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I THIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and saward. Selling. 93823 1:11% 2 100. EL PATO. br. g. 4 107 By Conjuror — Pearl Bartes O. G. Parka. I 1:401 test 12 i 7 3 5 0 :, 1 : ] Groth 8 Duncraggan, 1 antcm. Gellco 6! i6 Juan : 1:404 test 10 94 3 5 :; :; 2» _- Hal 7 MaizieGirl, Flying, Rosevsle 1 :i.:» .in. ■!■ /. 7-8 1:271 fast 41 SS 8 8 6 i 6* 8T1 Haiaey 8 Ghanticlor, EyeWhite, Sufl 6919 Juarez 3-4 1:141 good 16 100 3 so E | - Hal 8 Gemmell, Cosgrove, Balronia 6867 Juares 3-4 1:141 last -•" 1 HI - 8 4 5- 4*1 Halsey 10 Miss Jean, Balronia, Orba Smile 6833 Juares 3-4 1:141 fast 2 97 7 7 6 4-5 1" Halsey 10 DoeAIlen, TaUowDip, King Lear 814 Juares 11:44 fast 10 97 1 4 3 4 8 8* Gentry 12 1.. Hay. L. Marchmout, SleepUad 6800 Juarez 1 1 16 1 :4S last 15 94 121 1 V 33 Halsey 12 B.of Vertune, ■vJcada, Beauncu 787 Juarez 1 l:4ligoodlo 99 1 2 5 0 4*1 5,,JGentry 8 Baby Doll. Lotta Creed. Rue 6748 Juares 1 l-lti 1:471 last 6 94 2 11 1 F l|W W Tlorll Bosevsle, BLGrsin, C.W.Kennon 6736.iu.n- 3-4 1:11* fast 15 lo3 8 7 7 B*| 6*| Molesw h 11 G.of Ofbir, C.Marchmont, Dlfrus 6713 Juan/. 11:434 good 7 103 13 10 10 8 6 SH Gentry 13 Balcliff. Lehigh, Force 8888 Juarez 6J f 1:10 slow 8 107 1 3 3 2J V Gentry , Gimli, Good intent, Lily laxton 6659 Juarez 11:43 good 6 lo3 3 4 3 5 *•"• 3 Watts 6 Sepulveda, LoveDsy, Msndadero 6626 .luanz 3-4 1:171 Rood 10 104 1 4 5 4» 3"3 Watts fi Sepulveda, B.Lynch, DonEtiriuc 3368 okiitv Ab7-8 1 :3 fast 7 98 l6 S Johnson 7 Electric. Jack Witt. Plantland 8828 OklaCity 3-4 1:22 slow 13 102 41 I Mtaews 8 MbtsPippin, J.Cahiniss, Dog Star = 3051 Okla.City 3-4 1:221 mud 110 104 5uiWatts t GreatFriar, Caraarada. Opotcbno 15:« Juarez E-8 1 .■•! teat o Ml 9 6 5 B*| 4IS Gross 12 rtor.Roberts, Wild Bear. DogStai 1471 Juarez 6-8 1*11 fast 102 6 4 5 4"" 4i Carter 11 Promi, Lieut. Sawyer, Wild Beat 13ti2 Juarez 61 f 1 :071 fast 6 107 6 9 9 8 7»1 Taplin 10 BatWS, Florence Kripp, M.EoiiO 1333 Juarez 6-8 1:00 last 7 100 4 6 8 6!» 671 Hill 11 Free, Hardy, Raijuette. 1293 Juarez 5-8 l:oll fast 15 97 4 6 6 65 3»j Hill 9 S.Stocklng. VenoVon. C.H.Patt«L 1067 Juarez 64 f 1:08 fast 6 98 3 2 4 4i 41U Hill 0 Free. Upright, Secrete. MBS Juares 8-8 t M fast 16 84 8 18 7- 3*1 HI!! X T .Boy. L.Stalwart. J.H.ShcehSD SADIE SHAPIRO, blk. f. 4 105 By Sain— Divonne Coburn Bros., row luarez 11:41 test I Its 6 2 1 1 j 77 1: . P I ma. Flying Sili r Grain ! 1 : 1 1:18 1 slow t MS E 522- 1« Eetep 11 Bredweil, Freewill, S. V. Hough 6873 Juar 1 3-4 1:141 test - 187 I s 7 1 8»* KJrschra 12 Ferrona, Ernest U., Quick Trip 6753 Juares 1 1:41 fast 5 : ! :; 2 2 5 7 7*1 Nathan s Orpertn, Lesear, Rue 6732 Juares 8-4 1:181 test S TO 7 4 3 4*i 4H Nathan 8 OswaldB., D.Ledgett, Twickhra 63 9 Lagoon F C 1:121 mud 13-5 104 1 5 3 53 u" Hill s Cbsgr. Brown. Dr.Neufer. K. •-."•• Lago 11 11:42 fast 20 N 1 4 4 4 4*1 S»I Hill l S.Spray. D.WarSeid Laura Clay 6101 Lagoon 3-4 1:121 test 6 103 :: 2 2 3-i 4". II Radtke 8 Free. Rue. Miss Korn 805 Lagoon F C 1 :10S good 7 188 5 4 E 3s 3*1 H Radtke 8 Hugh Gray. Free, Charley Brows , 6930 t-Agoon 3 4 1:165 hvy 8 181 E 4 4 43 4" II Radtke 7 Just Bed, Sweetdale, Ch. Browu 6863 Lagoon F C 1:128 hvy 18-5 106 2 5 6 6 6« II Ranise 0 R. MeGill. J. Stryker. C. Brown G670 Helena 5-8 l:00j test — 97 33 H Radtke 7 Miraorioso, Chantlclor, Clara W 5321 Anaconda F C l:14jj slow 4 99 2 1112 1* II Radtke 7 GoldPoint N.Quarter. Ki ! North 3-4 1:18 slow 15 101 7 6 6 6 « i H Radtke 7 Defhtite, Jack Stryker. ISngraver ::t.: Louisville 3-4 1.144 slow :3 ■ $ 4 4 r. 5 5j it Connor 11 J. II. BsiT, il-v. Oong. James 2192 Lexington 3-1 1:191 hvy 27-10 1 2 4 3 3 8* 2i A Murray 0 Bass, RutbJsckson, Lucile B. L. 1892 Charleston 3 4 1:15* slow 15 188 9 9 9 8l 7"! Schwehig 9 C. James, Ch. Brown. BxcaUbur 1887 Charleston 7-8 1J»J fast w MB 6 7 6 6 I 6*4 Ambrose 7 Queen Bee, Dipper. SteseUS 1780 Charleston 3-4 1:16 test 68 91 2 7 6 6 8»J An 8 Th. Links, Bntn William, Pliant 1732 Charleston 3-4 1:15 fast so 102 ■ 7 7 7 7" 8 Queen Bee, Efficiency, Gold Min 1703 Charleston 3-4 : ASi fust 30 :o7 :• lo M 1 10 ■* Gordon In Three Links. Sieeth, Queen Bee 1287 Charleston 51 f 1:111 slow 8 99 6 6 5 31 3s Schwehig 12 Lewis. CaarleyBrown. Jrif. TRANSPARENT, cb. g, 6 110 By Smile— Littl* Pearl J. G. Kennedy;. 7060 Juarez 1 ill test 7 KG 14 5 7 5 5*1 Hill ... Flying Silver Grain 7033 Juarea 3-4 1:131 fast • 101 1 J 5 l- 1-, Robbii IS HszelC. SJSpray. D.Mont 6973 Juares 3 1 1:131 test 30 188 7 7 7 8 B*| Bstep 10 I. Harwood, Royal Dolly. Odelia , 6878 Juares 3 1 1:131 test io 107 3 8 7 8 71 Kirschm io Masalo Gimli. D mlniea 834 Juares »-4 1:131 test 30 Mfi 7 7 7 6 8*1 Halsej B Chas.Goets, Visible. F. G. Hogan 6786 J uai z 3 I 1:141 good IS 108 1 9 9 8 y-Mliil 10 Masalo, Orba Smile Clint Tucker 738 Juares 3-4 1:13| fast 10 112 5 16 7 72 ly-ftus 8 J.B.Robinson E. White, n Smile i 6701 Juarez 51 f 1:081 good J 1T 4 3 3 3 1- Hill 7 Odelia, Salvage, Florence Kripp ■ 866 Juares 3-4 1:154 slow 61 m 1 3 I 3- 7. Nicol 10 G.ofOphir, MissKorn, Gold.Agnej 656 Juarez 3 I I 161 slow 10 114 5 3 4 8 :i J 1 Nicol 8 Shooting Spray, Zoo! Roe E815 Okla-City 61 f 1.22 fast 2 1M 1 22 ?• li K Smith 7 D.Norton S.Nortbcut, Fly iean 6632 Ok.City AI.7 S 1:29 fast 1 110 111 1 11 K Smith 7 S. Nor then t. Regards G Shand 6443 Okla.City 3t!:i7 f.i.-t 8 no 2 2 2 :;• 4i i; Smith 6 Mchmonet T.Tboma L.M Bckl 8397 Ok. City Ab5-8 1:02 test 29-10 117 2 2 3 2 41 K Smith 10 Commendn T.Thomaa ii;f n 38S8 Tulsa 3 4 1:17 fa-st 21 , ■ 32 B Smith 0 .Mural. Cordova. M.Kennedy 3792 Tulsa 3-4m50y 1:28 fast 3 111 4l K Smith 8 Volsel. Carondolct, Mural 8868 Tulsa A!,5-S 591 Tast 7-10 114 L Smith 7 Marl; Kenned v. Carondolct. Mural 3570 Tula 3-4in5oy 1:181 test 3 104 6" B Smith 6 Mmonet. Lt Knight, I..M. Kckerl M84 OkhuCity 61 f 1 :20g mud 19 114 PIWlRM 5 Stone-nan. Mm.met. Lt Knight MOTTOS PRIDE, eh. i. 3 93 By General Roberto— Motto fV. Deceit. B715 V . »-8 1:031 good— 109 2 2 1 1*11* BTeogh 8 4 aario. T WoltTarth, S. Grigsbj 5 Victoi a 1 f •".," fast — 1". 5 4 4 4; ::■• W Gargan 8 Daylight, 1 il W Iffartb. Cesario 5568 Victoria 11 f 571 fast — 108 3 1 1 3 2" Crawford 7 R.Bonheur, T.Wolffarth I 5534 Victoria 41 f 571 test — 1*9 2 2 6 4SJ Crawford 7 R.Bonheur. sc. gshv, F. 4:ivi Vancouver 5 8 1:051 mud — 112 -I 5 "■ I -•■ Pickens 7 Barinm, Jen. Crawford Asnrea 1798 Vancouver 41 f 561 fast — 108 E 8 8 6] 7 -Hill 8 VelieForty, Russella Sal lelctte Ij fast — 107 8 S 6 5] •ICrawford 8 RubySun, B.Welsh, Pbosphtum 3954 Vancouver 4| 1 ESI test — 105 3 5 1 irgame tt Safranor, Camia. The Cludei . 1 tesl 1 1» Bo game 3 J •■ ao uai i 10 l«K S :•• 11 Sun J. i.e,- 1276 Juarez - 461 tesl 8 8 8 8* Murraj 8 Inquieta, Blue Jay, Mo.Katcbam Juarez 31 t 41] last 4 110 % 6 6? 4*1 Murray 10 L.Biidie. M. McKee. M. Kalcham , PHIL CONNOR, ch. g. 5 110 B- Sam Phillips — Katherme Connor A. F. Jones. .■ • i lal test 8 HI _ Bu 13 M.Molett. Cam Helens. ..II • 1 1:131 fast • ; - : l fi i Gargan il . Boy, Orhnar Lad Uarsand 6607 Lagoon F 1:191 hvy ! • ■• ? Pulled up.Ormes .• Orsil lat, r.Standrd O.Cunham I • I..- on F C 1:17 hvy 10 109 5 5 5 ."■ B» Forsythe 8 Tip . 1 tara .. 6381 Lagoon El f 1:12| mud 16 188 i 2 .; I»l 2* Forsythe 8 Arthur Hyman, Naio. Melts 6052 Lagoon 5-8 l:00| fast 8 1 17 1 5 0 I - Anders n 7 Sir Barry. Kins Earl Heli 5716 Victoria 5-3 1:024 gooa — 107 7 4 6 * r"JBroadrt 7 F. McAlister In. Weill Masalo 5626 Victoria 5-8 1 litest — il- 2 3 E E ■"•, W Gargan "• F.M ::-.!•-■ , s.Life Victoria 5-S 1:021 test — ]"7 - A ■" B*l 5* W Gargan 8 Hasslo Wasteils. Ed G. 6562 Vict ria 5-8 1:031 test — il- s 5 :; 4!: l; W Gsrgan 8 Orslt 1 Pslien, Loc. Bud 5478 Victoria 6-8 1:031 fast — 112 4 8 t; o.v 7- W Gargan H Exchequer, H.Hawkins. Wasteili 4996 Vai iver 6-8 1:06 hvy — 112 2 4 4 4» 2 Hill 7 Sal.ODay, Dargin, J.Henderson •• Vam iuver ■ f 1:08 fast — 112 4 5 I I 6* W Taylor 6 Lillian Bay. Masalo. li. Hawkins I Vancouver 41 . 541 fast — li- 7 1 4 5 B»l Pickens 8 Short Cat, Lyte Knight, G Bes 4503 Vancouver 3-4 1:18 slop — 118 3 2 •■ S»jPickcns 7 Dargin, T.Faust, Southern Gold 4461 Vam ver 11 f 57| mud — 112 1 2 2 3 1 3*1 Pickens 10 Ssllie ODay, An. Wells. P 4386 Vancouver 3 11:18 mud— 109 1 1 1 2»" 6*J Pickens 7 J*ge Hendersoo, D0ride.Zink.1nd 4.!, Vancouver ! . top • I Pickens 8 A Hyman, Bin I Moser Vancouver sat - IH 10*1 Pickens 13 Zola. Binocular. Calla I . Vancouver I 1:41 fast — 109 113 E •■ 1 ■ ■ W Gargan 7 BdnaStewart, R. Arvl. Footloose incouver 1 1:151 mud — ■ SBosen :_ Blacksheep, F.Johnson. Liln Bay B Vancouver :; 1 l:14| test — 112 2 4 1*1 Rosen I tberts, Percy Henderson Van ni er 3-4 1:15 teat — l":* 3 1 1 2J 541 Rosen 8 Tom Murphy, Sorrowful, Hope So . - Vam o. ei . 06 slop — 114 7 i 1 3f . : w Gargan 8 A Galen, H. Kane.-. UBavelston 1 PEDRO, br. g, 9 110 Bv Maaetto — Palma J. E. Dwyer 70*J Juarez ■ - : W M 1 - c r Console, Bl ick Mat. 1 lin I. u • !W1 luai H tesl 15 !•••■ ill 11 Delmas. Lai ib tha. Ham : 1:421 good 7 ! I 7 6 11 ■ : Gross 15 Royal River, Gal. Ga Adolante 6891 J ■ 1 121 h v 5 1 1" 1 , Tin 1 :. ;: m 1 r rd, Pi 1. ■ oar -. j 1:42 last 10 105 1 2 2 I , Gross 13 Jack Ellis Zinkand. Ben 1 6869 J uai z f 1:08 test i I I - 2 ::•-■ 5 J Callahan » Hazel C, Bt - rallon l ii 6849 J-uarez lo s 7 1*1 Gross 12 Lily Paxton, Gift. Buss 6783 Juarez .1 good 14-6 I I 1 1 1 2«* 4» Bu gam . Miss Korn, Bon. Bard Flor. Kripp i 6767 J uai : I 1:16| slow 4 112 7 t . . . I Hem 1" Ml J in. Lil Paxton, Pa its 6734 Juares i 4 1 -Ml fast 10 • 1 - 21 1 1 B Steeb 11 G.ofOphir. C.Marchmont, I lfri.11 718 Juares El f 1:081 tesl II ..2 I 4 E 4 1- Kederii in Ethel Sams d Auto Girl, Bvran luarez 51 f 1:101 mud 34 IM 2 2 1 1*1 3*1 Cavangh 8 DonEnrique, Goodlnt nt, Vb.Moon 1888 Juarez 1 101 isi is 110 1 6 6 s jos3 B 8 Mycenae, TbistleRose, KidNortk , 163 Juarez " 1 . ,- 1 HO Z 4 1 l| 1 Boc a Bosewortb. Pscifico Spalding l€li Juarez 1.. |U ," 6 E 5* 7M Kederia 12 K. North, FJofanson, High Bang* 1872 Juarez ,1 |8 N. 12 2 8---1K Hontman !i L.Marc!im..nt. Lonia, KpMovini 1448 .iuarr-7 11-8 1 :,•.» raj t 7 1 1" 1 1 * t i»» H7i Keoarh v Marhrot Tsboe. sp. 200L th. m. 5 112 Bv Dr. MacBrida — Blue Violet P. F. Gloaa. isi _ ■■! I: ! I nan 1.°; Hazel! :- - I ■ -.. 6847 1 larez 5j : I 09 test 7 101 M 10 7 K del 13 Pickanim r, I - » : ■ l 1 161 slow 4 io7 S 8 8s 7 W W rlorlO MissJesn Pedro. Lily Paxton luarez 1 1 131 fast 8 MS I I 1 t-: 4 W W Tlorll H or i Ro ks K Hi 6719 Juarez I f 1 , 1 i 113 4 I I *- »" O. Mrol 10 Kthel Samson. Auto Girl. WKt . 1 1:141 How 5 KM 5 5 6 4 !"", Paul ■ B. Lynch, Swede Sam I W ■ 6668 Juarez 3-4 1:181 good 6 in I 5 5 * 6* Lett.:- s Engraver. Lucille V! ■ B 6655 Juarez low 9-5 112 2 E I I "• I ftui SSI t. Spi 6432 lagdon F C 1:16| , I I 6" Mil! i; t ,.,. Hazel 1 1 rown • ■ !.-!i F C 1:14 in id :: 188 1 1 I* 1" Hill Mi. | . . Arthur flyn K1*i 1 fa I 1 108 5 6 5-1 4*1 Rosen s I Ifrun AutoGirl Jas.Blaek tocl 4136 Lagoon E-l M fa • I 111 7 fi 6 «- 6» Ormea 7 ITIfrun Valnal. Pickaninny /Ictoria 3-4 1:171 alow — 1 05 4 2 1 1» 1 Plekeos 7 HeLHawkins, Siscus. Wil 5745 Victoria 3-4 1:1ft mud — 1*7 I 3 4 42 3*1 Besansoa 7 Green Isle, Twickenham, i /ictoria B-8 1:018 tesl - 11! I 5 4 4 4* Leeds :. F.McAlister. BoseyPosev s Life 8886 Victoria E-8 1:08 fast — 107 3 8 4 4 l»l Ptekes* 0 l.Pslien, Twickham. Alchemist 5-8 l:01| fast — 112 7 4 3 4- LKep 7 Cantem IMC. Twiekenli 111 4.»o --ii,. II -r ! I "• - I 118 E 4 4 4- 4* K.-.-jli . | McAllister. A Wella S DDai 4188 Vancouver El f 1:071 fast — "" 4 5 4 21 S-J Hill . 1: :- 1 Oswald B Csnana 4111 Vancouver 3-4 1:161 slow — "l B 88 : Bezanson 7 Bye White. IM. Keck Da , Van "-. - f-8 1 27| test - IMS 7444 ". 7"31L1I !• irln-t i ul. Uld Mexb 1 lion. Bard ■ Vancouver 3-4 1:141 test — 112 6 4 2 8] Els Burgasae 8 Oswald B. Sir Fretful, Critic 8641 Vancouver 3 1 1 ISI slow — 187 t :: I I" 1"1 Keogh I kda Meade SnrrowfnL Cai ipa Van ouver E] r I 09 test — IM I 4 t 3] :, Kengh S t.illl 1: n lar, Elsewhere • •tioS ■ d Aleue 3 4 1T«»t»,it 25 BJ| 7 i 4 andi T7; Hill BfariorBOj J ;oiv ! • wi, getbgefc k V I 6 • *i 4 I i i 1 -1 ! ■ . j j : [ 4 , B 1 1 1 I VELIE FORTY b. f. 3 93 • By Cesarion— Pleasant Girl Mrs. H. Armstrong. luarez :. 1 L"7 test 88 KJ8 • 9 8 7 i McDonld 91 Katcham. Moller. Sptly Mhw .,017 Jul ■ " "1 89 MS 7 7 7 7 i R Hoffman .1 Madelines.. G. of Allah. Kenneth 6K98 Juar 191 hvy 12 in« "■ 11. dcDonW 12 Inquieta, IjoanSbark. PrettyDale 6773 !;i..z 6] f 1:088 Blow M 80 1 I I 8 B*J w W l"K.r t Garland. Anne McGee. Venetian 6609 La ■■ ■• . H f 1:008 hvy 5 io7 6 8 6 5" 6*1 Besanson 7 J. Newman, FarCathay, Beteats 6472 Lagoon 4A f 681 mud 8 184 7 7 7 7" 7" Forsythe 8 Nifty. Bella. Far Cathay 6406 LaK.on 4. f 58? hvy 7 106 4 3 2 2- 33 Hill 8 Sierra, Senor Llorente. Bells 6273 La 5-8 1:001 fast 8 in 9 !» ! Iall.iip.Hill » Abibu. J.Blackstock. Orimsrf, nd 6199 Lapoon 5-8 1301 fast no 07 7 7 7 7 r** Besanson 7 Mona Canomano. Truly, Batwa 5301 Vancouver B-8 1:031 mod — 1"- B 5 4 6 6*J it HofTman H Bally. Jessie Porter, Bula Welsh •:.:,. vani iuver B-8 1:011 hvy — 107 E 4 2 21 II R Hoffman 7 Province, Safranor. Gar.of Allah Lncouver B-8 03J mud — 188 S 3 2 2 2- Besanson 7 Province. J. Crawford, Merciirm 1841 Vancouver B-8 l:03J mud — M I 4 2 ll 2* Keogh 7 B. Welsh, Tellurium, G. of Allah 1798 Vat ouver 41 . f BEj fast — 109 2 11 li l» Keogh S Russella Satchelette. Faustina 1633 Van oner 5-8 1:02 good— 108 Refused. Hill S B. Welsh. Jes. Porter. MissHebert 1618 Vancouver 6-8 t:05J mud— HI I 6 3 3 4*1 J Hanover 7 H Palomar, Raby Sun, Camia 1436 Vancouver 51 f 1:071 fast — 188 7 7 7 8* 6 Hill 7 ililsamhilc. IhosplioLin. J.Ioi-I.t 4:!47 Vancouver II f 561 mud — 111 E 2 1 V 12J Hill • Rnla Welsh. Tellurium, Faustina 1188 Vancouver 1-2 88 slow— los 3 I -- 2| R H-fTinat. 7 Mu car* am, Pssssstorm, Satrktte MAZURKA, ch. c 3 98 By Ornament— Tweedle Dum W. H. Fizer. ;i Juarez -i M fasl 30 IM E 5 : 9 ■■ M •" naMe, L Katchsm. Dyii 6986 luari 1 SI t 1:07 fast 2"5 M6 3 3 I 1 - 1 | Robi ins : M. Katcbam. Moller. Sptly Miss 6928 Juarez :: -I 1:15 teat 6 KM S :: - ; game 11 Kd. Adams, T.Judge, K. Stalwart 1906 Juarez 18] slow 15 MM 3 1 I 1 - Burgs n 8 swede Siim. Gelico, 0 bed Lad •-■-,. Juarez 51 1 1:071 test • n" :; 4 : ■ v iR Hoffmann Madelines.. SptlyMiss, Ardelon 83 luai iz 3 t 1:161 fast 8 116 3 1 1 1- : Bur game 12 Pretty Dale, Loan Shark, Toot G. 0771 Juarez 51 f 1:082 slow 61 108 2 3 4 3- 4;i Bur* game 12 Casket. Loan Shark, Booster 6753 Juarez 3-4 1 :13* fast 3i 106 2 3 : 3 5 IL.rgame 10 Lot Allah. S.Knlght. I..V. Zandt 6705 Juares Ei f 1:88 good 4 s n » 1 1 1 1| 21 J DeaVpt 8 S.Knigbt, L.VanZandt. Brnest H. 6388 La inla 3-4 1:141 fast 28 102110 10 11 11 HMlMoleswh 11 Pop Gna, Toy. Smash ,576 Douglas Pk .1-4 1:131 fast 7 188 3 12 10 U1*Goose 11 Cooaaught. Blue-Beard. Rooster 6446 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:128 test !» HO 3 5 8 10 10JO Skirvlu M Transport Rooster. Hssson 5031 Lexington 5] f 1 07 fast 24 112 7 6 6 7 71*lGross !i Bensnet, Foundation. Cream ■ 5. Lexington 5* t 1:091 good2S-M 118 1 2 1 IJ 11 Moleswh 1! P.Hermis, M. Friedsam, Barnard 4811 Lexington 5 8 1 "4 mud 31 112 4 4 4 4 3 B Steele Transport. TlKlrader, Ernest II. BUSS. ch. f. 4 105 By Broomstick — Shrine W. Hurley. 6996 J ; 1 1:40| fast 5 I0G 6 4 3 I 8 8 : B Steeb 8 Duncraggan, Cantem, El Palo ii v. : 1 1 11- i.;s! • , 188 7 .. S B* 3 I . V ■i!i 7 Lov.Mose, ClintTueker, QuMNuuc 6909 Juares 3 t : " IM 1 4 1 2«* I] ; W Car*l! ! Tal.Dip. Hugh Gray, Layminste 6886 Juar :. B] fl 12 hvy 184 8 3 3 3 2* G W Car1! 8 Zinkand, Tallow Dip, Bl Tors 8868 Juares Bit IM teal 8] M6 S 8 5 4 21 B Steele ! Basel C, Tallow Dip. Salvage 6849 Juan • 3 1*1:141 good 5 "o7 " S 5 5*1 3*J G V Car* 11 12 Lily Paxton, iHtt, 1odro 6847 ruares 5 1 1:88 fast 10 182 8 8 10 8 31 G W Car* 11 13 Bool, Pickaninny, Mike Motett lares :-i 1:161 fast 23-5 100 6 7 • • •* G W Csu*ll 8 Prce Conrad, Lookout, Auto Girl 6773 Juarez o* f l-.osj slow 8 103 6 6 4 2" 4- u W CarMI 9 Gsriand, Anne McGee, Venetian 6727 Juarez 3-4 1:141 test 3-2 103 3 2 2 2*1 2*1 G W Car* II 6 Pipe Vision, Flying, Copperi 6706 Juarez 3-4 1:158 good 16 188 3 1 2 8*1 4*1 G W Car 11 •Swish Sanel, Pipe Vision 8063 M n Spgs 1 1:41? fa?t 8 105 7 5 4 3 5s 55 CWCarlI 7 Cassowary, T.Hayward, o.Sm.!* E960 Min.Bpgs 5 f 1 :07| fast 20 104 8 S 7 ~x B»l GWCarU 12 Syhestr.s. B.Bereaod, S.ofRncka 5378 Douglas Pk 3-4 1:151 hvy 18 102J 1 4 6 8 81* Estep 8 T.Nightaaare. M. Lad, Miss Natl 5117 Lexington 3-4 1:13? fast 17 188 4 5 4 5™ 64 Estep 9 M. Thorpe. W.I.nd. Partnrlincton 5032 Lexington 3-4 1:13? fast 121 10016 4 3 31 2" J Lsten « Heh-ue, Working Bonsnsa 1*16 Lexington 3-4 1:141 fast loj 102 | 326" 5 Estep 8 Hanly. J. D. Wakefield. Artesian 3147 Latnnia 3-4 1:17 hvy 104 105 3 7 4 4« 3« J Daniels 10 FloralDay. PollyD.. Henrietta W.