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FIRST RACE— 3-4 stile, 3-ycar-oIds and upward. Soiling. 93933 1 : 1 1 ; -, -9 148. I In-1. x Course DistTimeTckOdds Wt St i.i % % StrFin Jockeys Started Order Of Finish. CLINT TUCKER, b. g. 7 110 By Brigade— Mary Pease O. P. Romigh. ;063 Juan i 1:131 fast :5 lov 7 8 8 7 6*1 SOelafI 11 Oriaaar Lad. Asnrea, Volsel 6963 Juarez 1 l:14f fast 14 E 165 6 3 2 i"k -•"• Bielaft 7 Loving Mose, liuss. Quid Nunc 6938 Juarez 3 1 1:16] Cast 10 Ml 5 3 4 63 csi Sielaff 9 Boyal Dotty, ielico. Anne McGee 6813 Juarea oi f 1:07 fast 7 lU 8 s 8 11 11" Bur* game 11 P.Henderson, Gay, Mary Emily a 6905 Juarex 51 1 1:081 fast 4J 10s 7 7 G 5 43 Bur" game 11 CJ.Gray, T. McGee, L.Harsonll. 67SC Juarex 8-4 1:141 good 16 104 8 2 •, « 33 Bur game 10 Masalo. Orba Smile. Flying 6775 Juarea 3-4 1 :Mg slow 15 108 6 5 5 7 8" 0"Brien 8 B.Lynch. Calethumplan, H.Grav 07.71 Juarez 8-4 1:121 last 7 no 5 5 0 6*1 6*1 OBrien 8 B. White, S. Irenus, Ir.Iudustry 6730 Juarez 3-4 1 :14g fast 3 110 3 11 21 4* Buxton 7 Band, Odelia, Sea Cliff G707 Juarez 3-4 1:141 good 3 110 2 1 1 10 9-5.iO-Brien 10 I.escar, Love Dav. Mamladero 0885 Juarez 3-4 1:141 slow G M9 5 2 3 3« 33J CTBrien 0 An. Interest. B.Cook. Gold. Agnes 600 I.asoon 3-4 1:13 fast 4 111 5 6 G 6* 6» C Grand 7 G. Friar. Mandadero. Quick Trip G099 Lagoon 3-4 1:121 fast 5 117 6 3 3 Z- 31 A Nelson 7 Kiora. TMaaalKO, Fancy mild Iagoon 3 4 l:13g good 1 114 2 2 2 1J 11 A Nelson 6 L.IIarrison II.. F.Louise. S.Barry ,"Hft2 Lagoon 61 f l:-ig slow 7 113 4 6 4 3 S4 31 A Nelson 7 B.GrcenFf. Abound. Monteomery 5371 Anaconda P C 1:13 fast 10 113 5 6 6 5" 5iA Nelson 8 Letitia. Ben Greeuleaf, Alwund 5170 Anaconda 5-8 1:02J fast 7 112 8 8 7 6i 3J A Nelson !* Letitia. Titus II., Yo Solo 5139 Anaconda 1 1:43* last 6 111 5 3 2 5 7s 7" A Nelson 8 Rake. LilyPaxton, Iatriotic 4928 Butt F C 1:121 slop 15 119 1 I 1 1 1 A Nelson 7 Judge Sale. Ulirun. Country Boy 4773 Butte 3-4 1:151 fast 8 111 i 4 4 31 2| A Nelson 7 Hazel C. H.Grav. C. W. Kennon 47GS Butte 3-4 1:132 fast 4 110 5 5 4 4* 3" A Nelson 7 Marsand. Error. Force 4333 Butte F C 1:12 fast 6 110 8 10 10 10 7"i A Nelson 10 Briton. Titus II., Mandadero 3981 Salt Lake 5* f 1:061 fast 16 ill 1 4 6 7 653 J McBride S Deerfoot. La Caaadora, G. Point 397J Salt Lake 7-8 1:27 fast 25 114 3 9 8 8 8 8"U McBride ! O. Smile. G.Bosaell, Gretchen G. 3939 Salt Lake 1 1:411 fast 15 107 2 1 1 4 6 G°JGroth 8 Gretchen G.. Arbutus. Cabin 3853 Salt Lake 7-8 1:21 good 30 111 6 5 5 5 5 37i GrotU «! Colonel Cook. Hue. Love Day 3720 Salt Lake 1 1:421 fast 6 169 1 1 2 3 8 81:J Gross K B.Uncas. M.Emiiy. BeatrlceSonl* LILY PAXT0N, b. m. 5 112 By Blues — Falomacita Street and McAllister. rv35 Juarez 51 f 1:071 fast 26 1: S t i 5!1 «H Borel 9 Bonanza, Boas of Bocks, Volsel 6899 Juarez 11:47 hvv 4 1". 6 4 ."• 3 3* l7 Moleswh 7 lisula Emma. Lidiigh, The Peer 6849 Juarez .", t 1:141 good 10 110 7 3 1 1. 13 Molesw Ii 12 Gift Buss. Pedro 0960 Juarez 11-101:48 fast 30 103 0 4 4 4 6 6*1 Nathan 1Z Bit of Fortune, Falcada. El Pato 0777 Juarez ll-Sl:"7 alow 41 100 2 11 2 24 3*1 Halsej 8 WadsworthlL, Zoroaster, T.Peer •.7G7 Juarez 3 1 1:141 alow 26 112 9 9 7 5*1 3»1 Kirschm 10 Miss Joan. Pedro, Palma 0722 Juarez 1 I -10 1:471 fast 20 105 6 4 4 4 6» 6*1 J Mctabe 7 Compton, Boserale, Rose Oneil G0!i;. Juarez 61 t l:10g slow 12 U0 8 8 8 8 4*i Kirschm 8 Gimli. Kl Pato. Jood Intent G677 Juarez 1 1:43* fast S 1 K n 8 3 2 3=1 6 Halsey 10 S.Northcut. L. Creed. C.W. Ken"n 6636 Juarez 1 1:451 stow I M9 4 5 4 4 0] 6»if Small 7 U.Oneil But. Mate, Don Enrique 6231 Denver 11:44 good— 109 4 2 1 1 li 2"* Bur game 0 Mt-Alan. Voltrome. D.Montsomy 6218 Denver 1 1:471 Svjr — 1"! G 2 1 1 1 2" Burgame u McAlan. The Peer Moment 6148 Denver 1 1:431 slow — 103 4 11 1 li 21 Burxarue r. I:,, nton. The Peer. Wicket 8133 Denver 3-4 1:23| slow — 107 5 6 6 4" 3J A Morgan 8 E. Adams. T.Hasue, Sugar Lump 6619 Denver 11:47 slow— 10.7 5 11 1 l4 Is Bur"game 7 The Peer, Moment. Ben Incas 0014 Denver S-4 1:21 slow— 101 4 5 4 31 2and E Cotton 6 Thellague. Camarada. Hid. Hand 6088 Helena lm7*ty l:4fi fast — 104 S 1 1 Wicket, Hammeraway, Ossiau 5883 Helena 7-S 1:30 fast — 109 14 15 Flyinc, GretchenG., c.W. Kennon 6326 Anaconda 1 1:4 ti good 13-5 114 3 2 2 2 2s 4J D Niccl 7 Wicket. Shoot. Sj.rav. Har. Mad 6265 Anaconda 1 1:66* slow 12-6 1U 7 4 1 1 1 2! Hill S E. Stewart, Bamaway, B.Uucae 6188 Anaconda I 1:491 mud 5 111 5 4 2 I 2s 25 Ormes 8 Miss Korn. Ben Uneaa Lawn 6139 Anaconda 1 1:431 fast 6 169 7 4 3 1 1* !!J C H Millers Rake. Patrioti.-, Ben Uncas r.oij Anaconda 1 1:4$ good 7 107 5 1 1 1 l2 l1! C H Miller r SHeeptaad, Hmeraway, Shawnee 4901 Butt 7-8 1:31 slop 8 107 6 5 3 3 3«| 3»« Mulligan 7 Rue, Frog Eve. Gold Point 4848 Butte 1 1:43 fast 41 107 3 11 1 2 2=?; Mullican 8 Patriotic. Ben Dacaa, Charreta 4".95 Butte 11:42 fast 31 105 8 7 3 5 52 59J Tapliu 8 Fair Louise. Miss Picnic, Hawlej STARE, ch. g, 5 110 By Nasturtium — Gaze F. Dahnken. 1 1:411 fast IS :• 6» .".Ormes 10 Palma, Lambertha. Cliftonian 6920 Juan 1 1:401 good 20 106 7 3 3 3 3- 4*1 Ormes 11 l*lylnx. Palma, L. If, Eckert 6891 Juai . 1 1:471 hvy 12 165 5 4 4 4 5 6**lRobbina 8 Gift. Hen Lucas. Judge Walton 6884 Juarez 11:46 fast 4 lor, 3 3 4 3 81 4»i Groth 7 Orb. Lad, L.M.Bckert, Lambertha 6S61 luarez 6] f 1 :-J7g fast 8 108 5 9 6 5- 3T Groth 13 Prslndostry, R.Dollv. Descend t 6606 Juarez 1 1:3J fast 100 104 1 3 5 6 6 6,a?W Gargaa i G. Mart hmont, Fh . Peet, Balc-I.ff 6793 Juarez 3 11:13 fast 60 105 2 7 7 7 7 :=V Gargan 7 ButterBaB, Coagrore, Mimorioso 0069 LagooD FC1:11 good 4J lj9 1 2 2 2:i 23 Ormea 5 Jack Stryker, Oxer D.-Bnite 5114 Anaconda 1 1:43 good 30 IOG 5 3 4 6 5= 5 ° Ormes 0 Startler, Horns. Miami 1539 Butte F C 1:101 fast 80 112 5 6 8 9 9TJ Ormea !» J. F. Crowley, Batwa, Guaranola 8916 Salt I ake 3-4 1:131 fast 2 lo9 1 3 3 3J 3s Taplin T Ttemargo. LadyTeadt, Balronla 8849 Salt Lake 11:42 fast 5 109 1 1 2 2 2si 2h Taplin 7 T. Monk, Marigot. Beatrice Soul e 3391 Salt Lake 8-4 1:131 fast 3 M9 5 6 6 6 5»J Taplin 7 Gommell, B.Greenleaf, Chanticlor 3618 Salt Lake 3-4 1:131 14-5 IO 4 2 2 221 l2 Taplin « TiPhast. G. Russell. M.MttSZTaVS 3984 C d*Aleaa 2-4 1:141 fast 60 MS 8 8 8 8 871 Forsythe 8 Banorella, F. Louise, No Quarter 2761 C. tiAlene 7-8 1:27 fast 20 99 7 8 8 8 8 8"iForsytha S Figent. Setback. Sidon 609 C dAlene 3-4 1:15 good 15 110 8 9 9 9 92"lIeronda 9 Cimli. L.Sawver, Mad.Musgravs 19.7.S i-t-irlesn 1 1-16 1:4S1 fast 15 104 4 2 2 4 41 451 J Hanover S Beach Sand. Hatteras, Arbutus 1917 Charleston 51 f 1:071 fast 15 168 7 6 4 7 710 J Hanover ! Dominica, J. Nunnally. Star Blue MS Charteatoa 1 1:442 mud 9 Ml 13 4 4 6» 5J J Hanover 8 Jacobite. JoeBoae, HowdyHowdj CAMARADA, blk. f. 4 J 00 By Cesarion — Chum L. A. Seresni. 7019 J i :: 1 t:13 Ja-: 1.7 .: 3 :: 2 3 1 31! Guy 13 P. Connor. Mike Motet t. H. Scott 6970 lu 3-4 1:11 last 16 103 1 E 10 8 S •Grose 13 Wilhite, Deerfoot. Horieoa mi • 3 ! 1:131 fast 16 101 16 8 11 11 llHals.-y li Song of Rocks, Kiora, HnghGraj 6719 Juarez 51 f 1:681 fast 12 10l I 7 7 7 8«1 Halsey 10 Ethel Samson, Auto Girl, Evrau 6706 Juarea 3-4 l:15| go,.d 4 101 6 2 1 22 5H Halsey 9 Swish Sane. Pipe Vision 9887 Juan./ 61 f 1:101 mud 6 loo 4 22 2- 6*1 Halsey !» Orpertii. KingSialwart, M.McKee 6662 Juarez 5-8 L:61| good 26 bio 6 8 7 6-J 7 •■ Halsey 9 Dominica. Parlor Boy. Visible 6265 Denver 63 f LOS good— 93 5 3 3 33 5«J Halsey n Hidden Hand St. Joe. Bonton 6226 Denver 3-4 1:15J good — 98 3 1 1 l2 li Halsey 5 Eddie Mott, Meada. Big Black 8215 Denver • 5-8 1:041 hvy — 166 4 8 I 22 23 Halsey 5 Fort Johnson. Deerfoot. L. McCoy 6152 Denver 5-8 1:011 slow — :*S 7 3 2 2J 3»i Hals« y 8 Marsand. Odelia, Mona Lisa 8140 Denver 51 f 1 :09i slow — 93 2 1 3 3u 54 Halsey r. fort Johnson, Voltrome. Angelus 6020 Denver 8-4 1:18 Blow— 98 1 3 4 4J 59 Halsey 5 Znlu. Twickenham. McAlan 3 4 121 slow— 93 2 2 2 24 3*| Halsey 8 Th Bagoe, LPazton, Hid Hand 6814 Ok la. City 3-4 1:16 fast 3 10S 2 11 11" E Smith 8 Rio Brazos .Tesamv. Dog Star 5603 Okla-City 3-4 l:17g fast 88 90 6« Halsey c. Arrowshaft. S.Northcut. G.Shand K62S Ok.Citv AbS-8 12 fast S 89 1 4 5 4l 44i Halsey 7 dazzle, iron Queen, Tot Lee 5214 Duffenn Ab5 ■•* 1 :Ool fast 15 107 4 3 31 4T Dreyer 7 ChlltoaSquaw, laabelCaase Igloo 5196 Dufferin Ab6-8 l:O0J fast 12 ll7 6 4 3 2s Dreyer !i Martre. FirstAH. Sir Mincemeat 6107 Dufferin Ab"--i l:01g fast 15 b7 7 6 62 611 Dreyer 7 Curious. Con Carne. Ieialoha 5073Duffrin 6Jfl:?4gfast 15 .6 8 4 4 72 H« Haney B Chlppewayan, Ch.Sqnaw, Glipian E012 Dufferin AhF, | i:Clji fast 15 aj 7 7 8 810 Halsey 8 McAndrews. Curious. Caletijntua LAYMINSTER, ch. f?, 6 110 Bv Matchless— Northminster F. A. Haves. 7030 Ju 1 l:4o| fast 4 ]•• . 7 4 2 1 1] 4 B Cotton 12 Hannis, Im. Harlem Maid Juarez 1 l:46f fast 12 105 11 11 11 11 11 J4Hlll 11 Pedro, Delmas, Lambertha 09 Juarez I 1:411 fast 7 105 4 7 7 7 61 4«4B Steele 7 Orbed Lad. Lotta Creed, Lescai 6909 Juai • 1 11:16 alow 15 164 7 S 5 44 4*1 Carter 9 Buss. Tallow Din. Hugh Gray 8894 Juarez 51 f 1:121 hvy 30 no 7 7 7 7 "Carter 7 The Fad. Pedro Bonnie Bard 0865 Juarez . I 1:141 fa 106 106 8 8 8 s 8" B Steele v Mandadero, .Masalo. Anne McGee 5752 Victoria 7-8 1:33 slow— ill 2 111 2 M7 C Grand 5 Wiltrude S.. Bl ndy. EulaliaMa» 6741 VI iria 1 1:46? mud — 111 1111 S» 4i C Grand i S.GoId, Reene W.. T.B.Dinghter 5636 i.tor;a l 1:431 fast — 107 244 3 3«* 4r-j Pickens 7 Reene W., Lambertha, TwoOaka 6624 Victoria lm70y 1:471 fast — 107 4 3 3 2 3* 8*1 W Gargan «i Phillistina. Sake, Dr. White 5611 Victoria lm76y 1:48 fast — 166 0 6 6 6 6 6*1 McMartin 5 Dr. White Nannie McDee. Sake 5573 Victoria 3-4 1:16 fast — 107 4 6 5 53 5»| C Rosa 7 R.oflroquoia, A.GuIch. Moralighl iria 8-4 1:16 fast — 107 I 4 E 4i 4* Crawford 7 Sallie ODay. Zulu. Caaapa 5483 Victoria 1 1-16 1:511 — 109 2 11 1 l2 Sak Crawford 8 Whidden. Lambertha. Reene W. Vancouver ::-4 1:181 mud — 116 8 r, n 54 6*1 C Rosa 0 Gilbert Soae. Mbrallght, Gimli 4964 Vancouver 3-4 1:184 mud — 109 3 6 I o2 4T| Crawford 7 Blacksheep. Melts, J. Henderson 4951 Vancou r 3 1 1:171 mud— 119 ». 6 3 -li 414Pickena 7 Don Enrique, Cisko. Blacksheep 4793 Vancouver 3-4 1 :13ii fast — 169 3 4 2 "i 2- Crawford ti FJohnson. B.Wilson. Ant. Rove 4616 Vancouver 1 1:401 fast — ; . •■ 3 :: 3 3 S*| Bmrigame 8 l tt:ir I, EddleMott, ReeneW. im uver 3 I 1:161 hvy — 104 3 4 ? 3 J 3 Burgaino 7 Par. Boy, Back Bay. Bi-ick«heep 4464 Vancouver 3-4 1:161 mod — 1 ■! 4 I l 24 24 Hill S Par. Bog, Ben WUaoa, SirFretful MINNIE F.. b. i. 3 88 By Albula— Martha D. H. Brant hL i 6 8 74 Bezanson 1» II nanaa. Song of Rocks. Volsel id — 110 3 14 4 v post 1 tldsmobil JosieLee, Kenneth enver ■■ I ■ Post K Jo !.■ . Garter Rnssella Denvet 1 : 48J good — 0 E 2h 32 Post .". Utile Jak* I -1. I»e. Qn Toppy i.t47 Den ■ si iw — 115 2 I 2 21 S1! Poal •"• Oldsmohib Garter. Sam tlrigsby 6012 Denver I] iw - 166 1 1 l2 V Post 1 Garter, [ndianota. 1 ru ti ite Anaconda 41 f •".." fast H II it 4s 4*1 Post II Nifty, Sierra, Vlreo naconda 41 f 57 good 1 166 : 111* ]» Post • Kailua, Baafa It. 1 1 i.-. Mat Gore 1-2 48? fast 1. 6*1 4H Posl H Slei 1, Mat 1 rj Ancon C. dAlene 31 f 421 mud 36 101 6. E »«| Burgami S Camla R I Widow, Vivian H. l*Alen 1-2 481 fast r " 163 11 1" 1" It Posl II Zenotek 1 il u 2644 C. d Alene I 2 691 Cast 15 106 4 4 4 4" Posl ; Holler, ■ ri 1: el la, Attala BEN GREEULEAF. b. g. 5 110 Bv Star Bright— Adalmo H. Frvj. 1 iar / ; I fast •■■ U# 6 I 7 7 : : . ., ,1 H 1: 1. I - n li 1 ■ iu llm I 70 iu Juarez 3-41:11 rasl 5 MS I 9 9 9 9 , II Holablrd Onlek Trll 6767 Juarez 112 10 10 10 10 1" Mulligan 10 Ml 1 Jeau Pi 1 Lilt Paxton 6731 Juarez I fast 13 1 6 4 7 7 6 !;, S Can tern Orldd l.a.l Aiiin*ea .. - 1 • I go id 3 10 5 ■ 6 ■ _ : ,M I gan lo s ren ide, .1 Pi let m la] 1.. 1. 11:56 hvy 16 167 ".11 1 I Mulligan S Roxevale, Hazel m 643 lagoon P C 1:171 mud 3 112 4 4 4 4" 14 Mulligan 7 A.Slupskey, It si Tim Judga 6448 Lag 1. E f 1:131 mud 6 HI •" •"• fi * 2* Riddle r The 1 id, Ben IM 3-4 1:13 Cast 16-1112 2 222- 22 Mulligan 7 L.Allen. C.W.Ken 1. i w Held 2 4 1:14 gooij 2 112 1 1 4 6*1 6** Mulligan 7 Kiora. Ben Btone. Qulrh rrlp 59S l.-r.;-n 61 f l:22g slow 3 111 1111 241* Mullk.-in 7 Abound. C. Tuekei Moutaontery 1." Lagoon 3 11:15 bvy 6-5 169 1 1 1 14 14 Mulligan 7 Bell nicker Melts Pair I 5871 Lagoj n 3 1 1:16 slow 31 Ml I 4 4 1" 34 MnUbran 7 Hazel C. Tube Rose, Billy M .■ r 5371 Anaconda F C 1:13 fast 9 161 4 4 3 2- 2* Vi]ili.:aii 1. Letitia. Abound. Deerfoot -la 7-8 1:321 good 6 ill 1 1 1 1 l1 l1 Mulligan 11 Star Blue. M.Mnsgrave, B.Hncaa 63T7 Anaconda W C 1:14 slow 4 111 2 2 2 2 V Mulligan 7 Lucille Allen AlKHind. Angelus Vnaconda 6 f 1:14 hvy 12 I0S 5 I Mull in ti ;i ... ml, Ben Stone. Tube it • 6167 Vnaconda •". s 1 ■• fast j 107 3 3 3*1 34 Mulligan 7 Definite, sixteen. No Quarter 508f 11.1. PC 1:131 good 6 165 S 2 1 V :r Mulligan S Valhal. G. Hartritlge, No Quarter 4S77 Butte .v t l- .-; fast 8 105 10 9 m 91 71 Mnlltgan m .1 H.Sbeehan, M. Sly. D. WarhVUI 4777 Butti ;, 1 1 : s fast 26 109 7 s 7 6« 6«1 Mulligan -• I a Cazadora. Ori.Lad. Pai u;- 1 5- 6 I o". Ret 7 Chanticlor, Orba Smile, Bui Bait [ 1 . J , 1 , I I 1 - . 1 1 1 I , ! - I ! I I • i ] a SERENADE, ch. n, 7 M ■-. BJlSSS.ZG* rtte» « Lj 41 fait 36 lost" 2 6 t; 6« Bur-game i Gimli, T.McGee. Ltrrlson II Ul-Uifaun 26 It* 6 l 1 2 P Burgame 8 OswdB.. An.Interest. SwedeSam ,V"ire5 UfiSSllB 110 6 4 5 6", ,;,:,., ciuahan 7 L. Allen, Orba Smile. U. J. Gray -,? 5 7 64 Burgame 9 Beda, Sii Alvescot, Parloi 1.1 y 667S luni-e? f 1 -078 fast 29 113 2 8 6657Juarlz 1-82 goods ,,0 1 1 1 1« lj Bgame 10 J.IUtterson.LG,k B Greeotea 4 7 lOlBurgame 11 s.Pete. . P.Hend son, B.Alvescot ix 1 lime? i-8 104 good 75 107 0 3 HKOtritv i.; « ■• fT-t lfi-5 29 2 1112 l* Louder I UYoaag. Bererstein. TieTboaiaa t iv : |W» « 6 6 6 6«lDavenpt a Regards, DanNorton. PipeVisloy S444 Ok Citv Abli 1:02 faal 13-5 119 1 :t 3 3J 5 Louder 8 H. Garrett. Un. J. Gray, rrazste 63960kCiy Ab U 091 as 910 15 1 1 1 lllLonder, 10 Wild Wsh Br. Maiden Gert.DU 3-79 Tai . AlMlMfUtHllI 6"Daven„-t 7 Snciab W . levers -.,„ lbrry 11. 1856 Tulsa 1 Ab3-8 341 fast 10 110 Left at the fc post. Davenp t 1 B el. IL. L.z. ale Ip ene.W . let fw «7» Ti «n Aht-8 ",i fast 1 117 54 Davenp f. Liz. Irene. Buck U.. Lli/.ah. th 6k tSZ AbU l DavenLt Col. Austin 1572 1:661 fast 3 1" 1 Sociable. Itinger. j LAVENDER LASS. br. t. 4 108 By Marta Santa-rtation T. .Garncr. g 3-41:13ffaat 100 103 4 7 M 9 »»*Cwi II Preewill. AntoGIri. Quick Trip ruarez 3 I 1:14? fast 100 103 10 10 10 lo 10 2 J Callabanio Mi.-s .!• an. Bijlronia Orba Smile kla.City 1-2 52 fast 28-6 109 5 4 3s V [Vox 8 T.-inl ranks. IimnlleHee. o.-ajno 5S17 C*Ia.City 4* f 57 fast 15 109 4 3 g 3 Barnes 8 Tot Lee. Cocaine. Gertrude Dlx Ok .Ilty Ab5-S 1:01 fast 37 104 10 9 9 9 Jg-Ox 11 1 . ..iirg. F. Myers. ..unglMnsy oi.-c-itV l-!m20v X 52 fast 79 103 8 8 7J 7,ni ox 8 JackLamar, H.Garrett. Linnle s. Hio :: y Ab 1:001 fa"st Us 109 5 2 I 4* 64 Cox 10 Serenade. WUdlrist ,. Brt Maiden 174- iuarez 3-4 1-15* fast "0 96 10 11 li l" P|E Cotton 13 Traveller, T. franks. Minnolette WJmtrea 3 4 J 4j as 6° 110 9 1 5 7 |U |Wl on 13 Mill., McAlan, Royal B""* . .-, u, ..,.,.., 3-4 l-icl fast 7 110 2 1 1 2s 21 Qroaa 7 L.Sawyer. It. Esther, I« .L.Proctor 580 Juarez : s ! o; fast io Kl 4 4 «ft Vl B Cotton 11 J. Rutherford. D.Boy. B.Mayh.w »78T7 Rutte 41 f C4« fast 30 105 8 9 9 9 9«lCavangh S F. Fashion, Auto Girl. Nada Mas 17818 iSu. 41 f 3and9t3 107 9 9 9 92*Cavangh a G.Mar. Lealgb OateaUtlam MAYERDALE. ch. g. 3 90 By Star Shoot— Queen Regent V B. Carsonl. 7018 Juarez .". fi:o7 fast M6 M2 7 9 8 7 6" A Wilson U Fitagerald. AskMa. Kattytonnoi ruarez 51 f 1:111 bvy 100 lol 0 006 6*» A Wilson 6 Stout .Heart, Mercurium. Klva 6837Jnarea 3 f 1:081 fast 100 109 6 6 8 1 8Schwebig 8 I be _ uuler. Booster Ask Ma 1 :: Vancouver • 5-8 1:01 fast — 104 6 7 7 7 7l»JSChwebig 7 Rosins. Stout : Heart. Oldsmobile 3742 Vancouver 3 f 661 slow - 113 3 5 31 J4 Sehwebig G Cal C.trn J.Newuian. J Crawford 3134 C. dAlene 5 8 LOIS fast 100 101 7 7 7 7 7»*lSchweblg 7 PanZareta Caima. V d ; Rights 2949 C. dAlene 41 f 561 mud 40 105 2 10 10 1026JSchwel.ig 10 Zenotek. Barium. The Cinder 27,15 C. dAlene 34 f 421 fast 16 107 8 8 8 8"JSebwebig S Real Star. Cal Curn. Russella WOLFRESS, b. f. 3 93 By Luke Ward— Ollie P. I. E. Clark. 6784 luarez I 1 1*161 good 66 164 3 4 4 6 llBuxton 8 Bells, Lov.Mose. Sharper Knight 077 ruarez 8 1-61 fast CO 169 11 13 12 12 UUKirschm 14 G.Russell, Weyanoke, Tli.Cinder 1501 Uiare- 1-2 48 fast 10 ins 11 5 10 10 "JSniall 11 Sumptuous. T. Wolffarth. J.Lee. 1441 Juarez 1-2 468 fast 30 104 3 3 4s 4"« Buxton 0 Moller. Palatable. Vested Rights 13K Juarez 1-2 47g fast 40 109 1 5 6 4«1 Prior 8 V. Rights. I See It. Old Gibraltar 1108 Juarez 31 f 40 fast 40 105 7 7 7 74Buxton 7 Hawthorn. P.Gannoa. K.Stalwt. HENRY WILLIAMS, b. g, 6 110 By Marchmont II. — Lissa L. B. T. Patton. •Oifi luarez sTl:16 last 266 l-« 13 12 12 1. 1 ■• wooda 13 P. Connor, M. Motett, Camarada •"I luarez 3 1 1 13= fast 100 10S 8 8 8 9 9;3 Teahan 11 Toy Boy. Oriniar Led, Marsand 6880 Juarez 1 1*42 fast 100 105 13 Tuiled up. Wooda 13 Jack Ellis, Zinkand, Ben Uncas 6871 Juarez 3-4 1:14 last 100 107 1 7 7 8 8" Woods » Tmir, Parlor Boy, Sir Alvescot 6833 ruarez 8-4 1:141 fast 30 107 10 10 10 9 74 Woods 10 Kl Pato, Doc Allen, lallow Dip [723 ruarez 1 1-4iifast 10 110 1111 Kan out. 8 Johnson 11 Cbeaa, George Guy ton, Rublnon 1680 Juarea i I 1 01 fast 10 109 8 8 8 9 99 J Henry 11 J. Rutherford. I Roy. B.Mayhaa 1516 Lrirez 5l. f 109 fast 10 110 5 8 7 61 6T 5art r 11 Maxinsr. Oonoomoo. Ds Philipiie. 1442 Juarea 3-1 1: 13 fast 8 112 12 13 13 12 ll24Taplin 13 H.Hawkins. L.Sawyer. A.Paige 1417 Juarez 3-4 113* fast 4 112 10 7 8 10 IO21 R Hoffmanl- Parnell Girl. Lonin. Swede Sana, 1363 Juarez 5i f 1 :07i fast 100 105 7 4 6 51 52 Groth 10 Taltow Dip, XoSoIo. Ooaoomaa, 1289 Juarez 5-8 1:008 fast 50 112 15 14 14 14 143 Prior L Autigo tt astella. Lady lllie. «V luarez 7-8 1-279 fast 30 111 10 10 10 10 10 S11 W Cotton 10 Solus. Iralla. Rebo. «137 Juarez 51 f lilOl stow 60 St I 6 7 8" Cook 10 ElMolino. PIdHart. Gewg-Shan-l.