V WATERS « ill •". 1 -!l -1 P Moore II Cbmstock 21 3| o; :•; i S988 OTRANTO w lit I 1 :;- V J*Wikam i W Ma] 3 18-518-56-3 3-3 Miss WATERS " 114 s :: I] 4i hfusgrve Tenaessee Stable 10 10 s 1 , i 6918 AVE w ill 3 7 6 » Buxton 1 1 W J Blsaell SO SO 13 I B98S DICKS PET w 114 2 9* 8* B start In W F Schulte 16 12 7 2J I :, 7041 SMILdNG FACE ill * - T ; Bkirrin .1 11 McCarren JO 10 W la 7 RUMMAGE ill 7 v v s C Grand E McRedmond SO 26 I 11-2 Time. 12%. 2425 new track record 1. Track good. Winner— B. f. by Orlaado— Prankaess trained by W. ». Joplin. Went to post at2:H. At jiost t miiiutcs. Start uood and slow. Won easily; second and third drlrlaj LIBY HYAMS. sway forwardry and bard bastled, showed the most speed, drew away and held the others safe through the last sixteenth. DALLY WATERS ran in closest pursuit, but had to be driven hard to outstay DTRANTo for second place. The latter ran a good race and Baished resolutely. MISS WATERS t.nished with great gameiiess and was going fastest at the end. AVE ran fairly well. RIMMACK u:i-unprepared at I lie start. ry/"v£»£» second race 5-8 Mile. 7011—1:01% 3— US. Parse 8380. 3-year-oMs aad apward. i UUU Selling. Net value to winn r 23; second. 990; third, 828, lid Horses AWtllSt H - % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 01 us SILAS GRUMP wit I lie 1 i ."•» II 2 l«* Troxler .1 G Wagnon R IS l", I :; 6»79**ROSE QUEBN w* 1 MS 7 I 1- l* r 2] Deronda II C. Bed well 7-5 8-5 8-5 1-5 2-3 044**FATHEROLiA Wa 4 M9 S 3 S» i V J1 Wolf J W Hedrick 8-5 2 2 1-5 2-5 6947 ll.i:v m; 1 Ml 2 7j 5* 1 !: Brusgr*ve .1 1 Byrae :: 1 I! I i !-5 B973 I/IHKI. I.1-: BRUME «TB « " ! s B 8 5* ."; Butwell E McBride s s :: 3-3 i,17s MA SAI.AAMK wa 3 K I 4 I1 21 8* o1 Kor.l W Gersl 50 9 9 :,_. 1J 7026 SOUTHERN SHORE w 3 100 8 7 6* 7* 7 7" Obeli C .1 od. II 7 .» :• 4 2 5391 VIVIAN II. Wo ?■". :: 2 J" 6" s I Skirvm !•" !•, Davis Jo 38 36 10 :. Tim. . 241/i, 48-"5. 1:03?5. Track good. Winner -It. g. by Dines-— El !a Cay trailed by I. G. Wignoni. Went to post at :::12. At poat ; minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third the sa no. sil.AS GRUMP, seeming favored by the stir going, moved up steadily after going the Brsl quarter and, Onishing fast, disposed of KOBE QUEEN in Ihe last twenty yards. ROSE QUEEN showed high Rpeed set a fast early pace, but tired in the last sixteenth. PATHBROLA ran forward!] throughout and made a game linish YILFY failed to get fullv in bis stride until rounding Into the stretch, from where he came fast. MA sai.AAME showed early speed. ETHEL LE BRUME Bnished well. Scratched 7024-Queeii Dee. 103: 7053 Jack Nnniiallv. 109; 89S9*Clem Beacbey, 100. Overweights Silas Grnmp, •" pounds: Yiley. 1: Ethel Le Drume. 1; Southern Shore. .".: Vivian II.. ■".. rT/"w/rr THIRD RACK- 1 Mile. 1288 ■ ■ 1 :49% — 4—188. Pane 8888. 3-year-olds. Selling. I V/O t Net valae to winner 8228; second, $." 0: third. ! 2o. lad Hois.- AWtllSt ., ., % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 7023GARDENIA w 148 8 t 21 21 U -• II Buxton W P Reed 1 ■". 5 s:. 7-10 7013*CONTTNBNTAL w 107 7 :l ::«i 2j li 21 Goow LB A. km- 1 1 ! 8--301-5 7023*ARXOR w 100 2 7 5» .... :,. ::L :• E Martin W P Schulte 6 7 II 7-5 7 10 t7013»MATTIE L. w SS 4 1 4. 4" 4= 4 1" Snider .1 1 Byrne 21 13 518-51 1 3 7043"ELLw GRANE w us r :, 6* 6* o,; "■- •"■ Dennler N F. Davis 10 12 12 I 7-C 0!»70*EASCES aaa N I ! i:; 11 •"•- S* 6s "ampbell .1 L Holland la 28 28 I 3 7023 IKETTY MOLLY W 93 10 7 7 7 7 7 Ford J Forrester 26 M B N 1 Time. 88%, fel45. 1:182;. 1:4645. Track good. Winner— Ch. I. by ornament — Star Dreamer trained by J. M Goooe. Went to post at :;:.",7. At post .; minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; seCOad and third the same. GARDENIA ran in closest pursuit to the stretch turn, then took the lead and. standing the final drive gamely, outstayed CONTINENTAL. The latter was hard ridden all the way and tired when she g..i Into deep going in the last eighth. ARMOR closed an early gap and made a game finish, but tired in the tinnl drive. MAITIE L. ran poorly and below her true form. ELLA CRANE closed a gap in the last iuarter. fasces set the pace for three -Quarters, but failed to stay the route. rr/r/t FOURTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 1839—1:54—4 1 0 . i Bresad Running Columbia Selling I UOO Stakes. Yalue ,000. :j year olds and apward. Net value to winner .".; second. §200: third. 00. Did Horses AWtPPSt St i M K Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O H C 1 S 4861D MACDONAUD wa 7 M6 E 4 1*. I] ink l»l 11 I* Batwell J L Holland 4-81 1 2-5 oat 7 ".iFONT wb 7 191 J. E -1 2 2 i" 2* :■■ Muse, Ive Tennessee stable ;;._: _; I i out 7ol I.IACQlELINA 8 K 1 ■• o 5 E •", 31 ■.■ Deronda H 4 Bedwell 13 Ij 8 2 .ut 7o".". EPFENIU « li 7 Ml I 2 8 ■■■ l1 4 4 4 Goose il L; Gorin S S is 51 out 7025*1 EAMENCE ws 7 197 :; 1 4* 4 31 3* •"■ ■ Buxton C I Cbenault 7 1- 12 Time, 25. UK, 1:17%. lAh%. 1:58%. Track good, Winner- ch. g. by Sombrero- Bet Tiedate trained by H. Marshall!. Went to at 4:05. At J»t 2 minnt. s. Start good and -I ar. Won easily; BtCOad and third di iving DONALD MACDONALD ran iatO the lead and, being always in front, held the others easily safe m Hie final drive. PONT was in nearest and dose up pursuit to the last sixteenth, where he swerved badly under the whip. JACQUELINA closed a big gap from a slow beginning. LFAMENCE tir.d in the stretch. ii PBND1 was handicapped by carrying tin barrier with him for a half mile and tired. r-rx/"»£_ fifth RACE— 5-8 Mile. Ittl — 1:01% — ii.. i Pane -SiHt. 3-year-olds and satward. f Jyy Selling. Net value to winnc- 8285; sternal, 858; third. 825. lud Hois.- AWtFPSt , , ;:, Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S *92M TONY W. w7 109 1 i :," t 2 lI Pickett .1 Kelly 13 13 10 4 J 704i; cMEL waa 7 112 I :» 6** I" 4i 2» Skirvln . H McCarren .: s s :; s E 7«00**COBUR FiALEXE W« 3 83 J 2 l«* 21 J 3* Snider .1 C TalbOtt 7 o J 2 1 l-l 5204 STEALAWAY w 4 MS 7 11 1" 71 8 41 Andress W T Woodard 16 M 7 1 I S 4.".19 LASA .!A ws « M8 N 8 •"•ll - k ~-u » A HanoverG H Meyer 12 15 15 ii :: 6975 FOTSCH WB 6 181 8 I 20. I1 !•* 6* Van B*otenW T McOIvney ■". " 41 21 6-5 ]ao3 BUSH waa 4KB II 1" » 9" 7 7 .1 Hanover P M Morris 38 66 66 25 12 7027 THRO "OK « 7 II:: S ■ S: 8 ii- * i Fain 1 P Sherman 3 "• 5 z 1 G959 HUDAS SISTER w i loi I I I* i: l|J I* V Adams C L MSack 4 i .". z 1 ;042 SHED GRLHNIXGRu t bis I ;: I" HP W 19* Oberl C C Thomas I 8 26 i I 1337 OKEETEE W3 6! 3 7 11 11 il 11 Ford J I.elle 36 I S 12 .. Time. 25. 51-OJ l:042j. Track ?ood. Winner — -Ch g I. Boaaergei — Meddlesome She trained by l. Kelly. Went to | at 4:.i2. At post 7 minutes. Start g I and slow. Won easily; sei I and third driving TONY W detained the start bf bis unruly SCtiOBS, but got away lorwardly and. in a fast linish. wore the leaden down In the stretch aad won going away. CAMEL ran a good race, making up ground and Bnisti Ing gamely. COEUB DALBNE set th ■ early pace ami tired fast in the last punier, but held on gamely. STEALAWAY. probably much the best, was knocked back soon after the start ami ran out im the stretch turn then closed a big gap and Snished tastes! ! all. FOTSCH quit badly after taking the lead ua the last turn and kept it until well down the hone str. LASA .IA ran fairly well. Scratched 7ni4 Dad News IL. 104. Iverweigills Iheo C.K.k. 1 ;. pounds. rr frj / SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile. fl2is -linn-— 4 -193 i Parse 8388, 4-year olds ami upward. I J § 7 SeRiag. Net value to winner S22..: second. 858; third. .".. :„1 Horses AWtPPSt M 4 % Str Fin Jockeys Own i rs 0 H C P S 701OH vi DEM W w ii S M6 i 8 3* 2» 2 1- 1". Muagrve W Dirnie 3 i ; p; :,i :. i s 7046SPB1 LBOUNTJ W 7 191 3 1 I I 1"*- - Butwell Miss E A Tyson I 6-5 1 2-5 «Hll 699 ! icky GEORGE I 95 1 7 7 I] 3 3 3* Snider G II Marlman lo i:, r. 3 • ; i: [RISH KID w •" lo.", S 1 El 7 . li 1- Obert l C Cambron •• 10 16 3 • olid itowti in FIELD a 5 116 2 2 61 E] 4. •"■ ■"• .1 Wilson W S McGwire 2 21 11 54-5 I 704 PENDANT w 4 81 I 3 i!l I 7 6* 6* Dennler N B l ais ■ ; 2" a -mi RniSSEAU w 5 166 7 5 2 ::11 6 7 7 Chappell G II Geiger 68 b"i I"1 1 1". Time, 25=3. 51V5, 1:175. 1:45m,. Track good. Wiaaer — D h, by McGee — Long Glenn trained by J. PhilUne. Went to post :it 5:01. At post .: iiiiniiti -•. Start h..i and slow. Won easily; second and third ilriviaa II.M.DEMAN was under bard restraint to il stretch turn, from where be was sen: into the lead, and iron ea«lna up SIELLDOl ND showed the m -t early opeed and made a game finish. Inn tired in the last eighth. LUCKY GEORGE closed a gap into a good third. IKISII KID ran well in spots. TOWTON FIELD van as it in- disliked the going aad can do miieb better on a fast track. Scratched 7056 Law ion Wiggins. 113. Overweights Sp. ID.. .mill. 1 pound.