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DATES FOR NEW CANADIAN TRACK Montreal Qiie July III The dates for the in migural meeting of the Dorval Jockey Club at its new plant at Dorval near this city have been an nounccd The management of the club has decided that it will bo best to follow the meeting of the Montreal Jockey Club which comes to a close at Blue Bonnets on Saturday September 13 The Dor ¬ val meeting will be of only live days duration und will immediately precede the autumn meeting at Woodbine Toronto where the Canadian racing sea ¬ son will come to a close closeThe The Dorvnl meeting will oppn on Monday Sep ¬ tember ir and will continue up to and including Friday Seplomlior 10 TlH meeting will con ¬ ducted under the jurisdiction of the Canadian ISnc Ing Associations to wliich tin Dorval Club has ap ¬ plied for ftnilntlon It was the Intention of the club to hold their first meeting towards tho end of August but as Ottawa has a claim on the dates the September dates were taken The postponement of the meeting will afford a better opportunity of completing the plant the construction of which is well under way