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Hello UNIT Boy Thats tlie try I want to hear auil let me tell you the sooner you write me for a Free Copy of THE UNIT tlie sooner you will bo a UNIT Hoy and an Income man I have hail fifteen years experience with my UNIT and I know that it will deliver the roods No matter if you play tips or nof THE UNIT will fill the space you have been trying to till for years Time and again I have ns l othor systems only to go back to my old fritnit THE UNIT Its great and works at the handbook or poolroom just as it does at the track Its my one Ixist bet ami has been all these years Put I am not sellish I want others to enjoy the pood luck I have had I want every player to write for a Free Copy Keep it 0 days at my expense If you are making money then send me 0 If you dont like it after 0 days you dont owe me one cent You are to be the Judge I trust to your honesty Can I do more I know I have the greatest tiling in systems thats why I give you a Free Trial Write today and gut a copy copyWALTER WALTER DUNNING 157 East 47th St New York City