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FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 3yearolds Allowances 22V 150 115 DONERAIL b c 3 no By McGee Algie M T P Hayes 10055 Hamilton 78 126 fast 85 111 2 t aj noose C Cliff Edge Mediator PI Glass 9917 Windsor 1 1S 152 fast 185 108 2 23 2 Goose 4 Firgt Sight Baruegat Buskin 9730 Windsor 1 1S t51fast 15 110 S 61 S8 Gross n First Sight Hamilton Buskin 8156 Churchill 1 14 204fast 91 117 3 3R054 5 H Goose 8 Ten Point Gowell Foundation R054 Lexgton 1 11 205fast 1710 103 1 55 Gi Gross G Flora Fina Algr Alack Gowell 8002 Lexgton 1 1S lioisjfast 31 122 1 17S70 2 25 Goose 4 Foundation Gowell L Marshall 7S70 Lexgton 1 116 l49hvy 8110 96 3 3615S 4 4 W W Tlor 4 FlornFina AuyPnrt PrCallawav 615S Latonia 34 118 hvy 12 110 3 Gs G J Loftus 0 PHeimis A Patricia Yorkviile 6391 Latonia 34 1121 fast 15 103 1 G YorkviileG Gi Gross G Kleburne Gowell Nash Cash 6310 Latonia 1 1401 fast 5 108 7 11 Gross 10 Prince Hermls Eleusis Afadelle 6212 Latonia 34 114 fast 1310 110 1 1R121 3s Afadelle3s 3l Lottus 10 Al Rloeh Luther Anna Reed R121 Titonla 51 f 1101 hvy 22 109 6 4 3 J W Andr Hs G Gowell S of Danube II Brigade BrigadeBy FOUNTAIN FAY ch c 3 HO HOS977 By McGee White Plume R Davies S977 Hamilton 1 14 2OG fast 12 101 3 3991G 4 ° 4 Moody T BlacUford Pnton Jenny Geddes 991G Windsor 1 1 3Sjrast 12 104 7 792SS 8 85I Moody S P Ahmed Blnckford Benanet 92SS Ham ton 1 11G l17fast 9 101 1 1S54C 31 4J Moody 10 Blackford Kdda Woodcraft S54C Toronto 1 11C 1 19fast 4 101 4 4SJ33 ut in p Moody 4 Blkfonl rHHiiiiirhtonUlitiiklefl SJ33 Toronto 1 116 l47fast 21 103 3 G5 35J P Moody Barnigt BlacUford Honey Bee By Caughnawag Maiest W Martin lOOl HiunlUn 1 11G 10 fast 10 IDS 2 3 3 3 31I8SG 3 3 J K Watts S Dynamite Paton Coy 1I8SG Windsor 1 lUOfast 9 105 8 a G 5 5JiS2 3 3 J Montour 14 TerrlblcBill Dynamite WLnd JiS2 Windsor 7S lL7fast G 10S 9 10 S 4 4yiJi 3S 2 = U Watts 12 Afterglow Pop Gun Fred Levy yiJi KortErie 1 11G l50 fcgood 32 106 4 3 2 2SJll It 1 H Watts r Gcjrrard Cterpart Miccosukee SJll Ft Eric linTOy 149 slow 9C 106 4 6 4 3 LevyB 2 2 Ncylon 7 Uavenal Ardelon Fred Levy 31G Hamilton 34 113 fast 6 114 1 7 G GSSo 5l G G Burns S Honey Bee York Lad Tankard SSo Hamilton 34 l12fast 60 103 4 23 3 3J 3s Neylon 0 Lcochares TWMoon M Picture 0 t2 Connaught 1 143 fast 1110 112 3331 3331SS54 1 1J 2J D Connelly 4 O Lodge F Levy Terrible Bill SS54 Blue Bon 7S l2SV5fast 10 100 2 4 4 4 4SS03 5 4si Dreyer 7 Cliff Edge Upright Airey SS03 Blue Bon 1 l41fast 9 104 4 2 2 2 2J 2 i D Connelly 4 Barnegat Crisco Fasces KM Toronto 1 l40Hslow 75 1071 5 5 4 41 6si Clement 7 Horron Flabbergast Buskin 8330 Pimlico 1 1S l53fast 45 109 3 6 G G iA M thews S Buskin Kleburne Barnegat 1 IMlfast 21 115 2 2 4 3s 32i A Mthews 8 Monocacy Chuckles Barnegat 8062 Pimlico 1 142 fast 2 103 5 4 3 2J 2J I Connolly 8 Talecarrier KBradley J Wai set 7995 Pimlico 1 l41fcfast 31 110 9 6 6GLASS 3 3J 2 J D Connolly 0 Kleburne Discovery Talecarrier TalecarrierBy GLASS ch c 3 102 YoungG By Knight of Pearl Glassweed M Young 10018 Hamilton 34 113 fast 20 IDS 5 5SSG2 G 7 = 5s B Steele 1U W PItzer WWClark HUitte SSG2 Windsor 1 l jfast 7 109 7 G 7 S3 S B Steele 1 Queed Karl of Savoy Luther