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*l ;i • • , J « 1 ■ a j , t , , DONALD MACDONALD TAKES STAKES. Holland Racer Victorious in Chief Event of Palmetto Park Caid — Layers Have Winning Day. Charie-ion. s. c. February 5.— The Coteaabu Sell inu Stake- one mile, carrying a monetary value ol hk». was accounted for at Palaaettu Park today by Donald Ma.-donald. the favorite, with I.i.t in « second place and Jac-queilna third. The race served a- ih . feature of an orrilnar card that was decided i over a ditli.-ull track. The winm-i was a. all timer. during the running in ...niniaml and ill w away in ■ the stretch from Pont, his ei,,--i adversary, to aria 1 well .ii hand. Kftviidi. looked apon as i likely factor before the running, became eniagled in the barrier and carried tbe wehtdng with liim for nearly halt a Mill.. A surprisiuglj large crowil was •«■ hand during the afternoon to witness the racing. Speculation was al-. brisk ii. il tbe results lavon-d the layers. who almost rei |»e»l their losses of yesterday. Matters looked gloomy for the biyers when Rubj 1 .-im-.. tbe i.n.iii.-. a tin. performance in inning the teeiiiiig dash. In which Juveniles made ii| the held, but INumld M.n deiial.l was tbe only other pnhlii ehoi. -.■ to succeed. Ruby liyatus made new track ii-. -i -l of *i*i tor lb*- quarter. Silas Gmmp. entirely negleeteil in the race, made a show "I his uppositiuu. which Inclndeil Rose Queen, latlieiola and Vihv. The la-t n nu.-l trio were backed to Ihe .x.-lnsiou of all ihe other startera in th race aad the break gave tbe layer* eminence and proat. The gfth rac resulted ia aa other s:«d break. Toaj W . at kaaj odd-, wtawlaa in a mild drive. SpelllMHind and Tow ton Field were most In domain. in the riming dash ami the formei Was liealen ban dilv enough by lla.ii inah. The stewards during the* afternoon announced in- tmspensi f |o«-kej Uomlon for ten ilays ■• ■ aa indifferent ride yi-stenlaj oa i ii.-unil ..... I"he i -id-r had a nessloa «iih the idhcials yesterdaj afte ii race, hut their fallare to aim. .nine action cawse«l a general belief thai they had dismissed the matter. The petition i.-iiii.-i iuji the Kentucky Iracka to -rant an inciea-. In tuirse a lite-, which was tor warded from here, coataias ifty-two sigaattir - • horsemen who intend to race .. i the Kentucky tracks this season. In a letter seal here t.. Frank Brueu. John Ha. linui-t. i . general manaei- of the I.atoni-i and Douglas Park tracks, states that be is prepar ins: a list nf stakes lo be run tot at these tracts ami thai their itoadltloae will be made known shortly. I.ookniaker .1. Meilbsger was an arrival freaf Rut falo this nioiiiiiiu and will cut in » s is the ring. i- thrown .pen to Independent layers. .1. W. May wis so much dissatisfied with Ihe shoarhag mad.- by Merry Chase in her raee yeeterday that he disposed "I the tilly this afternoon to Chris loodeharte. The latter is gathering together l striag to raee Over the half-mile tracks in Canada next summer. Charlie l-.llison and .lark Baker will form a partnership and purchase several horse- for racing on the Kentucky circuit duriag the eaaaiag season. The report of rich panes to he offered for these meetiags has influenced Mr. Ellison to reengage in the sfxirt as an own.-i. The following work .aits t. ok place this morning over the Palatettfl coarse, which was la a s|,,w condition : Abrasion — Half mile in ." 4. driving. IliUed up lame. Cberrvola — Three-quarters in l:_l. breeaJag. I- fit. Chilton King — Half mile in 58, cantering. Clem ReachiM Three-quarters in 1:23. Is extra good. Colonel Cook — Five eighths in 1:011. breezing. Right on edge. Cynosure — Three eighths in 30, breeaiag. Ready and has speed. F.lla Graae — Three-eighths in 41. breeaiag. Cold Cap— Half mile in " . breezing. Henrietta W.- Five-eighths in 1 :«;. driving. Is ■ about ready. Judge Wright -Mile in 1:58. breezing. This wains lirst mile trial and he acted like a stayer. I.oihiel -Three-quarters in 1:25, cantering. Is extra and liked the going. Mali tine- -Half mile in 55. Is good. Mama Johnson Three eighths in 4 . breezhr:. Mary Emily -Three-eighths in 42. breezing. Montagnie -Mile in 1 :55, handily. Oaeabar Three quarters in 1 :!"_. driving. Did not -eeni to like the going. Iaton Half mile in -".-"«. Is good. I.ndaiit Three-eighths in 41. breezing. Prince Chap Half mile in 58, breezing. Ireinier— Three eighths in 4l . breezing. Republican — Mile in 1 :4H. I- extra good right now and is ready to run to his best form. Knliia Craiida -Half mile in .",.. breeatag. Sherwood Three-quarters in 1:24, cantering. Is extra good. Spohn -Half mile in "i."i. Is good. Spin. lb — Thru eight Ii- in 44. breezing. Star Rose -Half mile in .".".. handily. Ready to • run a good race, supcivi-oi -Mile in 1 :-" 2. handily. Looks lit and good. Svlvestii- Half mile in S3, handily, is extra geed. Tarts Thn-e eighths in 44. breezing Ven.t. i Btrome Five-eighths in I : wi. breeaiag Right oa edge.