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MONTCALM 20 to 1 3RD lOLLYHItS one horse wire yesterday Iosi lively the only one sent out on ANY track I am sorry that he did licit win but I have mi complaint THKY CANT ALL V1N AT A IUKK Tuo following were put over by me recently recentlyPRINCE PRINCE AHMED 81 WON WONWindsor SpecialFLORAL Windsor Getaway Special FLORAL PARK 115 WON WONTHE THE WIDOW MOON 71 WON WONJEANNE JEANNE DARC 101 WON EDWIN WONEDWIN T FRYER 61 WON WONDR DR WALDO BRIGGS 31 WON AVE WONAVE Extra Special 41 WON WONNow Now 1 ask Do you think such Is tliu result of KIIOSS work Dont be a mollycoddle till your life join the winning crowd while the getting is good The lads who did so nobly t Windsor have been tit Saratoga over a week Enough EnoughSPECIAL SPECIAL lor the Saratoga meeting which opens Saturday continuing for twentyfive racing days I am making a BAKGAIN OFFER Here it is TUB KXTIHB MEETING ONE HOUSE DAILY MAILED THE NIGHT BEFORE FOR THE NOMINAL SOI OF 10 If subscription Is received by NOON Saturday it will include my 10 Opening Day special FUEK Nou this is giving Information away Rush your sub ¬ scription NOW NOWIWEKT IWEKT E COLLYJBR COLLYJBRFormerly Formerly with the Chicago American AmericanSUITE SUITE 309 OXFORD BUILDING 118 North La Salle Street Chicago Illinois