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Hamilton Entries and Past Performances for frlday August I WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1911 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre f viations show track conditions Racing starts at 24 p in Chicago time 145 XUinis well in mud Superior mud runner AI malddi Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs 2yonrolds Selling Track fast KITS 1 05 R 107 Intl Horse Wl Kec AWtHan AWtHan92G03 700107i 92G03 Alelsson 105 700 107i Diamond Cluster ClusterM M 102 095 10010 Martola 105 lQSVr 102GS10 10019 Lady Isle M 88 108 100 085 1001 Ampliloii M OS 109 9SG75 9SG75Second Second Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds SellingTrack and upward Maidens Selling Track record S5445 l45 = f 1 104 10053s Fadoodle 3 109 700 10018 Trovato 10S 147 112 095 0958JOSO 8JOSO 107X090fM94 Allaneeii M 109 l50s 5 107X090 fM94 Slltrix 107 149 4 109 085 085S021 S021 Delicious 3 102 075 994 Weutworth 102 150 3 104 G75 G75Third Third Race 34 Mile All ages Handicap Track record 90375 111 0 113 9705 Ten Point 11 111 11SX740 1997 Knights Differ 123 112 4 121X735 519715 T M Green 115112 7 105725 S177 Karly Light 105 113 K 90X710 90X710Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles Milesyearolds yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record 3220 150 5 115 100552 DONERAIL 122 152 110X740 977 Iountaiir Fay 110 725 72510021s 10021s Cogs 109 l5GJf 110 720 7201001S 1001S Glass M 102 G90 Fifth Race 34 Mile oyearolds and upward Se Track record 90373 111 Ind Hor Hore Hore10023s e Wt Hoc AWtHan 10023s Three Lin Links 101 111 11H 4 114X725 SS5 Aimvri 115 114 i 115X720 173 Tlie Rump RumpI97S 98 114 4 110X715 I97S Closer CloserJI978 105 111 Vf 4 112X71 JI978 1 II nou 117 112 C 114X710 10073 Uoseinarv 92 I14f 100 705 8978 Joe Knight 111 111 4 114X700 88 Ruvooo 100 llVf 3 101 700 Cliiltou Qutfii 10 113 I 107X095 Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record 90375 111 0 113 113Little Little lane 110 112 7 IOSX71 IOSX71Miss Miss Joe 107 114 4 105X71C 105X71 C H Patten Ill 117 0 10SX7C 1 Henry Uitte At 105 111 3 107 71 705 Mama Johnson 9 117 3 85X71 Hearthstone Ill 110 4 110XOS St Avano 98 117 3 J 84 94XGS5 X OS George S Davis 1101114 10 IX 085 Bittra At 1051114 4 105X080 Stanley S 95112 5 105 075 Fred Drew l r c by Sain El Sa lado Seventh Race 1 18 Miles on Turf 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record 90220 152 1 114 Gemini 107 154 3 105X72 Hash 114 154 5 107X72 Floral Day 4 105X715 Lucky George 4 10G 7 15 lig Dipper I9X715 Rernadotte 102X705 Ixml Klam 100X705 HilUe Baker BakerFlel 102 705 Flel 94X700 Aloonllght 4 101 XOOO Dilatory I 10GG35