Douglas Park Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1915-05-26


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DOUGLAS PARK FORM CHART LOUISVILLE KY TUESDAY MAY 25 1015 Third day Douglas Park Jockey Club Spring Meeting of lo days Weather cloudy first hree races wet last four Price Presiding Judge W II Shelley Starter Harry Morrissey Kaeing Secretary Edward Jasper 30 p 111 Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 34 Mile 11G17 110 3 5 127 000 Added 5yearolds and up ¬ 2O46O ward Selling Net value to winner 400 second 124 third AWtPPSt Ji Sir Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt v3 93 7 41 21 lu M Garner II Oots OotsI3 890100 w 3 91 S I3 I5 23 R UrquhrtK J OConnell 00100 3 34 3s A Mott W II Harris Harris2h 415100 2h 41 4 E Pool J N Mounce 2050100 iiifi I ADY IOUERS w 3 101 1 7 S 7 61 5h E Martin W P Reunion 12250100 v GRUMPY w 3 1001 4 2 41 5J 51 61 F RobinsnJ T Hughes 5750100 TrrtwHiMS w3 ll G 6 5U fi 7 7 K LapailleJ Umensetter 5155100 M PLEASURVILLE WlJ 3 U3 2 5 7 S S S F Judy J W Schorr 1875100 uji J Tiiiic 23 47j 112 Track fast 2 miituels paid Betterton 19SO straight 470 place 2 o show Carrie Orme 270 place 5 i show Liidv Jan Gray 270 show FdHivaient bookin odds Betterton 890 to 100 straight 1IJ5 to 100 place 4o to 100 show Carrie CarrieOrmc Ormc o5 to 100 platx 10 to 1K show Lady Jane Gray 5 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g b Cederstrome Diamond Flush trained by 1 E Steward Vnt to post at 2 At post 1 minute Start goyd and slow Won driving second and third thirdtin tin BEhKU ON was forced hack at the start but gained steadily and got up to win in the thela siiiie la t Vtrides of a game finish CAKRIE OUMK set a fast pace and only lost because weakly ridden riddeniii iii thi iinai drive LADY JANE GRAY showed speed and finished gamely WILD BLAR ran fairly well wellVUV VUV iner was tnterwl for 400 no hid Ladv Jane Gray 2 pounds Lady Powers i Grumpy 4 c VA f 1 SECOND RACE 4 12 Furlongs 11111 11111VjIJttO VjIJttO L Maidens Fillies Selling Net value to winner 51O ecoim iii mini AWtPPSt Vt A W Str Fin Owners v 107 1 1 M Garner J L Holland i loo loo21T100 v 112 11 G 2 = C Ganz K R Bradley 21T100 ATKIN v 107 9 6 3 F RohinsnW Gerst Gerst4k 247100 0327MISS YACA v 112 10 7 4k L Gentry T J G II Clay Clay5n HiST100 YACATROUT TROUT FLY v 112 32 5n E Pool G M Ilendrie Ilendrie6t 174100 174100f1440100 MISS SLEETI W 112 5 3 6t J McCabe P Slccth f1440100 f14401004CO100 19823 73 T McTagtShannon Haggard HaggardS 4CO100n5 4CO100 WB 112 69 S = R Goose J Livingston LivingstonI1 n5 ioo iooo270100 I1 A Pease A P Metz o270100 w 112 4 It 7i 10 lOl C DishmonF Hcnncssy w 112 S 10 10 11 11 A Mott W L Lewis tMiItuel field Time 23 48 5425 Track fast mutuels paid Impressive S straight 420 place ijuOO show Bessie N 20 place alO show show3Iib 3Iib 3IibnMlfviKnt nMlfviKnt oliluj dds Impressive J513 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 05 to 100 show Bessie N 1M Place 55 to 100 show Mi s Atkln i5 to lot show showVii Cii f by HilariousHester trained by R D Williams Vii ler uviii to lio t at 05 At post minutes Start good and sltw Von easily second and third the thes IMPRKSSIVK away forwardlv showed high speed in paceinaking all the way and won in a canter canteriVi s iVi mi jii V Hashed into closest pursuit in the first quarter but was easily held safe MISS ATKIN ran a sVi i YCV tinislied well TROFT FIA was forced back at the start mid closed a good gap UOSK UOSKTI TI I nTTF liad a stormv race The winner entered for 100 was bid up to 705 and bought in ini i Y Yi i 202730noti 107 v f n TH1KD RACE 1 116 Miles 8013 141 105 000 Added JycaroIds and up ward Selling Net value to winner 485 second 121 third i s Owners Equiv Od Strt Wr 4 100 4 1 45 31 2a 1 = I3 F RobinsnE P Parsons 205100 To IXCOT n 3 W 2 6 6 6r 4h 2 Z R TTrquhrtC Straus 935100 r i nnTjnlE F wnr 10S 3 2 6 6 r 3 C DishmonP J Miles I9S5100 Vr DULWEBER y 3 02 6 3 2i 2in 4 5 4 4 M Garner Weber Ward Wardli 275100 n VOPLEMAX wr 3 m r 4 1 li 3h r r K UipailleW G YanUe 050 1OO ii Tt vilD lUJ BVLL UAI I ivsn410 v 1 3i 2 11 6 6 E Pool J N Monnce 535100 2 mutuels paid Idith W 10 straight 450 place P10 show Raincoat 7 place 400 VEHdvlVeLiit iwoklng odds Edith W 205 to 100 straight 125 to 100 place 55 to 100 show Raincoat ve veto Cordie F 210 to 100 show to 00 Ydace 1IJO to 100 show Winner Ch f by Uncle Dicker trained by E B Parsons Went to iR st at I5 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third tht same EDITH W was saved under restraint to the last quarter then came away and won with speed in reserve RAINCOAT came from a long way back and finished fast from a slow beginning COKDIK F also finished fast from a slow lgiiiiiing MABEL 1HTLVEBER quit in the stretch HARD BALL and NOBLEMAN also quit The winner entered for 400 was bid up to SHM and taught by F D Weir WeirScratched Scratched 204iiMiss Thorpe 107 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile 11017 110 5 127 700 Added ward Handicap Net vain to winner 580 second 118 thin AWtPPSt i V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 203 3 = PRIXCE HERMIS I2RMIS w ws 5 112 2 4 2 = 2 21 Il E Pool L Marion MarioniSIIJY 145100 20404 MARS CASSIDY iSIIJY w Wt3 t 3 l 96 6 1 3 li 111 i 11 M Garner J W Schorr SchorrGHES 1070100 20378 GROV HUGHES GHES 7107 3 5 4 3 3 3 ° W W TlorJ Unieiisetter ilO100 20104 OTHELLO 4 410S 10S 5 2 su p js jt j McCabe J W Goldblatt GoldblattIMAN 20 74TIIE NORMAN IMAN w t 4 104 4 46 G 6 5s 5 ° A Mott E P Elkins ElkinsiNEY 15102 BLACK TONEY iNEY w i 4 116 6 61 1 5 o 6 G C Ganz R Bradley Time 23s 485 114 Track muddy 2 nutuels paid Prince Hermis 40o straight t20 place 250 show Mars Cassidy S O place i 1500 si ow Grover Hughes 80 show E i ivalcnt looking odds Prince Ilcrmi 145 to 100 straight 00 to 100 place 25 to 100 show Mars Cassidy yi5 to 100 place 80 to 100 show G rover Hughes 0 to 100 show showWii Wii ner Ch h l y Hermis Crimea trained by L Marion MarionWe We it to post at 403 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing PRINCE HERMIS followed MARS CASSIDY closely and under urging drew out decisively in the last eighth MARS CASSIDY showed the most early speed and favored by the soft track ran a good race 0 ROVER HUGHES heId on fairly well in the limil drive OTHELLO showed speed but quit THE NOR ¬ MAN was badly outpaced BLACK TONEY ran K orIy The race was run in a heavy downpour Eiiniv Odds Strt 20JOOBRWNEYED KATE v 100 13 132040ELLISON 1 = C Ganz K R Bradley 2040ELLISON v 115 G 1 1203773SOUTHN 2s It Goose J F Schorr OT100 203773SOUTHN LEAGUE v 102 5 4 2h 2 3 = 3 ° B Ott F Peyton CSTlOO 20357 = SALi VANITY v 109 3 5 4 4 = 4 ° ltt E Martin L II Baxter ILTIOO 20357 MISSION BELL A 100 2 2 31 51 5 5i J McCabe II II Hewitt 5irm 20357 LITTLE SISTER v 101 4 G 6 G G 6 W AndrcssGallaher Bros JJir100 JJir100Time Time 24 49 102 Track muddy 2 mutnrls paid Browneyed Kate 2150 straight 010 pkicu 100 sliow Ellison 200 place 240 show Southern League 140 show Equivalent looking odds Browneyed Kate 975 to 100 straight 205 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Ellison 0 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Southern LcaLiie 120 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Helmut Miss Ringlets trained by C Hamilton HamiltonWent Went to post at 44 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving BROWNEYED KATE away fast and favored by the going showed great sp ed and easily held KILlSON safe in the last sixteenth ELLISON from a slow beginning came with a rush in the stretch AGUE raced well up all the way SAL VANITY was away slowly LITTLE SISTER was never prominent ni RACE 34 Mile 11017 110 5 127 000 Added 4yearolds and up ward Selling Net value to winner 510 second i0 third S74 9i Str Fin Jockeys Owners 20404 = HELEN BARBEEwn 7 110 4 2 1J 1 = 1 1 ° W MeehanR J Mackenzie 20353 BOH HENS LEY W 4 Itt 5 1 31 2i 2J 2 ° A Neylon J Livingston 20374 KORFHAGE w 4 107 2 3 4 Sil 31 3i C DishmonW Bruce 20373 RATINA w4 US 3 4 53 J M Garner J F Schorr 775100 7751002iioioo 1708 CHILTON KING WH G 107 7 5 713 5 = 51 5U II Goose Bills t Koerner Koerner6i 2iioioo 178 03SIST FLORENCE wn C 101 S G 6i 61 G 6 C Jones C E Rogers 20399 = OHAGAN vn 4 109 1 9 9 7i 7b D Stirling Af A Colton Colton2i 20314 ALTAMAHA w 7 109 9 7 2i 71 S 81 W J OBnT J Prowu ProwuS 19313 FATHOM w 4 109 68 S S 9 9 E Pool J Lowe Time 24 48 114 Track muddy 2 mutuels paid Helen Barbec 380 straight 320 place 250 show Bob Hensley 050 place 390 show Korfliage 2t0 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Helen Barbec 90 to 100 straight CO to 100 place 25 to 100 show Boh Hensley 225 to 100 place 95 to KM show Korfhage 45 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch m by Peep oDay Lady Bramble trained by J D Adkins AdkinsWent Went to rost at 505 At iost 5 minutes Start bad and slow Won easily second the same third driving HELEN BARBEE seemingly outclassed the others in the going mid won all the way as her rider pleased BOB II1SNSLEY moved into second place in the first quarter and was best C the others KORFHAGE under hard urging finished fast RATINA tired in the going OHAGAN and FATHOM were practically left at the post The winner was entend for 1200 no bid bidScratched Scratched 20ir 3IroH 109 20105 First Degree 111 20312 Justice Gocbel 108 108Overweights Overweights Altamaha 2 pounds OO1 A A SEVENTH RACE 1 18 Miles 14387 151 1 104 000 Added 3year ilds and up jJ tJJ ward Selling Handicap Net value to winner 485 second 121 third SOI 2 0405 BONANZA wn 6 116 33 21 2 li 1 1 R Small M Qiiinn 45100 20401 ANY PORT w 7 103 2 G G Gi 31 3 2f D Stirling K B McCargo OSO100 20405 BRYNLIMAH wn 5 101 1 3 4 4s 5s 4 35 E Pool J Lowe l01t0 l01t02022C 2022C MANASSEH wn G 1011 4 4 1 li 2s 4 C Jones C K Rogers 2SI10 20303 STAR ACTRESS w 5 101 6 1 33 31 41 51 = 5 = W Median P M Civill 1505lin 1505lin2025C3EXPECTAT1ON 2025C3EXPECTAT1ON w 4 101 G 2 51 6 6 6 G A Mott W L Lewis 1025100 1025100Time Time 24 49 115 143 150 Track muddy 2 mutual paid Bonanza 2K straight 200 place 230 show Any Port 100 place 290 show Riynlimah 320 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Bonanza 45 to 100 straight 30 to 100 place 15 to 100 show Any Port 100 to 100 place 45 to 100 show Brvnlimali 00 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Broomstick Opliirdalu trained by J Reed ReedWent Went to post at 530 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third drivin BONANZA in the going outclassed the others and won hard held ANY PORT closed a good gap and held on gamely in the stretch drive BRYNL1MAH finished fast after taring much ground on the last turn MANASSEH tired after showing the most early spued The winner entered for 1200 was bid up to 2105 and liought in inScratched Scratched 20402 Old Ben 110 110Overweights Overweights Manasseli 1J pounds

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Local Identifier: drf1915052601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: