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SECOND RACE 1 11G Miles 3yearolds and upward Maidens Selling 85445 145 t 104 104DOODLE DOODLE b g 3 109 By Heno Farfalla E J McGraw 3 Hamilton 1 1S l31tsfast GO 92 2 1 1 1 Int Ward 8 E of Savor Alas Jim Patruche 2 Windsor 1 l13fast 50 102 9 810 10 9 9s Montour 12 Queed Earl of Savor Luther G LutherG Fort Erie 1 l15good 10 109 C 3 5 G C 7 J Alclntyre S Autumn Queen Salu Balterr 5 HdeGrace 5S 1004 fast 50 103 S 77 11 G7 Hopkins 13 Capt Elliott Smash Ins Alan RingiiugOVATO i Alani HdeGrace 5S 101 fast 30 105 11 13 13 13 13i lKirschm 13 Little Hugh Schaller Ringiiug OVATO ch c 3 112 By The Scribe Dreamy Eyes H P Headley S Hamilton 34 113 fast 7 107 S 12 12 SQ l3Goose 12 W Pitzer WWClark II Ritte 11 Windsor 34 115 fast 4J 107 G G G G3 2i Goose 11 Battery Prospect Constituent t Windsor 34 l17hvy 15 107 7 777 717 Goose 7 Tankard TerrlbleBill B Dinner iC Latonia Im70y l41fast 6 107 3 5 5 4 41 49 Goose 10 Volita Alockler Capltau Bravo 9 Latonia 1 11C l4Cfast 75 108 G 3 3 3 23 2i Goose G Anna Reed G Post ItrMitstone 2 Latonia 34 118 hvy 10 107 8 888 871 Goose 10 Blue Jay Aucou Fiel 19 DouglasPk GI f l09g slow 195 108 10 9 9 71 GJ Gross l2 Ancon Hasson Jacob itiinn 1 Lexington 58 l02jj fast 26 112 10 10 8 P 7i Gross 11 Counterpart Baldoyle Rosemary RosemaryLANEEN LANEEN ch m 5 107 By Stalwart Allanette T J Elward 0 Connaught 34117 fast 30 113 S 88 61 G = J D AlcCthy S Baron de Kalb Clinton Fuchsia 1C Fuchsia1C Connaught 1 l42fast C 102 C S 7 7 7 7 illopklns S Alalamont Clinton W w Cluru 12 ToticiuilS Blue Bon 34116 fast 60 11011 9 11 11 1091 F Varley 12 Toddling Chemulpo Toticiuil S Blue Bon 1 lllfast 12 S8 8 C 7 7 G 5i JDeronde S Ta Nun Da Colston Black River 17 Toronto Im70y l43fast fid 112 7 C G 8 Si 10IB D AlcCthylO JHHoughton StarGift LOVDIT 17 Toronto 1 11G l49slow fid 109 7113 31 5 AV Dunn 10 Aplaster Master Jim Hatterua TRIX HatteruaTRIX b g 4 109 By Sileo Detrix H Rites 1 HaniHton 5J f 107 fast CO 111 10 10 S S 5 Obert 11 Moisaut Air Genii Black Itlver 12 Windsor 1 l13fast 30 10810 7 G G 71 7 = S Goose 12 QueVd Earl of Savor LiitluT IS LiitluTIS Windsor 53 f 103 good 50 IOCS 9 U 9 9 9a Goose 11 AL Katcham J Burn T Savor 4 Latonia 1116147 fast IS 10514 C G 7 7 7 JW Andress 7 B Eloise Capltan BraVo J Vm 13 Latonia 1 11C 14S fast 91 10711 9 9 S S 77i B Steele 11 Bobby Cook Helcne Wish Itlng LICIOUS ch f 3 102 By Delhi Rapture Greentree Stable 1 Mbrook Ab34 good 2 131 4niJ Smith S Sickle Norbitt Raymond Raymond2NTWORTH 2NTWORTH blk g 3 104 By Ossary or Orsini Dora Ie J Schreiber J l 7iGross 1 Ar is t Aly Genii Black Kivor 8l 71 Gross 11 Battery Trovato Prospect S4 8 Hyde 9 tar Actrts Aly Genii Barnard 11 HS5SHyde 2i JtI5ri e WsWonr SofDanhe 9 9t3 Teahan 10 Labold Capt Bravo B Holder 7h ciojTeahan 11 Oreen Ethelda George Oxnard