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THIRD RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Selling 4 22 105 104 LADY STALWART ch m 5 By Stalwart Lady Balgowan G Cooney 100GC Butte 5S l01fast 115 110 2l A Murray 11 Daubcrry Idiin No Quarter 9241 Butte 34 l14fast 40 107 Cl Chneau 8 Transparent Duncrgan M Emily 9498 Butte Butte92SG 34 114 fast CO 107 S Chneau 8 Duncraggan TBelle NoQuarter 92SG Butte ButteCS71 5S l02Vslovv 7 104 7J Chneau 11 LQueeu J H Barr ParuellGirl CS71 Lagoon Lagoon5C69 34 11G slow C 109 4 3 5l 71 lPauley 7 HazelC Tube Rose BGreeuleaf BGreeuleafli 5C69 Helena HelenaC2SI 51 f 110 fast 111 li Rooney 12 Hid Hand Sixteen L Adelaide C2SI Anaconda Anaconda409G 58 1042 slow 95 109 3 1 11 21 Itoouey 8 Rich Reed Billy Myer Sixteen 409G Butte 5S 101 mud 21 107 1 2 2Z 2 Carter S J Knight La Cazadora Ori Lad 4008 Salt Lake 34 112 fast 235 107 1 2 G 7lllBuxton 7 Trumargo Chilla No Quarter QuarterBy RAMSY b g 1 115 By Peter McCue Flora V Harrison Blakeley lOUOii Butte Butte99G1 31 f lOSgood 31 115 I21 Corey 7 Ferrona Star Blue Angolus Angolus44i 99G1 Butte Butte9S07 51 f l07slow G 112 44i Imes S FGHogan Ferrona LHarnII 9S07 Butte Butte917C 5S l002sfast 7 110 21 Corey S An Interest Ferrona Sierra 917C CdAlene 58 l01good 2 110 5 = E McEwenl2 LHarrisonlL LPender AlchIst S9 CdAlene 51 f lOSrast 3 112 7J Slelaff 9 Frank G Hojian Mural Tippy 8585 CdAlene 51 f 109 good 32 116 11681SC 2 = Pauley 0 BenStone NoQuarter JudgeSale 81SC CdAlene 5S l01last 21 121 G G80C4 2 5 55J E McEwen C Dorble S Shapiro F G Hogan 80C4 CdAlene 51 f lOSVfcfast 95 103 2 3 44 21 E McEweu 8 Hazel C Velie Forty Yo Solo 55C Juarez 51 f lOSfast 5 103 5 8 7 44i OBrien 10 Doc Allen P Henderson Free 32 Juarez 34 l13fast 12 110 2 6 C 6J3 Hill 7 Definite Delaney Trojan Belle 7477 Juarez 34 34BALRONIA l14Vifast 10 112 2 2m 1 21 1 Gross 10 Venetian Ocn Queen MlltJones MlltJonesBy BALRONIA b m 8 89S95 105 By BalKOwan Sebastiana F M Hopper 9S95 Butte 5J f l09slop 2J 108 1085S 21 Ormes S ASlupskey BFarley LHanII LHanIIG5i 9704 Butte 5S 5S1C04 101 fast 12 108 108F G5i Ormcs 10 Jonatlian JHBarr CountryBoy 1C04 Butte F C lllfast 7 107 25 Ormes 12 Rue Ferroua No Quarter 9472 Butte 34 l14fast 7 10G 10G5S 5 ° 1 Burgame 10 Buss F G Hogan Anne McGee 9386 Butte 5S 5SSG34 l02slow 4 105 Fell Burgame 11 I Queen J H Barr ParnellGirl SG34 CdAlene 1 141 fast 185 109 G10 Hill S Melts Gaty Pallen Flying 8293 CdAlene 1 l41fast 31 107 6 4 4 5s 31 Pauley 7 Gaty Pallen King Elk BalcllC 8310 CdAlene 78 l27fast 2 107 5 C 3 4 3J Pauley 7 Mandadero Hannis SbootSpray 7911 CdAlene 34 l13fast 32 110 4 3 3t 42 Pauley C DutchRock Lescar F G Hogan 7859 CdAlene 1 142 fast 31 111 1 2 27SOO 2 24 I1 Pauley S GatyPallen Balcliff SugarLump 7SOO CdAlene 78 l2Sslop 81 111 C 4 474S1 1 It lh Pauley 7 Stare Gift Dutch Rock 74S1 Juarez 1142 fast 15 98 2 3 3SIXTEEN 4 52 42 Halsey 8 Abound Odella Balcliff BalcliffBy SIXTEEN ch g 6 115 By Cunard Oraova D Hoean 10010 Butte 5S l01good C 114 75 Corey 11 Parnell Girl Bash Bcttie Ed B 9 S7 Butte 5S l01hvy 15 112 23 C H Miller 9 OldCoin JHBarr BashBettie 9873 Butte 5S l00good 10 115 8 = C H Miller S TIIBarr Angelus Bash Bettie 9706 Butte 58 l01Vfast 2 110 1 C H Miller 9 LHarrlsonll Roberta QRutb 9004 Butte F C lllfast 5 104 5 = 1 C H Millerl2 Rue Balronla Ferrona 51 f lOSysslow 10 IOC 341 C H Mlllerl2 Decency New Haven Roberta C233 Lagoon 51 f 1074 fast 2 108 5 5 5s G7 Cavangh 7 Pickaninny Rosenta Calla CallaG 5990 Lagoon 5S 1024 slow 7 111 6 G C G Corey 6 Dr Neufer Tube Rose The Fad 5877 Lagoon F C 113 mud 12 109 2 25CS4 4 5 510 Corey ii Jack Stryker Visible Lescar 5CS4 Helena 51 f 106 fast 107 107SCG9 11 Cavangh 7 Clara W OCungham Kinfolks SCG9 Helena 5J f 110 fast 111 111534S 31 Cavangh 12 LStalwart HHand LAdelaido 534S Anaconda F C l12g good 7 111 1 4 41 G J Forsythe S Lu Allen Abound Thistle Belle 5291 Anaconda 5S l04i slow 41 109 7 7J G 4 = 44 Anderson S Rich Reed LStalwart B Myer MyerBy J H BARR ch gr 6 115 By Jean Bereaud Blaze 0 F E Baird 99S7 Butte 58 l01hvy 5 114 31 Coburn 9 OldCoin Sixteen Bash Bettie 993G Butte 51 f l07good S 103 G ° Rosen S N Haven Clara W L Shark 9373 Butte 5S l00good 135 110 121 lines S Angelus BashfulBettie Ferrona 9S07 Butte 58 l00fast 7 110 6 lines S An Interest Ramsy Ferroua 9704 Butte 5S 101 fast 8 110 21 Corey 10 Jonathan Country Boy Follane Follane3s 9G44 Butte 34 114 fast 12 108 3s Imes S Tim Judge Lescar Frog Eye Eye53J 9519 Butte 34 114 fast 135 106 53J Corey 7 Chanticlor MEmily Transpart 9171 Butte 34 l14fast 12 110 11093SC 7 Corey 7 Inquieta F Fashion C Brown Brown2s 93SC Butte 5S l02slow 20 105 105C311 2s Ormes 11 IQueen Parnell Girl Follane FollaneBrdown C311 Latonia 31 112 fast 13 112 6 6COC8 Brdown Fain 10 Sureget Mcrrlck Com Touch TouchG COC8 Latonia 51 f lOCi fast 56 115 G GTILLTNGHAST G 41 14 Fain 10 Imprudent Toy Boy All Red RedBy TILLTNGHAST b g 8 110 By Fatherless Roselia W Gabriel 10029 Butte 51 f lOSslow 13 110 7ei Corey 7 Bob Farley Regards Milt Jones JonesI11 9922 Butte 51 f l10ysslow 8 112 112973C I11 Burgame 8 Rogon Evelina Queen Ruth 973C Butte F C lllfast 15 115 1159G2G 21 Corey 10 SusanF MMusgrave OofDance 9G2G Butte 5S l02fast 7 111 44 C Peak 11 WildBear LAdelaiile Brlghaui 9250 CdAlene 5S OO fast G 113 61 J King 10 Ed G Phil Connor Lo Mio 9038 CdAlene 51 f 1OS fast 10 113 113S922 S Burgame 11 OldCoin MarkKcnnedy Masalo S922 CdAlene 51 f l08fast 4 11G 11GSS13 64 J King 7 StarBlue SalODay Electrowan SS13 CdAlene 51 f lOSy5fast 20 111 3 = J King 12 PIndustry SConrLHarsouII 8728 CdAlene 5S 101 fast 20 111 111r513 G I J King 7 Gimli Canapa Ben Stone r513 Lagoon 5S lOSg hvy 8 112 5 5 = 5ulForsythe C The Fad F Fashion A Hyman 6471 Lagoon 5S 1082 mud 31 109 2 3 31 331 Pauley S Clara W Lookout Rosenta RosentaBy MINNIE F b f 3 By Albula Martha D H Branch 9902 Butte 51 f 108 slow 21 104 1045S 1 Pauley 11 Kegards NoQuarter OCunham S70 Butte 5S l01good 31 105 105Ab3S 3s Pauley 11 Prince Conrad Gomul Osslan S3S1 Tulsa Ab3S l0aslow S 95 95Ab5S CJ Gentry f Iron Queen MarkKennedy Pedro PedroG91 S340 Tulsa Ab5S l01fast 6 100 100Ab5S G91 E Mthews G MKcnnedy LYoung Iron Queen SSG5 Tulsa Ab5S l01slow 35 102 1 Singleton 7 Quick Jack Witt Carondolet 7 S3 Juarez 34 l145fast 8 87 C 3 2k 2l Neylon 12 Kose Onell Moller Rio Pecos 7508 Juarez 34 l14Vifast 15 94 9 4 52 4 = J Hill 11 Rosenta Hid Hand LoanShark 7404 Juarez 34 113 fast 12 89 8 8 7 8 lMcDonld 12 Safranor Quid Nunc C Tucker 72S9 Juarez 34 114 fast 15 100 3 3 5J 6 Kederis 9 Cauiia Hassou Irving Mose 7245 Juarez 34 115 good 10 S3 7 7 8 8s Haynes 8 Napa Nick Eye White Freewill 7192 Juarez 51 f 1094 slow 15 88 7 4 4 = 2 McDonJd S Serenade Sterlin Mcrcurium McrcuriumG 7117 Juarez JuarezED 51 f l14g hvy 15 90 G G 7 7lBiNathan 7 A Interest UJGray OrluiarLad ED B b By Peep oDay Reve Royal Glover Reasoner 10010 Butte 58 l01good 15 110 31 M Mthewsll ParnGirl BRettle Gossiperll 9837 Butte 5S I0iy6fast 10 112 112970C 44i Burgamo S ParnellGirl NewIIavcii Follane 970C Butte 5S I0iy5fast 10 110 G2J Slelaff 0 Sixteen LHarrisonlL Roberta 9514 Butte 5S 102 fast 95 110 11093SG 21 Slelaft 11 FrogEye MaryODay Gdlntent 93SG Butte 5S l02Vfcslow 15 109 8 1 Sielaff 11 IQueun J H Barr ParnellGirl 8966 CdAlene 58102 good 41 112 4B1 Slelaff 10 Eagle Wing SGrigsby Neville 8904 CaAlene 58 102 fast 31 108 108872C I4 SlelafT 12 SainGrlgsby Dromi LiilvPenUT 872C CdAlene 5S l02 fast 15 111 3 Slelaff 11 Hightltlc QirnRuth SGrigsby 01 Lagoon 5S 1021 mud 2a 111 C C9S 8 9 S Ornios 10 G Intent GoldPoint ChBrown 9S Lagoon F C 111 fast 40 107 12 12 12 11 TapIIu 12 Visible Rue Bcda Bcdai i 111 i n cirnnii 7 DeBceudt Bsker Lot t Feat PRINCE CONRAD ch g 4 115 1159S70 By Kismet Kate Campbell H Foss 9S70 Butte 5S l0lgood 5 110 1109S09 I2 Burgame 11 Gomul Minnie F Ossian 9S09 Butte 5S l00fast 20 110 110927S 7s Burgamc 9 Nifty LHarrisonll ParnGirl 927S CdAlene 7S l2SJfast 95 107 44J Burgame 7 Blondy David Warlield Fastoso 9221 CdAlene 51 f lOS slop 6 107 52 Burgnmo S Boas Phil Connor Fire 9179 0 lAlene 5J f 1OS good 4J IOS 441 Biirgame Ravaria Ancestors K Stalwart 9024 CdAlene 34 l15fast 5 113 2nk Uavangh 9 Qn Rtitli Electrowan Fastoso 8966 CdAlene 5S 102 good 3 112 710lCavangh 10 EagleWing Sam5rigsby Neville 8922 CdAlene 51 f lOSfaat 4 114 114S7S9 54 Cavangh 7 StarBlue SalODay Electrowan S7S9 CdrAlene 58 l01fast 6 115 115ANGELUS 2 = 1 Cavangh 10 Velie Forty Wiltrude S Lo Mio MioBy ANGELUS br r 8 107 By Sandringham Vespers Cotton Thompson 10000 Butte ol lOSgood Go 113 48 E Cotton 7 Ramsy Ferrona Star Blue 9957 Butte 5S l01 od 115 108 21 E Cotton 11 Briton Decency Beverstein 9S7S Butte 58 l00good 7 110 1105S 221 E Cotton S JHBarr Bash Bettie FePWaa 9S07 Butte 5S l00fast 10 110 1105A 761 E Cotton S An Interest Ramsy Ferroiia 9648 Butte 5A f 107 fast 3 104 C51 B Cotton 8 Newllaven FGHogan Conn Boy 75S4 Juarez 34 l13fast G JOS 7 6 6 k in E Cotton FGHogan HazelC Oriraar Lail 7532 Juarez 34 l13ysfast 4 110 5 2 32 GT E Cotton 7 Definite Uelaney Trojan Belle 7490 Juarez 34 IrUfast G 10810 7 4J 21 E Cotton 10 Quid Nuuc Roberta LovingMoss LovingMossBy NO QUARTER b g 9 By Viking Sweet Danger W H Tulley 100GC Butte 53 l01fast 12 119 41 Stanford 11 Dunberry Lady Stalwart Idun 9962 Butte 51 f 108 slow 4 110 322 Stanford 11 MinnieF Regards OCnugham 9922 Butte 51 f l10slow 12 112 112ImLOy Gei Stanford S Tilllnghast Rogon Evelina 9SOG Butte ImLOy l43fast 12 109 54J Stanford 8 Crex Nannie McDee McAlan 9673 Butte 1 142 fast 4 112 112F 5tulStanford S OraMcGee Patriotic GrctchenG 9604 Butte F C lllfast S 109 42 Stanford 12 Rue Balronla Ferrona 9498 Butte 34 114 fast 20 109 3 = i W Fischer 8 Duncraggan T Belle Clara W 9469 Butte 34 l14fast 31 111 3 J V Fischer 9 Follane Loan Shark McAlau McAlauBy FROG EYE b g 4 By Woolsthorpe Cakewalk R Ripley 9739 Butte InuOy l42fast 20 104 5133C II Miller 7 M Emily Ora McGee Sleenland 9644 Butte 34 114 fast 20 107 442 C H Miller 8 Tim Judge Lescar J H Barr 9314 Butte 58 102 fast 5 110 8921 CdAlene 34 l16fast 5 113 1138S66 8S66 CdAlene 34 llCmud S 114 8840 CdAlene 34 l14fast 30 109 8674 CdAlene 58 l01fast 8 110 110S633 2 = 1 D Riley 11 Neville LadyPender T Burns S633 CdAlene 34 115 fast 15 109 G5 BurnsG5 OBrien 7 Briton Country Boy LocustBiul 8510 CdAlene 5S l01slpw 100 110 JS LocustBiulJS 1filey 8 SAlvescot E Harwood T Bell 6399 Lagoon F C 116J2 mud 31 10 C Pi PiS1 BellPi S1 G zlDkau l Prince A Schneider 6358 Lagoon Im20y 149 mud 8 98 6 5 Hill 7 Judge Walton Biitnell Elgin G236 Lagoon 1 142 fast 25 103 1 1 1 2 au oy C Florence Krlpp Flying Mnrigot 6105 Lagoon 78 l28g fast 1 103 2 3 3 44 Pauley 5 M Coghill D Minstrel Banthel 5923 Lagoon 5i 1 1102 hvy 135 99 G C 6 G BanthelG = Hill 0 TheFad LHarrisonlL Temhrook