Pimlico Meeting Thrives: Pleasant Weather And A Fast Track Attracts A Big Attendance.; Uncle Bryn and Kewessa Take the Two Divisions of the New Howard Handicap--Elkridge Steeplechase to Mohonk., Daily Racing Form, 1916-05-04


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TIMLICO MEETING THRIVES PLEASANT WEATHER AND A FAST TRACK ATTRACTS A BIG ATTENDANCE. Uncle Bryn and Kewessa Take the Two Divisions of the New Howard Handicap — Elkridge Steeplechase to Mohonk. Baltimore. Md., May 3. — The card offered at the IMmlico course this afternoon was featured by the running of the New Howard Handicap, in two di-vlsions. at throe-quarters. J. K. L. Boss, a Montreal sportsman, won the first division of the raee with Incle Bryn. while V. L. Olivers Kewessa accounted for the second half. Incle Bryn ran a smashing race to be returned the winner by a narrow margin, coming from the rear to beat telto by a head with Sir William Johnson third. Kewessa left no doubt as to the outcome after the first half mile had been covered. He led Sir Edgar a fast pace and gradually drew away into a long lead and won with somthing to spare. Sir Edgar was second all the way, while Short Grass got up in time to take third money. The Elkridge Steeplechase was also down for decision and resulted in several mishaps and the first disqualification of the meeting when Stonewood was placed last by the stewards for running outside the flags in going to the seventh fence. The lipid had no sooner been dispatched and raced to the first jump than came the downfall of the favorite. Hustler, from the Hitchcock stable. Jack Winston, also warmly supported by the talent, fell over the prostrate horse and unseated his rider. Both horse and rider escaped injury. The winner. Mohonk. was sent to the post by the Hen Riddle Farm and rewarded his few supiwrters handsomely. Ideal weather conditions attracted another large crowd to the course this afternoon. Favorites fared much better than they did yesterday. Few scratches were posted and well-matched fields took part in the racing. 8. McNsughton protested the claiming of the two-year-old Riverdale on the ground that the person making the claim was not an authorized agent and it was allowed by the stew.irds, which means that the colt goes back to the stable of Mr. McNuughton. W. V. Fraser, secretary of the Ontario Jockey Club, whose meetings at Woodbine Park are looked upon as productice of racing of the highest class, left for Toronto tonight. Mr. Fraser was well pleased with the way horsemen responded in making entries to the fixtures to lie run during the spring meeting at the Woodbine track. While here he made an extra effort to induce owners of steeplechasers to ship to Toronto this spring. The horses that apt. W. F. Presgrave will raee in Canada next summer will be shipped to Toronto. May 16, and those in charge of T. J. Shannon will leave at the same time. In all about fifteen carloads will go from Pimlico direct to Toronto. Mrs. I. F. Kinney has leased to .1. A. Moissant of Montreal the running qualities of the horse Fort Monroe. steeplechase jockey A. Lee has been restored to good standing by starter Dade. It was found that Lpe was not responsible for the bad behavior of the horse he was astride on the opening day of the meeting. Secretary Biggs found it necessary to divide the Hteeplechnse carded for tomorrow and it will be run in two divisions.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916050401/drf1916050401_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1916050401_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800