Fort Erie Track in Good Condition: Outlook Wins an Interesting Race - Katenka and Shepherdess Pay Big Dividends, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-06


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FORT ERIE TRACK IN GOOD CONDITION. Outlook Wins an Interesting Race Katenka and Shepherdess Fay Big Dividends. Fort Erie, Out.. July 5. A well-arranged program furnished some interesting sport at Fort Erie this afternoon. Three of the races were over considerable distances of ground, the track was in good condition and good contests resulted. The best field that went to the post during the day was in the fourth race a dash of three-quarters. It was a well-matched band of sprinters and the race was a good betting affair. The winner turned up in Outlook, trained by AV. Shields. The running of the second race was crowded with incidents. It was a two-year-old dash and the field was unrulv at the barrier. When the start finally came. Signorotte was left. Then Olyn C. fell while rounding the far turn. Gratitude tumbled over him and Obert pulled Fox Trot up to keep from going down. The finish found two outsiders fighting it out with Katenka first home. The mil-tuels on the winner paid 8.10. -lupherdess, which beat Gildy a nose in the fifth race, paid her backers a handsome dividend, the mutuels in this race yielding a return of 72.20. There were arrivals at Fort Erie this afternoon from different points, AYilliam Torpie and John Decker came from Tijuana, and Jchn Monahun from New York. T. E. Crist got in from Baltimore with several horses. He contemplates finishing out the seat-on un the Canadian circuit. The father of jockey Elisor arrived here today. He came to straighten out the transfer on the boys contract that Edw.-.rd McRride made to II. G. Bed-well McRride held papers on the lad, but the lads father objected to the boy being transferred without his consent. The matter was taken up by the stewards and will be settled by them. WilliMii Garth has decided te send Gaiter to Saratoga wuen he ships Emerald Gem and Shannon River there. E. J. Crawford will ship his horses to Saratoga in the same car. Recoil, one of the Thorncliffe Stable racers, is in bad way. The mare is suffering from an attack of fever and little hope is entertained for her recovery. J. F. Richardson, who is training J. Lumsdens horses, reports that Candle and Between Cs are again taking their daily gallops. Candle has been an unlucky horse. He wintered poorly and after Richardson got him built up last spring he stepped on a nail at Woodbine which laid him up again. Mr. Lumsdeii has decided to strengthen his stable by the addition of some imported stock. At the conclusion of the present racing season he will arrange for Richardson to go abroad and purchase some twenty or twenty-five horses in France and England. He will get the best procurable, the idea being to retire them at the end of their usefulness as racers for breeding purposes. Mr. Lumsdeii is a great admirer of both the thoroughbred and the trotter and he will establish a breeding farm of his own in Cnn.nda. Aithur Edwards is manager of bis racing stable. Jockey G. Byrne was suspended for the remainder of the meeting by the starter and jockey Guy Burns for the rest of the meeting by the stewards, the former for disobedience at the post and the latter for rough riding. II. G. Bedwell claimed Blue Grass Belle out of the sixth race for ,250.

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