Juarez Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1913-02-06


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« i ■ 1 • ; 1 I . J 1 1 r I i a 1 I JUAREZ FORM CHART. •JUAREZ. MEX., WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 5. 1913.— Terrazas Park. Sixty third day. Jockey Club luaiez. Winter Meeting ,.f hmi days, tin books o». Weather clear first three races, cloudy last three. Presiding Steward, Charles | Price. PresMaag Judge, V. H. Shell-y. Starter. Mars Cas-hly. Racing Secretary, Baward Jasper. Racing start- at 2:i.i p. m. iciiicago tinn 3:15 p. m.i. W Indicates whip, s spur-. B blinkers. Fig-nrei in pareatneses following the distance of each race indicate index number, track record, age of horse ami weigh! carried. ladicatea aaofeatlee allowance. rT/-T "I FIRST RACK 3 1-2 Furlongs. t!.;:i«»2 -M!i-.-.— 2— 128. Parse 8388. 2 year-olds. | _f 4 JL Maidens. Allowanee-. Net van,- to winner 8225; seeoad, 850; third, ," . lad Horses AWtPPSt Vt i; StrFiii Jockeys Owners HOPS MANsciX w 115 9 1 --". 1=?. KirscrTm A B Bareckebi 4 I 1 8-6 4-6 RHDPATH a ll" 7 R S| »* A Murray 1 Ford a X *i :; :: I 7t3**PAvV W 112 10 J l1?. :;j Carter AV Mclz-mnro 1 7 7 :: 1 ! ;. "iI.a ESTIIF.I.I.A w 112 I I l*k 4 Eatep ll McDanlel t 18-534 J-S 7-M 7029 in:N]-:iii "i w rM 13 9 ;• •"■1| Hayaes v i: Freeman 34 H w M W C9W BREVITY a 112 4 in 7 •;-. Bar game .1 H Woodford C 34 14 5 2| 7 J47 BEST BE W 185 •". 7 .".?. 7 Qroaa .1 F Newman I 24 -I 2 I MAY 1. w 114 14 :: H 4«1 U ftaa AV Hurley I", St B 14 E Cir,!» H.I GOTCH W 112 . 14 11 91 J Murphy I E Clark IS 81 84 I 4 7029 BARBARA l.ANF; « 112 1 ll 9 10*| Cavangh I ; M Van Gordon lo 84 IS 4 :: 7029 KILTIE a IK 2 13 ll Hnk Roaen W II Snearley o _i» jo s -t 7029 PEEKABOO 112 I 12 12 12" Beaaaaon C W Clark :; » 44 84 1 4 7029 DELI . MACK w 112 12 :. 13 12.- E Cotton B E McCargn 48 44 at 84 io ROBT Al VNTEULi w 112 11 6 IM 14 Itrvia Alb-n ,v Hensley 44 44 *;o 24 in Time. 233,. 41c. Track fast. Winner — B. C, bv Solitaire II — Piquant.- i trained by C. W. Carroll. Went to po-t at 2:17. At |»ost 2 niint.les. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third drivhag. "I ANSON, probably a good colt, followed I. A FSTRFI.I.A close up from the start and. passing her with I rush in the last eighth, won eased up. BkiDPATH was away well and. after showing I good turn of s|eed. out gamed PAW for second place. The bitter ran well and made a fast finish. I. A F-STRKI.I.A set a fast pace lo the tinal eighth and tired when cbaBeaged by the winner. BENEDICT and BREVITY talnhfd • lose pp. Overweights — May I... 2 jionnds. rr /rT second rack 1 Mile. ti::::4 i:.;7--. 4 — 112. Parae 830o! 4-year-olds and apward. I J t w Selling. Nei value to winner . ;22." : seeoad, 8; third. 825, pi,! Horses AWtPPSt % A % Btrila Jaekeya Owners o n c P S Bat8 COPPERS wa 8 185 7 4 lo I . 4ak i fJroaa R Edgar 4 4 S 2 4-S 7o:;u dki.kx :, 103 ". I 2 2» U 2- 2 AV Gargaa W Gairgan 24 84 Si 12 * 493S LAWN 4 M 12 1 8 7 71 a | 3j Hezanson J Stow,- .". t; ci 2 ii " 7033 i.oxi a sin:; l 8 :•• :.- .",- 4* 4 Hill I Ghumcock . I 8 :: 8-2 7419 8. V. HOlGH Wa« MS 1 8 : 2 3| 2 l« 6 Cavangh T Kirk 8 13 13 i 2| AH MdON a t •:; ci ". »; M ! !♦ Cii Ne.loii .1 B Sweeney 88 24 88 I 4 7030 l.nOKOlT am 7 1o7 8 M 7 4 41 7 7"k A Murray M B James R I " 2| I S 7 H2*SAM BERNARD vu S lot S 12 12 i2 11 10 8" Halsey .1 XV Tate R 4 5 21 4 a 6S80 BARN. OhlUlIM W 8 145 11 2 s f 4b s in Carter A Q Dunlap *i R ". SJ •". •" b»l0THE PEER ".-7 105 4 11 11 ll l» ll lo: Eaten F Risk W M M 4 3 BS8»CY E*p wa-5 MS _ 7 Is i- T 8* llJ rsurgaws J W l.ev 24 88 84 !2 I ••7i KAMFXNT WB 5 N8 lo 1 I" 8 12 12 12 lrvin Mrs K Hutler 38 48 84 12 «; Thne, 24. 48. 115. 1:41%. Track fast. Winner— R. g. by Ogden— Ida Iiik.vick it rained by R. Edgar. Went to post al 2:4n. At misc I minute. Sti.rl goo. and slow. Won driving: seeoad and third the -aine. COPPERS began -lowly and was outpaced early hut. under a goad ride, saved ground OB the la-t tarn and, Baisbing fast next lo the rail, got aa to win drawiag clear. DKI.F.NA ran forwardly and gamely all the way. but was tiring ai the finish. LAWN closed a Iul- gap and linished with a rush after making a wide tarn into the aaaaeetreteh. I.onia ran well and latshed .lose ap. s. v. HOUGH was speedy, bat euir after running into the lead in tli homcsti .-leh. * Overweight — Lookout. .. pounds; Coou, 2. ryfrrO THIRD RACK -5 l-2 Furlongs. 84878—1:05% — I — 188. Parse 830ft" ..year olds and up"- i J J e uanl. Selling. Net value to winner 2.".: -eeoml. 8881 third. 825. ltd Horses AWtPISt 4 i_. % Str fin Jockeys Owners 0 II C P S liavANNE McGKK w 7 10:1 4 rt s s 8* 11 Oroaa B iaylord I M 1« ** 3 7oj_-|.:lMO."U ADAMS a ii 5 146 3 L 2» 3 2 2J Carter .1 Daj 3J I i 2 4-.". 8718 MTNCO JIMMIE a 4 102 7 4 :*,■. _-. 1 3*1 Robbina J Randolph :: 4 21 1 7-JO 701 S ERNEST II. w •: J2 1 :, 5* S 5 4.. lie /.an son .1 r ahn 12 84 bl 4 I 7033 PERCY HF.NIVSON wit ! loi S 11 M •■ g :,n Halsey Edwards ft lohn lo l", 12 .", 2] fn ROSENTA wn 5 101 2 :: 7*1 9 ft »iuk Cavangh K .1 Ramsey 24 4 i 40 85 I 701STO3KJ3 MOL.ETT wn 4 Mi 9 2 1" li 4-1 7 Hill 1 W L.-v 20 88 16 B 4 6S33ROBERTA wb 6 104 S 7 4; 4.. 7 8* Est. p S .1 Kelley 8 10 7 :: 8-S 9F266 BOCA C.RANDE w « 108 11 14 8» T» 9 !•- Hue game W 11 Hnei 9 10 8 4 2 7052 BEDA w tl b« 12 I 11 11 11 m" w Gargan W Gargaa i 81-54 8-6 4-6 i;074 BAlaBSIA w 4 10S 10 !t 8 lo 14 11 Wo...ls Ii C Riddle • W 10 4 2 7462 LA CAZADORA 4 10ft 4 12 11 12 12 12 AV Melnr.-o !• Bomigb 30 84 89 SI lo Time, 232„, 47*?- 1:**%, l:06*i- Track fast. Winner — B. m. by Marta Santa- -California trained by R. C. Benson. Wnt to iiost at :I:1S. At jiost 2 tniantes. Stan ginal and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ANNF UcGaaS was ahaaaed back at the start, but was nursed along -killfully and. Bnbdiing wit i i raah through th. homestretch, got op to win drawing clear. EDhlOXD ADAMS was lmk at Ihe stmt •mil a forward and game contender thr mgliout. MINCO JIMMIF showed niiuli -peed and ran into the lead ni the Stretch, but tired in the tinal drive. ERNEST 11. linished close up. lERCY 11 FNOFKSON closed a leg gap. AIIKK MOLETT set a fast pace to the stretch and ipiit. Overweights. — Mtnco Jlmmie 1 pound: Finest 11.. 2: Stoweata, 1: Roberta, 1: Balesfai, 4: La Canadom, •:. r7/P7 J FOI Kl h RACE 3-4 Mile. 83383 1:11% -2—188.1 Parse 8388 •". year olds. I J | 44" Allowanic-. Net value to winner 8225; second, 808; third. 823. lad Horses AWtPPSt hi _• -t Str Fin Jockeys Owners o H c P S 70:JSP N" 7. VRET V w 114 1 2 8] 4- 3 I1 Gross .1 P Newman 13-618-53 7 IM t iiiir.-TRII.Y W AS 7 i •"• •• •".i 2* Hill W MeLeniore 4 li ."» 8-3 1 ! iC947BIi IVLOALVR w 116 I 1 41 3 2"t :::: Loftue C W Clark 4-5 i 6 11 KC-6out 7004KrVA w !! S I 1" C. 1» 1*J Carter L M Morris 14 12 12 4 ::-2 KCVGORDON RISSELL w io:: I I 2 21 l- ." Robbina .1 W Puller 1". 25 1". :, 2 6995 NOBBY W 112 :• 8 ii 8 6 6 Teahan V. I" KnebelkampSM 140 44 24 10 ,,• . ii i e pi e m: 98 2 Refused to break. Halaej .1 GriSln N 13 14 1 8-S Thne, 2S, 47V5, 1:18%. Track fast. Winner — Ch, f. by Abe Prank — Caddie Critlith trained by H. s. Newasaa. Weni to po-t at 3:45. At ]K.st 1 inimtte. Slat good and last for all bul IDLE TALL. Won handily. s. -oml and third driving FAN ZARETA was taken back and rarefally saved behind Ihe leaders to th, sl retell and. making a Hose turn at he head of the stretch when KIVA. CORDON Rl SSF.I.L and BL !I.i IAR went wide, eame on ta-t tinilei an eeergetic ride and won going awa. TRULY elo-ed a big gap in the homestretch Into I fast going second. KL PALOMAR ran a go.1 race, bat wa- tiring al the imi-li. KIVA set an cUremei.v fast pace, but went wide and tiled in the tinal drive. GORDON IHSSFI.L alro tired after running in closest pursuit for Ihe liisi half mile. . i weights — Kiva. 1 ooutid. rj rj pr FIFTH RACE -1 Mile. 1334— 1:37*« — 4—112.1 Purse $::0O. 4 year-olds and upward. | J 4 O Selling. Net value to winner 25; set I. So": third. .. I ml Horses AWtPPSt % -_■ % Str Fin JiHkeys Owners 0 H C P S ;,.M W KENNON W 4 146 S t ■ "■:, 21 11 I1 Iavangh A Peters * 21 .".21 .".7.. : ■ 7 i::-» viKil.A.NTE wn i lot i i i:; c c _- 2*1 Rhtmlre C 1, M.n lev 242112 6»71*L M EOKERT « 8 183 S 8 4 7- 4, 4 2 Hill B Weete 3 1 I 7-6 3-5 7048 HELEN 90OTT n S M N H 5«s 4* "u "- P Teahan Herdel at Tlgne I". 15 14 1 ; .. , -1 ; I : x im 5 145 2 8 9 I 8 4*4 5* Eetep .1 Schreiber - 9 I 1 1 7u: LAM EERTIIA WB 9 lor, fi 2 4 5*1 7* •- 6*1 I.iirgaine .1 l Throll 12 25 2 9 4 4148 WICKET wad 146 S II 8 •»» 4* 8 7»* E Cotton CtottonayThpaon 24 58 to 28 10 701s BEN INCAS wn S ms :: 7 7 8 8 9 8* Cross II Branch 10 13 11 7048 QCICK TRIP a 7 146 7 . 21. 2* ■"•" : 9" Rlrachm P McKennip 84 -to 40 10 g tW»7* BEATRICE SOFLE w 5 142 1 5 18 M lo 10 10 Bobbins P Ianar 88 54 54 94 10 Time. 24V5. 48, 1:14".,. 1:40. Track fast. Winner— B. g. by Di.k Welles Seatesl trained bj W A. alcRlaaeyL Went to Posi at 4:17. At post 2 iniiiut. -. Stall good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving, c. YA . KENNON raced uiider reserve close up to the leaders until iii the boaiestretcfa, thea look the lead in the hist eighth and won going away. ADOLANTR tired in the Stretch after setting the pace for -even eighths L. M. ECKERT rati well and held the remainder -ale for third place. HELEN SCOTT van lorwaidly all the way, but wa- tiring ii the end. CRRX made up ground. LAMBERTHA and QCICK TRIP showed speed. Scratched- 70fflGaleae Gale, OS. Overweights Adoiante. 2 pounds; Beatrice Soule. 4. f"T fr7 £* SIXTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 84878— 1 :654fc -4 -185. Parse 8380 :: year .. Id- ami up I J • O ward. Selling. Net value to w inn. 1 8225; -eeoiul. $• : third. 825, I ml Horses VWtlISt , 1. "•, Str Fin 3o«-ke.vs owners o H 0 P S •"..:. i:i.i/H HARWOOD wb 1 9S 7 l l- l-1. 1- 1- Halsey Cuneo A Teotnan 31 4 1 6-5 1-5 4823 BUTTER HVl.i, a S MG 1 7 7 ;■■ 4- 2- Bur* game Qnlnlan 8 Kig.i •. M 8 21 1 • ■ vil.--. JEAN ■ 4 104 4 2 2". 211 •-. 8* Estep Fitzgerald 8 Iartii 10 10 :: 6 ". 6733*NAPA NICK 4 "a 8 io:; 2 5 ::" S*| 3»« 41 Robbina Powell 8 Parker 1 10 7 2 1 • ■ IEl.VNEY a 5 10.", :. 3 6at : 51 :. Teahan II Mcl aniel 8-5 II SI S I S 7034 DOMINICA a . loo •; .. 1 1 6* 8* Oroaa A C afcCnffert] :■ . : 1 6884 GARLAND mi 7 107 3 4 »; 7 7 7 OBrien A I, Valentine 44 54 54 1". I lime, 23*;,, 46V 1:00. 1:06V Track fast, Winner I.. in. by Marta Santa Prorlaiai trained by A. P. Ye.. main. Went to |n -i it 1 is. At peal .". .uinutes. Start good and -low. Wop ea-ily: second and third driving. KLIZABETH HARWOOD ran Into a quick lead and. -Iiowiug etreine -peed, won all the way and liuishe.l in ■ mater BUTTER BALL begaa slowly hat caaar with 1 gnat stretch rash into 1 fast going amend. viiss JEAN ran a good race and outstayed NAPA NICK at the latsfa. NAPA nick acted badly al the po-t ami caused a long delay, then tired alter running well to the hoine-tretch. DKI.V.NFY was i.nlfooted tin the entile wav DOMINICA tired i.adlv. Scratched 7n38*Jasl Red. 188. uv.-iw eights- Miss Jean. 2 jiounds; Carlatid. 4.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1913020601/drf1913020601_1_6
Local Identifier: drf1913020601_1_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800