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CURRENT NOTES OF HIE TURF The horses whose reing qualities have Ixon leased to L S Thompson by Harry Payne Whitney in clide Adroit rden Borrow Broomleaf Broom vale Burcham Chicle Dominant Fmdcii Ktrus cau Forum Gettysburg Manlianset Nightstick Pandean Pennant Port Light Pretender Prince Henry Refugee Hegina Hegret Iteiiieiiihranret Sam Slick Scaramouch Slipshod Slumlwr II Spun Glass Thunderer Vermont Tika Ginn Hansa Ilarmonicon Hidden Star Hubbub and Whimsy WhimsyHorse Horse racing was resumed in Germany yesterday with the opening of tl e spring meeting at Hoppc garten track a sulmrl of Berlin in the presence of a crowd almost as I irge as is usually present in peace times The pari iiutuel system of betting has been temporarily aban loned but bookmakers ar allowed to accept wagers although the odds are not It is said that the price paid by John Sanford to B K Bradley for Consiielo II dam of George Smith was 0000 Bradiev bought her at the Chinu sale last fall for 1300 1300Sprite Sprite the dam of the Madden twoyearold Sprint is not II K Knapps well known mare of tl at name but n recordless mare by Henry of NJ varre Lady Jfadge JfadgeStn Stn mlxili is the second Nurserybred winner of the Jfotn politan Handicap but th other Glorilipr whirl won it in 1007 was not owned by Mr Belim nt at the time timeMr Mr Daniel Mardonald of Goodrich was at Wood ¬ bine Park last Saturday to witness for his forty first time the running of the Kings Plate PlateSnapper Snapper Garrison has a broken arm as tho result of being thrown from a pony he uses in training the horses of the Warren Stable