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SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Soiling 4322 105 5 3 104 GOMUL ch g 4 4JI870 By Solitaire II Makawa H C Davoy JI870 Butte 58 l01good 10 109S37 2 = Sielaff 11 Prince Conrad Minnie F Ossian 9S37 Butte 5S l01fast 30 6 i Bezanson 8 ParnellGIrl NnwIIaven Follane 9703 Butte rS 102 fast 25 255K52C 3 = Bezanson 9 K Radford Y Pansy KlttrW 5K52C Butte 5S l02fefast CO COMM 6i M Mtbewsll WlldlUar LAdelaide Brigham MM ButUt rS 102 fast 40 4093SS S Bennson 11 FmK KyO 10d It Mary ODay ODayost 93SS Bulte 5S l02slow 40 40S939 IOC Left at the post ost Corey 12 Beverstein ASIupskey LSIiark S939 CdAlene 5i f l09 imud 20 20SS13 10 11 Warren 11 Wiltrude S Ed Mott P Connor SS13 CdAlene 5i f l08Vfcfast 30 309S537 10 9 Woods ij PIndustry SConnor Tlllinghhst 9S537 Helena 34 114 fast 51 53 Baird r PayStreak OswaldB DrD hcrty 98530 Helena C8 101 fast 103 2ii hcrty2ii Brady 4 Royal Dolly Pico Ethels SIR BARRY blk gr 7 107 By Sir Hampton Du Barry Scott Bishop 100S9 Butte F G l12sfast SO SOyUS7 110 7i Rosen 8 Mandadero Regards Ferrona yUS7 Btitte 5S l01hvy 60 60S410 108 9 J Rosen y Old Coin Sixteen J H Barr S410 Cd Alone 5S 102 fast 10 111 1 67 7 G14 D Boland Canada FGIIogan 1ontcfract 7f S3 Juarez 31 114 fast 20 2075SJ 100 5 8 S S ST Haynes QuiilNuiu Ed Adams Loim Star 75SJ Juarez 31 l13fast 20 207iw9 107 S 87 S 743 Hayncs 0 Angelus F t Hogan Hazel C 7iw9 Juarez 51 t l07fast 15 112 S 88 S 83 Gentry 8 SofRook Fmcntal FGIloiian 7503 Juarez 34 113 fast 20 20XOUNG 104 1 22 2 31 Haynes S Gemmell Transparent ButBall XOUNG PANSY b s 1 107 By Henry Young Pansy King S A Bcckham 99G2 Butte 5J f 1OS slow 8 110 S JC Kelly 11 Minnie F Regards No Quarter 1957 Butte oS l01good 25 108 7 = Pauley It Briton Angelus Decency 9703 Butte 5S 102 fast C C9C26 110 2 = 1 Pauley 9 King Radford Goinul Kitty W 9C26 Butte 5S l02fast 12 110 5 = Corey 11 WildBear LAdelaitle Brigharu 9516 Butte 5S 101 fast CO 110 9 E Smith 11 Pajaroita Edua New Haven 8527 Tulsa 34 l18good 5 5S3S7 102 91 E Smith 10 M Kennedy S Sam D Allen S3S7 Tulsa Ab58 102 good C 114 2 E Smith 7 Caromlolet Regards Plantland S340 Tulsa Ab5S 102 good 10 112 H3 H Brooks 8 Billikius W Pedro Doll Boy 8289 Tulsa Ab5S l02slow 12 114 7 Small 7 ABowan JUClay Bllliklns W W5s 8239 Tulsa AU38 107 hvy 4 111 5s E Smith C MKeunedy Ailsa Paige RPecos 8171 Tulsa Ab5S 102 slow 5 115 4Z E Smith G AutRose Billikins V M Mack 8128 Tulsa Ab5S l02hvy G 112 3 E Smith 7 OrimLad Col Austin Brnnhildd MURAL ch g 7 107 By Panmure Lavaca R M Hollenbeck 995S Butte a f 109 slow C C9SC9 110 Ci A Murray 12 Medio Lady Adelaide J Woods 9SC9 Butte 1 l41good 12 129SG4 112 9lPauley 10 Patriotic Arbutus Uen tineas 9SG4 Butte 5S 102 last 3 110 422 Bezanson 10 MissRhoda M Wheeler Moisie 9774 Butte 51 f 1OS fast 10 10S 713 Bezanson 7 Follane F G Hogau Tim Judge 9510 Butte 5S 101 fast 25 110 51 Pauley 11 Pajaroita Edna New Haven 9431 Butte 5i f lOSsloV 12 104 7 Pauley 12 Decency New Haven Sixteen 9277 CdAlene 34 l15V5fast 4 10S 21 Pauley C Eddie Mott M Kennedy Oscuro 9223 CdAlene 1 l42slop 8 111 7 Pengast 8 Wadsworth II Hicne W EMott 9175 CdAlene 51 f 109 good 31 10G 21 Burgame 7 Fastoso Eddie Mott Josle Lee 9155 CdAlene 34 115 fast 2 113 Sl Burgame 12 Cuuair Pro Realis Fire S996 CdAlene 51 f lOSfast 20 112 22 Pauley 9 FGHogan Tippy PUenderson ROSE SWEET b f A 105 By Masnic Sweet Rose Howard Bros SC71 Butte 51 f l07 = ifast 30 309C29 10S 543 E McKnven 9 T WoMTarth Decency Clara W 9C29 Butte 6S l01Ufast 5 5919G 108 714 Ormes 8 Fancy Parnell Girl Beverstein 919G CdAlene 5S l0iysslop C 110 C l Hill 7 Sadie Shapiro Old Coin Briton 43 Vancouver 51 f 112 mud 10G 4 44 41 410 Kelsay 7 Gilbert Rose Free DromI 2373 C dAlene 51 f 1074 slow 40 101 2 33 2 2 McDowll 9 Lady Tendi Sanel Nello Nelloin 3279 C dAlene 5S 1012 fast 15 93 3 11 in li Hill 8 L Clay Quick Trip Native Son 27SG C dAlene 61 f 1OS fast 20 93 12 11 11 9 91T C Ross 12 ElmetaHamilton Lomond Ed U LEW HILL blk g 5 110 By Major Daingerfield Buddhist W Gemraell Gemraell910XDawson 995 Butte 1 11G l49slow 40 107 910XDawson 9 BTFryer BUncas JCafferata 9872 Butte Im20y 144 good 25 103 8iDawsou 1 Mary Emily Rake McAlan 9773 Butte 1 142 last 30 309G70 103 51 Dawson 11 Golf Ball Tallow Dip Forge 9G70 Butte 1 l42 fast 12 129C28 107 5l ° J Nelson 10 Sleepland Arbutus Judge Sale SaleJ 9C28 Butte 1 14 2OSVifast SO 102 Pulled up J Nelson 7 Miami Footloose Flying 9318 Butte Im70y 147 fast 7 103 5 J Nelson 7 Footloose JCafferata Littleton 9390 Butte Im20y l45 slow 7 103 41 J Nelson 7 JCafferata OMcGee NMcDee 84S9 Tulsa 34m50y 121 good 21 111 111in 3 Gentry 8 Medio Plantland Mag Mack 8421 Tulsa 34 122 slow 4 4S39S in 21 E Smith 7 Rio Pecos ColAustin Valletta S39S Tulsa Ab7S l29Bgood 6 109 5IS E Smith 5 Electric John R Clay Clysinic 8334 Tulsa 3Jm50y 124 slow 41 109 I1 E Smith C Regards Zandia Yvonne YvonneBy DORIAN PRINCE ch K 9 107 By Dorian Lone Princess C Dietz 9703 Butte 1 l42fast CO 109 9 9XW XW Fischer 10 Mon Don Lchigh Dublin John 9599 Butte F C 112 fast 8 107 74lW Mclnrell Dottie B Yvonne Pro Realis 8209 CdAlene 5S l02fast 10 112 2 W Mclnre 7 Fastoso Lady Pender Bredwell 9223 CdAlene 51 f 109 slop 12 109 7 W Mclnre 8 Lillian Ray S Connor Dahlgrun 9135 CdAlene 34 115 fast 20 113 78J Mcmpa 12 Cunair Pro Realis Fire 9094 CdAlene 1 l43slop 20 113 7 1 Mempa 9 CAVKennon Littleton Dnland 9023 CdAlene 34 116 fast G 113 22 Mempa 12 Merman Maxsono Grizzly Bear 87SS CdAlene 78 l29fast 15 113 G J Mcmpa 11 Littleton OceanShoreEthWicks 8724 CdAlene 5S 102 fast 10 111 99lMcmpa 12 Zia Capt Lindsley Littleton S5S4 CdAlene 51 f l09M good 7 110 54i Sthorn 9 TomMurphy PConnor Footloose 8309 CdAlene 34 116 slow 50 110 5G1 Mempha S Roberta Hblablrd Bells 8391 CdAlene 5 f 108 fast 10 111 7 77 6 GJ T Smith 9 Blondy Commendation G Ball S3G1 CdAlene 5S l02mud 31 106 4 5 G Gl 41 Pauley 12 M Molett L Heywood Lil Ray 8135 CdAlene 5S l03slop 7 112 2 G G 4l S2 Imes S Kitty W Queen Ruth Sneezer SneezerBy OSSIAN b e 10 107 By Florist Princess Annie L E Bird 10025 Butte 1 l43slow 10 110 1013iPauley 11 M Musgrave Kastiuan McAlan 9962 Butte 51 f 103 slow 12 129S70 110 7J A Murray 11 Minnie F Regards No Quarter 9S70 Butte 5S l01sgood 5 59S05 110 4i Bceanson 11 Prince Conrad Goniul Minnie F 9S05 Butte 5S l01tast 14i i 110 4 Bezanson S Jeanne dArc T Faust Secrete 9702 Butte 5S 102 fast 1C i 110 7iJBezanson 11 Gossiper II Secrete RMitchell 9122 CdAlene 34 l15good 3 111IOC 111 99J D Boland 10 G Bear L of the Forest Calla 8944 CdAlene 1 l43 mud 15 IOC 8 McMartin S Quick Trip Phlllistina Evelina SSCC CdAlene 34 l16 femud 8 114 11410G 5J J Murphy S JennieNewrnan SallieODayBoas 8729 CdAlene 1 142 fast 15 10G 914iPauley 11 Bob Farley Jim Cafferata Tahoe 8G54 CdAlene 34 l15fast 8 109 71 Selden S D Courage Anne McGee J Salo G152 Denver 58 1011 slow 110 1 C G 8 81 Curl 8 Marsand Odella Camarada CamaradaBy VIVIAN H ch f 3 112 By Tim Payne Escarola F E Baird 9703 Butte 5S 102 fast 15 107 7 Corey 9 King Radford Y Pansy Gomul GomulII23 93C2 Butte 5S l01 fast 20 103 II23 Corey 11BashfulBettie Brigham Moisie MoisieS 7066 Charleston 5S 103J good 30 S S18 Skirvin S Silas Grump RQueen Fatherola C301 Vancouver 58 l03g mud 1J 4SJ B McEwen 0 Bully Jessie Porter Bula Welsh 4941 Vancouver C8 1032 mud 7 73PIckens 7 B Welsh Velle Forty Tellurium 4GS2 Vancouver 58 101 fast 5 441 E McEwen S GofAllah Ituby Sun Tellurium 4633 Vancouver 5S 102 good Il 431 E McEwen S BWelsh JesPorter MissHebert 4G18 Vancouver 5S 105J mud G8 G2lE McEweu 7 El Paloinar Ruby Sun Camia 4436 Vancouver 51 f 1074 fast 7 71JH McEwen 7 Oldsmobile Phosphorm JPorter 4045 Vancouver 12 49J fast 4 53 E McEwen G VForty RBonheur Phosphtum 3915 Vancouver 12 4SJ fast 410 47 E McEwen 5 Gar of Allah OrBlossom Camla1 MENDEN b g 9 By Albert Welsbach D E Liddle 9702 Butte G8 102 fast 100 1010U Brown 11 Jossiper II Secrete RMitchell 4902 Butte 5S 1 03J slop 12 124S01 C8 G9 Tj Moore 7 Zia Miss Rhoda Robt Mitchell 4S01 Butte 58 1014 fast 40 11 llJAmlerson 12 Banonica Yo Solo Miss Rboda 4193 Butte F C 1112 fast 100 10044C7 10 101J1A Nelson 10 Gene Wood Gerds Queen Ruth 44C7 Butte 5S l01g fast 30 18 10 Shrlner 11 Auto Girl Decency R Mitchell 4093 Butte 5S 1022 mud JO JO9S096 7 9t3 Cavaugh 11 Par Girl Dr Neuter Saltlgrade 9S096 Anaconda 34 120 slow SO SOORDER 5 54S Forsythe 5 ForeGuard TMcGee orrowfnl ORDER OF DANCE ch e 4 By Tanzmeister Jessie Xee 31 C T Brownfleld 9S93 Butte 5 f l09slop 5 597SC 7 C Peak 12 Secrete Star Blue Medio 97SC Butte F C lllfast S 4SJ C Peak 1O SusanF Tinchast MMusgrave 9601 Butte F C lllfast 7 79129Butte 54 Kelsay 12 LoanShark Regards Iron Queen 9129Butte 51 f 110 slow 10 3 = 1 Kelsay 11 OLeader LAdelaide MCoghill 6470 lagoon F C 118 mud 4 PullupRosen 7 J Sale M Coghill A Schneider C2C2 Lagoon 5S 102 fast 2 2WABANAN 51 21 Hill 11 Bg Bush KingEarl SamCounor SamCounorBy WABANAN br m 5 By Joe Terry Geisha Girl J A Warren 9193 CdAlene 51 f lOSslop 40 ll2 W Mclurel2 FarCathay HigliRange WBear S17S CdAlene 5S l01good 20 10 W MclnrelO Ed G Queen Ruth A Slupskey SM2 Anaconda F C 117 slow 40 51 58i McDowell 7 Originator Littleton LAdelaldt 522C Anaconda 51 f 114 J hvy CO 710 731 McDowell S C W Kennou Kinfolks Ulfrun