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SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles on Turf 3ycarolds and upward Selling 90220 12 1 114 GERHARD b B 3 105 By Superman Mayfair J W Schorr Schorr2i 1004 Hamilfn 1 116 l15fast 185 10 432 2i 2 Buxtou 8 Dr W Briggs Rush HuskyLad 9593 FortErie 1 116 l50good 4 102 531 21 2l Buxtou 5 Cogs Counterpart Mlecosukie 9160 FtErie Im70y l50slov 4 102 5 3 5 LofLngden2nk 5 6 Buxton 9 MollieS HHowdy LofLngden 9291 Hamilton 1 18 l53irast 85 107 122 2nk 3J Buxton 7 Effcndi Clinton Rash Rash2nt 9222 Hamilton 1 l40Mfast 10 103 3 3 3 2nt 21 Buxton 12 Jacqurlinn Woodcraft Rash RashInk 9081 Connaught 1 l40fast 10 100 1 1 1 1S9S9 Ink i Ambrose G GoldeuTreasure HRose FLevy S9S9 Connght 1 18 l56ifast 10 93 6 2 2 2S9C4 41 4 NeylOn 10 L M Eckerr Lky George Rnih S9C4 Caught 1116150 fast 30 92 7 4 7 51 65 Neylon 12 Jacquellna Aplaster Husky Lad 8795 Douglas Im70y 145 fast 3110 96 2 2 2 2 2 21 E Martin 10 Ben Lasca Galley Slave Stamps RASH br g 5 By Hastings Lady Rayon Gallahtr Broi 10021 Hami Itn 1 116 l43fast 5 7 G 4 3 3 3 II Gray 8 Dr W Briggs Gerrard H Lad 9Si9 Windsor 1 116 119 good 8 G 6 6 G 5l 3 i Deronde G Htteras Coppertown Work Lad 972S AVindsor 1 l40Utast 10 101 9 4 I3 li Buxtou 11 W Lad Mycenae Lord Elnni 9397 FtErie Im70y l472fcgood 3 103 7 5 2 5 5s 5J Buxton 7 Napier H Hutchison Jot Stlu 9525 FtErle Im70y l47good 185 105 8633 33 4 = 5 Buxton 10 Clinton Marie T L M E Eckcrt 9291 Hamilton 1 18 l53fast 135 114 554 4 3 43J Montour 7 Kffcndi Clinton Gerranl 9222 Hamilton 1 l40fast 10 110 5 G 5 5 6 Gl 1 44 Hopkins 12 Jacqiiclina Gerrard Woodc Woodcraft 9138 Conght 1 116 l49fast 2 107 1 4 4 5 21 2n 2nk Hopkins 6 Big Dipper IIuskyLad UI UEmma 9036 Connght 1 18 156 fast 2 112 4 3 2 1 1 2h Hopkins 7 Azo Judge Monck Jack Li Li89S9 Laxson 89S9 Connght 1 18 l56fast 135 107 1 1 1 1 2u 3 Hopkins 10 LMEckcrtLky GcorgeGe GcorgeGerrard FLORAL DAY ch f 4 105 By Nasturtium Anyday S Sotille 1 1SS24 SS24 Douglas 1 116 147 fast 75 117 R C 4 3 I3 1 Kederls G Tefinnveli UKniinu Duch DuchDaffv 8772 Douglas 1 116 l46fast 6710 10 887 7 7 51 451 E Martin J Reardon Supervisor Wi Wander 8576 Douglas 1 18 152 fast 4710 103 134 4 4 33 3 i Kcderis T MeltonStreet JustRedMgr JustRedMgrMack 8500 Douglas 1 18 153 fast 85 103 233 3 3 2 1J Kederis G Spindle Cracker Box Beai Beautiful 8236 Clmrchl 1 116 l49mud 285 107 9 S 8 G Chancot G 63 J Hanover 9 Wander Forehead Bon Chi Chanco 8200 Churchill 1 l40fast 75 108 1 C B 4 t Bellet 2 2J J Hanover i ij UrEtnmn M Ann K Tro TroS074 Belle S074 Lexington 1 140 fast 76 109 2 6 5 1 t 1 I3 J Hanover 7 Supple Stamps Ursula Emu EmuS027 Emma S027 Lexgton Im70yl 44fast 21 10418 63 2 2 2 2h In J Hanover S Spindle Love Day Marshon 7968 Lexgton 1 116 l4Gfast 185105 674 4 1 DayJ 21 2J J HanoverlO Forehead Supple Love Day 7863 HdeGce 1 116 l47fast 12 105 3 C 3 3LUCKY J 32 3J Skirvin G El Oro Mary Ann K EdGraney EdGraneyBy LUCKY GEORGE b g 4 106 By Maceo Presentation G H Mnrlman 10122 Hamilfn 1 116 IMe fast 12 109 5 G 3 4 33 3J Williams S Muff L of Liingdeu Kinmtindv 9979 Hamilton 1 18 l53fast 15 105 413 5 7i S i J Williams S My Fellow Effendi Husky Lad 9339 Hamton 1 116 l45fast 8 95 3 4 5 I 4s 4SS Montour G JohnReardon Dynamite Effendi 9314 Hamilton 1 18 156 fast 3 107 5 fi 5 a Si 9lslMontour 12 Hasson McCrearv Marie T 9116 Connght 1 18 1E6 fast 10 101 7 5 3 3S9S9 3 23 2 Dcnnlcr 7 ILestrado Jacquelina MollieS S9S9 Connght 1 18 l56 fast 20 110 3 3 3 3SS78 3 3 2 Montour 10 L M Eckcrt Rash Gerrard SS78 Blue Bon 34 l15fast 50 109 4 G GS317 3 S SJR Waldrou S York Lad Star Gift Aguler S317 Pimlico 34 115 good 17 109 13 11 117C61 92 8s Butwcll 13 Sprlngms TIIolland Montcnlm 7C61 Jamesn Im70y l4Sfast 5 98 G 7 7 r Montcnlmr 6i 7 J Montour S Cheer Up Ragman Floral Day 7651 Jamesn Im70y l47fast 115 S9 5 5 5 3l 431 Montour 7 C Beacbey Mollie S York Lad 7631 Jamesn Im70y l47fast 6 101 6 4 5 5BIG 41 423 Montour 8 Camel The Squire Blue MOUSJ MOUSJBy BIG DIPPER b f 3 99 999SC7 By Astronomer Helen OC E J McGraw 9SC7 Windsor Im70y 11G fast 105 9G 2 3 4 4DS14 1 3i = J W Ward 7 Camellia MissUonah Mlccoskci DS14 Windsor 34 l17hvy 8 104 5 31 3 ° i W Ward 7 Tankard Terrible Bill Hasson 9121 FtErie Im70y 149 slow 41 107 G 3 5 7 7 715 Jlontour 7 Ravenal Cogs Ardelon 9138 Conght 1 116 l49fast 7 97 4 1 3 ink ink Montour G Rash Huslty Lad Ursula Emma 9116 Conght 1 18 156 fast 4 90 3 1 1 3 5T Montour 7 InLestrade LGeorgeJacqtiellna 8964 Conght 1116150 fast 10 96 5 1 1 LadI 42 43S Nathan 12 Jacquelina Apiaster H Lad 8856 Blue Bon 1 l12fast 5 98 3 1 1 I li 1J Nathan 7 Hasson EHaGrane FGodmother 8751 BlueBon 1 18 l56V fast 15 93 9 6 8 8 Stairsi 71 5 54 J Snyder 11 Apinster L M Eckert Stairs 8465 Toronto 31 114 fast 17 103 1 5 i 92 10 1 W Dunn 12 DrNeot Magazine JHHghton 8247 Pimlico 34 l13 ffast 14 100 3 4 48ERNADOTTE 1 53 45 Skirvin G Perthshire Yorkville Magazine MagazineBy 8ERNADOTTE b c 3 102 By Contestor Roalitv J A Thornson 10038 Hamilton 1 11 205 fast 15 100 822 u2 ri Van Uusiii 8 Clubs El Oro Mycenae 9993 Hamilfn 1 116 147 fast 15 9S S 9 9 8 SlsAiiibrii 11 Marie T Busy Clubs 9560 FtErie 1 116 l50 good G 95 11 10 7 5 43 2 Ambrose 11 HowdyHowdy Master Jim Fid 9459 FtErie Im70y 152 slow 4 90 7 3 G 4 SQ 3J Xeylon S McCroary Clinton Fiel 9335 Hamilton 34113 fast 50 11312 12 12 12 12 = = 1F Adams 12 Yorkville Siuicoc Rosemary 8581 Toronto 1 116 147 fast 22 97 555 5 5 = 5iJDeronda G PlateGIass FSight BwaTui 8504 Toronto 1 l40slow 298 1061 643 6437G24 3 5i 651 I McCthy 7 Horron Flabbergast Buskin 7G24 Buskin7G24 Charlesn 1 14 211 fast 3 111 4 3 5 Fell E Martin G Monocacy E Licht Talecnr 7576 Charleston 1 lUSrsmud 6 112 8 7 7 7445 Charlestn 51 f l09slow 65 110 4 4 h 1i E Martin 10 Fuchsia Anna Claire Syosset 7356 Charleston 34 l16goodll20 105 2 2 3 2s E Martin 7 Good Day Syosset Beth StanlT 7197 Charleston 34 116 fast 85 102 2 3 1 2i E Martin 10 FHudson GoodDay BethStanley 7962 Pimlico Im60y 146 fast 112 1 7 7 6 6i 6 C Turner S Oakhurst Spellbound B Dipper 7782 Jamesn 1 116 l4Sgood 5 105 5 6 4 4 53 5i3lWolfe G B Mouse Toddling C Beachey 7763 Jamesn 1 116 l50good 4 10S G 5 5 4 43 4J Wolfe S Pliant Clem Beacbey Emily Lee 7695 Jamestn 1 18 l55fast 21 102 254 3 32 2 Wolfe G Irish Kid Dick Baker O Era 7639 Jamesn 1 116 l49fast 6S 102 4 3 2 2BILLIE 2 2 2 ° Wolfe G H Rose Harcourt Annie Sellers SellersBy BILLIE BAKER b g 3 102 1021C05S By Gold Heels Sanctissima A D Steele 1C05S Hamilton 1 14 205 fast 23 10S 1 3 G 7 G3 G B Steole 8 Clubs El Oro Mycenae 9735 MinSpgs 78 l29good S3 108 1 4 49C67 3 2 2i B Steole fi Otilo Eva Tanguay Ben Lasca 9C67 MinSpgs 1 18 2 00slow 85 106 1 3 3 2 1J I1 B Steele G Otilo Gold Castle Sum Bernard 9634 MinSpgs 34 117 fast 45 108 5 6 2 Il 1J1 B Steele 8 Danvillel MKingsby LNute 9309 MinSpgs 7B 130 fast 12 108 4 4 4 4FIEL 3 3i 35 B Steele 5 Kiva Ilermuda Puck PuckBy FIEL blk g 3 94 By Fatherless Lizzie H A R Bresler 10022 Hamilfn 1 116 l46fast 12 93 G S S 8 5 J H Gray S Muff L of Langden L Guorgf 9816 Windsor 1 18 l59hvy 15 93 7 7 G G 53 5 Deronde S DrWBrgs Marshon LMKcrt 9761 Windsor 1 116 l51hvy 12 91 7 S S G 41 42t Deronde S Font Effendi Earl of Savoy 9560 FtErie 1 116 l50good 15 87 7 7 G 7 2h 43 Snyder 11 HowIIowdy Bernadotte MJim 9459 FtErie Im70y 152 slow 20 95 1 7 7 7 63 4 J A Wilson 8 McCreary Clinton Barnadotte 9119 Connaught 1 l42fast 40 100 7 7 7 7 7 Nathan NathanS 7 LAIEckert Chemulpo JMonck 9016 Connaught 1 l42fast 40 S 81 Nathan S GoldTreasure Effendi Mycenae 7781 Jamesn Im70y 147 good 7 96 1 8 8 6 65 61 Nathan Nathan6s S FGmother SNthcut Cynosurs 7763 Jamesn 1 116 l50good 12 95 7 8 S 7 6s 6 1 Nathan 8 Pliant Clem Beachey Emily LCB 7737 Jamesn 1 116 l4Sfast 20 95 4 7 7 7 51 5 3 Nathan NathanS6 8 Caliph O Em Fairy Godmother 7578 Charlen 1 116 l50mud 2 2MOONLIGHT S6 1 1 2 3 2 4 1 Derond 7 Stairs Annie SellersWood Dove MOONLIGHT b g 4 101 By Beacon L Light Princess Orna Mrs W H Frey 10033 Hamilton 1 1S l54fast 5 104 1 S S S S 8 Derunde S EofSavoy MastJim Fadoodlt 9016 Connaught 1 l42fast 60 100 7 4 G 7 61 5Ti Ncylon S GoldTreasure Effendi Mycenae MycenaeS07G S07G Pimlico 1 l42fast 251 108 10 10 10 11 101 10Nathan 12 Ed Grauey Stelcliff Rock Fish Fish77S1 77S1 Jamesn Im70y 147 good 20 106 5 6 7 7 73 7iTeahan S FGmother SNthcut Cynosure Cynosure776S 776S Jamestown 7S 128 fast S 5 5 7 8 72 6 ° 4Montour S Blue Mouse Malitlne Cynosure CynosureC373 C373 Latonia 1 38 2191 fast 18 97 2 1 2 3 4J 41 ° Nathan 8 CousinPuss SisterFlorcnce Frog 6314 Latonia 1 316 159 fast 315 101 6 5 6 8 9 9 B Steele 10 CousinPuss SisFlorence Effendi 6069 Latonia 1 18 153 fast 55 103 2 8 9 6 6s 41 Nathan 9 Carl Club J Louis Dick Baker BakerDILATORY DILATORY ch g 4 106 By Samson Tardy H H Emmons EmmonsC021 C021 Hamilfn 1 116 146 fast 40 103 S G C S S 77 Lounsby 8 Dynamite Pa ton Cogs 9619 Fort Erie 34 l15good 7 102 6 55 5iJ 47J Jlontour G Joe Stein Magazine Miss Edith EdithS35S S35S Hamilton 78 128 fast GO 116 353 3 2 4 J T Harty 9 Miccosukee R Lloyd Lord Elnm 9316 Hamilton 34 113 fast 100 109 S 577 713 W Ward 8 Honey Bee York Lad Tankard 2148 Lexington 34 l13fast 9 106111 11 10 10 10 W W Tlorll Sylvestris CAshmde MThorpo 2112 Lexington 1 139 fast 48 961 7 5 fi 7 7 7 J Callahan 7 BellHorse JooMorrls SORyan