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Douglas Park Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday May 26 26WEATHER WEATHER WET TRACK HEAVY FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Colts and Gcldinss Soiling 11017 110 Jf 5 127 Index Course Dist TlmcTckOdds Wt St i A Sir Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy MEX b s 3 107 By Mexican Eastern Shore F D Weir 20371 Churchill 34 l13good 413 DO 11 5 71 685 R Urquhrtll The Norman Izzetby Iiliy Joe 20312 Churchill 34 l12fast 10 93 2 2 2 1 22 U Urquhrtll ITuduuntcd Gnisnicro Colic 20255 Churchill 34 l13fast 10 103 8 4 43 3 = 1 D Stirling 1L Uilly oe Izzutlwy Jrccian 201 IS Iexgton 34 l13fast 225 Jt 7 3 Si 53J 15 Marco 10 Altiuiiliu Olln au Izactliuy 20092 Lexgton 34 I12y3fast 20 t5 2 2 2J 21 B Jlarco 11 UUartler San Vega KoMlunsliy 20063 Lexgtoil 34 114 Rood 20 6 fia 5 B Marco llocnir DrCarinmi TlioNorniaii 19949 Juarez El f l03fast 5 519SS2 5 7 = 71 B Marco S Inipcrator K Wortli Koottnay 19SS2 Juarez 5J f l05fast 5 2 2s 2J B Marco 5 Scnoca Kootcnay King Worth 19762 Juarez 34 113 fast 3 3LANGHORNE 1 1s I2 B Marco 8 Inez Casalia Maznik MaznikBv LANGHORNE br c 3 Bv Oddfellow Nuns Cloth S M Henderson 20399 Douglas 34 115 mud la la203G3 1 2 li A Mott r OlIasJin Cliarimuisu riuasillu 203G3 Churchill 34 l15mud 6J 103 9 11 11 II5 D Stirling 14 Amazon CiiiiDcliviTv Cir Ormc OrmcS C2S1 Cliurchill 34 113 fast 31 311 301 9 S 61 6 = 1 A Mott 11 Deposit Acis Cusiion Delivery 20061 Lexgton 34 115 slow 12I9S15 12 I0f 3 32J 5 G 63 K Carter 1 Uilly Joe Droll Salon I9S15 Juarez 5J l07fast 2J 2J197G2 2J 110 1 4 SJ 3J1 G Moles th 7 lAJonos MOIlpii M Dwcbr 197G2 Juarez 34 l12fast 5 99 3 3 45 4 = 1 A Mott 10 Kiva 1ontcfract Kilrn Adams 19740 Juarez 5 51 f 106 fast 3 103 2 5 4 = 433 J Mctcalf 7 Osaple JosolinaZarate Lackrose I9o35 Juarez 51 t l05fast 4 45i 110 1 2 221 3J W W Tlor 7 Yallaha Sinai Tyjic 19190 Juarez 5i f 106 fast 3 113 1 1 1 11 T Rice S MDulwchor ISAJones Ycssun 19131 Juarez 58 l02 good 2J 113 3 41 in J McCabe 1 CliarWard JSpolm ISAJoiius ISAJoiiusBy BLACKTHORN b g 3 104 By Broomstick Marerique M A Colton 20403 Douglas Im70y l4Smud 10 S71 3 2 5 5 5 4s U Urqulirt 7 llonaiiza TUianloii Thtrcadcr 3353 Cliurchill lm70yl4Gslow 4710 211 1 2 2 ° J Sloan S MDulweber Gallloy Lackrosi 20332 Cliurchill 1 116 l46fast 28 S9 1 1 3 3 3 3n R Urqulirt 7 The Cradcr 15 Candlo G 1ost 20314 Churchill 1 116 147 fast 141 92 1 1 1 12028B 2 3s 37i II UrqhartlO TLnuIs KdlthW MDulwelnr 2028B Churchill 1 116 l46fast 463 100 1 1 1 2 6Z 61 W Lilley la Stal Helen Christie M Morn 20251 Churchill 34 l13fast 195 108 3 2 3 S 8 = 1J Butwell 11 Maznik Manioc SiiDerliiniuin 20199 Lexgton 31 l13fast 8720 99 3 1 1 IJ 1i W Lilley 15 Koyal Tea Edith W I5ol K 19323 NOrlns 34 l13Vffast 8 110 3 1 1 li 33J C Turner 12 Noliloiuun F llolon S MrCcc 19221 NOrlns 1 l40fast 75 107 4 1 1 2 4i D13 C Turner 8 LndySpiritnoIIc IMIunu KKinc 19156 NOrlns 1 l40fast 10 107 1 1 1 1 I1 2 C Turner 7 Fly Home Nobleman Mallard Mallard3y HOOS HOO ch e 3 107 3y Ormondalc Graziella F J Kcllcy 2036 Churchill 1 l42mud 14 1U7 7 7 6 8 9 C DishnionlO Fleetalielle U lullrest Grtville 20310 Churchill 1 116 147 fast S2 10310 9 J 7 71 91510 Dishnionl Manioc First Venture Tvpe 20252 Churchill 34 l13fast 9i 10SJ12 9 G TvpeG 6J 6i W W Tlor ir XkilisKimh Wtrown Aliiiinurs 202211 Churchill 1 11G 147 fast 103 103 4 3 6 8 8 Ss C Dishinon S Iravc I5iickKeenou Thtrwulcr 1S313 Latonia 31 l12fast 4D IOTJ 4 2 3s 3 = 1 J Mctcalf 3 Wlilssom One Step Roval II 1S264 Latonia 51 f l07Cast 21 106 11 7 7 10 10 J J Metcalf 11 Cardigan Simspt Itilly Joe 1S1 Latonia 5i f lOSfast i 109 4 G 4 41 2 J Mctcalf 12 Roynl II Syrian Mox 1S128 Latonia 5i f 107 fast fid 10T 3 2 2 Rnt BJ J MOlie 12 Cardigan W Crown CIi t rton 172S6 Loxgton 51 f 108 fast 61 106 7 7 7 LridorB Pool 7 Type B anil Mortar TcfrKoIerta TcfrKoIertaBy MALABAR b g 3 104 By Peter Quince Berry Maid J W May 3371 Churchill 31 l13good fld liu 10 11 11 11 lOMW Mcehanll The Norman Ixxcllicy Hilly J i 20232 Churchill 1 116 l46fast 157 101 6 7 7 7 7 GW Meehan 7 T Grader It Candle Wkihoni 202S4 Churchill 31 113 fast fld 102 S 7 7 91 101W Median 12 Deposit Acis Cash on Delivery 18290 Latonia 51 f l07fast 15 107 8 6 61S12S 41 4 F Murphy 11 Chesterton Ijamltoo Lit String 1S12S Latonia 51 f 107 fast 6 107 9 7 717W6 7 S 712JO Dislimon12 CardiKin W Crown Clicstcrtwi 17W6 Church 1 51 f lOShvy 15 infi 5 4 8 Sh S Sn = n O Dishmon 12 I5IIy Joe 15 ISrolliir ClicsKrloii 17909 Church 1 34 l14Rood 13 106 2 1 1l7S6 r lt Dismnonlt Gold Grl Its Itrotliur ISillvJoe l7S6 Church 1 51 f 107 mud 12J 107 4 3 2 4 41 C Dislunon S DCarmen GooKoesch Kedlatnl 17613 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 16 10610 10 J 9s S3 J Smytli 10 Amazon Goo Koosch LitStriii 17171 Douglas 61 f 107 fast 32 107 9 10 11 11 11 = 0JF Keogh 11 Liberator Vogue Aunt Josie NNYKOCK b c 3 103 By Rock Sand Pockotpicco C L Carroll 55 Churchill 31 l13fast fld 110 2 6 3 = 5s J Butwell lli Hilly Joe Izzetbey Mex 20043 HdcGce 34 l13fast 40 116 2 3 5 53 7 J J Mclntro 7 Mennrinm Tarzan T Tvbody 19937 Bowie 1 l41fast 135 98 3 1 1 1 I li A Collins r Kof Iove Flyllome IiiMlliper 19911 Bowie 34 115 fast 1310 105 G 4 4I901G G 45 3 = 1 A Collins S StLazenan Frllelcn Kni rsctle I901G Bowie 78 l2Sgood S5 95 6 3 4 41S720 4 5s riS A Collins i Jo Deil oId Lochiel IlarrvSlia 1S720 Charlen 51 f 110 slow 2 102 2 3 3IS3R6 2 2 in II Shilling S J P Ilarrell Carlone FHelt IS3R6 Chnrlen 51 f l08fast 5 10 1 1 3 3IS1C6 2 22 1U R Shilling 11 Stubborn Iloctogrnph M Cpbdl IS1C6 HdeGce 34 l14fast G 107 7 4 3 3k s = j H Laffertyl2 Mamie K Meeilcka Surgeon 18436 HdcGco 34 115 good 146 107 G 2 21842S 2 2k 2l M Buxton 11 Minstrel Meolicka Aimoo Losli 1842S HdeGce 51 f l09 slow 4 112 1 1 1G 1 1J 14 R Troxler 17 Iale D of Dunbar Lady Bryn BrynBy G W KISKER br 3 105 By Singrlotpn Miss Peggy L Jacobi 19316 NOrlns 51 f l07fast S 107 7 6 7 71 7 = 1 L Ilailey 14 Dare Devil Jellorsin S McGee 19217 NOrlns 51 f 1 07 fast 20 106 G 1 1 I1 31 L Bailey 12 Page White Mallard JetTersoa 15952 NOrlns 51 f 106 fast 40 106 7 8 5 63 61A Pickcns Kstimable Fly iroino Phil T 15953 NOrlns 34 l15 good SO 109 5 10 12 12 129J A Pickens 32 ISlaiktliorn Pied Piper lluh 1S09S Latonia 51 f 108 fast fld 109 9 11 11 11 II10 C Gross 12 Pamboo Dundreary Osmonde OsmondeBv LONG REACH b K 3 107 Bv Out of Reach Sister Molly E B Elkins 20375 Churchill lm70yl4Ggood 33 92 4 G S S S S14 M Garner 8 Itono Hard Hull Ladv Pnncliita 19366 NOrlns Im20y l41fnst 15 93 6 5 5 JtW F116 J ° Kill1v Ollr Uo Cojipcrtow i 19333 NOrlns 1 141 fast 10 103 6 G 5 C ty 11080 F1vo nc WCWest PawWhlfc 19217 NOrlns 5J f 07 fast 4 109 S 6 619ir6 5 r ft c A J X ORnon 12 P White Mallard GWKisker 19ir6 NOrlns 1 l40 ifast 10 103 666 5 S5 CraK rKT rI II ° t Blackthorn Nolle n n 1D132 NOrlns Im20y l43fast 5 100 9 7 8 0 n 9s S = l T McTagrtU Trovito Slieplierdess Udii FnrI 19070 NOrlns 34 l13fast 8 101 7 2 7S UkHK wSlTnnh i2 T011 TNtmac 1S99G NOrlns 51 f 107 fast 6 101 10 11 Iullod TNtmacIullod upW Lilley 11 Mnrtin Casii Rroomsudge Nila 1 90 NOrlns 5S l02 l02fhvy hvy 5 113 5 3 2 3 K Ioo R MFannie M Moitgery Jo I 1SS90 NOrlns 51 f l07good 4 101 6 6 3 2J 2 E Pool 12 THethel MMgomy LSpcllo LSpcllo3v KEN br gr 3 109 3v Contcstor Orderlctto Gallahor Bros 20193 LexRton 34 l13fast 36 100 6 6 7 S JE Martin li Hlatktliorn Hoval Tea KdithW 17113 Douglas 51 f 107 fast 11D 110 S 10 10 10 W AndresslO Amazon Go Koescb Li String 1C9S6 Lexgton 08 l00fast 150 112 5 5 J An ress Ill Cbesterton DCH ri en l 91S Ilainton 34 lllvsfast 44 112 4 2 I F S tvnlrcss ciigro Eiiprcetlc IlaberIash 15824 llamton 51 f lOSfcfast 20 114 3 5 5155R6 G 6J 7 f W Andrews S Aunt Josio An Dei Casaba 155R6 Windsor 51 f 109 fast fi 110 3 1 1 li1 y S ISnrwood ISlaok thorn Tie Pin 15359 FortErie 55 f 107 fast 8 111 4 TAlIIrcss 4 4151S9 i HI RllriV ° Allnt Josi0 Hcpnan nnrwowl 151S9 Ham ton 5i f l09fast 8 112 4 2 2COTTON J 31 5 J Andress 7 Zin Del Energetic Gcrthelnia COTTON TOP b e 3 100 BLTCtVntown JlIiss Doyl ° w R Mizell 19304 NOrlns 1m20y 143 fast 10 96 II 10 II Jl MizellJl Ji 5 SIalTr lr 1 n IIOV MarrliAlontr niirKpn NOrlns 1 116 l46fast 2ft 9S niirKpnK = 1 T 10274 4 r r K r 6 7 Smyth 5 Jo Dlbold Iloltou K of Savoy 19221 NOrlns 1 l4ftfast r 107 S S S S9S S SavoyS S 5J c111 K r S IndySpirltiilie IMIome RKiiv 19141 NOrlns 34 l13fast 20 9S 10 = 6 4 3 J Malier lo irstimable M Kami Jo CIebri 19100 NOrlns Gl f l10hvy 7 ID 7 7 71 Ci K AmlirosIO Porel Iliigh Hap lmrg II IIi 1S953 1SS52 NOrlns NOrlns r i f l tffast 12 10 109 4 7 i g fe Ambrose1 S VTi ii 1S471 HdcCce 5JflOS fast 50 103 7 1S117 HdcGce 5J f lOS good 100 10S 12 BLONDE ch g 3 100 100iOiVJ By Boanerges Statira J T Mahoney iOiVJ Churchill 31 l131ffast fid 107 C C1521C 0 o 5i ri jT Kederis 15 HkilesKimli W Crown Aliumers 1521C Latonia 34 l13 guud 197 113 G 7777 J Henry 7 Delano Alalabar F A Weigle 15079 Latonta Di f l10mud 190 107 S S15Q2G S S 8 SluiG V Carll 8 Langhorne ISAgent Waterproof 15Q2G Latonia oi f l07 = ifast 609 103 9 9ST 10 10 10 10 = G W CarlllO Outlook Resign Katharine G ST LEO b c 3 108 By St Savin The Pot B F Guthrie 10103 Fort Erie 31 lJ5mud 30 103 5 51C037 8 S Si 8 JT Hanover 0 Geo Rocscli Vogue Liudalayne 1C037 Fort Erie 5S l01fast 20 10S 0 015GS 9 9 S2 9 iI Hanover 11 Gold Kov Clynta Carrirf Orino 15GS Windsor 5S l01Vfefast 40 112 4 4 9 11 11 G Gould 11 Jack Carey Scrutineer Resign 15211 Hamton 5S l00fast CO 111 7 7777 = y Andress 7 Kd Crump Crystal Orinulu