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THIRD RACE 34 Mile Main Courso Eearingtown Hiehweight Handicap 3ycarolds and upward 70J7 lU J 147 PHOSPHOR b c 3 128 By Peep oDay Myrtelus S L Parsons 110 nclliiont 31 st 112 mud 920 1 1 I3 I3 J Loftns 7 Half Konk Saratoga DistSIioro S Uelmont 51 f st 105 slop 1310 112 1 I1 12 J Loftus 4 IMxy Spring Hoard Marlon II Churchill 51 f 1 0afast 20 103 0 1 ib II Kntnter S LeorhareH IronMask IliuliNoon 1177 I exgton 1 l11ihvy 2H 10013 li It 1 lutvoll C oldcrcstloy Kinlidory Luther 1 P9 Lexgton 31 112 fast 1120 112 4 1 Il T McTaRt R HainlStnrs CTowor DrVrnici lOfi Saratoga 31 llGSfhvv 4 110 10 11 11 = K Karrlek 11 Kojrrot Andrew M PiOililes 7C1 Rmplre 34 l12Mfast 32 118 3 3ni l = J J llutwell 4 Iollilcs Comely KasUaskia I Empire 51 f 107 good 1fi 104 2 1 1i T Hiitvoll 4 Tinkle liell Miss Frances Vaxa 1 70 Aqueduct 5S G9J fast 32 10S 2 2MEETING 3 I K Karrlek S Pierrot Doublet Miss Frances FrancesBy MEETING HOUSE ch h 5 140 By Voter Noonday Grcehtree Stable Uel Ter Ab 2 fast 14 149 2 2Ii7 3 3 Jleunoy Adventuress Cabaret Ii7 Uelmont 31 l12 fast 31 123 3 I 2J 1 Xotler Clestonlan Y Notions ILIrynno 1 103 FortEvie 34 113 fast 910 1SI 4 2 2 = M Nathan 1 I an Harela Sherwood Horron FortKrie 31 l12fast 2 117 5 5HWj 3 3i M Nathan ft South Maid PunXareln Martian HWj Helmont 34 st l12Vffast 135 129 10 Ir MartianIr lf J Not lor r lt Mk View Figinny Ton 1nJnt 1417 I lmont 34 l12 fast 83 127 9 2 k 21 J Notter 10 Helenllarliee Trnnld ItockVlow 14124 Belmont 31 113 fast 910 123 1 1 I1 J Notter 5 Thoruhlll Naiad Irogresslvu TOP HAT b h 5 107 107tJCJ Bv Hastings Topiary A Belmont tJCJ Uelmont 1 f l204slow 6 110 3 3 2i E Dugan YaiikeoNotlons llesterPrynne lUKO KolTer Ab7S fast 1 119 119llllo 1 K Diigau Ambrose HogerUordon Lukomls llllo Helinont Al 2 419 fast 1310 133 4 3 3Itefi ISoltedU Sthwzr r Astute Ahdon Little llnsh Itefi Hflmont Ab 2 415 fast 7 134 G 4 C llnshC Schwzer J Penobsiot Uallybay Per Picklo 11203 Iimllco 2 355 fast 1120 140 3 G 3 21 S Schwzer i Alerry Task Promoter Abdon 143d Pimllco 2i 4G7fast 20 ISO 1 5 21 2i G Schwzer Kliomb O Dear Itrytulown 14130 Plinllco 2 35Sfast 14 140 10 9 9GLOAMING 0 ° G C Schtzer 11 Component Bryndor Rhomli GLOAMING ch c 3 102 1022016S By Star Shoot Autumn Leaves R T Wilson 2016S IJelmont Hi f st l05slow 10 7 5 3 3i 1 JlcCahcy TothMorn TFiun Kaskaskla 20107 Uelmont 7S l2Smud 20 97 2 2 21S4C2 311JO Watson y Flying Fairy Kazznno 1S4C2 IIdoGce 5J f l07fast 83 100 2 21S353 4 45Ji A Schugr 4 Jirooin Flower Alhena Caellc 1S353 Pimllco 5 f lOS fast S3 113 1 23 I1 J McCahcy S Kagle Sarsenet Protector ProtectorCi 17051 Laurel 5i f 107 fast 6 115 10 10ICfiM Ci C T McCaliev 10 II Junior Hanson Disillusion ICfiM Kclmont 5J f st l0fi fast 115 10S 3 3iCSGS 21 I2 1 McCiihey 0 Hanson Khiiio Maiden M CIrl iCSGS 13elmont GJ f st lOSfast 5 10S 4 41C03S 21 3 J McTngrtlO Spshootrr UMartyr Astrojogpr 1C03S KamtOKa 5i f 107 fast 41 108 5 5159fi8 23 23 J MoTagrtll Kunes White Crown Tory Maid 159fi8 Sartopa Gi f 107 fast C 112 4 21 43J J Butwcll 10 ISarsnudStars Klines Broomleaf BroomleafBy ANDREW ch c 4 118 By Disguisc Half Crown Quincy Stable 20207 Pimlico 34 l11slop 3910 11G t 2 2Ji 1 McCahey l Montresor U Maiden S Board 20157 Pimlico 34 113 fast 35 123 2 2nt 2h J McCahey Hunes Protector Trno as Steel 20143 Pimllco 34 114 fast 1120 110 1 lh 13 J McCahcy r IlPrynnc KMaiden Talerarrler 20107 HdfiOce M C lOCRoo l 05 103 3 3200CO I1 1 J McCahcy Montresor Surprising Ilorron 200CO HdcGcD Ci f 1OG fast 95 115 1 2s 11 J McCahoyll He Will Carloim Deviltry DeviltryBy NOFvSE KING b c 3 109 By Fair Play Nineveh F B Leraaire 20322 Pimllco 1 1S 158 mud 135 lie G 4 0 51S T Rice t IthineMaiden Half liock Rimes 2027 Churchill 1 14 20rifast 40 117 9 5 15 15 1W1 OPnKi Kcgret Pebbles Sharpshooter 20057 ILdeGcc 55 f lOCfast 3i 118 2 3 2l A Schuter 8 Col to LadyTeiesa HerTemple 20027 lldeOce 1J in J McOahey 7 Celto Protector Dinah Do 20017 HcleCJce 5S 53fast fi 1071 G V 1 T HcTagtlS Protector Simplex Sarsenet 1S118 HdeOco 34 115 hvy S 10GJ 4 31 33 M Utixton 0 Borgo loxer Brian Bon 1S375 Pimllco 34 l14fast 6710 100 3 1J I1 1 JlcCaheyi Volant CHIT Haven Babe BabeBy DISTANT SHORE E ch g 3 110 By Yankee Lady Schorr Oneck Stable 20110 Uelmont 34 st 112 mud I fi5 41S3H Sumter 7 Phosphor Half Kock Saratoga 1S13C Uvurel S f l07fast S5 103 3 2l 4 = 3 K Karrick 1 Protector Piillnv Knglt 17932 Laurel 31 l13fast Ti 108 9 3i 33 J Butwell 12 Kllji Iryson Briar Path Trauid 179r laurel 5 f l0fiifast 03101 5 3s 2 K Karrick Headniast Key Mar I Flower 1CIOT Saratoga 34 l14Kood 12 110 T3 f2 J Uutwell 0 Lady liarbary T by Jury Luke 10272 Saratoga 34 l12fast 2 = 25 J Uutwell r High Noon TbyJury Dinah Do 10230 Saratoga li 32i J Butwell 10 Carbnge KMartvr Itand Stars 10119 Saratoga 5J f 107 fast 35 110 2 1 1 = J 15 Marco M Montgomery Mallard Hiker