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SECOND RACE C 12 Furlongs Main Course 3yearolds and upward Fillies Marcs and Geldings Selling 71101 117 1 124 FENMOUSE b f 3 105 By Rock Sand Flittcrmouso A Bolmont 2318 MellVr AlwS fast S5 150 150HURAKAN I2 K Diigtin 10 Mr Specs Otto Floto Culvert CulvertBy HURAKAN b f 4 110 1100C7 By Unolfi The Hoyden D J Leary 0C7 IVlmont 34 l13fast 5 110 2 2IS12 3 2 FJ Dugan 5 He Will Fn Jhiimle Broomleaf IS12 HdeGce Tiu70yllii fast 4 100 I 5 51S1SO 23 2 A Schusrll loeDeibold line Mini Car Keul 1S1SO IIdeGce Im70yl15 fast 4 IfiO 7 G GISItO 3 t 21 n Shilling 14 Ilmilintion Pgresslve llDner ISItO HdeGce Ini70yl40 good 41 109 2 4 C1 5 J J Uutwell 14 II Howdy Uncle Mini JoeFimi 18103 IIdeGce lm70ylM1fast 185 100 2 3 31S325 2 33i R Shilling Orperth Bushy Head TJLIllis 1S325 Pimlico 34 l13Vffast 2710 100 5 51S211 G3 33 It Shilling 7 Mater Ha Penny Laura 1S211 Laurel 1 110 l40fast 10 100 1 3 31S140 2k 31 H Shilling S Mud Sill Be Dangerous March 1S140 Laurel 51 f 107 fast 15 IOC 11 11PRAIRIE 3 lh J Butwell 14 Mater Joe Finn Parlor Boy BoyBy PRAIRIE b gr 4 105 By Ogden Passan R T Wilson 1 TOS HdeGco 51 f l07 = fast 183 1 1 4 41S170 41 2 = 1 McCahey 7 1 setIt Isidora Cov 1S170 ILileGcc 34 l13fast 7 107 2 21S451 25 2 = AAr Ural fi Kmerald Gem Sherwood Ancon 1S451 IIdeGce 34 l13fast 10 100 1 4 4 AAr Ural 1 Sherwood Orosshun Striker 1S1 IIdeGce 31 115 hvy 7 100 4 3 45J J McCahey 0 Crossbun Thornhill Undaunted 18100 IIdeGce 51 f 107 fast G 103 7 71S390 3 3 1 McCaheyia Yorkville Useoit Azyiade 1S390 Pimlico 34 l13fast 3120 98 3 31S322 23 2k J McCahey 4 P Path Sherwood Humiliation 1S322 Pimllco 31 l12fast 3710 P9 4 4AZYIADE 2 2 J McCahey 0 KGem Crossbun PrKLSger PrKLSgerBy AZYIADE b m G 111 1111S1CO By Cactus II Miss C H C Hallenbeck 1S1CO HdeGce 31 114 fast 13 104 4 41SIOC G5 G J Dreyer S Kcwessa Tas Steel StalIIelen 1SIOC IIdeGce CI f 107 fast G5 104 5 51S29C 4 41 li Shilling 1 Yorkville Useeit Prairie 1S29C Pimlico 31 113 fast 8110 112 2 2IS 2J 331 C Turner fi 1 Kaglo Slumber II Cap Ben IS 10 Laurel 31 l12ifast 03 102 1 1I813G 33 2i J Callahan r Scallywag Sherwood BriarPath I813G Laurel 34 l12fefast 25 100 3 3IS141 5 43J J Callahan r SluinberlL SBoard Flittergold IS141 Laurel CI f lOGfast 7 113 2 G2 55J C Turner S Kewessa Belamour Sherwood SherwoodS2 17932 Laurel 34 l137ifast 4310 112 1 1TINKLE S2 GJ n Shilling 12 Kia Bryson Briar Path Tranid TranidBy TINKLE BELL ch g 3 109 By Peter Pan Lady Gay J Butlor 0409 Relmont 31 l134 l134mud mud 10 lltt 2 3 31 C ISorel Moniresor VIrili 10137 Saratoga SI f 109 slow ii5 IDS 4 41M20 3 = 3 J Kederis 7 Charter Maid Unplca Stubborn 1M20 Bmpirc f i f 107 good 41 102 1 1i5 2 ° 21 J Kederis 4 Phosphor Miss Frances Vaza i5 Aqueduct 58 102 slow G 112 1 23 2 ° J Kederis L Barbary Sarsenet GeoUoesch 15171 Aqueduct 5S l00fast 10 112 7 41 4n J Kederis 0 Lampoon CharterMald Sarsenet 11930 Belmont 51 fst l05fast 4 103 3 314SIO 2 1 J Kedoris n BusyKdith GeoUoesch Mallard 14SIO IJelmont 5S st l00mud 7 100 3 3MENLO 33 31 J Kederis 5 Lady Botha Distance SShooter SShooterBy MENLO PARK ch f 3 100 1001S140 By Ormondale Busy Lass J MacManus 1S140 Latonia 34 l135sfast G 105 C Cisioo C 0s J Metcalf A Tosie Tory Maid Commensia isioo Latonia 51 f l07fa t 121 1 O2 CJ W AnIress S Miss Fielder Sunset Torv Maid 17G45 Douglas 54 f 107 fast IS 105 9 71 G ° AV AV TlorlO Amazon Geo ICoosch LltString 1710 Lexgton fi f l07ifnst 31 109 G G1C19S 51 5 ° 1 A Neylon 7 Sunset Pan Maid Grecian 1C19S Saratoga 51 f l05fast 5 102 1 3 3 M ISuxion fi Solly The Finn Jack Carey 10121 Saratoga 31113 fast 3J 101 4 42 LiberatorS1 4 J AV AA Tlor 5 Itnzznno Itnnps Liberator 10009 Saratoga Ci f 100 fast 15 124 9 9GOODWOOD S1 815iI Henry LBarbary Kaskaskla Montrosa MontrosaBy GOODWOOD ch g 3 103 By AVatercress Almadio R F Carman 004t HdeGce 51 f l07fast 20 107 G G G9 C Turner fi Viley Scorpli Inlan 0030 ILdeGcc 5S UOOfcfast G 107 7 717CS9 33 3 1 C Turner 11 Applder IlighTide EarlyKlser 17CS9 Laurel 51 f l07fast fid 109 1 11T10 21 43 S Davis 13 MMgonicry Mallard Caverock 1T10 Umpire 5S Id2slow 125 103 1 1 = l t S Davis s Maid Ivy Marquetfe Saxln 71 3 Kmplre 5S l00 fast S 109 109TOl G5 G3 Brown 10 It Maiden IleWitl Carlaverock TOl Kelmont r f lOSifist 30 103 1037m 5 521 K Karrlek 5 Siint Change Kgmont 7m IJelmont 51 f st l00fast 20 05 05DISTANT 72 CB H Sumter S Pullux Embroidery Kgmont DISTANT SHORE ch fir 3 105 By Yankee Lady Schorr Oneck Stable StableC5 0410 Hclmont 31 st 112 mud I 111 111lnc C5 415JII Sumter 7 Plosphor Half Utck Saratoga lnc Laurel 51 f l07 fast S3 103 2 43f K Karrick Protector Pnllux Eagle 17 T Laurel 34 l13fast 5 10S 9 93 J Butwell 12 10ia Bryson Briar Path Tranid 1795 Laurel 51 f lOGfast 05 101 5 5lolOG 33 2H K Karrick t Headmast Key Mar B Flower lolOG Saratoga 34 l14good 12 110 5 51C72 53 5J3 J Butwell Lady Barbary T by Jury Luke 1C72 Saratoga 31 l12fast 7 110 1 1lifW 2s 2J J Butwell r High Noon TbyTiiry Dinah Do lifW Saratoga 31 l13slow S 107 1 1 3 = J 1 Butwell 10 Garbage K Martyr Bnnd Stars 10119 Saratoga 01 f 107 fast 35 110 2 I3 l = i IS Mareo r M Montgomery Mallard Illker 10033 Saratoga 51 f 100 fast 105 112 3 3SAM I2 1J1 J Butwell S Bill Dudley Porgo Mamie K KBv SAM SLICK ch g 3 104 Bv Rock Sand Artful H P Whitney 7 II drGco V f lOGfast 30 101 S S S3 M IJuxton S Celto Norse King Lady Teresa 2000 IIdeGce 5S 100 fast 3i 103 5 5 5I51C Hughes 5 Kewessa Hauberk Marjorle