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BELMONT PARK FORM CHART NEW YORK TUESDAY MAY 25 1915 Fifth day Wcstchester Racing Association Spring Meeting ot IS days Weather clear OOl f T II ST HACK 34 Mile Main Course 57017 111 1 117 400 Added year iwztO i olds and upward Selling Net value to winner SI570 second 7 third index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jocke 20008 I3LLA HKYSON w 7 117 7 3 1 I1 I1 I J Drcycr R P Carman S 10 10 4 S5 20247 MINSTREL wis 3 107 6 2 1 2J 211 22 T Nolan W D Mitchell 3 31 3i Go 12 1220873CHliSTI2KTON 20873CHliSTI2KTON wis 3 10G 30 5 3 t 3 3 = W Lilluy J MacManus u 0 2 1 120X07 20X07 BHOOMLEAF w 3 103 5 4 3i G G ° 43 M Buxton L S Thompson 4 5 1351 12 20387 ETIIAN ALLEN wit 3 100 1 1 4U 4 4i o2 AV Ural R T Wilson 1i 4 31 6512 15701 TAMIHA w 3 9S 2 5 G3 5l ul C L Steward J IHitler G 8 1 1i G5 G5ELI ELI C w 3 111 4 7 7 7 7 7 G Corey O C Rasch 40 100 100 40 15 15Time slowWinner Time 13 25 S1 49 lOI1s 115 Track slow Winner Ch in by Juvenal Graziosa trained by H F Ca man manWent Went to post at 235 At jujst 4 minutes Start good an 1 slow Won driving second and third the same ELLA BHYSON raced into a quick lead and saved groi nil on the turns but tired and was driving hard at the end M1NSTHEL meed In closest pursuit of the le der and finished resolutely but swerved out slightly which evidently cost him tho race CHESTEHTON i loved up resolutely while rounding the last turn and was forced wide when entering the stretch but responded gamely to punishment BHOOMLKAF finished fast ETHAN ALLEN showed speed but tired The winner was entered for 400 no bid bidOverweights Overweights Minstrel 2 pounds SECOND HACK 5 12 Furlongs Straight 74858 101 97 Littleneck Handicap 500 Added 3yearolds Net value to winner 400 second 100 third 50 StrFn Jockeys Owners O H C P S 20295 T O TH MORNGwit 111 1 1 V 1J I1 11 M Duxton F Johnson Johnson3i 3 4 1651 2o 1 690 THE FINN w 114 5 3 320407GLOAMING 3i 2i lh L = X G Byrne H C Hallcnbcck 3 G 5 S5 3G 20407GLOAMING Wit 07 3 5 4 4 3s 3 J McCahcyR T Wilson G 10 10 4 32 10590 2KASKASKIA w 11G G 4 418179HANSON 21 3 k 42 4J j Loftus Oneck Stable StableG 2 2i 11545 13 18179HANSON wit 102 4 G G 5 5l 5 H Sumter S L Parsons Parsonsa 343125 20157 POLARIUS wit 03 2 2 a G G G P Lewder D Gideon 20 30 lu 5 S5 Time 105 Track slow slowWinner Winner Ch c by Peep oDay Lady Balgowan trained by C T Patterson PattersonWent Went to jiost at 308 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow Won handily second and third driv ¬ ing TOP O TIP MOHNING raced into the lead at once and set a fast pace throughout drew away when challenged and won with speed in reserve THE FINN was bumped after going the first quarter and mad a game effort in the last eighth but tired and was probably short GLOAMING ran a good race and held the others readyScratched safe KASKASKIA showed speed and tired as if not ready Scratched 2027r 2High Noou 118 20388Pixy 103 ISlKJOMloyalMartyr 100 lM3223Huncs 102 20027 Th Masquerader 105 OOl AQ TIIIUI HACK G 12 Furlongs Main Course 71401 117 1 121 500 Added J kJy 4yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 400 second 100 It Vt V Sir Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 17849s YANK NOTIONS wit 5 HIS 31 I2 1Jl2 1i G Byrne Oneck Stable 7ull52 out out20850TOP 20850TOP HAT w 5 110 1 3 3 3 3 2 E Dugan A Uclmont S 12 G 1 201432IIESTER PRYNNE w 5 111 2 2 21 2 2k 3 J McCaheyR T Wilson 7101G 3Dout Time 11 23 35 47 100 113 l205 Track slow slowWinner Winner Ch h by Yankee Fairie Queen trained by W II Karrick KarrickWent Went to post at 3 8 At post 2 minutes Start good aud slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing YANKEE NOTIONS went to tho front at once and raced into a big lead while rounding the turn but was taken back and saved for a final effort then drew aWay under an energetic ride TOP HAT saved ground on the turns and closing up steadily under punishment outstayed HKSTKIl PHYNNH The latter raced under slight restraint aud moved up menaclnirlj iftcr cMciIng the stretch but tired hi the final eighth eighthScratched Scratched lS511FlittcrgoId 121 20207 = AndreW 111 111Overweights Overweights Top Hat 4 pounds Ofl T C IOUHTH ItACE 1 116 Miles 9530 144 5 120 Garden City Selling Handicap aWtt i J 500 Added 3ycarolds and upward Net value to winner 400 second 100 100third third 50 i Str Fir Jockeys Owners O II P S 20309 BLUB THISTLE wit G 113 3 1 I1 1s I2 1 = I2 G Byrne II G Ilallenbeck 75 5 85 12 out 203093CLIFF FIELD w 4 10G 4 2 38 22 2s 2s 2 = M Buxton L J Carey 4 4 1S3J5 out out203092AMALFI 203092AMALFI wi 7 110 1 4 4 4 4 31 3 = J McCahcyR T Wilson 75 S5 32 25 out 20439 SPEARHEAD wsn 4 101 2 3 2i 3 3i 4 4 J P Ityan E K Cassatt G 12 12 3 out Time 24 48 113 140 147 Track slow slowWinner Winner B g by Blues Wild Thistle trained by E W HelTner HelTnerWent Went to Hst at 407 At post 1 minute Start uood and slow Won easily second and third driving BLlE THISTLE took the lead at once and after being rated in front under slight restraint in ihe early miming drew away hi the stretch with speed in reserve CLIFF FIELD was hard ridden while rounding the last turn and made a game effort but could never get up AMALFI dropped back shortly after tin start then closed a big gap aud ran a good race SPEARHEAD ran well fur threequarters The winner was entered for 1200 no bid fft fT I FIFTH RACE About 2 Miles 10005 100 5 153 Eighteenth Running Interna yVtt I JL tional Steeplechase Handicap 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value valueto to winner S1305 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtP AWtPPSt 3 5 0 1 18387 = tBLANTCEiNI5URG w 5 152 2 2C3110SHNXON 7 21 2i S3 iu H II WillmsA Barklie 5 10 S 3 Sft SftG C3110SHNXON RIVERws 7 147 3 4 31 4l I1 2k 23 W Allen R Parr ParrG G 10 8 3 S5 S52i 20371 M1SSION w G 152 5 5203712SYOSSET 2 I2 1J 2J 3 3 W Booth A Belmont BelmontG 2i 4 1G5GD 35 203712SYOSSET ws G 111 4 5 7 Gs G = 4t 410 B Hayncs L Jacobs 10 10 S 3 S5 S52X 2ai7KlNTORE 4 140 G G 5i 5s 4l 510 51 T Tuckey T Hitchcock 2X 3 1351 12 20808 INDIAX ARROW w 4 130 G B Bryant H W Sage 30 50 50 20 10 20371 FLANDERS w G 142 S S 43 3 = O2 G 7 V Powers Greentree Stable 3 3 1151 12 17531 ARCTURUS w 3 130 1 3 Fell H McAfee J L Coyle 30 50 50 20 10 10fAddod fAddod starter Time 420 Track slow slowWinner Winner B g by Knight Errant Magna Charta trained by S Veitch VeitchWent Went to post at 437 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same BLANKENBUHG after being a forward contender from the start responded gamely when called on and outstayed SHANNON RIVER in the final drive SHANNON RIVER raced into the lead in the tiiiiil half but tired under pressure in the final eighth MISSION fenced in good fashion and set a fast pace but tired from too much use SYOSSET ran a creditable race KINTOHE tired tiredScratched Scratched 2C71 Ballybav 150 20217 Ilandsallround 135 fA FT O SIXTH RACE 4 12 Furlongs Straight 74850 51 2 112 Purse 400 2yearolds ltt I Maidens Selling Net value to winner 300 second 70 third 30 AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 20108 HIGH HORSE w 112 7 3 3w I2 1 I3 E Dugan A Bchnont BchnontS 8u 5 75 35 11 2002t LILY HEAVENS w 103 4 S Sw S 51 2t C Fbther M J Leonard S 10 S 3 S 20291 BESSLIEN w 103 S 7 7wii 72 4l Snk J McCaheyll I Pratt PrattW 4 5 ti 75 35 2005 JERRY JR wii 100 5 5 5w W GX tj D Steward J II Loucheim 20 30 30 10 5 2i590 = MISS PHILBIN w 103 1 2 2wi 52 G Byrne ilrsJMcLaughlin 10 20 15 G 2010G KELTIC wi 107 G G Gw G1 7s CJ C Turner J Butler G S 7 2J G5 G520121BROOM 20 20121BROOM 121 BROOM CORX w 100 2 1 3J 2i 710 W Lilley G A Cochran 10 12 S 3 85 20291 SUSAN CONSTANT wit 105 3 4 4l S S M Buxton F Johnson G S S 3 S5 S5Time Time 54 Track slow slowWinner Winner Br e by Hastings Hautesse II trained by S C Illldreth IllldrethWent Went to post at 500 At ost 4 minutes Start good and slow Won cantering second and third driv ¬ ing HIGH HOUSE ran as if he outclassed his opiKisition drew away early and was only cantering at tl iiish LILY HEAVENS closed a big gap from a slow beginning and outstayed BESSLIEN The latter began slowly but closed up ground and linlshrd resolutely JEKKY JH finished gamely and close up MISS PHILI5IN and BHOOM COHN showed snecd but tired The winner was entered for 70 no bid