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Woodbine Park Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday May 26 26WEATHER WEATHER CLOUDY TRACK FAST FASTFIRST FIRST RACE 34 Mile Howick Plate 3yearolds and upward Maidens Special Weights 17181 111 C 117 Inlov Courso DIst TimeTckOdds AAt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy DOUBLE BASS b c 4 107 By Uncle Double Six Brookdale Stable 11134 AVdbino 31 l15Mfast 12 ins 7 41 7 1 llunovcrli Loftus Colxiurg Pelle F Wuzzy SAVhamnTCng 1 1391 AVdblne 31 l15mutl 3J 104 S 3 3 ° F Teahan II Ainplilon Uiehwood Koy AVhamnTCng 5S good 12J 98 98FkstoneKng 43 H Stokes J chySvmgton DMistross Kudos FkstoneKng CS flood 12J 121 121Gatwlek JO W Grlggs I LovGIrl Well Now Lallemantla Gatwlek Fng 5S l02fair 14 123 123MchestrKng 1 F Tempanl Diirltni Ponimard Lovely Ctrl CtrlC MchestrKng 5 S good 10 12U 12UAPRISA C Spear 8 Sil Balm Westphalia Salnl Cyr CyrBy APRISA b f 4 1C5 1C5171SO By Kismet Elsie L U C Fletcher 171SO AVdbino 31 111 fast G 7 0 n 8 A Collins 0 VStrome ChasCaimel CSauce 7110 AVdbine 34 111 fhvy f 111 93 11 9 DS U Acton 11 Gordon Gra7clle Dicks Pot 7371 AVdblne 1 lifi i47fist 1SJ inn 32 4M K Ambrose fi Privet I olid KonntFay Martian 729T AVdbinc 111014 fast f11 97 5 41 CeJ A Collins 12 Astrologer C Unford JGraham 7107 Dorval 34 l10fast 310 102 7 21 2 J Callhm 7 Ajax Itodin Kinir Chillon 703S UluoUon 1 lJOVfefast 00 102 3 33 s K Ambrosell SpringMnlil Astrolowr UMouso 10919 UlueUon 7S l30hvy 145 10 4 2 2l 1 Collins 7 Strnlhearn Kp Hun Fleuron II 10703 Confiht 51 f l12 slow 2 102 7 3 2 J Callahan Trap King Chillon Ajax AjaxBv BLACK PINE Wit li 5 110 1101S1 Bv Rock Sand Black Poplar Mr Clintland 1S1 3 HdeGce Im70yll7 fast 4 110 9 2 471 15 Ambrose Dakota Frontier Dane Master 1S130 HdeGeo 31 115 good 10 112 9 93 SiK Amhrosein Weldship MaiHnCasea Dakota 17112 llamton 34 l13ffast 12 II1 12 1H II1 K Ambroso12 Paintbrush Cait Ben Inkle 150G5 Ukllna A1 1 3S 220fast 152 3 Mr GKCIk 4 Willing Ct o Kno Gilbert irOrtO likllne Ab7S l23fnst 4 17J 3 B II Lewis 4 George Kno Footlights Culvert 14S97 Bkllne Ab58 fast 1 147 2 MrBBLwIs 2 WIIHnz SLUMBERER ch g 3 By Peep ODay Janet Gray J V Dayton 20147 Piinlieo 1 113 fast 15 4770 = Gi J McCahey S Fly Home Cliff Haven Faker rtM 11 deGce 34 114 fast 10 HSU HSUIWJ5 11 7 S3 4 W Ural lo Breakers Koyalty Shrewsbury IWJ5 HtleGce 34 llifast 15 103 5 4 nk fi j MeTagtl I Sleuth Silver Moon Free Trade 1S4S3 HdcGce lm70ylIGifast 10 100 3 5 3 Sh 3H II Shilling 11 Elespian Half Kock RiverKing 1SI3G lldeGee 34 110 good 15 103 1 9 9 S1 5 i K Shilling 11 Minstrel Pennyrock Meelicka 1ST75 Pinilico 34 iniTjfast 2110 87 10 1017GS6 877 Glu P Louder II Norse King Volant Cliff Haven 17GS6 Laurel 31 l14fast 14 107 12 12 fi 3 t 3S K Karrick K Fair Count Marvelous Rusila 17226 Uelmont 34 st l14fust 5 36 7 7 5 2 2 II Sumtcr 7 Rorgo MarylandGirl Rosemarine 17174 Bchnont 5J f st 100 fast 6 IDS 6 6SCHEMER C 6 C G12 K Karrick G RoyMartyr RMaidcn Minstrel MinstrelBy SCHEMER b g 3 By McGee Intrigue J E Madden 2007S Lcxgton Hii70yl4G fast 2 2RUFFO 32 2 41 4 = K Pool S Type First Fiddle Kneelet KneeletBy RUFFO ch S 3 9 91S1I0 By Mazagan Bambino G R Tompkins 1S1I0 HdeGeu 5 f lOSgood 100 10212 11 10 7 7 W Ural 12 NitiSiinplex Carlone CI Ilavon 18375 Pimlico l14fast 10i 36 S S1S353 7 0 5i 5 W Ural II Norse King Volant Cliff Haven 1S353 Pimllco 5i f lOS fast 157 107 7 71S07 7 7 G1 5 i W Ural S Gloaming Eagle Sarsenet 1S07 Piiiilieo 51 f lOSfast S 109 4 41S114 9 a 9 S = 1E Amhrosell Herbert Temple Thrill Kazan 1S114 Laurel 5i f 107 fast fid 07 11 11REVERO 11 10 a1 G W Ural 11 Tie Pin Fair Helen Cant Parr ParrBy REVERO b c 3 100 100lUlUl By Galvcston Moselle W P Fine lUlUl NOrlns 5S l03hvy 5 112 0 01S371 2 7 74 71S It Goose S HapsburglL IlWvnd Jefferson 1S371 NOiTns 51 f l00 ifast 50 103 4 41SS90 2 2 5 f3J Smyth r Dr Larrick Kesign UMortar 1SS90 NOrlns 5i f l07good 20 112 12 121SS52 9 11 II1 1210A Nicklausl THethel LHeach MMontgry 1SS52 NOrlns 5i f l00fast 20 113 fi fi1S70G 877 ° S51J Pengast S Kesign Joe I Phil T 1S70G Charlen 5S 101 hvy 30 112 0 0MILAN 9 a a a = 9 G Corey The Lark Miss Francis 1 Griff MILAN ch c 3 100 1001S2I1 By Sir Huon Nclusko J A Thompson 1S2I1 Latonia 31 l13fast fid lOSill lOSillSTALMORE 12 12 12 12 12aJI aJI Hanover 12 Cannonade Nobleman WCrowu WCrowuBy STALMORE b g 6 107 By Stalwart Baltimore Bollo J McBurney 17411 Wtlbine Ab 2 405 good 120 11 fi fi173SG 7 7 Lost riderS Wilson S Chupadero J Gaiety Laomedon 173SG Wtlbinu Ah 2 411 slop 19 137 1 C G C 0 G41II Tansey 0 Jnvercnce TAfrican Laomedon 10149 Dufrcriu AbaS lOIfast 15 103 i 7 7 7 ° rn Watts 7 Harette UneleDick ItuckThomus 15033 Windsor Ci f 100 fast SO lOKJ 7 7SIR 557 7 ° i W War on 7 Theslercs RuliIfOn II Luther LutherBy SIR L JOE b g 3 97 9717tt3 By Campus Josie Ledi G V Scott 17tt3 laurel 5X f l07fast fid 107 11 1114S77 14 11 13l IS19 It Shilling 15 Maygueen Meelicka Uneleliryn 14S77 Conght 5S l02fast 30 114 i iH4T 7 4 4i 51S1K Shilling l Carbide King Hamburg Kazan H4T Wdbine 4S f 55 fast 5S 112 3 4 5 5l 7 7s s K Shilling 7 Kfltan Allen Stir Up Starcress 14359 Wdbinc 41 I 54fast 75 112 5 5KING G G CJ G15JR Shilling 8 Crystal Ethan Allen Ormulu OrmuluBy KING COTTON b c 4 107 10717S10 By FiliBranc Lady Augusta S Doyle 17S10 Milkrest 1 110 153 fast 23 112 S 5 S S S II Watts X King Uadford Thos Hare Cole 17755 Ilillcrest 0 f 125 fast 10 112 5 7 7 7 ° riiH Watts l Sykesie Kyrene Itombay Itombayj 17721 Ilillcrest 1 110 154 fast 20 109 1 117Gt j 9 9 91 N Foden Daliomev 15oy Coe larn Dance 17Gt Ilillcrest Ab3S 102 fast 12 115 l 9 9 910 O Grand J CJ Weaver Itombay Tew May 17336 Dorval Im70y 150 fast 20 105 I 44 4 4i 2U K Ambrose 5 Strife Mazurka Irish Heart 17107 Dorval 31 l10fast 50 H3 1 4 0 Oi 0 K Acton 7 Ajax Airisa Itrdin 10709 Conglit 5J f l12 slow 40 102 2 0 7 8 S = ° G AV Carll Trap Aprisa King Chilton 10201 Duffciin Ab5S 101 fast S 114 7 716U 9 t 917 II Watts TFlanigan WFilzged Coostcr 16U Duffcrln A15S l00fast 7 110 7 0 o3 H Watts General Tom Flanigan Coostcr 1523S Haiuloii 1 110 Il9jfiist 20 105 4 4First G G 0 G G13 O VanDun G S Alpha Collector GciiIIcnLcdi GciiIIcnLcdiBy First start for the following CAIN CHASER 1 m 5 105 105MAXIM By Otis ChaWis F J Pons MAXIM BELLE br f 3 95 95LAV By Golden Maxim Belle of Oakley R Davies LAV ANA b f 4 105 105Also By Dick Welles Mary Lavana H Bcnsinscr Also eligible to start should any of the above lie scratched scratchedBy ALICE K b f 4 105 1052015I By Prince Hamburg Pink H S Kearney 2015I Pi nlico 34 lifast 20 103 1 3 4 41 10 A Ilanoverl K ily SWJohnson MMcGiggle 20103 II leGcc 5 f lU7Vfcfast 12 107 2 2 2 21 S = JII HammerlO Polarius Singsong M McGigglo 20012 H leGce 34 l141fcfast 100 103 5 1113 II12 H llainmcrl Hreakers Royalty Shrewsbury 12571 Ja nesn 51 f lOSfast f 0 103 10 0 7 S1 OiAV Doyle 11 Flatbush Itergamot Ind Arrow ArrowG 12540 Ja nesn 34 l10ifast 100 107 S G G Gi G W Doyle 11 Undercover G Prime U Around AroundBy ANXIETY ch c 3 100 By Electioneer Little Em A Turney 20LI3 Pinilico 5fast 2S5 112 3 2 2 2s 23 T llicc TothMorng Primary Gammn ISIIO HdcGce 5i f loSgood 10 103 7 3 3J 4C A Schugrl Nin Simplex Carlone Cl Haven 1S122 HdcGco 5J f 110 hvy 3 313 2 5 3 2 21 W Andress Hoscoe Goose Deviltry Volant ICTS Pinilico 31 111 fast 10 109 10 10 10 S3 SUAV Andress 11 Herbt Temple Volant Carlone 1S3IO Latonia 51 f l07J fsist SO 112 2 11 11 11 = HiF Keogh K5 Dundreary Koxy Griff Resign 1S2S1 Latonia 5 107 fast 112 10S 10 G G S2 1212 J Smyth lo Converse Tokay Aunt Josic