Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, July 6, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-06

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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, July 6. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Selling. 002G7 59 2 109. Index Course DistTimeTckOdda Wt St 4, Vi Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish BONNIE LASSIE, ch. f 2 110 By Charles Edward Our Hannah Pastime Stable. 27113 Latonia 55 f l:0Sfast 32-5 112 3 3 2 2 3 D Connlly 9 Kagura, S.Gwood, A.Wsenl.aoh 27361 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast 16 305 4 4 4 35 31 D Connlly 4 Lady Ivan, KingBelle, Bour.Lass 27262 Latonia 5-S l:O0Jfcfast 17 111 8 5 4 3 35 D Connllyll Bel. Me Boys, Kagura, Pearl L. 2G932 Latonia 45 f 65 fast 29-5107 9 10 95 S93 IC Lapaillell Innocentlnez. GingerQuill, Clare 26783 Douglas 5-S l:02good 36-5 109 G 3 3 4l 441 D Connllyll Katahdin, Hester Smith. Trusty 2GG2S Douglas 55 f l:07fast 19 112 7 5 5 5l 5" D ConnllylG Itcsewd, America, W.II.Pearce GINGER QUIXL. ch. f. 2 110 By Star Shoot Lacrimae J. C. Yeagor. 2703S Latonia 45 f 57mud Gl-10 102 2 3 35 2s E Martin S Bour.Lass. Lit.Spider, Bessanta 2C932 Latonia 45 f 55 fast 12 105 1 1 2J 2h E Martin 11 Innocent Inez, Clare, Peacliie 267S3 Douglas 5-8 l:02good 26 107 1 6 6 Gl 63 E Martin 11 Katahdin, Hester Smith, Trusty 26590 Douglas 5-8 l:01fast GG 112 3 2 2 35 495 E Martin 11 Fan G., Peachie, Innocent Inez 26515 Douglas 5-S l:01fast 59-10 309 o 2 4 61 914 W Andressl2 Milbroy, Innocentlnez, Peachie 26250 Churchl 5-S 1:03 mud 14-5 109 G 6 5 65 10" R Goose 12 Pomp, Sweet Helen, Milbrey 26070 Churchl 1-2 47fast 17 112 8 5 4i 55 F Cooper 10 Juvenile, Sunflash, Bird Lore BIRD LORE. br. f. 2 110 By Sain Sister Carlino W. Hurley. 27302 Latonia 5-8 l:0lfast 13 105 11 9 7 C1 5IS J Brown 11 K. Dick. S.Gatewood, T.Manson 27262 Latonia 5-8 l:004fast 42-5 134 10 6 9 91 S IC Lapaillell Bel. MelSoys, Kagura. 15. Lassie 26315 Churchl 5-S l:01fast 21-5 310 6 5 5 Gl 345 L Gentry 14 Lit. Spider, Money, SwcctHelen 26070 Churchl 1-2 44-5 112 G 2 35 345 L Gentry 10 Juvenile, Sunllash, Hour. Belle 23317 N.Orlns 1-2 8 10S 5 3 2 3"k T Koerner 7 Lobelia. Wat, Maud Bacon 252S2 N.Orlns 1-2 4S56fast 8 107 1 7 f.1 77 T Koerner 10 Med. .Miss, Dunga Din, Ownga 25236 N.Orlns 1-2 4Sfast 5 109 4- 2 2t 41 T Koerner 11 Geo.C.Love. Waukcag, G. Dolly MELIA, ch. f, 2 110 By Mcelick Regca G. L. Blackford. 25564 H.Spgs 1-2 49!fnst 5 1 03 6 4 7 6"i W Obort ! Itey Knnis. Cashup, Colza 25552 H.Spgs 1-2 49good 4 106 1 2 5 53 J Dodd 7 Goldenltantam. Verde, NightCap 23236 N.Orlns 1-2 4Sfast 7 109 11 9 91 SJ ,T McTagt 11 Geo.C.Love. Waukcag. G.Dolly 2307S N.Orlns 1-2 4S!fast 3 109 10 4 85 71" J McTagt 13 Maud Bacon. Rhymer. Out GOLDFEATKER, ch. f, 2 110 By Goldcrest Ethel McCaffrey F. Peyton. 27076 Latonia 5-S l:06hvy 13 llli 1 3 4 4 3n D Stirling 1 Clare. Peep oDawn. Humored 2C7S3 Douglas 5-8 l:02good 112 107 8 S, S Sl 7" P Lowdcr 11 Katahdin, Hester Smith, Trusty ALICE WEISENBACH. b. f. 2 110 By Eyebrow Trisauce E. Wood. 27413 Latonia 5?. f 1 :0Sfast 42 112 1 6 6 4 4- F Cooper 9 Kagura, S.Gatewood, 15. Lassie 27262 Latonia 5-S 3:00!;fast fid 114 3 8 5 55 6t4 W Lilley 11 Bel. Mel.oys. Kagura, B. Lassie PEEP oDAWN, b. f, 2 110 By Peep oDay Pattio Black Million and Bennett. 27413 Latonia 5?. f l:0Sfast 31 112 5 9 9 9 9l E Martin . Kagura. S. Gatewood, B. Lassie 27262 Latonia 5-8 l:00andrast 21 114 7 10 10 11 113 W W Tlorll P.el. McBoys. Kagura. B. Lassie 27076 Latonia 5-S l:06hvy 95 113 3 1 1 2 23 W W Tlor 4 Clare, Goldfeather, Humored 25S33 Lexton 45 f 56slow 66 105 G 7 7 7" E Martin 7 Auriga, Bed. Stories, May W. CYNTHIci DWYER, ch. f. 2 110 By Cunard Barbara Whiting W. H. Laudeman. 2616S Douglas 5-S l;02mud 21-5 310 6 5 4 35 510 F Murphy 9 Petrovna, Rosewood, Fan G. 26252 Churchl 5-S l:01mud 13 302 S 4 3 55 614 F Murphy S G. Fortune. N. Walcutt, MayW. 6131 Churchl 45 f 55good 55 107 14 7 75 S9 H Shilling 14 Jack Wiggins, Pomp, Lit.Spider PEGGY BURCH, b. f. 2 110 By Marta Santa Alix L. A. Lyno. 27262 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast S4 114 2 4 S Sh 9" G Garner 11 Bel. MelSoys, Kagura. B. Lassie 20932 Latonia 45 f 55 fast fid 105 11 11 10s 10 W Meehanll Innocentlnez, GingerQuill, Clare 6468 Douglas 5-S l:02mud 74 110 8 8 9 9 9 W Meehan 9 Petrovna, Rosewood. Fan G. 259S7 Lexton 45 f 55Vfast 70 101510 9 91 9" A Mott UMissJazbo, IIotTod-ly, Juvenile PEARL L.. b. f, 2 110 By McGce Sweet Pickle R. Bates. 27202 Latonia 5-8 l:00fast fid 114 1 3 3 4 43?.R Guy 11 Bel. McBoys, Kagura. 15. Lassie 267S7 Douglas 5-8 l:01good fid 112 10 8 7 71 83 R Guy 11 Fan G.. Sweet Helen, Milbrey 26131 Churchl 45 f 55good fid 112 2 8 95 111T R Guy 14 Jack Wiggins. Pomp, Lit.Spider 259S7 Lexton 45 f 556fast 70 102 3 7 71 773 F Jenkins 11 Miss Jazbo, HotToddy, Ju-ciiile LYCIA, b. f, 2 105 By Sempronius Embellish G. J. Long. 27362 Latonia 5-S l:01fast 30 110 9 3 4 5i 6 F Murphy 11 K. Dick, S.Gatewood, T.Manson 26590 Douglas 5-8 l:01fast 24 112 S 11 11 11 11 L Gentry 11 Fan G.. Peachie, Innocent Inez GLAD, br. f, 2 110 By Bryn Mawr Lady Galopin J. H. Baker. 27413 Latonia 55 f l:0Sfast 23 112 7 7 7 6 63 W Lilley 9 Kagura, S.Gatewood, 15. Lassie 27362 Latonia 5-S l:015fast fid 110 10 8 5 41 43 W Lilley 11 K. Dick. S.Gatewood, T.Manson 271S5 Latonia 5-S l:01Vfast 51 109 12 8 8 Sl St: J Brown 12 Velvet Joe. Lady Ivan, Piraeus IMMENSE, ch. f, 2 110 By Transvaal Scnta S. K. Nichols. 20168 Douglas 5-S l:02?mud S5 110 9 0 8 S3 S L Gentry 9 Petrovna, Rosewood, Fan G. 26310 Churchl 5-S 1:00 fast 27C 101 4 5 4 5 G K Lapaille 5 Frigcrio, Norumbega, Midway 20209 Churchl 45 f 524fast 26S 1125 9 9 Sl S11 L Gentry 9 Sunllash. Greentree, Saffron Girl BELLE C, ch. f, 2 110 By Dick Welles Passe J. List. First start. SECOND RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1512G 1:11 5 11G. IZZET BEY. b. g. 4 106 By Planudes Metrical A. L. Ferguson. 27414 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 27 9S 3 4 7 3i 7" R Simpsonll Nobleman, Mristown, Ipression 27363 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 28 104 11 9 11 11 11 E Graves 11 Uncle Hart, Nobleman. Sis.Susie 2G5S9 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast 24 103 9 11 12 121 11" H Shilling 11 Brizz, WandaPitzer, Langhorne 26365 Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 11 105 G 1 3 35 543 H Shilling 10 Martre, Theodorita, Ratina 25972 Lexton 3-4 l:13Vsfast 35 110 3 2 4 8 S5 W Andressll Droll, Brizz, Uncle Hart 25S06 Lexton 3-4 l:18hvy 45 110 8 9 9 9 S3 W W Tlor 9 Edna Kenna, W. Pitzer, C.Onne 20949 Latonia 3-4 1:14 mud 51-10 93 2 1 2 55 595 M Garner 0 Dr.Lrrick, CarrieOruie, Chartier SAVINO. b. c, 3 105 By Voorhees Corinna G. Barnes 5. 27415 Latonia 1 3-16 2:00 fast 9 94 5 9 11 9 6 643 J Brown 12 High Horse, W.s Last, Q.Apple 2722S Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 17 110 2 7 7 7 35 4 B Marco 11 Anna Brazel. Trappoid, Q.Apple 27144 Latonia 3-4 l:16slbw 52 100 8 9 9 55 2 B Marco 9 Mristown. J.CWelsh. Lukemae 26S55 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast fid 104 1 12 12 95 9o C Hunt 12 Uncle Hart, Luzzi, Grosvenor 26S17 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast fid 317 5 10 8 75 712 C Hunt 14 W. War. M. B. Thurman, B.Joe 24955 Juarez 3-4 2J 107 2 6 5 5 431 H Shilling 7 Circulate. Veldt. Thanksgiving 24S0O Juarez 3-4 l:15fast 4 113 1 3 3 2 25 R Pauley 7 Rapids. Veldt,. Circulate 24741 Juarez 5-8 1:01 fast 12 10S 2 5 4 4s 3T J Morys 0 Bank, Brooks, Violet M. BERT THURMAN, b. g. 3 102 By Bcarcatcher Aimee C. W. F. Cisco. I 27331 Latonia 3-1 l:14andfast 20 1131 3 1 1 11 2" J MeCabe 12 AlexGetz, JaneStraith, BusyJoe 2i 27144 Latonia 3-4 l:16slow 29-5101 S 7 7 9 93 E Graves 9 Morristown, Savino, J. C. Welsh 2i 27081 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 87-10 93 G 3 3 41 41 E Marco 8 J. O. Welsh, C.onDeliverj, Mex 2 2C333 Latonia 3-4 l:124fast 125 33 1 1 4 4l 5C5 J Brown 13 Cas. Jones, Nobleman, Liberator 26817 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 2G-5 114 1 11 11 2 R Goose 14 WatcrWar, BusyJoe, J.C.Welch 2 26196 Douglas 3-4 l:14hvy 13 102 3 14 4 4T K LapaiUe 6 Brizz, Sosius, Billy Joe 2C 2G3C8 Churchl 3-4 l:13rast 40 102 1 1 1 ll 2l K Lapaille 9 Billows, Col. Lady, Un. Jimmie c ZIN DEL, ch. f, 4 109 Bv Dick Welles Zinfandel W. H. Frey Z 27114 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 31 101 2 3D 9 911 .1 Callahanll Nobleman, Mristown, Ipression 2 27363 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 19 97 a 7 5 S1 S2 J Brown 11 Uncle Hart, Nobleman, Sis.Susie 2 27226 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 14 109 2 1 2 55 7 K Lapaillell Uncle Jlart, BusyJoe. Blanchita 21 25266 .N.Orlns 3-4 l:lltfast 8 10S 1 11 l1 71 T Koerner 11 Undaunted, Ancon, Brownstone 2: 25207 N.Orlns 3-1 l:l4andfast G 103 4 3 3 5s B Ambrose 8 Alfadir, Ancon. Bula Welsh 2: 25159 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14Vsfast 8 104 2 3 2 15 35 E Ambrosell Meclicka. Rubicon II., Tito LANGHORNE, br. g, 4 111 Bv Oddfellow Nuns Cloth S. M. Henderson. 2 27101 Latonia 3-11:13 ast 1S-5 109 S C 5 C! 5! D ConnUyl3 Shine, Altamalia, Black Beauty 2 27363 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 48 10G 7 j 9 7 V" H Phillips 11 Unclellart, Nobleman, Sis.Susie 2i 2722:$ Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 7-4 111 13 11 9 S1 C43 AV AndresslS J. C. Welch, Shine, Booker Bill 2 27170 Latonia 3-4 l:136fast 39-5 108 4 3 3 2 2l AV Andressll Rrookfield, Originator,- Erin 2 2GS37 Douglas 3-4 1:14 mud GS-10 103 5 4 5 5s 683 C Hunt 7 MissDeclarc, Liberator, BlueCap 2 26589 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast G4 10S 5 4 5 5 3 D ConnlIyl4 Brizz, Wanda litzer, Dengro 2 26363 Churchl 3-4 l:13Vfast 20 110 6 8 8 9 9aJ AV W Tlor 9 Kleburne, Grosvenor, Tillotson ROYAL TEA, b. h, 7 11G Bv RWht Poval Tee-Ky-Tee G. S. Kerr. 2 27101 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast I I 111 11 9 7 7 7 AV Lilley IS Shine. Altj-maha, Black Beauty 2 273G3 Latonia 3-1 1:13 fast fid 109 8 8 7 51 4J1 AV Lilley 11 Unclellart, Nobleman, Sis.Susie 2 7220 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 34 11G 7 G G 4h 4" AV Lilley 11 Uncle Hart, Busy.Ioe, Blanchita 2 27043 Latonia 3-4 1:20 mud 13 113 S S S 7 7 H Stearns 9 Tillotson, Morristown, Choctaw 2 26933 Latonia 3-4 l:125fast 43 109 10 10 9 95 912 K LapaillelS Cas. Jones, Nobleman, Liberator 2 26S21 Douglas lm70y lM.Vandfast fid 111 10 9 9 G 61 G3 D ConhHyl Disturber, MissFannie, Harwood 2 26591 Douglas 3-4 l:13Vfast 25 10S 5 7 7 6J 59 W A Car1110 Ipressive, Mistown, U.Jimmie 2 BLACK BEAUTY, blk. f. 3 100 By The Commoner Hawkslight H. J. Seidenick. I 27101 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 11 99 5 5. S 2h 3! O Gentry 18 Shine, Altamalia. Martre 2 27223 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 29-5 10111 9 6 Ch 3"i K Lapaillclo J. C. Welch, Shine,. Booker Bill 2 27142 Latonia 3-4 1:1G slow 49-10 97 1 4 3 4 591 C Hunt S Nleman, Hapenny, C.onDvery 2 2CS17 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 85 107 8 6 5 4and 5"! V A Carllll W. AVar, M. B. Thurman. B.Joe 2 2GG67 Douglas 3-4 l:12andfast CI 91 4 4 4 4" 45 P Lowder 11 LadyJ.Grey, Nobleman, Un.Uart 2 2G5S9 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast 23 99 1 2 2 3and 62 P Lowder 11 Brizz, AVanda litzer, Langhorne 2 COLUMBIA XADY, blk. f, 4 104 Bv Mexican Midligbt R. P. Dodson. 2 20517 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast 12 105 1 3 3 51 971 P Murphy 11 Erin, Tillotson, Mikifula J 2636S Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 36 10S 2 2 3 2 3 L Gentry ! Billows. M.B.Trman, U.Jimmie " 23914 Bowie 7-S l:27fast fid 107 5 G 7 7 and 1045F RobinsnlS Patience, Lily Orme, R.Laiigdon 2 23731 Mt. Royal 51 f l:09slow 10 112 S 5 5l 531 W Illnphy 10 Curious, Monty Fox. Indifferent 2 22422 Hillcrest 65 f 1:23 fast 12 91 fi 4 2 2h 53 J Cruise 7 King Worth, Imprudent, KateK. 2 22313 Hillcrest Ab5-S l:00fast 4 105 4 3 3 3 3J J DomIck S Jessup Burn, Belle Terre. Ynca 2 22118 DutTerin Ab5-S 1:01 fast 12 100 G 7 7 64 55 J Cruise 7 General, Suregct, King Worth 2 BLUE JAY, br. g, C 113 By Hastings Blue Jacket C. P. Thcisen. 2 20207 Churchl 3-4 l:14fast C9 113 7 G 5 S S10 J CallahanK Booker Rill, Jerry, Tillotson 25972 Lex ton 3-1 35 110 7 7 0 5h 5" R Goose 11 Droll. Brizz. Uncle Hart 22440 Hillcrest Gi f l:24fast 3-6 110 2 4 4 51 61 H AVatts G Excalibur, Tower, Rescue 22419 Hillcrest Aba-S 59fast G 109 fi G 5 .".u 2l N Fodon S Chitra, Daylight, Ynca 22357 Hillcrest Ab5-S 59fast 10 110 G 0 G 5l 5 A Finley C. Curious, L.Invalnles, L.Cricious 2 22116 Dufferin 65 f l:26M;fast 5 111 2 G 4 6 671 A AValsh 7 Bulgar, Barettc, Imiuieta 2 INTENTION, b. f. 3 100 By Hilarious Darling Williams Bros.. 2 27223 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 43 SS 3 2 7 lloil11 C Hunt 1:5 J. C. AVclch, Shine, Booker Bill 2 23927 Bowie 55 f l:llhvy 61-10 10S 8 9 9 13 13 M Garner 10 B. Bedfield, Wayfarer. Letfetti 23S95 Howie 5?. f l:07fast 56 102 2 1 2 6 7J3 M Garner 10 Broom Corn, Tralce, Maifou 2J751 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 19 100 9 7 10 11 11"?.IC Lapaillell Blue Cap, Cardome. LouiseStono - 22153 Churchl 3-4 l:15hvy 2S-5 105 5 4 3 32 31 K Lapaille ! Far Away, Jerry, Insurgent 23319 Douglas 55 f l:0Smud 25 1011 2 4 4 55 5J J Kedcris 10 Al Pierce, Ingot, Beauty Shop : AVATER WARBLER, b. f. 3 100 By AVaterboy Soliloquy M. Rieser. 26979 Iitonia 3-4 l:16":-imud 2G 102 9 9 9 9 !l K Lapaille 9 May MeGce. I.lucCap. Lucillel.. 2CS17 Douglas 3-4 1:13 fast 33 112 3 4 11 11 ll10 B Martin 11 AV. War. M. B. Thurman. R.Joe 2C5S9 Douglas 3-4 l:13fast fid 9SM4 10 S 6 55 B Martin 11 Brizz, ATrandaIitzer, Langhorne i 2C36S Cliurchl 3-4 l:13fast 2S 100 7 7 7 S Sls E Martin ! Billows. M.B.Thurman. C. Lady 2 26210 Churchl 3-4 l:13M;fast 75 96 7 G G G15 683 P Lowder 7 Blanchita, It.Tea, Uncle.Timmic i 25972 Lexton 3-1 l:13fast 19 102 11 9 9 l 919 13 Martin 11 Droll, Brizz, Uncle Hart 25178 Juarez 55 f l:07andfast 9-5 OS 4 1 1 l3 l5 E Martin 13 Smiling Maggie, Zolzo, Anita R. : PIN MONEY, ch. g, 4 111 By Eryn Mawr ?in3 and Needles J. J. FelhO. 27414 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast fid 9.S 11 10 10 10 St0 J Brown 11 Nobleman, Mristown. Ipression 23309 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 63 91 G 7 7 7 7 7- T Henry 7 Bonanza, M.Thorpe. Expectation 232S7 Mt.Royal lm20yl:41fast 10 1 00 1 5 5 61 Si J Clancy 11 Fastoso, Trovato. Aroladav Jr. 23230 Mt.Royal 3-4 l:13fast S 10S 9 2 2- 41 J Clancy 10 Coy. San Jon, Ischgabibble 23191 Mt.Royal 3-4 1:14 fast 6 103 7 5 7 7" E Ilaynes 7 N.Light. P. Hegan, Ischgabibble 23097 Mt.Royal 5-S l:01fast S-5 111 2 3 3i IS AV Doyle 11 Lady Dal. BelleBeach. C.Morgan 22939 Dorval lm70y l:45fast 35 97 6 1 4 2 3 3J A Collins 3 Endurance, Lcnavaal, Nel.Boots : LADY MILDRED, ch. f. 3 95 By Dick Welles Incendiary H. J. Sargent. 269S3 Latonia 3-4 l:16f,mud 2G 1H 4 2 5 53 55 II Stearns fi Waiidaiitzcr. Billows, .T.Straith : 2531S N.Orlns 3-4 l:14tfast 15 100 2 11 11 11 11" L McAtcc 11 M. Kruter, Rubicon II., F.Away : 23301 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14fast 6 100 1 2 3 S8 S10 L McAtcc 9 Frisky, Capt. Ben, Mater : 25237 N.Orlns 5?. f l:0SVsfast 3 105 5 5 4 Z- 335 F P.obinsnl.5 Servia, Frisky, Far Awav ; 25126 N.Orlns 3-4 l:12fast 12 103 2 1 3 65 G11 C VanDun 7 R.Marian. LuckvR., Paullandle : 25022 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13fast 5 107 1 1 1 2l 21 F Robinsnll Alfadir, Red Cross, Tito 24SS6 N.Orlns 3-4 1:14 fast 9-5 103 5 3 4 4l 47i F Robinsn 7 Busy Joe, Royal Tea, Pres. Lynn : LOUISE GREEN, ch. f, 3 95 By Transvaal Katherine Moore Mrs.T.S.Everman. : 2746G Latonia 3-1 l:13fast fid 93 12 11 9 95 9" R Hack 12 Busy Joe, Ardent, Jane St raith : 272S2 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47fast 19 91 3 1 1 1 V- 510 R Hack 13 Margaret E., Santo, P. Connellv ; 23649 Latonia 3-1 1:1S hvy 21 109 S 7 S 9 9 C VanUunlf. Asp.Sam, Sauterelle, W, Warbler : 23319 Douglas SJ f l:0S4imud 44 101 5 9 9 93 SSH Stearns 10 M Pierce. Ingot. Beautv Shop ; 23032 Lex gton 55 f 1:0S fast 27 10G 10 0 0 71 7 D Connellyll Triad. Ardent. Blanchita : 22S37 Lexgton 5-S 1:02 fast 115 112 9 7 5 3: D Connellyl2 Trapiwid, II. Thompson, Bernini 2142S Latonia 5-S l:03mud 10 109 2 4 4 43 4"5C Jones and Triad, Miss Atkin, Lachis THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Covington Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 15125 1:11 5 110. POCKICKOO, ch. c. 3 100 By Stalwart TVTiss Peggy T. C. Bradley. 27113 Latonia 3-4 l:15f,slow 11 100 5 3 4 5 i- K Lapaille r, John Jr.. Leo Skolnv, ItedCloud 270S2 Latonia lm70y l:5andhvy 3::-5 V 6 1 1 1 2J C33 K I-apaille S II. Gardner, Christie, S. of Love 26392 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 6-5 102 2 2 2 33 3 B Martin -1 J. J. Murdock. B.Joe, B.Trooper 26251 Churchl 3-1 l:i:i!imuil 39-10 107 1 5 3 P 25 C Hunt S D. AVilliams. IlnfTaker, John Jr. : 260S7 Churchl 1 1-S l:55mud 45 99 1 1 1 1 38 3J M Garner -1 D.Crmcn, Ebroidcry. B.Trooper 23595 I-itonia 3-4 l:15hvy 11 110 1 10 8 S T- W W Tlorl5 Big Smoke, Cosmic, Checks 23102 Cliurchl 3-4 1:1G hvy 37-10 103 G 5 4 31 33 D Connelly 7 Milestone, Checks, Huffaker OTHELLO, blk. h. 5 110 Ey Lithos Plash of Night J. Livingston. 27103 Latonia 3-1 SI 107 1 3 4 5 51 R Goose 5 Kathleen. J. J. Murdock. Dodge 27263 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 29-10 114 3 3 3 33 35J R Goose S Aogue, .T.J.Murdock. Fleetabelle 26S9S Latonia 3-4 l:13!fast 2 113 3 2 2 15 35 R Goose 7 Skilcs Knob, PortLight, It.Oloud 265i:i Douglas 3-1 1:12 fast 21-20 115 1 3 3 3 33 AV Lilley r Amazon. P.. and Stars, Sparkler 259S6 Lexton 3-4 l:I2fast 3-4 110 2 2 2 15 1 R Goose 7 Morristown, Cardomt, rathom 25961 Txton 3-4 l:13good 11-5 112 1 2 2 3 35 R Goose 7 dip. George, PortLight, Dimitri 25185 Havana 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 6-5 122 2 1 1 1 Is 2 R Urquhrt 0 Aldcbaran, Obolus, Tamerlane SPARKLER, b. g, 4 102 By Mizzen Sparkle Esber Woodman Bros.. 27263 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 30 106 Z 7 S S S7 C Hunt 8 Vogue, J. J. Murdock, Othello 27121 Latonia 3-1 l:lSf.hvy 51-10 10S 1 1 2 15 11 D Connlly -1 Skiles Knob, Ratina, Primoro 27003 Latonia 3-4 l:14mud IS 110 6 2 3 3 25 AV Andress S Skilcs Knob, Port Light, Sosius 26519 Douglas 3-4 1:12 fast 41 110 4 4 4 43 49 AV Andress r Amazon, B. and Stars, Othello 26320 Churchl 51 f 1:06 fast 4G-5 107 1 4 7 8 8" C Hunt 8 Amazon, Hank ODay, Dr.Moore 26134 Churchl 3-4 l:13good 23 103 1 1 1 3l 3 C Hunt 7 SbirStar, D.AVilliams, O.Koenig 23672 Iatonia 55 f l:0Shvy 83-10 101 5 2 2 5 5" J Acton 15 R. Goose, Dr. Larrick, M.Goosby 3CINNEY, b. c, 3 100 By Dick Welles Lady Strathmore T. P. Havos. 27263 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 21 101 4 4 fi 0l 6i F Cooper S Vogue. .1. J. Murdock. Othello 2610G Churchl 3-4 l:ll4ifast 101 300 7 7 7 7 71" P AVillms 8 Old Koenig. R.Raggagc, Jolinlr 26320 Churchl 55 f 1:06 fast 14 103 5 3 3 5" 431 F Cooper S Amazon," Hank ODav, Dr.Moore 26251 Churchl 3-4 l:13mud 25 108 4 2 5 7 l 713 L Gentry S D.AVilliams, Pkichoo, Huffaker 26071 Churchl 1 1-4 2:01 fast 33 117 5 6 8 8 810 S" L Gentry ! Oeo.Smith, Starllawk. Franklin 25974 Lexton lm70y l:42fast 61-10100 111 1 2h 5s E Martin 9 Royal II.. Dor.Dean, Dr.Carmen 25S68 Lexton 1 1-S l:55vimud 125 102 4 1 5 4 42 4 P Cooper 5 Brynliinah, One Step, Indolence FOURTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Carthage Handicap. 3-year-olds and upward. 14977 1:50 3 105. THE GRADER, b. g, 6 inn By Orlando My Fair Kentucky J. T. Xooney. 27417 Latonia Un70y l:12fast 31 108 3 3 3 3 4 21 D Connlly 7, apt. Rees, Red Cloud, L.Kotha 272S5 Latonia 1 1-16 1:4 lfast 1G-5I09 2 3 4 3 4 43J D Connlly 1 Ed Crump. SolarStar Capt Rees 27169 Latonia 1 1-4 5 113 4 11 1 lh 3l D Connlly 7, Pif Jr., Fels, Olga Star 26937 Latonia 1 1-S l:52Vf,fast 2 113 4 1 1 2 4i 5 R Goose ! M.Maker, Embroidery. Ilanovia 2PS40 Douglas lm70y 1:4 tmud 21-5 115 2 2 2 3 41 41 R Goose i D. AVilliams. Hodge," Solar Stir 20G70 Douglas 1 1-S 1:52 fast 3 113 7 2 1 2 2 15 It Goose 9 Donerail. Kleburne, Brynliinah CAPT. REES, ch. c. 3 10C By Plaudit Starry Night J. C. Milam. 27117 Latonia lii70y l:42fast Gl-10 102 2 7, 5 2 I1 15 V Murphy 7 TheOrader, RedCloud, LadvRotha 27366 Latonia 1 1-1G l:15fast 9-5 305 2 3 3 1 23 In D Connlly 7, King Gorin, Col. Aennie. Votary 272X5 Latonia 1 1-1G l:414f,fast 1S-5 100 3 4 3 4 31 32 C Hunt 4 Ed Crump. SolarStar, T.Grader 2716S Latonia lni70y l:43Vandfust 3-5 106 5 2 2 2 38 31 K Lapaille 7, Ellison, King Gorin, R. Shooter 26935 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 12 106 3 3 1 1 l3 1 K Lapaille 7 Fleuro, King Gorin, Rig Fellow 26S60 Douglas l:n70y 1:13 fast 19 90 4 8 8 8 41 3i B Marco S Aotary, Pif Jr., Dr. Moore FELS. b. g, 4 100 By Sempronius Binda J. T. Shannon. 27331 Latonia 1 1-S l:50fast 17-5 101 1 1 3 4 4 4S1 F Murphy 4 B.Wliams, Aldebarn. Royal II. 27265 Latonia 1 3-4 2:03fast 26-5 102 3 2 2 2 1 33 F Murphy 7 Hank ODav, Pif Jr., AV. Witch 27169 Latonia 1 1-1 2:03fast 10 100 5 2 2 2 2" 2" K Lapaille 7, Pif Jr., The Grader, Olga Star 27002 Latonia 1 1-8 l:54mud 41-5 100 3 3 3 3 3 3" J Brown 3 Embroidery. Solar Star 26937 Latonia 1 1-S l:52,fast 15 100 3 6 G 6 5h 48 J Brown 1 M.Maker, Embroidery, Ilanovia 267S9 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47",good S3 107 S 9 9 7 4 2t j Brown 9 Kleburne. Guide Post, K. Gorin ALDEBARAN, b. g. 7 105 By Planudes Passan J. Livingston. 27112 Latonia 13-16 1:57 fast 17 107 S 4 4 7 71 7U R Goose 8 Dick AVilliams, Franklin. Pif Jr: 27334 Latonia 1 1-S l:50fast 8 114 S 3 4 2 2- 2s L Gentry 4 Dick AVilliams. Royal II., Fels 27227 Latonia 1 1-16 l:15fast 41 113 3 2 2 2 P l3 R Goose 7 Christie, Red Cloud, Syrian 26670 Douglas 1 1-S 1:52 fast 25 13 2 2 5 5 5 61 G AV Lilley 9 The Grader. Donerail. Kleburne 2651S Douglas 1 1-S l:52fast 3-5 10S 3 1 1 1 P l3 R Goose 4 Lahore, Goldcrest Boy, Bonanza 6319 Churchl lm70yl:43fast 37-20 307 7 6 o 4 2n 2 H Shilling 7 Sleeth. Syrian, Bonanza 26154 Churchl 1 l:33fast 32-5 10S 3 2 2 2 23 22 R Goose 7, Groverllughes, PifJr.. Bonanza FLORAL PARK, ch. m, 6 100 By Burgomaster or Hamburg Mineola F.J.Grefor. 27227 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 14-5 101 2 3 5 5 5 6" C AanDun 7 Aldcbaran, Christie, Rod Cloud 26840 Douglas lm70y l:41mud 43 100 G 6 6 0 G 6sl P Fuerst fi D. AVilliams. Hodge. Solar Star 26701 Douglas lm70y l:46ftmud 22 108 5 5 5 C 6 63 P Murphy John Gund, Mar.Goosbv, Ellison 18284 Latonia 1 1-16 1:44 fast 23-5 103 4 4 3 3 3 2 F Murphy 7, AVaterbass, Hodge. P. Herniis 18215 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 9-4 105 6 3 3 2 25 2" J Metcalf Hodge, Little Father, Rash 1S150 Latonia 1 1-S 1:51 fast 57-10 100 4 2 2 1 11 15 P Murphy S DorothyDean, CoyLad, Donerail FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. S2311 1:05 393. AURIGA, b. f, 2 115 By Waterboy School Mistress F. Schallor. 27123 Latonia 5-S l:05hvy 27,-5130 4 4 2 li 11 L Gentry 9 Dour. Lass. America. Lady Ivan 26367 Churchl 5-8 5-4 105 1 1 1 li 1J H Shilling 7, Sunflash, Troilus, Diamond 25S69 Lexton 45 f 57mud 3 115 3 5 Gi 5s F Murphy 8 Yermila, Jocular, BfcveMeRoya 25S33 Lexton 45 f 5Gslow 32 10G 4 2 2 11 F Murphy 7 I.ed. Stories, May AV.. Aunt Liz BIT OF A DEVIL, b. f, 2 111 By Helmet Melton Mowbray E. R. Bradloy. 26820 Douglas 5-S 1:01 fast 32 110 3 2 2 3 l 31 C Kirschm 7 America. Rosewood, Petrovna 26668 Douglas 5-S l:01Vf,fast 115 115 2 2 2 3i 433 C Kirschm 7, Judge Young, Aunt Liz. S itin 260SS Churchl 1-2 4Smud 11-5 113 5 4 8 8 J Loftus S Rosabel, Jocular. Bel. Me Roys 25853 Lexton 45 f 55fast 19 112 2 1 l3 li C Kbaum 8 Miss Jazbo, BourbonLass. Jovial BOURBON LASS, b. f. 2 111 By Bourbon Beau Lassie Gallaher Bros.. 27361 Latonia 5-8 1:01 fast 1-2 110 3 3 3 4 431 AV Andress 4 Lady Ivan, King Belle, R.Lassie 27225 Latonia 5-8 l:00M;fast 55 107 2 1 1 1 H AV Andress 9 Money, Rosewood, Langden 27123 Latonia 5-8 l:05hvy 23-5107 C S 6 6 21 W Andress 9 Auriga, America. Lady Ivan 27038 Latonia 45 f 57mud 3J 10S 1 1 1 1" W Andress 8 Gin, Quill. Lit. Spider, Bessanta 26070 Churchl 1-2 47fast 59-10 112 7 3 51 4 AAr AndresslO Juvenile, Sunflash, BirdLore 25959 Lexton 45 f 55good 55 112 4 3 51 34 AV Andress 7 N. AValcntt, B.G. Belle, Juvenile KAGURA, ch. f. 2 111 By Alvescot Illustrious G. J. Long. 27413 Latonia 55 f l:0Sfast 9-10 112 2 11 1 1 F Murphy 9 S.Gewood, B.Lsie, A.Wenbach 27262 Latonia 5-S l:00andfast 21 114 4 2 2 24 21 P Murphy 11 B.McBoys. Bon. Lassie, PearlL. 27165 Latonia 5-S l:01fast 79-10 106 2 2 1 2 2 D Connllyll Peachie. S. Gatewood, Perseus 26932 Latonia 45 f 55 fast S 105 5 G 71 51 P Murphy 11 Innocciitlnez. GingerQuill, Clare MARY BELLE, blk.lf. 2 10G By Ballot Wing Ting W. H. Baker. 27413 Latonia 55 f l:0S"5fast 51-10 112 fi 4 4 5 5 R Goose 9 Kagura, S. Gatewood, B. Lassie SIXTH RACE 1 Hile. 3-ycar-olds. Allowances. 1-IS35 1:S7 111-1. KING GORIN, ch. c, 3 108 By Transvaal Ethel Simpson R. L. Baker. 27.-.6G Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast G 100 4 1 1 2 1q 2 C Hunt n Capt. Rees, Col. Aennic, Votarv 273GS Latonia lm70y l:43fast 4 106 2 l 1 1 2a 2- P Cooper 7 Ellison. Capt. Rees, R. Shooter 27042 Latonia 1 1-8 2:01mud 31-5 301 2 2 2 2 3l 3 K Lapaille 4 Ha novia, G. Hughes. Olga Star 26935 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 33 116 6 5 4 4 3 3 F Cooper 7 Capt. Rees. Fleuro. Big Fellow 267S9 Douglas 1 1-16 l:471good 44-5 96 7 3 3 1 2J 441 P Lowder 9 Kleburne, Fels, Guide Post 2CC99 Douglas 3-4 1:15 mud 9-10103 3 3 3 2 23 H Shilling -1 Droll, Bonanza, Primero I 2i 2i 2 2 2C c Z 2 2 21 2: 2: 2 2 2i 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 I 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 J " 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 - : i 2 i : : : : : ; : : : : ; : ; : : ELLISON, br. c. 3 113 By Ossary Orsini J. F. Schorr. 27265 Latonia 1 1-4 2:03fast 51 1035 2 G 6 6 5: 5J D Connlly 7 Hank ODay, Pif Jr., Fels 2716S Latonia lm70y l:43V;fast 59-10 106 1 4 4 3 15 Is D Connlly 5 K. Gorin, Capt. Rees. R.Shootcr 27001 Latonia 1 1-2 2:37 mud 20 122 5 7 6 C 6 6-a L Gentry 7 Dodge. Geo. Smith, D. AVilliams 26S97 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 1G 100 4 6 6 6 6 6;i P Murphy 0 Waterblossom, Pif Jr., AA.Witcli 207S5 Douglas Iml00yl:45goodl7-10 115 7 7 7 4 25 2s G Garner 7 JackODowd, BigSmoke, C.Rees 26701 Douglas lm70y l:4Gfimud 17-51065 4 4 4 3 3; 3 D Connlly 0 John Gund, M.Goosby, B.Smoke COLONEL TENNIE. b. c. 3 113 By Picton Shy Missie J. Livingston. 27366 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 21-5 107 3 4 4 4 31 3s R Goose 7, Capt. Rees, King Gorin, Aotary 26499 Douglas 1 l:40slow 63-10 115 1 6 G G 35 33i F Murphy 7 Old Koenig, Ellison, King Gorin 26251 Churchl 3-4 l:13mud 17 118 7 6 7 05 532 J Kcderis 8 D.AVilliams. Pkichoo, HulTaker 23S54 Pimlico 1 1:12 fast 18-5 122 1 4 7 5 3"t 2" T McTagt S Celandria. P. in Boots, St. Rock 23S07 Laurel 1 1:10 fast 24-5 106 1 2 2 2 25 13 C Turner 7 Spur, Sprint, Franklu 23757 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 11 109 1 4 3 2"t s3 C Tinner G George Smith, Anita, Fernrock HUFFAKER, b. c. 3 108 By Dick Welles Outwai W. F. Cisco. 27441 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17 100 5 6 5 41 42 C Hunt li Bringhurst. John Jr., B. Daw 27365 Latonia 3-4 l:12M;fast 41-5 107 4 5 and 44 455 F Murphy G J. J. Murdock RedCloud JohnJr. 2653S Douglas 1 l:3Sfast 15 102 2 G 8 6 4" 4"5 K Lapaille S D.AVilliams, O.Koenig, D.Moore 26106 Churchl 3-4 l:ll44fast 21 102 2 5 5 45 43 E Martin 8 Old Koenig, B.I.aggage. JohnJr. 26251 Churchl 3-4 l:13andmud GI 100 3 4 G 35 33 K LapaiUe S D. Williams. Poekichoo, JohnJr. 26134 Churchl 3-4 l:13good 3S-5 103 4 3 4 6 71 E Martin 7 SolarStar, D.AVilliams, Sparkler 25S57 Lexton 3-4 1:13 fast 9 109 3 3 5 35 lnk E Martin 10 J.J.Murdock, JohnJr., Dr. Moore VOTARY, ch. c. 3 108 By Voter Ecstasy J. B. Haggin Estate. 27366 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 31 ICG 5 5 5 5 A- 4 E Martin 7, Capt. Rees. K.Gorin, Col.Aennio 27001 Latonia 1 1-2 2:37 mud 26 1 22 2 G 7 7 7 73i E Martin 7 Dodge, Geo. Smith. I. Williams 26S60 Douglas lmTOv 1:43 fast 17-5 100 1 2 3 3 11 1 E Martin 8 Pif Jr., Capt. Reos, Dr. Moore 26702 Douglas 11:42 mud 41-5 99 G G G 6 6 615 E Martin 5 Solar Star, Mary II., Dr.Larrick 26540 Douglas 1 1-S l:52fast S3 102 4 2 3 3 3 25 E Martin 7 Kleburne. John Gund, Donerail 26199 Douglas 1 l:40slow 27 110 2 2 5 6 Gl 59i E Martin 7 Old Koenig, Ellison, Col.Vcnniu 23520 Latonia 51 f 11-10 112 1 3 3 l1 l5 E Martin 9 This.Green, C.Wilmot. Al Pierce 23049 Lexgton 3-4 l:14fast 9-20 112 3 1 1 Is l5 E Martin 5 Asp. Sam, Cossack, John Bunny SHINE, b. f, 3 103 By Mizzen Sparkle Esber L. S. Seligstein. 27101 Latonia 3-1 1:13 fast 11 99 4 1 1 Is l1 I? Graves 13 Altamalia, RlackReauty, Martre 27223 Latonia 3-1 l:13fast 38 9S 1 1 2 21 25 O Gentry 13 J. C. AVclch, Booker Bill, Jungle 27112 Latonia 3-4 1:16 slow 41 93 7 7 S 5l 4s G Schcrrer S Nleman, HaIenny, C.onDvery 2G251 Churchl 3-1 I:14mud 206 101 6 4 5 7 S11 AV Hoag S Hawthorn, Ed Howard, S. Knob 23654 Latonia 55 f l:105hvy 20 100 7 2 5 5" BJ.T Mor.vs !t Popper. L. AVington. C.Wilmot 23361 Latonia 3-4 1:17 mud 43 109 4 1 1 1 44J D Stirling 11 C.MNab, Sansyming. Stephen R. 23303 Latonia 51 f l:07fast fid 10S 9 12 12 11 111U5L Gray 13 J. ODowd, AlcxGetz, StcplienR. JACK 0DOV.rD, br. c. 3 108 By Peter Pan Lauretta Burke P. J. Millctt. 2746S Latonia 1 l:3SVfast 67-10 100 3 2 3 3 4 4,T C Hunt 4 EdCrump, SolarStar, Embroidery 27366 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 6 103 1 2 2 3 5 511 F Murphy 5 Capt. Rees. K.Gorin, Col.Aennie 26935 Latonia 1 l:3Sfast 21-5116 4 6 G 5 a8 54 L Gentry 7 Capt. Rees, Fleuro, King Gorin 26785 Douglas lml00yl:454good 12 103 5 5 3 1 1 l5 P Murphy 7 Ellison, Big Smoke, Capt. Rees 2G702 Douglas 1 1:42 mud 39 99 2 4 4 4 4- 4"! C Hunt Solar Star, Mary H., Dr.Larrick 2653S Douglas 1 l:38sfast 53 10S 8 7 7 7 7l 683 L Gentry S D.AVilliams, O.Koenig. D.Moore 25855 Lexton 1 1-16 l:41fast 1G 9S G 5 4 3 3U 6,s P AVillms 7 Bay. Candle, Geo.Smith, Lahore SEVENTH RATE 1 1-16 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 3220 1:13 3 110. GRASMERE, ch. g. 9 116 By Meddler Rotha II. W. V. Walsh. 2726S Latonia 1 1-16 l:46VSfast 23-10 115 5 2 2 2 ll ll F Murphy 8 J. Louise, I.GIeman, C.MIimont 2699 Latonia lm70v 3-2 111 2 3 3 2 11 l1! P Murphy 8 Flyllome, S. R. Meyer. Venghei; 26S39 Douglas 1 1-16 l:16fast 9-5 117 S 7 5 4 3- 2 F Murphy 8 Jcs. Louise, Billows, Sauterelle 26629 Douglas 1 1-1G l:4Gfast G-5 110 2 11 1 - ll P Murphy 5 Jes. Louise, C.Francis, L.Paul 26409 Churchl lm70v l:44fast 34-5 112 3 3 3 3 2 2 F Murphy 8 S.U.Meyer, Impression. Bklicld 2019S Douglas 1 1-1G l:49mud 19-20 104 2 2 2 2 45 54 M Gamer 7 Tavolara, Loveland. Thtreader 20312 Churchill 3-4 l:12fast 29-20 110 1 1 1 33 3 E Martin 14 Undaunted. .Alex, Colle FLY HOME, ch. g. 4 106 By Armeath II. La France C. T. Worthington. 27143 Latonia 1 1-16 l:43-"if,fast 5 307 1 G 3 1 1 2 K Lapaille 7, Wilhite. Gold. Roy. Guide Post 27191 Latonia 1 1-S l:52fast 29-5 309 4 6 2 1 Ill2 D Connlly G GcrcstRoy, S.ofLove. Sauterelle 27001 Latonia 1 1-1G l:49mud 21-5 1 03 4 5 5 5 52 413 J Kedcris 0 I.Gentleman. Noureddin. G.P.oy 2GS99 Latonia lm70y l:44l"ast 21 101 8 8 8 S 53 25 J Brown S Grasmere. S.R.Meyer, Ycngheu 26S11 Douglas 1 1-16 lShmud 18 111 3 G 5 3 35 28 D Connlly 7 Sam. R. Meyer. Ycnghee. Juliet 2G7SS Douglas lm70v l:45good21-20 307 7 3 2 2 ll 11 P Murphy 13 L.Paul, L.AVthington, Flitaway 25S5S Lexton 1 1-S 1:54 fast 35 104 6 6 2 2 1" 31 F AVillmslO Cadenza, Olga Star, Injury LAHORE, ch. g, 8 106 By Delhi Nora Creina J. L. Paul. 27114 Latonia 1 1-S l:53fast 3-2 113 1 3 2 2 2 2i R Davies 0 H.IIowdy, II.Lad, Conflagration 27406 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 13 10S 3 G 6 G 6 C AV Lilley G Lady Rotha, Wilhite, Droll 2651S Douglas 1 1-S l:52fast 19-5112 4 4 4 4 35 23 AV Lilley 4 Aldebaran, Gold. Boy, Bonanza 2631S Churchl 1 l:39fast 60 110 7 7 7 6 5l o43 AV Lilley S TheOrader, G.Hughes, G.George 26099 Churchl 1 3-16 2:04 mud 31-20 111 1 3 2 2 2" 25 AV Lilley 5 Sleeth. I.Gentleman, Lindenthal 23975 Lexton 1 l:3Sfast 81-10 114 3 5 5 5 5 514 AAr Lilley G.IIuches, L.Rotha. I.Gtleman 25S55 Lexton 1 1-16 l:44fast 44 106 5 6 6 G 51 30 AV Lilley 7 B. Candle. G. Smith. TheGrader IRISH GENTLEMAN, b. h. 8 109 By McGee The Lady J. H. Baker. 27419 Latonia 3 1-16 1:47 fast 3-2 114 7 4 3 4 6l 61 F Murphy S Booker Rill, Reno, Al. Lawrence 2726S Latonia 1 1-16 l:46fast lr 113 S S 6 4 41 3H J Brown S Grasmere, J.Louise, C.Mchmont 21004 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49mud 22-5110 111 1 l3 l4 F Murphy li Noureddin, GoId.Boy, Flyllome 26S99 Latonia lm70y l:44fast 14 114 4 4 5 4 6" 63 AAr AV Tlor S Grasmere, Fly Home. S.R.Meyer 26173 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01mud 13-5 135 6 5 4 4 31 3s C Hunt S Shyness, Hardliall, L. II. Adair 25319 Churchl lm70yl:43andfast 16 110 G 5 G 5 C6 Gsl F Cooper 7 Sleeth, Aldebaran, Syrian 26255 Churchl 1 3-16 2:03mud 21-5 310 4 3 2 2 1 ll P Cooper G S.R.Meyer, II.Gdnor. Ipression BILLOWS, b. ni. 5 104 By Cunard Princess Titania T. M. Murphy. 27367 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 61 101 2 1 1 1 ll ll AV Hoag 7 Sauterelle, A.RrazcI. A.Larence 26999 Latonia lm70y l:47mud 24 111 4 3 4 5 7 7 AV AV Tlor 9 H.Gdner, L.AVngton, G.Roesch 269S3 Latonia 3-4 lemud 12-5 335 1 4 2 2 2"- AAr AV Tlor 0 AV.Pitzer, .T.Straith. R.Strickld 2CS19 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46fast IS 110 2 3 3 2 21 335 AV A CarU S J. Louise, Grasmere, Sauterelle 26632 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47fast 23-5 109 7 3 2 1 ll 15 H Shilling 7 L.Bigger. Tksgiving, Cauretta 26541 Douglas 1 3-16 2:01 fast 20 115 6 5 4 4 33 35 T Henry 7 Sam. R.Meyer. Amulet, Camellia 2G36S Churchl 3-4 l:13fast 12 110 3 4 2 35 l1 R Uoose 9 M.B.Trman, C.Lady, U.Jimmie SYRIAN, b. g, 4 107 By Electioneer Chicklets C. R. Ellison. 27406 Latonia 1 1-16 l:44fast 13 112 5 4 4 4 3U 413 D Connlly G L-idy Rotha. AVilhite, Droll 27227 Latonia 1 1-16 l:45fast 10 103 5 5 4 4 41 4T1 D Connlly 7 Aldebaran, Christie, lied Cloud 270S2 Latonia lm70y l:50hvy Sl-10 115 S 4 6 3 S S3 AV Andress S II. Gardner, Christie. S.ofLove 26500 Douglas 1 1-16 l:4Sgood 22-5 II 1 6 C. 4 1 lh ink F Fuerst S Surpassing, Transit, Jes. Louise 26319 Churchl lm70yl:43fast 34 13G 5 4 2 2 34 34 J Kederis 7 Sleeth, Aldebaran, Bonanza 260S5 Churchl 3-4 l:14mud 24 115 6 . 5 5 6 6"! J Kederis 9 Skiles. Knob, Billy Joe, Sosius 25350 N.Orlns 1 l:39fast 7 105 2 5 6 6 7 7S3 T Koerner 7 F.Riley, Republican, G.M ..Miller ASK HER, br. m. 5 104 By Marchmont II. Dont Ask Me J. W. Fuller. 26319 Churchl lm70yl:134;Sfast 163 110 4 7 7 7 7 64 C VanDn 7 Sleeth, Aldebaran, Syrian 18214 Latonia lm70y l:45fast 8-5 107 9 7 7 6 4 2" J Collins 10 Transact, Blk.Broom ThcGander 16296 Windsor 3-4 l:13gfast 45 100 1 3 1 2s 11 J Metcalf 9 Bes. Latimer, Bobt. Kay, Aprisa BORGO, ch. g, 4 104 By Ogdcn May Florence J. B. Goodman. 27335 Latonia 1 1-16 l:4Gfast S3 103 7 C G fi 6 5"i E Graves 7 L.Bigger, Disturber, S.R.Meyer 27145 Latonia 1 1-16 l:l9slow 31 104 4 7 7 G 6- G" J Brown S Reno, L.AVorthingtoii, Rook.Rill 27041 Latonia lm70y l:51-;;inud 15 304 7 7 7 fi o 5IS J Brown 8 Sosius, MissFannie, Geo.Uoescii 269S0 Latonia lm70y l:49niud 25 100 4 2 2 2 23 lh J Brown S AVhite Crown, llarwcod. G.Color 26S5G Douglas 1 l:40;?;fast 21-5 99 1 7 7 7 73 7 J Brown S Perugino, Brooklield, Harwood 2G701 Douglas lm70y lMS.mud 3 103 6 2 1 1 2h 355 H Shilling 1 Reno, Juliet, Harwood 2579S Lexton lm70y l:49mud 9-5 10G 4 6 0 3 23 25 L Mink S Ir.Gcntlcman, OlgaStar, Shynes3 BONANZA, b. g. 7 106 By Broomstick Ophirdale M. Quinnj. 272S7 Latonia 1 1-1G l:45fast 41 30S 6 5 G 3 6 614 D Stirling G G. Hughes. Gold. Roy, AVilhite 27146 Latonia lm70y 1:47 slow 29-5106 1 1 3 4 4s 43 E Graves 7 Sosius. Goldcrest Roy, Mary H. 270S2 Latonia lm70y l:50hvy 15 316 3 S 7 7 fi1 G31 G Garner S II. Gardner, Christie, S.ofLove 269S2 Latonia lm70y l:4S4andmul 6 112 3 G G G 53 5i D Stirling i Olga Star. Christie, Egmont 2GS60 Douglas lm70y 1:13 fast 20 113 7 5 5 7 71 59i D Connlly S Aotary, Pif Jr., Capt. Itees 267S9 Douglas 1 1-16 l:47Sgood 30 103 9 S S 8 6h 541 AV A Carll 9 Kleburne. Fels, Guide Post 2G699 Douglas 3-4 1:15 mud 1S-51U 2 4 4 4 3" D Stirling 4 Droll, King Gorin, Primero 2C633 Douglas 1 1-16 l:46Vfast 41 113 2 3 4 4 58 41 D Stirling G Rrooks, Guide Iost. Olga Star SIDNEY HELLMAN, ch. g. 5 101 By Hcrmis Kate Trcacy T. J. Abrams. 27267 Latonia 1 1-S l:D3fast S2 105 7 6 7 S S Ssu L Gray S WhiteCrown. AV.Last, C.Morgan 222S2 Ul.Grass 1 l:39fast 109 E Glass 7 R. First, Oreen. Allan Jold 22275 Bl.Grass 1 1:40 fast 109 E Glass 7 Tavolara. Sprudel. Orccn 22269 Bl.Grass 3-1 l:13slow 110 E Glass 7 Wild Rear, Roll Boy. I. Pcrkin3 21403 Latonia 1 1-16 l:49slow 119 103 S S S 8 S S4 F AVillims S White Wool. King Box. Kncelet 212GG Latonia 1 1-16 1:47 fast 51 101 3 7 7 7 6 63!F Robinsn S Ilermuda. AVhiteWool, Altamalia 20915 Latonia 3-4 l:14hvy 136 1111 7 8 S 8 93 E Grillin 10 LadyPanchita, R.Tca, Fcllowman

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