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Belmont Park Entries and Past Performances for Wednesday May 26 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST FASTFIRST FIRST RACE 1 Mile 4yearolds and upward Selling 1CS70 lnc 117 Index Course Dlst TimeTckOdds Wt St 14 94 Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish WOODEN SHOES ch g 4 1C2 By Burgomaster Breakdown Quincy Stable 2 9 Helinont 1 l10fast 3J iw 2J 31 J McCahey T PI IK Thistle Amalli Astrology 2024 Piinlieo 1110143 fast 2720 109 3 3i E Ambrose Cliir Field Lazuli 201G1 Pimlloo 1 l41fast 10 103 4 4 = 35 1 McCahey Flying Fairy Celto Tactics lMior3 HdcOco Im70yl45 fast 5 51 433 E Ambrose S ClliTFioliI 1rogressive Ixichicl 1KS18 Kyraeusc 1 110 143J fast 12 I5 I4 II Sumter Naiad Golden Prime G31 Saratoga 1 139 fast 5 5 411 J MeCahey ri Hughes Montresor Jawbone irw53 Saratoga 1 l41good 1 3J 4 T McCahoylO Kxecntor Northerner LTravers LTraversBy JAWBONE b ET C By Samson Jennio J J 0 Talbott ni71 HdeUce Im70yl41 fast 75 n ll J Butwell f Orporth IJichLangden TField joUl IldcGco Im70yliifast 185 107 0 0IHn I I3 J Uutwell 11 JoeFinn MerLMirinni Abbtsford IHn Havana 1 l40fast 115 11511CS7 113 4 411CS7 2 21 II Wolfe 7 Quick Start Nash Louise Paul 11CS7 Havana 1 l41Vfslow C 110 r 4 F Hopkins Iochiel Wander MargaretMelsr 1343 Havana 1 Itlljffast 75 101 2 2191S3 11 1J F Colcman S CJIcFerran Supreme Lou Paul 191S3 Havana 1 l43good 2 109 3 31S301 I1 1 AV Obort 7 Supreme Sepnlvcda Napier 1S301 Havana 1 lC4 = slov 31 108 G GAL 3 Ss F Hopkins 7 Coreopsis Sepveda C Hoi way wayBy AL BLOCH br h 5 115 By Voorhecs Georgia VI S Lewis 2011 Uclniont 1 l13fmud Sf nc 4 4i ink 11 itjnio c Itobinetta Stonihge SDeiirah i 1357 Pimllco 1 11G 149 good lOi 102 1 1V 411 4 = v Obert 7 Orperth Ciirlstophine P Around V 1325 Pimlico ImlOy lISmud 2 100 3 3JOSH Il Il W Obert Col Holloway Mycenae Kl Oro JOSH Pimlico 34 l14fast 210 100 S S2u 3 3i W Obert 10 York Lad Hetlection Supremo 2u I Pimlico I l41fast 4 100 C CJ020I 31 45j C Turner ClIIavon liciiQiilnoe JtAntund J020I Pimllco 34 l14V3good3120 107 5 4 2i E Taplln S Perthshire LTravers UMeteor JOIKi Pimlico Im70yl4fl fast 2i 113 S G 5 10 S J McCahoyl2 Lazuli Lit England Abbotsford 20102 HdeGce 1 11G 117 fast 3i 110 G 1 1 1 In J Butwell 11 fogs Pa ton Hermuda HermudaBy ROBINETTA b f 4 100 By Fair Play Retained II J MacManus 20111 Hflmont 1 lirmud 32 100 1 4 4 4Z03C9 3 2l 2 J McCahey 0 AllIoch Stonehenge SirDonrah Z03C9 IJelmont 1 l40fast 10 100 5 5 C 5 5 5 1W nilley 5 BlneThistle Amalli WooilSlioes 2S9 Churchill Im70ylHfast 4320 33 5 5 G G 51 2 = AV Lilley 1 Uaoul Transit Altamaha 1 250 Churchill 1 110 l4Gfast 12 102 C 5 4 2 2i 2J J McTagt S Bonanza Kxpeetation SActress 20223 Churchill 34 l13Vfgood 27 101 G S S2ll7 s 71 7iniw Lilley San Vega BIIensley Hawthorn 2ll7 Lexgton Im70yl43fast G 101 5 2 2 2JW5J 2 51 0 ° J McTagtlO First Degree Tetan Brooktleld JW5J Lcxgton 1 l41hvy 11 103 322 32217ri9 2 1 1 2s K Pool 5 Bonanza Luther Bonne Chance 17ri9 Douglas ImOy l444bfast 235 110 7 7 7 3 1J I2 U Goose 7 Indolence Sosius Expectation ExpectationBy EAGTER STAR ch s 4 97 97Ix79 By Star Shoot Nisbat F A Clark Ix79 Umrel 1 14 L05fast 315 9S 7 0 S G1 0 5 II Shilling S Paton JoMy Mud Kill 17733 Laurel 1 1S l52fast 275 100 7 8 S S S 551 D StewardlO Centauri Iloltoii Gerrard GerrardK 17298 Uelmont 1 116 l4GVffast S 100 3 G C 5 53 4s II Sninter Ilnu Thistle G Fisher Flitawav 17200 Uelmont 1 1S l52fast 32 33 1 2 3 3 3 3 = II Sumter Virile Spearhead 17 22 Utlmont 1 l3Sifast G 91 4 4 4 3 39S H 1 = H Sumter 4 Flitaway Pac Mr Snlggs 10033 Saratoga 1 142 fast S 9S 10 10 10 0 10 Ct I1 II Sumter 11 Undercover Karlymorn Peboto 10175 Saratoga 1 IMI mud G 109 109HERMIS 9 9 10 0 S 4s 4TJ J Butwcll 12 Petelus Warlock Syosset II IIBv HERMIS JR ch g C 102 Bv Hormis Hcritance J J Korb 2 T91 belmont 31 lM slop 4 107 107202G5 0 3 33 3 33 2 = M Fuxton fi Apple Lily Ormo Hosemarine 202G5 I imlico 34 110 slop 2110 112 112JiCSC 407 714iT Kice l Caunock Jold Cap Ablwtsford JiCSC I imlico 34 111 fast 52 115 5 4 42 21 C Turner 10 C Plume Tliesieres DHLSger 2020 I imlico 34 lllfast 22 99 9920KS C C S3 0s J Droyer 11 CAshmde VStrome Vorkville 20KS 1 imlico Im00yl50 hvy 38 112 1122JlCO 1 3 Ci 4 J T Rice 9 Chrisphlue Palfron BeanItelle 2JlCO 1 imlico Im70yll7 fast fid 114 2 2 4l GCJ M Kuxton 11 ISAronnd DrDnner LIncence LIncenceBy STONEHENGE b g 4 107 By Hastings Linda Stone C K Rockivnll 111 Hflmont 1 l13imiil 41 113 211 211J 1 1 3s 3 M Puxton i Al Bloch Itobinetta S Dcnrah J 3U Pimlico ImlOyUirrjtifast 17 109 C 1 1 12023G 111 Il M I5uxton S CarltiuKi LKngld CIIolIoway 2023G Pimlieo 34 114 fast 21 113 2 1 1221 J Dreycr 10 G Plume Hermis Jr Tliesieres 20204 Pimlico 34 IMI good 110 97 3 3 C 5A SBl J McKvcr 8 Perthshire Al Bloch LTravers 20100 HdeGcn W f 108 good 12 102 S 4 4200S3 4 1051 J Dreyer 1U Col Cook Yorkvllle York Lad Lad4ii 200S3 IIdeGce Ci f l07fnst 20 102 C G 4ii 35 K Ainbrosel4 Canto Silver Moon Clarll 20017 HdeGre Im70ylir ifast 23 107 1 1 1 1RAY 4 41 M I5uxton 0 TmvField OKripp VcnStromc VcnStromcBy RAY OLIGHT ch c 4 105 By Peep oDay Freyja J II Loucheira 1J9 IIdeGce 31 115 slow S HO 2 G 5 = 513 A Schufgr Yodeliug MartinCasca Y Lad 20072 HdeGce Im70yl41fast 31 101 10 7 0 0J003S 9 GUW Ural 12 Buzz Around Al Ploeh Cogs J003S IIdeGce 34 l13fast S 110 5 3 0 G 3 K Troxlor S Brandywlne Al Plodi JIH Finn 20012 HdeGce 31 lllfast 2 112 4 S S1VVM 9 S3 II Troxler Thesieres UnrlcBon NewIIaven 1VVM Uowie 7S l23Vfefast 10 1131 431 43113S5G 2 3 = 1 U Troxlor t AUloch Bnz7 round YorkLad 13S5G Uowie 31 115 fast 115 112 2 1 1lBOr4 31 Cl U Troxlor S YorkLad Tliesieres Blue Jay lBOr4 Havana 31 l13 fast 21 107 3 4 21 2 Allen 7 Klwnh Minstrel Lohengrin 19532 Havana 1 lll5fast 135 103 1 2 2FAIRY 2 21 I1 Allen Sweet Iotte Change FAIRY GODMOTHER ch m 5 100 10019S02 By Hippodrome Handmaid C T Halsey 19S02 Havaan 31 123 hvy 5 ia G Pi Pulled up H LatTerty S LSliark CathTuriior Mortgyh 11717 CtittylinnkVMf Havana 1 110 2lGhvy C 100 5 4 l 47 II Latterly S M Muisc 15 Uncas Ctittylinnk VMf Havana 1 203 hvy G5 105 5 23 3 II I aiTerty 7 B Jim C Ilolloway Milton IS Cthplnn19TiSS Havana 1 l12fast S5 10S G 05 4 ir Lafferty S Cnttyliimk TCalway Cthplnn CIIolIowayIf619 19TiSS Havana 1 1S lf9slow 3 107 4 32 ° 2 II LaltertylO BeliUucas TaylMy CIIolIoway If619 Supreme191S2 Havana 1 IMIfgood D 107 7 77 5131II Lafferty 7 Gerraid DrULSger Supreme 191S2 Havana 1 110 lO good 4 108 6 01 1 H TnfTcrtyll Sweet Lotto Mimla Floral Day 19112 Havana 1 l53 hvy 3J 107 1 2 3 3 2 II Lafferty S Banjo JJm Lotto T Monk CAMELLIA b m G 05 By Stalwart La Mujer J L Paul Pauliii iii XOrlns Im2uy lllfast 1 102 S C 4 4 21 W Lilley 1M HermiHl1 Cogs Bogart 13234 NOrlns 34 l12fast 8 107 5 C G 4S3 F Keogh 11 Altamha TISusvbMy LLondn LLondn1S103 Ilnrakan1S3S1 1S103 HdeGce lm70yl4Hfast 20 100 3 5 5 3 5 5 SW Lilley C Oriierth Bnshyliead Ilnrakan 1S3S1 CIIolIowayIS302 Pimlico 1310202 fast 24 101 5 1 1 8 S S5 W Lilley S OFisher Goxl Day CIIolIoway IS302 Pimlico 1 113 fast 15 112 5 2 2 2 I1 li W Lilly 0 Xetmaker J Laxon J II I ton ton1S237 1S237 Laurel 31 1 13V fast 19 107 S 5 5 95 8 AV Lilly 11 Ds Pet L Lightning B Belle BelleSEPULVEDA SEPULVEDA Erysoni310 ch h 8 110 By Prince of Melbourne Dinawicli E K Eryson i310 Pimlico 1110143 fast IS ICC 722 2 24 15 M Ttuxtoh S Peacock C ntauri L Innocence 20214 Pimlico Im10yl41fast 28 103 0 9 S S S3 8 J Pitz TowFiild Pelelus York Lad 20207 Pimlico lmlOylUgood 33 100 7 7 7 0 4 4S5 II Lafferty 7 Yodeliug B Around Dgerlield 20140 Pimlico lm70yl4R fast fid 110 11 II 9 9 7s 5i H Laflertyl2 Lazuli Lit England Abbotsford 10120 HdeGce lm70yl4S goods 110121212 11 101 S = i II Laffertyl LoKIrkcdy Mycenae Claribel Claribelrf rf 135 HdeGce 31 l14fast 00 10513 13 13 9 in5 1 Pltz 1 ° Ada Anno Sherwood GUussell 10910 Havana 1 150 slow 2 113 4 775 35 II Lafferty S Sririugmass Uaey Louise Paul