Kentucky State Racing Commission Record, Daily Racing Form, 1916-05-04


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KENTUCKY STATE RACING COMMISSION RECORD OFFICE: 204 fayctte National Bank Building LEXINGTON - KENTUCKY MEMBERS J. N. Camden. T. EL Talbot, W. B. Ilaldeman, llie W. Younj, Cha«. F. Graiiger. OFFICERS J. N. Camden Chairman T. IL Talbot Vice-Chairman S. C. Nuckols Secretary" and Treasurer At a meeting of the Commission, held on Thursday. April 20. 191C. at Lexington. Ky., there were present J. N. Camden chairman. T. II. Talliot. W. B. Ilaldeman and Charles E. Grainger. The following new rules were offered: Rule No. 225 -A amended. RESOLVED: "That each race track applying to this Commission for license shall accompany such application with a liook or program made out by the Lacing Secretary heretofore appointed by this Commission, showing at least six races for each day asked for. and none of said races shall be declared off, if as many as four starters remain in said race. "No horse foaled in 1915 or thereafter shall run in any race before April first of his two-year-old year under penalty of thereby disqualifying himself for all races under these rules until December 31 of his two-year-old year." The following new rule was passed: Amendment to Rule No. 11: "All associations making application for a license from this Commission, shall give the names of the officers of their corporation or association, and also submit to this Commission the names of the racing officials of their meeting when making application for racing dates, and no official shall act until his apiiointment lias been approved by the Commission, provided in case of sickness or inability to act the association may appoint a teniiiorary official, subject to approval of Racing Commission." A communication from Mr. John Hnchmeister in regard to racing dates having been read, it was duly moved, seconded and carried that the same be ordered filed. It was moved, seconded and carried that Rule No. 225-A lie suspended for the present, so that the different racing associations will have time to get out a program book for their meetings. These are to be published two weeks before the opening of said meetings. Moved, seconded and carried that racing licenses for the year 1916 be granted to Kentucky Association. Lexington, Ky. ; New Louisville Jockey Club. Louisville. Ky. ; Douglas Park Jockey Club. Louisville, Ky. ; Latonia Agricultural Association. Covington. Ky. ; and the secretary was instructed to issue said licenses and deliver them to the several clubs and associations. The following lists of racing officials being submitted by the Commission were approved: Kentucky Association. Presiding Steward — Capt. T. J. Clay. Associate Steward — G. D. Wilson. Associate Steward. Handicapper and Racing Secretary — W. H. Shelley. Starter — Harry Morrissey. Entry Clerk and Assistant Secretary — J. S. Wallace. Patrol Judge — John T. Ireland. Veterinary and Paddock Judge — Dr. C. Cann. Timer — S. K. Hughes. Physician — Dr. J. I. Maguire. New Louisville Jockey Club. Stewards — Charles F. Price and Charles F. Grainger. Clerk of the Scales and Placing Judge — W. H. Shelley. Handicapper and Placing Judge — Edward Jasper. Racing Secretary— Walter H. Pearce. Starter — Harry Morrissey. Patrol Judge — William Phillips. Tinier — George Lindenberger. Paddock Judgi — Dr. Henry Hurthill. Douglas Park Jockey Club and Latonia Agricultural Association, Stewards— Capt. T. J. Clay and Charles F. Price. Racing Secretary — W. H. Pearce. Clerk of the Scales and Placing Judge — W. H. Shelley. Handicapper and Placing Judge — J. B. Campbell. Starter — Harry Morrissey. Paddock Judge — Dr. Henry Harthill. Timer — S. K. Hughes. Motion made, seconded and carried that Mr. Vernon Sanders be appointed telegraph censor for 1915 upon all tracks in Kentucky licensed by this Commission. Motion made, seconded and carried that the position of steward representing Kentucky State Racing Commission be abolished. License Committee appointed: Charles F. Grainger, T. H. Talbot, S. C. Nuckols. Motion made, seconded and curried that the officers of the different racing associations of the state be invited to attend all meetings of the Kentucky State Racing Commission. Motion made, seconded and carried that the secretary send to each association and each member of the Commission a certified copy of the minutes of each meeting of the Commission. The following recommendations were offered to the Commission and approved: "To the Honorable The Kentucky State Racing Commission: "The undersigned committee, appointed by your honorable body to recommend for your consideration suitable rules providing for the increase in length of races to be run on the Kentucky tracks under your jurisdiction, respectfully recommend as follows: "First — That there shall not be offered more than two races on the program of any day for two-yeur-olds. "Second — That there shall not be offered on the program of any day more than two races for three-year-olds and upwards, of less than one mile. "Third — That the remainder of the daily program, exclusive of stake events, shall be for races of one mile or over, one of which races shall be B mile and one-eighth or over, other than selling races, with not less than 00 added money, except that this provision as to added money shall not apply to Lexington. "Fourth — We further recommend that not less than two condition races, or handicaps, per week, shall be offered by each racing association of not less than one mile and a quarter each, after May 15. and all races shall close with four entries. "Fifth — Further we recommend that not to exceed three overnight selling races shall be offered by any association on any one day. "Sixth — It is the sense of your committee that in view of the proposed increase in the length of races, the scale of weights should be increased so that no horse shall carry less than 100 pounds in handicaps and that the top weight shall not be less than seven pounds below the scale. "We respectfully recommend that the foregoing shall apply to the spring 1911! meetings only, and that if it meets the approval of your honorable Ixidy. this or a similar committee be authorized to re-convene after the spring meetings to further consider the subject and recommend to your honorable body. "We respectfully suggest for your consideration that the Jockey Club be advised of these recommendations and its 00 -ope rat ion be requested in the matter of increasing the distance of racing. "Respectfully submitted. Signed "A. B. Hancock. Chairman. "Hal Price Headley. "M. J. Winn. "John Hachmeister. "Garret D. Wilson. "Milton Young. "A. B. ;allaher. "Harvey Meyers. "O. II. Chenault." The secretary was instructed to write each association in regard to strictly enforcing Rule No. 208 A as follows: "The stewards shall have the power to suspend or exclude from the stands and grounds improper and objectionable characters and persons who h ive been ruled off for corrupt practices on the turf in any country so long as the sentence against such person remains in force." In the future any person suspended by the stewards acting upon the different tracks in Kentucky will not be permitted to come upon the tracks during their suspension. Tlie question was brought up l cfore the Commission in regard to asking permission to race horses in Kentucky under the stable names. The matter was thoroughly gone into, the rules covering the |uestion were discussed, and it was decided that under the present rules no one can race under a stable name unless the names of the owners of said horses appear on the program directly under the stable name. LICENSES GRANTED. Trainers. Paul J. Aberli J. B. Coodman Harrr Perkins John Abrams Walter Grater Win. Perkins A. L. Austin Cliff Hi ion William Pope A. Itaker J. S. Hawkins Jerrv Powers J. II. Haker T. P. Hayes Joe*K. Redmon W. II. Baker Dillard Hill John T. Reed S. T. Baxter Grover C. HughesW. P. Reed Fred J. Belknap oilie Hughes Henry Roberts O. A. Bianchi S. K. Hughes J. W. Rogers John Bradley James Hukill R. L. Rogers RichardP.ISrooks Prank Hulse Geo. V. Richings Frank E. Brown Wm. Hurley Milton Rieser .1. N. Brown W. B. Jennings John F. Schorr W . H. Buckner Fant Johnson Walter Seamster C. Buxton Lucien Johnson Homer H. Selby Louis Calm G. II. Keene Albert Simons Wm. Cain M. C. Kelley K. Spence J. Carroll A. L. Kirby Amos G. Stamps J. W. Cliinn George Land F. W. Staton Phil T. Chinn Lloyd Laney A. D. Steele W. F. Cisco Herman Lang J. D. Stevens W. C. Clancy Dan Lehan Dan E. Stewart R. Colston Robert Lester John Stockier Wm. Covlington W. L. Lewis Geo. H. Strute Pete Coyne John Lowe W. H. Taylor Fred Cropper Mose Lowenstein J. I inensetter John A. Crowe W. A. Manuel C. C. Van Meter A. L. Denny Lew Marion R. N. Vestal Jeorge Denny J. J. Marklein Wm. Vitito R. P. Dickinson Frank G. Martin W. V Walch Jeorge Duncan W. F. Martin W. M. Wallace Fred Eisley Wm. Martin J. S Ward E. B. Elkins J. W. May Wm. J. Webber J. Everman J. C. Milam F D Weir « H; Y.izZT , R: "• Miller John °- Whitlow Robert . Frakes . A. McKinney Oscar Williams J. C. Gallaher E. W. Moore Pete Williams James Gass Ed Moore R. D. Williams has. W Gasser E. Murray Chas. S. Wilson Mose Goldblatt Howard Oots Wm. Woodard A.JGoldsborough W. C. Overton C.T. Worthington J. M. Goode Roddy Patterson W. J. Young Jockeys. R. J. Acton Roscoe Goose John J. McCabe alter Andress Louis Hartwell Thos. McTaggart A: wV- H°°ker Toni p- Henry Wm. Meehan Walter Brazel Fred Hopkins Albert Mott Jus Butwell Claude Hunt Frank Murphy J. U allahnn Joe Kederis Albert Pease A. Claver Chris Kirschbaum Zell Shannon Daniel onnelly Walter W. Lilley H. Stearns John Daniels John Lof tus D. Stirling Clarence Dishman Paul Lowder W W Taylor Mack Gamer B.Marco Fred Teahan Guy Gamer E. Martin Clyde Van Dusen Apprenticees. James Brown Lawrence Grav Lee T Mink John Ituckles William Hoag* H. Shilling 52? i •"■** Fre 1 Jud Roger Simpson lony Fuerst Archie Kelley Frank Williams J,oc£!£.liTnsos tabled: William Bruce Buckhannon and Eddie McEwen. Apprentice license tabled: Richard Sharpe. Adjournment. At a meeting of the License Committee recently appointed by the Chairman of the Kentucky State Racing Commission, the following trainers and jockeys licenses were granted April 27, 1910: Trainers. George Arvin Geo. B. Hennessy R. J. Powers George Bond John Huffman R. T. Reynolds P. F . Borninun O. F. Humes Henry Roseacker H. R. Brandt T. M. Irwin W. R. Sallee F. Brooks Thomas Johnson John Simpson C. E. Brown G. S. Kerr W. J. Spelers Robt.L. Campbell J. H. Nichols Gus Warwick June Collins W. J. OConnell J. T. Weaver Alex B. Gordon J. L. Paul Frank Wright Charles Hawk Lee Paul Geo. Zeigler Jockeys. G. W. Carroll R. H. Guy Every Mouton Arthur Collins Casey Jones Jud Paul Lloyd Gentry King Lapaille Ted Rice Apprentices. Arthur Carroll Bradley Jackson Oscar Morrison R. Davies Fren Jenkins Authorized Agents. Agent. Owner g- V; SS*™" Jflmes Williams R. I. Williams Hudy Williams .eorge Land j„|lu w. Sehorr .eorge /eigler K. J. Nolau K. Jennings a. K. Macomber Earl ,. McQuaide Corrigau and McKinney License tabled: Louis McAtee. Registered Racing Colors. A Abadie. Mrs. M. and Co.— Red, white belt and sleeves, red cross on sleeves, blue cap. Aberli. Paul J.— Red. witli wnite "A." on back, red sleeves with white bars, white cap. Abran.s, T. J. — Ited. blue sash, white sleeves and cap. Agnew, T. P.— Green, black sash, white cap. Airhart, IL C. — Blue, red belt, gold sleeves, red cap. Alexander. K. D.— Dark blue, white sleeves, blae and white cap. Allen and Hensley— Brown, black sash, green cap. Allen and. Son. J. R.— Pink, red sash, rea cap. Amos. J. H. — Electric blue, red bands 011 sleeves, red belt, blue cap. Anderson, C. R.— White, sleeves white with green stripes, red cap. Appiegate, II. C. and Co.— White, blue sleeves, white cap. Arnold, E. C. — Crimson, white belt. Arvin. Geo.— Peacock blue, white sash, white sleeves with red band, white cap. Austin, R. J. — White, black sleeves and cap. B Baker, G. C— Black with gold stars. Baker, W. IL — Pink with gold stars. Baker, A.— old gold, black sleeves with old gold liars, black cap. Laker. J. II. -Red and black polka dots, black belt, red and black polka dot sleeves, red cap. Balgowan Stable T. J. and G. H. Clay — Black, white collar and cuffs, white star in front and BBCk, black cap. Barnes, G. — Yellow, black hoops, black and yellow cap. Burton. J. A. and Co. — Black, red belt, gold cuffs on sleeves, black and white cap. Bates. Robert — Blue, green sash, black sleeves, blue cap. Baxter, S. T. — Purple with white horse shoes, purple cap. Baxter, L. II. —Half black and half white, yellow sleeves, red cap. Belknap. Mrs. ienevieve-Red. white stars, white sash, red sleeves, red with white star cap. Bell. R. F.— Black, green belt, black and white cap. Bellaire Matte Combs. Lucas and Browuell — Orange, orange sleeves with blue bars, blue cap. Bennett. Geo. C— Green with white diamonds. Bianchi. . A. — Red. green maltese cross on back, green sash, white sleeves and cap. Bills and Keei ner— White, red sash, blue sleeves and cap. Biss.-ii, Geo. W. J.— Old gold, red belt and sleeves, Blackford. G. L. — Purple, white sash, sleeves and cap. Bloomer, R. O. — Blue, brown sleeves, black cap. Booker, Appiegate — Burnt orange, purple cross sashes, green cap. Bonnes. Mrs. II. —Red, brown sash, red sleeves, white cap. Bornman. E. F.— Red. black and white sleeves, brown cap. Boi-iman. Mrs. T. F. — Blue, red cross sashes, green Boyle. L. R. — Red and white stripes, blue belt, red cap. Bradley. E. It. — White with three green hoops, white sleeves, green eap. Bradley. T. C. and Co.— White, blue sash. blue sleeves with white ban. White anil blue eap. Bradley. John -Purple, white sash, orange sleeves, white eap. Brandt. A. II. and II. It.— Blue, red belt, red sleeves with Mack hoops, red and Mack eap. Branuon. T. F. — Pink, green sash, green cap. Breckinridge. Desha— Blue, old gold belt, blue sleeves, old gold eap. Brewster. 1".— Bed. old geld belt, white shoulder straps, red sleeves, blue eap. Broekuiiller. C. J.— Purple, nil sleeves, red cap. Brooks. It. I. — Brown, gray sleeves, green cap. Brown. T. J.— White, green dots, green bar* on sleeves, green and white eap. Brown. L. J. — Brown, green sash, brown sleeves. green and white eap. Burton. B. — White and blue polka dots, blue sleeves. red eap. Burton. Fred — Maroon, white sash and eap, green sleeves. BuKiheuieyer. Ohas. F.— lted. white sleeves and cap. Butler. Jas. —White, cherry sash, sleeves and eap. C C. and M. Stable— Purple, white sleeves and cap. Cahn. J. C. — Orange, blue belt and sleeves, pink eap. Callahan. T. W. — Bed. green stars. Camden, J. N.— White, red belt, black sleeves, red tap. Carman. B. F.— White, blue sash, white sleeves with blue bars, blue eap. Carpenter. T. I.. — Bed. white cross sash, red and half white sl-eves. white eap. Carr. Walter White, Hack sleeves with green bars. Hack belt, green eap. Carroll. C. L.— IP-own. green belt, green sleeves, brown hoops, gteen eap. Carter, Goo. — Alice blue, white cross on front and back, red belt. Carter, C. II. — Yellow, pink belt, pink sleeves, white eap. Cavse. I., ft. — Peacock blue, white sash, red eap. Ceila. A. I. — White, brown sash, white sleeves, brown cuffs, brown cap. Chancellor, Geo. E.— Purple, gold collar band, gold sleeves with purple cuffs, gold cap. Chappell, C. W.— Purple, green cioss sashes, green e»p. Cliapman. P.. -Green, red bars Ml sleeves, red rap. Chenault. C. I.— Orange, white sash, plum sleeves. white cap. Chiiin. Phil T. — White, red sash, white sleeves with red blocks, red cap. Chuiehill. John Pink, white sleeves, pink and white eap. Civill. P. M.— Blue. Id gold sieves, white cap. Cisco. W. F.— White, yellow dots, white yellow dot sleeves blue eap. Clark. W. Q. — Copper, pink cap. Clarkeom. P. — orange. Hack sash, sleeves and cap. Clancy. W. C. — iroen. red sash, green sleeves with white bars, red cap. . Clay Bros. -Yale blue, orange sash, orange eap with black band. , Cloher. J. B.- White, sunflower on back, white sleeves, red cap. Coffey. II. E.— Light bine, dark blue sleeves with white bars, white cap. Cohen, M. B. — Jreeu. white cress sashes and sleeves, green and white can. Cole. R. E. — Green, pink sash, red cap. Cole. W. B- Green, with largo white polka dots. white sleeves, green e.p. Colston. It.— Orange, red belt and cap. Coltou. M. A.— Black, purple sash and sleeves, white cap. Combs. S. S. White, white sleeves with black and green bands, white cap. Coppeithwaite. M. C— White, blue belt, orange-sleeves, white cap. Cornell. J. F. — Purple, old gold cross on hack, old gold bars on sleeves, puiple and gold cap. Ccoper. WiFard .— Yellow, black collar and cuffs. yellow and black cap. Corrigan and McKinney— Bed. blue sash, red cap. Courtney. W. C. — Green, red cross sashes, green and red eap Covington. Win. — Brown, white sash, brown sleeves, brown cap. Craine. H. L.— Whit", red belt, blue eap. Crockett. E. C— White, red belt aBd sleeves, blue cap. Crawford. W. H.— Yellow, green cross sashes, belt and cap. fritter Dr. F. D. — Green, orange yoke, green sleeves, orange cuffs, green cap. Cropoer. Fred— Bed, brown belt, red sleeves, green cap. Crhm, A. T. — Pea green black belt, black sleeves. pea green eap. Cud*, J.— Black, white cross sashes, black sleeves with white ban, red eap. CuiU-n, E. J.— Burnt Orange, green sash, sleeves and eap. Cuheo. John— Black and white halves, black :leeves. black can. Cunningham and Mocdy— Pink, green cap. D Daniels and Hodges— Bed. blue dots, red with blue dot sleeves, white cap. Dnrliy, Mrs. J. W. — Green, brown belt, old gold 0!P-Harden W. W. — Straw, purple s;ish. white eap. Davis. P. Orwf. red sash, green sleeves with White bars, blue cap. Davis. J. li. — Green, black sash, black sleeves, black cap. Davis J. W.— Bed. red and white cuffs, blue cap. Dayton. Mrs. A. P.— Black, yellow belt and sleeves. green cap. _ ,, Dognan, John— Yellow, green sash and cuffs, yellow and gr- eu cap. Delne::, . P.- Copper, old rose sleeves and eap. Dickinson B. P.- Bed. white hoops, red and white hoops sleeves, blue cap. Dir.gersoii Bros. -Boyal blue with white danionds. royal blue with d:an:ond sleeves, royal blue with white e-liniroieis cap. Dodson. It. P.— Bed and white stripes, green sash. blue can. Donnelly." P. IP— Green, white belt, orange sleeves, omasa and preen cap. Dodds. W. G. King— Pink and Macs stripes, pink and black cap. Doner, James E.— Crimson, black sash and cap. white sleeves. Dnrteh. Ned F. — Black, orange cress sash, orange bars on slc-evcs. black cap. Dov!e. Mart-n — Blue, red cap. Duke. Dr. W. B.— Brown, white sleeves, brown and white eap. Dunn. William J. Black, yellow cross sashes, black and vellow cuffs, purple eap. Dnnl.lp, A. G. Bbek. white sash, red cap. Dwyer. T. A. Ited, white and red sleeves. white cap. * E Elkins. E. B.— Cerise, blue l,elt. Ellis and Porter— Brown, greea belt, green sleeves. green cap. Emmons. II. !!. — Pink, gray sleeves and eap. Emmcnds. M. If.- White, carmine braces, white cap with carmine stars. Erb - Gardner Eight blue, green cross sashes, dark blue sleeves, dark line cap. Eastabrook. A. Purple, red sash, green sleeves and Cap, Eveiman, Mrs. J.— White, green cross sash, white sleeves, grc n cap. Evans, p. C. Cre-n jacket, red sash, red and white stripes sleeves, red cap. F Farringt. n. P.- Black, g-.!d belt, gold sle.-v.s-, gold cap. Earner. G. W. A; to. Bw. old gold sash, old geld sleeves. Felix. J. J. -Green, while mis; aaabaa, white cap. Ferguson. A. I.. Puiple, three orange striiK-s o.i sleeves. aaaafM cap. Ferguson. J. W. — Green, old gold sash, red sleeves. old gold cap. Feuc.iter. William — Brown and pink stripes, oid gold sleeves and cap. Field Bros. --Blue, red sash and cap. Flzer. V. II. A: Co. — Bed, blue belt and sleeves. While cap. Flad, L. S. — Bed, sleeves red. white and blue strip, s n I cap, Flanigan. J. — Blue, white hep. sleeves anil cap. llet-her. J. C. — White, violet cross sashes, violet sleeves, lavender cap. Flowers. West — Purple. yellW sash, yellow sleeves, yellow on p. Forsvthe. F. A.— White, black belt. reUow cap. For-ylhe. Jaim — White, black belt, red sleeves, hlack cap. PatpHl and Fnrrell Bed and gray halves, green cap. poky, J. M.~ Ci-een. brown cross sashes, white cap. Crakes. B. . A: Cr . Brown. Fre.v. Mrs. W. H. — White, gr. n sash, red sleeves, green cap. Fuller. J. W.— Bed jacket with orange stripes, white cap. G Gaffncy. J. P.— -Sky blue, green bolt and cap. Gallahcr Bros. Blown, red ban on sleeves, red cap. Gardner. Harry - Black, pink sash and cap. Gasser. C. W. White. green bait and sleeves. Gatcwc.od A: Buekner- Black, yellow UOOpa, yellow bars on sleeves, vvhite cap. Gearv . Bawson - Black with white white sleeves, black cap. Gerst, William — Bed, white and blue lioops. blue sleeves, white cap. Gering. Frank — Green, white "G" on back, red belt and cap. Gibson, J. A.— White, red belt, green sleeves, red cap. Glass. Owen— Blue, white sash and sleeves, black cap. Gloss. P. F. — Black, yellow belt, yellow sleeves with blown bands, brown cap. Grater. Walter — Green, pink yoke and eap. Gr -oner. J. G. — Eight blue, white sleeves with brown bars, brown cap. Green. Jas. — Green, orange sleeves, green cap. Grefer, F. J. — Purple, white cross sashes, purple sleeves, purple and white cap. Grieves. S. it. — Bed. brown sash, red with brown bar sleeves, blue cap. Griffin. J. and O. Black and white stripes, green sleeves, red cap. Qraber, M. P.. — White, black sash, collar, black sleeves with white bars, black cap. Go.dblatt. J. W. — White, red cross sashes, red bands on sleeves, white cap. Goode, Fred G. — Blue, white bars on sleeves, blue eap. Goode, J. M. and Co. — Itoyal purple, gold dots, gold cap. Qeoaaaaa. J. B. — Blue, yellow belt and sleeves, red eap. Gordon. A. — Green, red sash, red sleeves. Gordon. A. B. — Peacock blue, black belt and cap. Gorey. A. J. — White and red stripes, brown sleeves, blue cap. Gorin. II. B. — Nelrose. green belt, sleeves and cap. Gray. It. H. -Bed. white yoke, red sleeves with white cuffs, red eap. Guthrie, B. F. — White, red sash, red cross on sleeves, red cap. H Haggard and Shannon Black with white diamonds. Hak. .- - Black Jacket, green sash, red sleeves with green bars, given cap. Hamilton. C. E. and Co. — Blue, white sash, red eap. llttincock. A. B.— Orange, white hoops on sleeves, white cap. Henley. J. II. and Co. — White, purple sash, purple sleeves, purple cap. Ilanley. Itobt. — Scotch plaid jacket, white sleeves. white eap. Hansen. J. C. — Bed. white shoulder straps, red sleeves with white bands, blue cap. Ilen7e. Geo.--Lavender, green sash, red sleeves, lavender and green eap. Hart. J. E. Blue, red belt, orange sleeves with red bars, green cap. Harmon. T. J. Green, gold belt, gold hoops on sleeves, paU cap. Harrington. P.— Black, brown cross sashes, green cap. Harris. W. II. -White, orang" sleeves, red cap. Hart and Wirth — Brown, white belt, white sleeves and cap. Hatfield. T.--Pink. blue cross sashes, red cap. Manser. Chris — Lavender, green cap. Hawkins, F. H. — Old gold, blue belt, white eap. Hawkins. George M. — Gray, cherry straps and cap. Hawkins. J. S. and Co. — Orange, green sleeves, white eap. Hayes, T. P. — Bed. green tobacco leaf on back, green cap. Headley. H. P. — Navy blue, white sash, collar, cuffs and eap. Headley and Miller— Navy blue, white sash, collar. cuffs. Hue cap. Hendrie, George M. — Gray, gray sleeves, cherry stripes, cherry eap. Hennessey. F. -Old gold, purple stars. Hearjr, John M.. Sr. -Bed. purple sleeves, green eap. Henry. John II., Jr.-TGreen, white sash, white sleeves with green liars, green eap. Herndi n. O. K. — Blue, black belt, orange sleeves, green cap. Den, Emil — Ited and white blocks. Idue sleeves, blue can. Hiatliington. J. F. — Green, white stripes, red sash, red cap. Hewitt. II. II. — White, red star in front and back. red cellar, cuffs and cap. Hickey Bros. — Bed, green sash, yellow sleeves, red eap. Hickey. N. J. — tlrecn, pink Bash, pink sleeves, white cap. Hickey and Cloher — Green, pink sash and sleeves. white shoulder straps and ca-Hill. Dillard and Co. — Yellow, red sash, red bars on sleeves, yellow cap. Hirseh. Samuel — Pink, purple belt and cap. Hitchcock, F. B. — Green, light green sleeves and eap. Hiter and Co.. A. T. — Green, yellow yoke, black sleeves with rod bars, black eap. Ilegan. John — Turquoise blue, gold belt, white sleeves, gold cap. Holland. J. I.. — Yale blue, orange bars on sleeves. orange cap. Hollo. George H. — Orange, with green spots, blue cap. Hoots. A. W. — Bed, white cross sashes, red sleeves, black cap. Jlorton. E. — White, purph sash, green cap. Hughes, J. T. — White, blue belt, red sleeves and cap. . Brake?. B. J. and Co.— White, green belt, black collar and euffs. Hughes, S. K. and Co.— Light blue. Hughes. Tandy ft Co. — White with red stripes. white sleeves, red and white eap. Hume, Boltert — Half black and half white, white eap. Humphreys. A. P.. Jr. — Purple, cerise sash. Hunley. A. E. — Green with red stripes, gold sash, red sleeves, green cap. Hurley. W. — Black, green belt and cap. Hynian;. It. — Heliotrope, vvhite sash, purple collar and cuffs, purple cap. I Ingels. Edward II. — Black, orange sash, red cap. Innes. George W. — Green, white belt, green and white tap. Irviu, Mrs. T. M. — White, yellow belt, red cap. J Jeanette. I. F. — Yellow, black sleeves, white sash. pink cap. Johnson. Crisswaite and Co. — Nelrose, green cuffs. green sash, green cap. .1 hnson, I.ucien — Alice blue, green sash. Alice blue sleeves, blue cap. Johnson, J. I. — Green, white sash, white bars on sleeves, red cap. Johnson. J. W. — Green, white sash, white bars on sleeves, green and white eap. Jones. Ben A. — White, old gold belt, green sleeves, green cap. Jones J. P. — Green, green with green bars on sleeves, green cap. Jones. Tom II. — Orange, red and blue cross sashes and cap. Jonce. and Kelley — Green, Idack bars on sleeves, mareon cap. .! ill. in. A. - -Green, red sash, red and green bars on " sleeves, green tap. Jordan, Chas. — Orange, black bell, cuffs and cap. K Keen. J. O. — Orange, black sash, euffs and cap. Krezik, J. P. — Brown, green belt, green cuffs on sleeves, gpcn rap, Keith A: Speni e — Green, orange sash, red cap. Keller, 1". J. Orange, -;recii lielt, euffs and cap. Kelly, J. —White, green shoulder straps, green cap. Kelly. If. C. Green, with white stripes, green eap. Kerr, G. S. — Bed. blue cross sashes, blue cap. Kersey. J. A. — Green, orange belt, black sleeves, while cap. Kilper. G Yellow, white cross sashes, black sleeve s, green cap. Kimmick, Win. Purple with gold polka dots, gold sleeves, B*M cap. Kiiil. W. P.- It d, green sash, white sleeves, brown eap. Kirby. A. P. Bed, white belt, white ■teerea, white cap. Kirk, W. H. -Blue and white stripes, blue sleeves, blue and while cap. Kirk A; Son. Henry — Orange, orange sleeves, brown sash, lemon cap. Kirwan. Mrs. W. A. — Purple, red sash and sleeves. purple and red eap. Kaapp, II. K. — Purple and gold squares, gold sleeves, purple cap. Kiiebelkamp. P. C. — Purple, white belt, blue cap. Kohriug. F. W. — Orange, green belt, green sleeves. green eap. Kohiinan. J. — Bed. blue belt, white sleeves, blue cap. Kuss and Ilaney— Blue, red sash, white sleeves and red cuffs, green cap. L Lab Id. A. S. --Canary, purple sash and sleeves. canary and parole cap. Lally. Jas.— Bottle green, scarlet belt, sleeves and cap. Lang Herman -Park blue, black sash and sleeves. black cap With white cross. I.asser. L. A: Co. Cerise with green spots, white cap. Lnughlin. J. J. Orange, white sash, green and white- bars on sleeves, green and white eap. Laudeuian. W. H. — Black, red sash, red sleeves with white bars, red cap. Lawrence- and Dudley -Purple, red stripes around jacket, white sleeves and eap. I.axtc n, John -Pink, pink belt, black sleeves and black cap. I.e Blond. Lake Black. I.eaeh A- St"We- Brown, red sash and cap. I.eban, Mis. Baa— Greea. blue sleeves, blue belt, blue eap. fabaa. Dan -Creep, Mae sleeves. Ieigh. It. A. — Yellow, blue sleeves, green cap. Lemaire, F. B.— Black aud white polka dots, white ■ cap. ■ Lewis. W. L. and Co.-.-Yellow, brown baud on sleeves nnd royal purple cap. Linker. W. — Light blue, dark blue sleeves and cap. Livingston. Jefferson — Lavender, white sash, red bars on sleeves,- white cap. Long. Geo. J. — Peacock blue, yellow Bash and cap. Lowe. A. B.— Orange, blaCiC cross sashes, black sleeves, orange cap. Lowe. John — Brown, pink sash and sleeves. Lowenstein. J. —Purple with white hoops, purple aud white bar on sleeves, purple cap. Lyon. John B. — White, red belt, white sleeves with three red bars, red cap. Lyne. L. A. — Brown, green and white cross sashes, green sleeves, brown cap. ■ Macey, Gus — White, red sash, green sleeves, red nnd green cap. Macias. It.— Black with yellow polka dots, yellow-sash. Macomber, A. K.— Bed and white stripes, white cap. Madden, J. E.— Cherry, white bars on sleeves, white hoop on cap. Mahoney. J. T. — Bed, green sash, sleeves and cap. Marion. Lew — Bed. purple sash and cap. Marklein. J. J. — Blue, American shield on back, red eap. Mailman. W. J. — Green, red sash, sleeves red with white bars, red cap. Marshall, It. P. — Gold with blue stripes, gold can. Martin, Pervis— Gray, red sleeves and cap. Martin. Wat, — Blue, red bars «on sleeves, red belt and eap. Matin. Win.— White, red and blue block sleeves, red and blue cap. Matlock, C. A. — Black, white belt, old gold cuffs, black and old gold cap. Mattiugly. G. P. and Co. — Black, yellow sash, black sleeves, yellow cap. May, J. W. — White and orange stripes, orange eap. MeFarland. C. N.— Yellow, blue cross sashes, blue sleeves, white cap. McGinnis. John S. — Peacock blue, olive green sash, green sleeves and cap. McKinney. W. A. — Yellow, blue sash and sleeves, white cap. Meacher. M. E. — Garnet, black sleeves and cap. Mcddis, C. — Purple, red belt, red cap. Meyers. Geo.— Old gold and blue stripes, black sleeves, blue cap. Middleton and Jones — White, blue sash, white with red striped sleeves, red cap. Milam. J. C. — Green, gold sash aud cuffs, green and gold cap. Miles, P. J. — Green, pink belt, green sleeves, gold eap. Miller, D. B.— Green, white sash, brown cap. Miller. Geo. M.— Black, light blue belt, light blue sleeves, black and white cap. Mijlett. Pat J. — White and green diagonal bars. white cap. Million and Bennett — Green, red star and crescent on back, red belt, green sleeves with red bars. Misick. Mrs. J. D. — Bed, black sleeves with green bars, green cap. Mizell. W. It. — White, with red hoops, sleeves white with blue hoops, red white and blue cap. Mizell, W. It. — White with red hoops, sleeves white with blue hoops, red, white and blue cap. Moore, E. W. — Maroon, yellow sleeves and cap. Mo re. C. W. — Orange, black and white cap. Moore, Chas. W. — Orange jacket, blue cross sashes, blue cap. Moore. M. C. — Bed. green sleeves, yellow cap. Moore! Mi-B. -Blue, red sleeves-. Mereland. G. B.— White, purple belt and cap. Morris. Dan T. and Co. — White, red hoops on sleeves, red shoulder straps, red and white cap. Morris, G. B. — Purple, white cap. Morris. J. H. — Mar on. white sash, maroon and white cap. Moshier, Geo. G. — Green, red sash, green sleeves, red cap. Morris, A. II. — Scarlet, purple belt, scarlet cap. Mounce. J. N. — Cana— - black sash, canary sleeves, green cap. Mulholland, D. E. — Pink, green sash, green sleeves, green cap. Mulholland. Wm. — White, orange, sash, black cap. Murray. E. — Black jacket, orange with white bars on sleeves, white cap. Murphy. T. M. — Purple, green sash and cap. MacManus. James — Green, and purple quarters, green cap. McBride and Tonkins — Green, pink cross sashes, pink sleeves, yellow cap. MoCafferty, J. J. — Purple, gold chevron and shoulder straps. McCarren, J. II. — Bed, black collar and cuffs, red sleeves, white cap. McCleruand. John — Old gold, black "M" on back, old gold sleeves, black eap. MeConnell and Wheeler — Cerise, black sash, white sleeves, black bars, cerise cap. McDowell, Thos. C. — White, black sash, white cap with blaek band. McCargo. E. E. — Blue, with gold diagonal bars, gold eap. McGeough. J. J. — Green, black belt, white collar, cuffs and eap. MeGue. J. W. — Green jacket, white cross sashes, red bars on sleeves, red cap. MeKenna. Chas. W. — Boyal purple, gold belt and cap. Mackenzie. B. J. — Orange, white sash. McMillan, S. B. — Cherry, orange hoops, white cap. McQuaid. A. A. — Green,, white sash, white sleeves with green cuffs, green eap. McSweenoy. George M.— Purple, gold belt, gold bars on sleeves, white cap. N Nealy. S. M. — Aiolet, black sash, white sleeves, white cap. Newell. .A. — Bed, black belt, red and black bars on sleeves, red and white eap. Newman. J. T. — Yellow, yellow sleeves, white belt, white cap. Newman. S. — White, with blue hoops, red sleeves, black eap. Nichols. J. H. cfc Co. — Black, green sash and cap. Nicholson, A. D. — Bed, white belt, green sleeves, red cap. Nicoll. Mode — Purple, canary sash, sleeves and cap. Nolan, Frank J. — Cherry and green stripes, green cap with cherry peak. Norris A: Jacobi — Pink, green belt and cap. Nuekols. S. C, Jr. — Old gold, red sash, sleeves and cap. Nunn, W. E. — Green, black sleeves, red cap. O OConnell. E. J. and Co.— Green, white sash, blue sleeves and cap. ODell, C. J. — Blue, red sleeves with green cuffs, green eap. Olson. S. -Green and red diamond jacket, gold sash, green sleeves, yellow eap. OMalley, Jas. J. — Blue, old rose belt, white sleeves, white cap. Oots, Howard — Black, gold star on back. Ott. Geo. B. — Black and white stripes, yellow cap. Overton, W. C. and Co. — Old gold, blue sash. P Parks, C. W. — Bed, yellow sleeves, yellow belt, red cap. Parr, A, D.— Bed, gold belt, gold bars on sleeves, red cap. Parrish, J. W. Terra cotta. stone eap. Parsons, S. L. — Orange, black band on sleeves, black cap. Parsons, Edward B. Black with white stripes. green cross sashes, green eap. Patterson. Body— Dark blue, orange collar, orange bars and cuffs on sleeves, blue cap. Pauls, Geo. — Green, white sleeves, silver cap. Paul. J. L. — Yellow sleeves, red and black stripes, reel eap. Paul, Mrs. J. I..— Burnt orange, green sleeves with black bars, green sash and cap. Payne, W. S. — White, red sash, black sleeves, red eap. 1earce. Walter II. — Green, black belt, green sleeves, white and black cap. Peck. Ed E. — Old gold, old gold with green bars on sleeves, old gold cap. Perkins. Mrs. W. and Co. — Black, pink cross saslics and cap. Peyton. Felix — Bed, orange sleeves, white cap. Phillips, W. E.— Black, green sash, sleeves aud eap. Pittman. V. M. and Co. — Bed with black polka dots, white cap. Polk. S. — White, brown belt and red cap. Pens. Owen — Green, red sleeves with white bars. red cap. Tons. F. J. — Orange, sleeves orange and black stripes, green can. Poole, Harry — Black, white "P" on back and front, white cap. Pope, Hurley — Bed. white sash, blue sleeves, black cap. Porter. Bice — Cherry, black belt, green sleeves, green cap. Portwood. W. L. — Green, red, white and blue belt, white cap. Powers. B. J. — White, sleeves white with red blocks, green sash and cap. Press, "apt. W. A. — Navy blue, old gold sash, navy blue sleeves with old gold bars, gold cap. • Quickstep Stable -Green, gold belt, sleeves and cap. Quincy Stable — White, red belt, green euffs aud eap. yuinn. M- Purple, red sash, red sleeves with purple bars, Hac cap. a j Raw-son, Ben — Black, yellow sash, black sleeves, yellow bars aud cuffs, purple cap. j Rawson, W. M. — Black, yellow sash, black sleeves, yellow bars on cuffs, purple cap. BaylH-uld. W. J.— Red. black sash, pink cap. Beardon, W. P. — Purple, blue sleeves, green cap. Reether, H. B. — Red, green horse shoe on back, blue sleeves, green cap. Reeves, Sirs. Ida — Green, brown sash, brown sleeves, green cap. Reeves and Abrams — Green, brown sleeves, green cap. iteid. C. B. — White, black sash, red cap. Reidinger, C. W.— Blue, white "R" on back, white belt and cap. Reiser, Milton — White, black belt, green sleeves and cap. Renshaw, Edgar — Brown, white sash, white sleeves, brown cap. Bespess, J. B. — Purple, white belt, white 6leevea, white cap. Bice and Kurtz — Black, pink belt, black sleeves with pink bars, black and pink cap. Riley, J. B. — Purple, yellow sash, brown sleeves, yellow cap. Bitchie, W. J. — White, green sleeves, red and green cap. Bobbins, J. T. — Purple with pink dots. Rodgers, J. Claude — Blue, black sash, cuffs and cap. Sogers A. L. — Cerise, white yoke, cerise cap. Rogers, C. E.— White, red cross sashes, white sleeves, blaek and white cap. Rogers, B. L. and Son— White, blue belt, red cap. Bogers, J. C. — Green and gold stripes, green sleeves, green and gold cap. Bedman, Joe K.— Olive green, orange yoke, orange sleeves, olive -green eap. Ross and Looney — Green, white stripe on sleeves, irreen and white cap. Rfan, Thos. II.— Red, white sash, red and white cap. Ryan, J. J. — Green jacket, pink cross sashes, green sleeves, pink bars, green cap. Ryan, John J. — Green, white stars, white cap. S Sanford, John — Purple and gold stripes, gold cap. Salt, E. J. — Blue, white sash, black sleeves, blue cap Sands. James — Peacock blue, white belt, navy blue sleeves, red cap. Schaefer, W. L.— Red jacket with white hoops, red sleeves, white bars, green cap. Schaller, Fred — Brown, blue sash, blue sleeves, bine cap. . " Schorr, J. F. — Orange, Orange cross sashes, black sleeves, black cap. Schorr, J. W. — Orange, blaek sleeves, white cap. Schmidt. II. A.— Bed jacket, yellow joke, yellow licit, yellow sleeves, green eap. Schreiber, Mrs. Carolyn— Black, blue sleeves, red cap. Schulte. W. F.— White. Scott. D. W. — Orange, purple sash, red -bars on sleeves, red cap. Scully. W. P. — Peacock blue, olive green sash. Seckington and Jones — White, white sleeves, green bars, green cap. Selegstein, L. S. — Green, yellow and black striped sleeves, green and blaek cap. Senn. G. — Red jacket, blue sash, blue sleeves, blue cap. Shelton. Mrs. J. E. — White, yellow cross sashes, yellow cap. Shilling. J. M. — White, green yoke, black cap. Shilling, Mrs. J. — Purple, white sash, blue sleeves. blue cap. Shepard. Claude R. — Black, gold sash and sleeves. black and gold cap. Sheridan. Ieter — Green, brown belt and sleeves, "old cap. Sheridan. Philip F. — White, with blue stars, white •sleeves with blue cuffs, blue and white cap. Sharp, I ew and Co. — White, green sash and sleeves. Shafer, John A. — Maroon, white belt, yellow cap. Shobe. L. C. — White, old gold sash and cap, green sleeves. Short, E. H. — White and red diamonds, red cap. Showalter. W. — Bed and white squares, sleeves red and white squares, cap red and white. Simons, Albert — Black, yellow cross sashes, yellow cap. Sleeth. Parkhnrst — Cerise jacket, old gold with black bars, old gold cap. Sioan. L. C. — Old gold with black "S" on back of jacket, old gold sleeves, white belt. Smitha, Lee — Yellow, pink sleeves, white cap. Smith, E. — Black with green dots, red cap. smith and Farrar — Green and white stripes, green cap. Smith, John F. and Co. — Blue, yellow sash, white sleeves, white cap. Snearly, W. H. — White, blue cross sashes, blue enffs, red cap. Spence, Kay — White, brown belt, red cap. Spencer. Jessie — Black, lavender sleeves and cap. Spiet and Powers — Pink, green sash, green sleeves, with red bars, red cap. St. John. Wesley — Brown, white sash, brown sleeves with white bars, blue cap. Staebler. J. M. — Green emerald, red star on hack. red, white and blue stripes on sleeves, red, white and blue cap. Stamper. J. H.. Jr. — Blue, white star on back, red sleeves, red cap. Stanhope, II. H. — Blue, red sleeves with blue bands, red and blue cap. Starr, George — Black, old gold belt. Staton, Fred — Light blue, red bars on sleeves, red cap. Steele, W. II. — Pink and blue stripes, pink sleeves, pink and blue cap. Steele, A. D. — White with red dots, orange sleeves, red- cap. Steele. Barney — Black, red sash, bliek cap. Stephenson, J. — Purple, red belt, blue cap. Stevens, J. D. — Black, orange sleeves, orange cap. Stewart, D. E. — Black and white stripes, black cap. Straus, C. — White, blue sash, black sleeves, blue cap. Strauss. William — Black, blue sash, blue sleeves, blue cap. Strode, J. V. — :Navy blue, sleeves navy blue and white hoops, white cap. Stone. Kinzea — Magenta, green belt. Steuve. Wm. — White with green dots, old gold cap. Sutterlin. E. L. — Light blue, brown sash, brown sleeves, light blue eap. Swain. George — Yellow, purple sash, yellow sleeves, black eap. Swain, John — Black jacket, green belt, black sleeves, white cap. T Talbott Bros. — White, crimson cap. Tate. J. W. — Old gold with polka dots, old gold sleeves, old gold cap. Taylor, A. L. — Navy blue, white and blue sleeves, white cap. Taylor and Baxter — Black, red sash, white sleeves, red cap. Taylor. T. — Purple, red and white cross sashes, red cap. Taylor. J. D. — Purple, yellow sash and cap. Texas Stable — Old gold, green cross sashes, green sleeves, old gold cap. Theisen, C. P. — Old gold, black cross sashes, black sleeves and cap. Thompson, Louis — Bed, old gold sashes, white cap. Thompson, M. G. — Sky blue, brown belt, cuffs and cap. c Threlkeld, W. S.— Emerald green and old gold stripes, emerald green and old gold eap. Thompson, L. S. — Green, red sleeves, red cap. Thompson, James A. — Blue jacket, red cross sashes, red sleeves, blue cap. Tilton. Bobert — Peacock blue, navy blue belt and sleeves, red cap. Timberlake, C. — Red with white stripes, yellow and white cap. Timmerman, J. J.— Black, white belt, white sleeves, black cap. Timniermaii, Mrs. J. J. — Black, white cross sashes, white sleeves, black cap. Tineher. Ed.— Green. Toyan Stable — Bed and steel gray. Trotter. A. B. — Old rose, green cross sashes, old rose sleeves with white bars, green cap. Turner. M. E. — Bed. black lielt and cap. Tirney. Amos — Bed with black bars, red sleeves, black cap. U Imensetter. Joe — Blue, yellow sash and sleeves, red cap. Cndervvood. Oliver — Brown, yellow sash, brown bars on sleeves, yellow cap. Puna. II. — Black, green belt, green sleeves and cap. V Vnn Arsdale and Elliott— Red, white sash, white sleeves, blue cap. Vnn Meter. C. C. — Yellow, red belt, black sleeves, reel cap. Vanity, H. — White, white and yellow sash, black and yellow bars on sleeves, red eap. Vandergrift and Schorr — Silver gray, black, braid. Varwig. 11. R. — Peacock blue, navy blue belt, purple sleeves, green cap. Veiller. S. — Pink, brown licit and cap. Vititoe. Mrs. D. — Green, red sash, green sleeves, red bars, red cap. Vivell, A. II. — -Blue jacket, red belt, yellow sleeves with white bars, yellow cap. Vivell. E. G.-— Cherry, old gold sash, old gold cap. Vogler. A. — Blue, brown sash, old gold bars on sleeves, blue and old gold cap. W Walden, Mrs. B. W.— Purple, white sleeves, purple bars, white eap. Walker. Wm.- -Cerise jacket, orange with blocks on sleeves, orange eap. Walsh. W. E. Blue, red sash, sleeves and eap. Walters. John Grav. blaek sleeves, red cap. Walking. P. A.— Old rose with white hoops, old rose sleeves, vvhite eap. Wallace, W. M, — Brown, green and white «r«j sashes. Warner. Frederick — Light blue, white sleeves, blue and white cap. Waters. J. C— Peacock blue, white sash, rod cap. Watklns, Hugh — Red. purple sash, green and yellow cap. Watts. Garrett— Cherry, gold bars on back, gold bars on sleeves, white cap. Weant, W. C. — Green, red cross sashes, red sleeves. red and green cap. Weaver. J. T.— White, red sleeves with green bars, red and white cap. Weber. Wm. J. — Lavendar. rod hoops and bars, red ca». , Weber and Ward-— White with red stars, red cap. Weir, . F. r . — Blue, gold sash, gold bars on sleeves, blue and gold cap. Wels*,, Lewis— Purple, gold belt, gold bars on sip eves, gold cap. J. K. — White, pink cross sashes, green cap. W-ells, D. W.— White jacket with red eagle anil flags, white sleeves with red eagle and flags, I white cap star and American eagle and flag. West, P. M. and Co.— Whit? with blue stars, red cap. West. Shelby — Green and black hoops, green sleeves and cap. West, John Taylor — White jacket, purple lielt, purple sleeves, white and black cap. White, F. I. — Turquoise blue, blue and white collar, blue and white sash, blue sleeves, blue and white cuffs, blue and white cap. Whitlow, J. 0.--Blne. sleeves blue and white blocks, yellow shoulder si raps and cap. Whitney. H. P.— Light blue, white l elt. brown cap. Whitney, Goo. H. — Sky blue, red sash, orange cap. Wingfiold. Ceo. —Silver, gold sleeves and cap. Winscjier. L. and Andress. A. — Purple, yeliow sash, black sleeves, brown cap. Willard. K. G.— Blue jacket, red collar, blue sleeves with red cuffs, red cap. Wilmnt. J. J. — Royal purple, black sash, royal purple cap. Wilson, C. S. — Green, white belt, black sleeves, white cap. Williams Bros. — Yale blue, orange belt, Yale blue sleeves with orange Imrs. red cap. Williams. W. E. — White with red dots, red sleeves and cap. Williams. Oscar — Red. white and blue stripes, red sleeves, red. white arid blue cap. Wood E. I. and Co.— Blue, red belt, white cap. Woods and Stoner — Green red belt, white sleeves and cap. Woodard. Win. and Co. — Cherry, sleeves cherry and blue hoops, blue cap. Wocdman. Mrs. A. G. — Black, white belt, black and white bands on sleeves, blue cap. Woodman. A. G. — White, rod and black diamond sleeves, blue cap. Woodford. J. Hal -Pink, black sleeves. Worthington. C. T. — Orange, black belt and sleeves, orange and black cap. Y Yanke. W. G.— Red. Young. James X. Cerise, green sash, white cap. Young. J. W. — Old gold and silver diamonds. Young. Milton — Blue with white stripes. Y ung. W. J. — White, purple sash, orange sleeves and cap. Young, W. L. — -White and green diamond*, white and green diamond sleeves, white and green diamond cap. Z Zinimer. J. M. — Red with white polka dots, blue cap. S. C. NCCKOLS. , Secretary.

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