Current Notes of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-23


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l l i ! I ! . - : c " 1 t r is r CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. It. Garson has purchased Gleipner from Pierre Lorillard. Mrs. E. Arlington has sold he chestnut colt, Cyclora, 2, by Cyclades Horia, to N. Hyer. Frank Kray has bought for K. I. Earle a two-year-old by Singleton Field Azure, by Rend Or. George Odom says that the bad race run by AVoodward in his last start was the result of hi"s having been kicked repeatedly while at the post. Dundrearys soreness was the particular cause of the ruling barring his future entry at Mount Royal, issued by Presiding Steward Martin Nathan son. Trainer John Graver has shipped George AV. Reardmores jumper Tropaeolum from Toronto to Hamilton. He had been at AVoodbine since the last meeting at Hamilton. Some of the directors of the Montreal Jockey Tub deny that there is any truth in the rumor that here will be a change in he board of management for he autumn meeting at Blue Bonnets. O. Stnnsbury has purchased the horses owned by O. Johnson. The horses are Handicap. Mad-tour and Harold. These horses will race at Maison-neuve under the colors of their new owners. They have all run good races. The Australian Hurdle Race three and one-half miles less ninety-two yards was won at Fleming-ton, July 1, by Jullundur in 5:15Vi, which is a record. Aan llomreigh was second and Lord Grey third. Betting 0 to 1 against Jullundur. AVilliani Brennan reports to S. C. Hihlreth from Saratoga that the Belmont thoroughbreds in his charge are doing finely, and he makes especial mention of the imported three-year-olds by Rock Sand and Ethelbert. Thus far, Aiewpoint, the three-year-old chestnut brother to Rock Aicw, by Rock Sand Golden Aiew, is his favorite. Former jockey Fox, who was training Royalty, ch, c. 4. by Duke of Ormonde out of Reticella, by Hey wood, at Graveseml all winter, reports the colt bowed a tendon before he had him ready to race, and that he has him turned out at Havre de Grace. He hopes that by giving him a com- plete rest during the summer he may get him to the races next year. A meeting of the directors of the Dorval Jockey Club was held Friday night, when the appointment of Captain AV. F. Presgrave as managing director was unanimously endorsed. Captain Presgrave is due to arrive in Montreal on Thursday of next week to assume his new duties. He will start a gang of men at work on the track to put it iu better condition for the autumn meeting. It was announced at Mount Koyal Friday by William Short, one of the executive committee of the Horsemens Protective Association, that he had seen the directors of the Maisonneuve track, and that thev had agreed to accept the compromise and give 50 purses. The only track not dealt with yet is King Edward Park, and a notice has been sent to them regarding the decision reached by the committee at yesterdays meeting.

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Local Identifier: drf1916072301_1_8
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