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Hawthorne Entries and Past Performances for Monday, July 24. WEATHER CIiEAS. TRACK FAST. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. inj. Horse. Wt Rec A Wt H-in .55Run? wcl1 iu n",lJ- Superior mud runner. 27950t Anita lOol-l.lV 3 9oV7"6 M maidens. Apprentice allowance. 27SS0 Uncle Hart 100 1:12 0 11O..720 First Race 5 1-2 Furlongs. 27959t Casey Jones .......100 ll 7 1PX7"0 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. 27959 Bonanza 102 1:12 7 103715 Track record: July 15, 1910 1:00 4 105. 27996 Skiles Knob Ill 1:12 4 103X715 Ind. Horse. AVt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. fH. G. Bedwell entry. 279183 James 105 l:llm 112725 J. B. Goodman entrv. H-rJ7,3 slLler 112X720 Chief contenders are well matched. 1LCH. Fifth Kacc 5 1-2 27837 Andersim "..".107 1:0S 109.700 Furlongs. 27837 Melia 109.. 090 0 d-year-olds and upward. Selling. 27910 Salzora 110 1:14m 109.. 090 Track record: July 15, 1910 1:00 1105. 2795S Aelvet 102 1:10 109.. 080 2S0003 Mex 94 1:05 4 HOxS 27837 J. Rufus 112.. 0S0 27995 Rosemary 108 1:05 0 103.. 720 27910 Signorette 110 l:10m 109.. 075 27S41 Utelus 9a 1:07 4 110X70 27405 Johnny Mc 112 1:10 112.. 075 27999 Billy Culbertson .. 90 1:00 3 101 715 27S37 Marion Wilson 112.. 075 27877 Orotund 107 1:07 5 10S 715 Tofia Belle, blk. 27877 Mater 107 1:00 5 108X715 f, by Woolwinder 27957 Lady Jane Grey ... 90 1:07 4 113X715 My Oath 109 27995 Lady Mildred 90 1:0S 3 99x705 James has run some promising races. 27054 Rcquiram 103 1:07 5 10SX70"i Second Race 1 1-8 Miles. K S!a,c?tllorn 6 1:07 4 110X705 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ?P. Ji110801 96 1:09 4 115X705 Track record: Aug. 2S, 19021:525103. J247 Vv Dawle11 103 l:08ys 5 108X090 27901 GRASMERE 110 1:53 9 107X725 henault 109 1:09 8 110.. 090 27S79 Miss Fannie 4 108X715 Gin Rickey 11011:10 6 110.. 690 27882 High Horse 3 104X710 -.920 jHnSle 9 108.. 685 27882 Injury 108 1:52 10 108X710 An open race- 27901s Nannie McDce ... 95 1:52 7 101X705 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 2i9o9 Herbert Temple .. 4 109 X 705, 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Grasmere should easily repeat. Track record: Oct. 0.1899-1:444-0-104. "IS? L::::: Track re 4 10- -A 27910 SoBene?An""lO! l-l-Vm ?niX?T- 2P5,J J"es Dockery .. .110 1:44 7 100710 gr8f.:::ISi" S SigSS-.:::::::S8 ?and !!SS Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. 27999 Volant 101 1:45 4 100X705 Harlem Handicap. 7877 Bean Spillcr 4 100X705 3-year-olds and upward. 28000 Shrewsbury 90 i -4-, 4 iniv7n-; Track record: June 21, 1899-1 :12-3-106. 27995" Rilnh S 100 l:4s" 3 m WD 27S09 Leo Skolny 109 1:11 5 123 X 735 27842 W W Clark 1P 1-4342 8 108X700 "aw",ln 108 1:11 0 124X730 2795 Virgiedot .....I . . AM uM 4 lal.690 2799St Sir Edgar 99 1:11 4 113X730 Another open race! loiyST RACE 5 1-2 FurlonBs 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. July 15. 1910 1:06 4 index Course Dlst TlmeTckOdds Wt St Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish JAMES, b. c, 2 112 By Hilarious Darling; Williams Bros.. : 27918 Hthorne 5i f l:10mud 10 103 1 2 1 3 3J W Schorn 4 High Gear. B?rlin January ! 26209 Churchl 41 f 53fast 16-5 112 6 8 6 V G Garner 9 Sunflash. Greentree SaffronGlrl : 260S4 Church! 4J t 55 mud 13-10 115 2 1 24 2J R Goose 10 G. Fortune. D Bartow Irr?KUlar ; 25973 Lexton 5-8 lfaat 8-5 112 3 1 2 2 2 R Goose 0 MWt. OnTPortanT Borrow ; 25794 Lexton 1-2 60mud35 1U 6 8 8i 6 H SbJlllnf; 10 BerlinV Guy oSefitoiJSr SLEEPER, blk. c. 2 112 Bv Duval Tranco Gallahcr Bros.. t 27S37 Hthorne 5-81:02 fast 11-10112 C 3 1 1J 2 AV Amlress 5? Justify, Lycia, I!. IT. Anderson 2" 27120 Latonia 5-S 1 :00Xhvy S-5 114 2 2 2 21 410 W Anilress S Peter Jay, Tom Munson, K.Dick 2" 2GM3 Latonia 5-S l:01fast S-2 113 2 2 1 l3 2. AV Andress 5 Al M. Dick, Rhyme, Piraeus Z J6CG8 Douglas fi-8 l:01Vfast 29-5 113 4 4 4 5 G52 AV Andress 5 Judge Young. Atmt Liz, Satin 2 25867 Lexton 4i f 56mud 23-20 112 5 4 62 73 AV Andress 7 Green Jones. Puckner. Midway 2 25734 Lex ton 1-2 SOmud 18-5 112 3 2 l2 321 AV AndresslO Berlin, GuyFortune, J. Wiggins 2 AYERS. b. g, 2 109 By Dr. Leggo Guerara W. Fouchter. f 255S2 Bowie 1-2 492fast 26 112 3 Co1 G;2 M Buxton 0 GreatDolly, D.Nelson, Waukcag 254S0 Havana 1-2 49 fast 5 109 5 5 4" 53 S AVolsfm 7 Seminole, Idolita, Flceha Negra - 253S7 Havana 1-2 52hvy 7 109 4 3 35 25 S AVolsfm 0 Lucile P., Positano, Doe Meals C 25290 Havana 3-S 3Gfast 31 1031 1 4 41 53i T McCiiHh S Cruces, Lucile P.. Doc Meals 2: 25229 Havana 3-S 3GVfast 5 103 1 1 2l 2 It Kail 0 I.antana, Cruces. Lucile P. 2i 251S3 Havana 3-8 37,fast 8 10S 3 2 4" 441 I Connelly 0 No Friend, Lucile P.. Lantana 2: 25039 Havana 3-S 35fast 10 112 5 51 6ai D Connelly 9 Hasty Cora, Positano, NoFrienrt 2 249C3 Havana 3-S 35fast 12 103 5 6 6 6" T Preece f May Pock. Lucille P..- No Friend Z R. H. ANDERSON, br. g, 2 109 By Dick Finnell Evergreen D. N. Prowitt. 2; 27S37 Htliorne 5-8 1:02 Last 12-5 109 S 5 5 fl 413 F Murphy 8 Justify. Sleeper. Lycia f 27C59 Latonia 51 f l:08fast 70 107 3 3 2 1 52 II Hack 8 Mary Polle, Fizer. Irregular 27332 Latonia 5-S 1:01 fast S3 109 5 7 7 71 7,J C VanDun 9 W.ll.Porco, P.Plow, Pamount .rj 271S5 Latonia 5-8 l-.Olfast fid 109 10 9 9 9J 9 C VanDun12 Velvet Joe, Lady Ivan, Piraeus a 2CS35 Douglas 5-8 l:0l4mud IS 109 4 5 C G2 G3 P Lowder 7 Phoeion. 1. do Chance. Langden R MELIA, ch. f, 2 109 By Meelick Rcgoa G. L. Blackford. Tr 27S37 Hthorno 5-S 1:02 fast 20 109 2 0 C G fi5 AV Schorn 8 Justify. Sb-coer. Lycia 2750:5 Latonia 5-S l:01fast fid 110 4 5 11 12s 122 K I-apaillel 1 f.lnvyer. P. oDawn, Immense "i 255CI H.Spgs 1-2 5 103 C 4 7- CCJ AV Obert 9 Key Pnnis, Casliup, Colza 7, 25552 H.Spgs 1-2 494;good 4 10G 4 2 G2 G2:, J Dodd 7 Golileiil.antam, Verde, NightCap 2522C N.Orlns 1-2 4Sfast 7 109 11 9 9l Si J MeTagt 11 Gw.C.Love. Wauke:ig. G. Dolly r,i 2507S N.Orlns 1-2 48fast 3 109 10 4 Sl 7 J MeTagt P! Maud Pawn, Rhymer. Out J SALZORA, b. f, 2 109 By Salvation Zorita K. Sponcc. 2f 2791C Hthorne 5?. f l:12mud 20 110 1 2 4 41 11 C Hunt 7 Lycia. Meologene, Jovial 2 27S07 Htliorne 5-S 1:02 fast 20 5G 9 9 9 9 9:o T Hunt 9 Jocular. Oakwood Poy, Pessanta of VELVET, ch. f, 2 109 By Transvaal Fair Alien "W. P. liecd. s 2795S Htliorno 5?. f l:llslov 20 102 5 C C C, fi,c C VaiiDun tr P.urliiinl:. OkwoodP.oy, Dckhand 27S7S Htliorne 51 f l:074ifast 20 10 1 1 2 5 017 C VanDun S P..:ssl!elle, Oak. Poy, Deckhand 2: 27i:C Latouia U f l:Sfast 77 10 1 9 9 1 2 1 2 1 219 V Fuerst 12 OkwoodPoy. M.Fiuleu, P.. lassie j.- 273G2 Latonia 5-S l:01,tfast 5S 113 0 fi 9 10s 10" CI darner 11 K. Dick, S.Gatewood. T.Manson -r 2C993 Latoni.i 5-S l:01good 2G 10S 7 9 9 9 914 K Lapaille 0 Highland Lad, Lady Ivan, Fizer J. RUFUS. blk. c, 2 112 By Transvaal Mary Day J. Spencer. 2 27S37 irthoniH 5-S 1:02 fast 20 112 4 2 4 4 5" AV W Tlor 8 Justify, Sleeper, Lycia SIGNORETTE, b. f. 2 109 By Duke of Ormonde Sigr.orina R. J. Mackenzie. - 27U1G Htliorne 51 f l:12mud 4 110 5 5 C C12 CSG G Byrne 7 Lycia. Meelogene, Jovial f 27459 FortKrie 5-S 2S 10f Ieft at the post. G Byrne 3U Katenka. P.eauty Spot, Arm van " JOHNNY Mc, br. c, 2 112 . By Out of Reach Miss IiIcMeckin J. F. Heather- ington. 27405 Latonia 5?. f l:0Slfast fid 112 10 9 11 II3 1013 V Cooper 12 Perseus. Monotony, MilesFinlou 25922 Lexton 4h f 5C hvy fid 107 7 S 7 93 C Hunt 11 Frigerio, J.Wiggins. N. Walcutt ,ri7,lt Lexton 1-2 50mud 70 112 9 9 9l SlS J McCabe 10 I.erlin, Guy Fortune, Sleejier - 2T,-Xi3 Juarez 1-2 40 US 0 9 9 93 .T McCabe Lytic, Gulf Stream, Jean fy "il77 Juarez 21 f 40fast 20 US 2 11 ll20 J McCabe 11 Good Note. Thirst. Magnctina 25072 Juarez 3J f 40fafit 20 IIS 1 11 ll13 J McCabe 12 K.McNton. K.Cthain. Mnelin.i - MARION V7ILSON, ch. c, 2 112 By Barnsdale Nellie Hier 0. Thomas. f, 27S37 Htliorne 5-S 1:02 far.t 20 112 5 7 7 S S39 L Gaugel 8 Justify, Sleeper. -cia ., TOFIA BELLE, blk. f, 2 109 By Woolwindcr I.Iy Oatli J. M. Rawlings. 2i First BturL I 2 SECOND RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Aug. 2S, 1902 1:."2 5 10.1. 2 GRASMERE, ch. g. 9 107 By Meddler Rotha II. Williams Eros.. 79G1 Htliorne 1 1-1 G 1:51 f.slow 1-5 110 3 2 1 1 1 l3 AV lloaf? JiistKed. Nan.AI -Dee. Lit.Pigger 2 7509 latonia 1 1-10 l:45fast 2. Ilfi 5 11 1 1 1 2" V Murphy 7 Fly Home, Pillows, I. Gentleman "7GS Latonia 1 1-1 fi l:4Gfast 2::-10 115 5 2 2 2 li ll F Murphy S J.Louise, I.GIeman, C.Mhmout. 2C?D9 Latonia lni70y l:44Afast 3-2 111 2 3 3 2 11 ll F Murphy fi Flyllome. S. P. Meyer. Vonghee . 26S19 Douglas 1 1-10 9-5 117 S 7 5 4 32 22 F Murphy S Jes. Louise, Pillows, Sauterelle , 266,9 Douglas 1 1-1C G-5 110 2 1 1 1 l2 ll F Murphy ! Jes. Louise, C. Francis, L. Iaul - 25109 Churchl lm70v l:44, 31-5 112 3 3 3 3 2 2i F Murphy 8 .S.P.Meyer. Impression. P.kfield f, -049S Douglas 1 1-1G 1 :49mud 19-20 104 2 2 2 2 41 524 M Garner Tavob-ira. Lovelanil. fill reader 20312 Chun hill 3-4 l:12fast 29-20 110 1 1 1 33 3 Fi Martin 14 Undaunted, Mex, Colle - MISS FANNIE, b. f. 4 108 By Marathon Ethel Carr V. V. Walsh. 27S79 Hthorno 1 l:42fast S-5 10S 2 2 2 1 l3 lc F Miirphy 7 Kupiils. LadyJ.Grey. LouisePaul 7SU Htliorne 1 1-1G l:47irast G 101 3 1 1 1 31 57 l Murphy 7 Star of Love. Injury, Impression ? I7r.r.3 Latonia 1 1-1G l:4Gfast 7 105 3 2 1 1 1 2n K LapaillelO -.Mmoiit, A.Larence, Siassiiig 1 7471 Latonia 1 1-1G l:45fust 10 102 2 5 5 3 2l 2s J Brown S Yengheo, Surpassing, Injury "7170 Latonia 3-4 l-13fast 23 99 G 7 8 S1 54i AV Hoag 11 P.rklield. Ingliorne, Originator , 27041 Latonia lm70y l:51mud 29 W 3 3 2 2 21 212 AV Hoag S Sosius. Geo. Poesch. Jerry "G999 Latonia lm70y l:47mud 17 99 5 5 5 8 9 S10 II Hoag 1 II.Gdner, L.AVngton, G. Poesch " 2GS5G Douglas 1 l:40fast 18-5 99 5 5 0 4 42 4 AV Hoag S Perugino, Prooktield. Harwood HIGH HORSE, br. c. 3 104 By Hastings Hautesso II. H. G. Bedwoll. 7SS Htliorne 1 2-1G 2:014,ifast 5 92 1 2 2 3 2l ll It Hack 7 Amulet. Impression. Injury 2 7S10 Hthorno lm70yl-47 fast 21 101?. 2 2 1 1 l2 l4 AV Schorn S L.Wiiigton. A.Lrence. Hrwood Vc-!0 Latonia 11-10 l:4fifast 41-10 9S 5 3 3 1 5s 510 C Hunt 7 AnnaPrnzc I. Little Digger, Jerry 2 Wil Latonia 1 1-2 2-32-fast 5 SS 4 1 1 1 I3 42i T Hunt S Coiillagration, Pillows, A.Prazel hm Latonia 1 3-16 2:00 fast 14 91 3 1 1 1 l2 l2 T Hunt 12 Wad.s Last, QueenApple, Clubs 2 "7r.G Latonia 1 1-1C l:4Sfast 13 IGIU 7 G 4 2J 3J C Hunt 11 llinuda, Q.Apple, Tnsportation 2 "7170 Latonia 3-4 l:13sfast S7-10 9S 11 11 11 11 ll12 C Hunt 11 P.rklield. Lnghorno. Originator ; "7P,r Iatonia 1 1-1G l-GGhvy 9 91 4 2 2 2 41 S: J Brown ! H.Lad, Thanksgiving, AV.Crown 2G93S Latonia 1 1-1C 1:48 "fast 42-5 93 S G 5 G Sl 7"3 J Brown 11 P.Albert. Prooktield. L.ll.Adair , INJURY br. g 10 10S By Marchmont II. Sweet Danger J. V. Fuller. ; ""SS" Htliorne 1 2-lfi 2:014,fast fi-5 10S 4 4 1 4 41 l3l C Aanlin 7 High Horse, Amulet. Impression i "7S1 T Htliorne 1 1-10 lnfast 4 ICS 7 7 7 G 53 24 C VanDun 7 S. of Love. Impression. Pillows : "777" Ilthrno 1 1-1 fi IMG fast 12 102 2 5 5 G 5 5 C AanDun ." Leo Skolny, AVilhite, Olga Star i "7GG0 Latonia 1 1-lfi l:47fast 8-5 112 1 9 5 4 2 22 C VaiiDiiiill. halioro, QueenApple, HusUyLad : "7471 Latonia 1 1-lfi lM5fast 49-5 111 7 7 7 7 Cl 49i C VanDun 8 Venghee, M. Fannie, Surpassing ; 27419 Latonia 1 1-lfi 1:47 fast 31-5 10S 5 7 7 S S S13 G VanDiin 8 Pooker Pill, Peni. Al. Iiwrence 2 "577 1 exton 1 1-1G IMG fast 2-V 112 7 S S G 2i l1 C VanDn S P.rookrield, Camelia, Pillows Vsss Lexton 1 1-S 1:54 fast 17-5109 8 S G 3 5 45i C AanD 11 10 Cadenza, Olga Star, Fly Home : "VS7 N Orlns 1 1-lfi 1:47 fast 11-3 111 8 S G G 52 57i C AanDnn 8 Camellia. Intone, La Mode : 2G2il N.Orlns 1 1-S l:534fast 2 119 4 4 4 3 3s 22 C Aranlun 0 Aristocrat. P.Agcu:. II. lender ; NANNIE McDEE. ch. m. 7 101 Bv Bink Coat Ruby Right C. N. Freeman. VNU irthornr 1 1-lfi 1 :51 slow 12 la". 5 5 5 5 31 Sl AV .Schorn Grasmere, Just Ped. Lit. Pigger "!iiV Hthorno 1 1-lfi 1M9 "fast 3 109 7 7 7 7 fi1 G0 AV Schorn 7 Just .lied, Geo. Poesch. Alarj. D. : "7GM Fortlh-ie 1 1-1 2:0S fast 3i 101 4 111 3s 32?. AV Schorn Giddy. Capt. Parr. Pillie Baker 2 "7544 FortlCrie 1 3-1C 17-10 10tl 3 5 5 3 3 31 AV Schorn Capt. Pair, C. Puford, Osinonde 5 "7lSl Delniier 1 1-1G 1 2 105 3 7 41 I2 AV Sch orn S Pudweiser, PiveiKing. Pobolink ; "70I Delniier 1 1-1G 1 :52 "good ?. 10S 10 S G1 2l AV SchornK Piv.ICing, Granado. PrreDumas ; "GS7" Blue Don 11-4 2:11 good 2S-5 101 4 4 4 2 21 1" AV Schorn 5 Orperth. Miss Waters. P.. Sister "fiSl BluoBon 1 1-S l-5S"fsloj 12 103 2 G G G G fi AV McKzie i MasterJim, MissWaters, Wodsui . 2G735 BlueBon! 1 1-S 1:55 "fast 29-10 101 G G C 5 2J 2l AV Schorn ! P. Poyer, Pr.Philstliorpe, L.Girl j inJRBERT TEMPLE, br. c. 4 109 By Hastings Josie L. F. X. Hennessy. : "7iVt Hthorni 5?. f 1:09 slow 20 107?. 5 G fi fi2 fi17 L Gaugel 7 I.oiianza, IIufTaker, Anita "7S40 Htliorne ImOylMG fast 20 92 5 5 5 5 5 531 U Hack .r. Wilhite. HuITakcr. G. Hughes "7470 Latonia 2-4 lM2Vfast 2G2 109 S 8 S S S22 J Callahan S Fleetabelle. P.Paggage : "",r. nsn.s 11:40 fast 15 100 1 5 5 G 5 5 2 II Stearns Grumpy, Mons. Perci, F. Piley ; "HG" NOiTns 1 1-4 2:01rast 20 97 7 7 7 7 7 7,n J Brown 7 Pr.vnlimah, Grumpy, Lahore : "0TT NOrlns 1 1-10 lM.Wfast 20 1001 4 5 4 5 51 fi5i It MeDott S Pryiilimah. Gruiiiy. Dr.Carmen : VZC, N Orlns 1 1-lfi l:45fast 30 1011 G 7 7 7 72 G" W Obert S For Fair, DorothyDean, Grumpy "1977 NOrliis 1 l-3S4fast 20 10S 2 3 3 5 fi2 fi3 V Adams 7 Lahote, Dor. Dean, Oratorium 2492G NT!orlns 1 l:39Vifast 15 103 S 7 8 7 G2 5ci W Obert S Dr.Larrick, Mar.Goosby, Deliver THIRD RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. 2-ycar-olds. Selling. July 15, 19101:00 1105. BLUE GRASS BELLE, ch. f. 2 1C8 By Great Heavens Abrasion H. G. Bedwell. "77S Htlioriie 5?. f 1 -07"fast 3 1W. 2 2 1 I4 l5 S AVolstni 8 OakwnodPoy. Deckhand. Alilbrey "757S FortF.rie 5?T f 1 :07fast. 75-10 105 G 3 4 43 AV Oliort 7 Incog. Pas lie Tlinnce, Savilla "74iV FortMrie 5. f l-09fast 4 10S 1 3 1 1-1 2 O Dishmon S Paster Lily, Lucile P., AVaji "71M Connlit 5-8 1:03 good39-10 109 2 3 3 31 3 C Dishmon .Pondage, Lucile P.. Old Miss "fisil BlueBon 5-8 l-.02V.slow G 111 G G fi C3 5i C Dishmon 8 Q. of the Sea. L.Moll. Kingfisher "C707 BlueBon 5-8 l-014,kgood 28 103 5 8 7 S" C Dishnionl2 Waukeag, Manokin. Yel. Sally 2C4S AVdbine G-S l:02ilop 18 109 9 12 Sl SJC Dishmnl 1 Manokin, YollowSally. Pondage "C"09 AVdbine 5-S l:02!fast 29-10 110 2 3 4 21 2" G Dishmon ! Pirn? Fox. Highway, Phymer "G23S AVdbine 411 GSiEinud 24-5 112 4 5 5i 0s C Dishmonl5 Ael. Sally, Manokin, G.Pantam JOCULAR b f 2 106 By Hilarious Rosetingo Williams Bros.. "7MI7 Htliorne G-S 1-02 fast 7-5 105 I 2 2 I2 Is F Murphy ! Oak. Poy. Pessinta. Deckhand "cHtf Doiflas G-S 1 -01 fast 3-2 101 3 4 4 4 39 C VanDun 7 May W., Lit.Spidcr. Geo.C.Love : "fi47, Douelas G-S 1:02 mud 14-5 101 1 7 5 G1 471 H Shilling S Kvelyn V.. Dr. Tuck. Pomp 2C0SS Church 1 1-2 4Smu.I 39-5 115 1 2 2" 23 T MeTagt 8 Posabel, Pel. Me Poys. Meliora "riSG Lexton 4 f 57mud 11 110 2 3 31 25 II Shilling S Yennila. PlieveMePoys, Solveig 2hs::fi Lexton 41 f 5G!f.slow 39-10 102 4 2 1J l3 II Shilling ! J. Wiggins, The Duke. Treowen 1 MFELOGENE br. f, 2 104 By Meelick Lithogene G. L. Blackford. 27910 Hthorno 51 f l:12"Lmul G 105 G fi 5 33 2i W Schorn 7 Lycia, Jovial, Salzora OAKWOOD BOY. ch. c. 2 109 By Salvation Escarola J. E. Madden. "7m Htliorne fU f lMlslow 4 111 1 2 2 2 2 W Andress i Purbank. De. khaml. Por.snnt.a . uMliorne T.. f l-074lfast 5 10S 3 3 3 22 25 AV AV Tlor 8 P.GrssPelle. Deckhand. Milbrey "707 l tli ti e G-S 1-02 fast 3 103 2 3 3 22 2 AV AV Tlor ! Jocular. Pessanta. Deckhand . "7g"g LatiVnia G- f UOSfast fid 112 4 4 5 2 in AV AV Tlorl2 MilesFinlen. P. Lassie. Jionotony "Ttffl latnnia 51 f 1 -OS-fast 31 112 2 3 2 71 1l8AV Andress12 Perseus, Monotony. MilesFinlen 1 27222 Lalonia. 5-8 lioivifast 07 112 10 10 10 10 102 G Garner 10 Trusty, Rhyme. Bluebamiock t ytt V ch tr 2 107 By Leonid Chickadee F. D. Weir. "7"4 latonia G-S l-01,fast 41-5 109 1 G G 5 :.2 F Murphy 7 Kan !.. leachie. Geo. C. Love , "7"r latonia G-S 1 -0OU fast 27-5 109 9 4 G 5J. Gs?. It Goose ! I.oui-boii Lass, Money. Posiwood ""is" lalonia 5-S 1-00 j Last 44 100 G fi fi G G,c K Lapaille Frigerio, America, Highland Lad "cSiC Latonia 5-S 99 109 3 2 3 21 3" F Cooper 7 Puford. America, Midway "rv-9 Douli-is G-S l-00-fast 183 109 4 4 4 51 G51 V Cooper 11 Greentree. Aunt Liz, Sunllash 707 1 ,.vM,,n 1- 49-imud 97 1121 G G G fi2" J McCabe AVesty Hogan, Sedan. Aunt Liz , 25232 Juarez 1-2 491rast 21 103" 5 1 l5 l3 G Molesth 9 Gulf Stream, Jean, Old Harry , FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Harlem Handicap. 3-ycar-olds and upward. June 21, 1S99 1:12T 3 s lOi;. ttt cirn-r-wv Mi h B 123 Bv 8tar Shoot Lady Albert R. T. Mackenzie. Wiirtliorw l-l i-lfast 1 US 5 4 4 11 ll G Byrne Plackie Daw. Mary H. 7T "rue 1 1-lfi 1 -V, fast 3-5 118 5 3 3 3 ll 11 G Byrno 5 AVilhite. Olga Star. Hnrfaker , o7n" KorlFrie lnv70vl M2Afast 9-10 115 5 2 2 2 l1 ll G Byrne r. Thornhill, Fount. Fay. Paincoat 1 "wrt !r Frie 1 1-1G 1 MG4fast 3-4 10S 4 2 2 2 1 Ill Lowder C Schemer. Indolence, K.Hamhugr r -its lCtFrie lrn7lylM7-slow 17-10 1W 3 111 21 2 G Byrno V, Punes, All Smiles iic 1 innP "Tl-ll4f i"t 3 114 5 3 3 33 2i D Connlly 5 Chalmers. P.andStars, SolarStar - 14- 1 to a 3-4 1: 5slow 1 115 1 5 2 31 21 D Connelly 5 John Jr., Red Cloud. Pockichoo "7079 I atoii ta 3-4 IMS hvy 9-5 115 5 G 5 C 4i G Garner ! P.andStars. Vogue. PoscoeGoose 2G51S Douglas 3-4 lil2Jast 12-5120 2 4 4 3 2J D Connlly 5 P.Goose, P.andStars, J.J.Murdock Is AiiTTTTn-RW h e G 124 By Hastings White Thorn J. B. Goodman. 501 ltlnfrne 3-4 1-13 fast 8-5 110 1 11 I4 l3 AV Hoag C. Fade Hurt. Pesky, Sparkler iVSo 5A f r0Gfast 5 105 2 2 1 l3 1 AV Hoag 10 Kinney, M.P.Tliurrnan. Sk.Knob iVS 4 1-l"5f- 4t 37-5Hli 4 3 2 3h 22 .1 McCaho 7 Uncle Hart. Shine. Jane Straith n7?-q r nton "-4 l:12f 1st 21 HO" 2 1 2 7 7 K lapaille 7 Casey Jones, Un. Hart. F. Piley r Smo I h a "-4 1M3 fast 3 114 4 3 2 5S Gl K Lapaille 7 Droll. Mars Cassidy. Port Light . l-J hl J 1-4 l vy 23-5116 4 2 2 22 3s D Connelly r, Port Light. M.Cassidy. P.illy.loc CIS TfoUla 3-4 15rnud 32-5 107 2 1 1 2 2 K Txpaille -1 Fleetabelle. Amazon. P.andStars SSni I i4i".i2fast i-"10G12 2 1 l1 2i D Connlly 4 John Jr.. Primero. Wilhite 1 DouiThis 3-1 Miffit 10 113 1 4 3 4 45 F Cooper ! P.andStars. Pnghurst. Converse p t tip at? rh 4 "3 By Cunard StHmpy H. G. Bedwell. SER " i l.Mw fn;t fast 1-. 13-5 11C 1 2 2 IS 11 A Claver i Pesky, Dodge, Faux-Col SOTS IJtliorno -.-1 2r. ,u S AVolsfm r. Skiles;nob. PlackieDaw, Jungle 55 U Un?Z k A l-P tt 27-5 09 3 4 4 GS 73 T Rice S Sn,,eoler. AV. Lady. Scaramouch l, 27G5C Fortl.ric 3-4 J-4 ; 1 J109 10J 4 4 . 2 4 2 423 4 A Pickens 9 Rancher. AVater Lady, Soueeler 2G194 AVdbino Keogh 8 AVat.Lady, Anita. Pobt.Pradley r 1 3-4 1 14h low 11-5 10 - 2C095 rim co TapHh 8 Kewessa. P. Maiden. Corsi.-an 2G04SPim ico -4 2 2 23 22 J Butwell 5 Kewessa. Short Grass, F. Helen 0 " 25SS9 Pimlbpo 3-4 11" 1 1 1 3 2" 42 F Keogh 4 SlumberlL, AV.Shoes. K.Nptune e JCPv2 1 ?4yi 15hW 4-"010: 3 11 ik 21 F Keolh 5 Fenmouse, J. J. Lillis. Celto -78jHueGco 4 1-13 good 17:5160 4 3 3 33 25 F Keogh 9 A.N.Akin. T.oWMing, P.Hr, 1 !m. 9G By Voorhees-Handsome Flurry H. G. BedwellV w n ANIT,A.V, f 3nfi.Ki 7 Pon-inza. HulTaker, Casey Jones s clnxv 4 99 1 3 1 11 37 C Hunt f 1: 27959 Hthorno 51 10J.V J- As 5 5lj r,. R Wolstm 5 LeoSkolny. Ponanza. P.lack.Daw v .! - 27S09 Hthorno .M l-loWast Parton i Arriet, Pars and Stars. Venctia 27501 FortErio 49-10 A 310 103 103 " 2 - 2 - 2M S Wolstm 0 Robert Pradley, Venntia. Pesky y 1 13Vfat - 27257 11am on 3-4 2 5.3 S Wolstm S Rancher, Pack Pay. Runes i 3-4 1: Wast 10 - 27180 Ilamton 2 IOC 3 1 1 1 1 11 34 1 1 A A 11c Pickens n 0 Pernice. Venetia. Recoil lmud 2G242 AAMbine 3-4 Wilt.rLady. S.Kdgar. It.Pradlej J 2G095 Pimico -i..1:"J?,"?r4 ..7-. "nir OIL. 111 Ill 1 1 Is 1 11 K Taplin v 5 DamrOsch. PhilPngar. OldScout l:2WHt 25983 Plm co 7-8 9 T.othMiug. P.IIenry. S.Peacb u SttdiGce a4l?Mhw 820100 1 2 6 5 OjJ Dreyer 5 Kenuiouse, SirEdgar, J. J. Lillis 8 t 2" 2" Z 2 2 2 f - C 2: 2i 2: 2 Z 2; f .rj a R Tr "i 7, r,i J 2f 2 of s 2: j.- -r 2 - f " - fy - f, ., 2i I 2 2 2 . , - f, - ? 1 , " 2 2 2 2 ; , ; i : i : ; 2 : : ; : 2 5 ; ; . j : : ; : : : . . 1 , , , 3 s , 1 r - Is r . p l, r 0 e 1 s v y J u 8 UNCLE HART, ch. g, 6 110 Bv Stalwart Lady Balgowan Host and Looney. 27SS0 Hthorno 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5110 2 2 2 21 2s AV Andress 5 Hawthorn, Piwky, Sparkler 27774 Hthorno 3-1 l:13fast 7-10 115 5 11 ll ll G Byrne S Liberator, Langhorne, Souvenir 27G31 Iatonia 3-4 l:12fast G-5 111 1 11 lS l2 D Connlly 7 Hawthorn, Shine. Jane Straith 27439 Latonia 3-4 l:f2fast 18-5 111 5 4 3 22 24 D Connlly 7 Casey Jones. F.Piley. Liberator 273G3 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 33-10 112 3 1 1 l2 l2 D Connllyll Nobleman, Sister Susie. Roy.Tea 2722G Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 21-10 116 5 2 1 li Is D Connllyll Busy Joe, Planchita, Royal Tea 27003 Latonia 3-4 l:14mud 29 107 2 5 5 5 5" F Murphy 8 SkilesKnob, Sparkler, PortLight 2G933 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 17-5 113 7 6 6 51 45 C VanDunlS Cas. Jones, Nobleman, Liberator 26S55 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 17-10111 4 1 1 l2 1 D Connllyl2 Luzzi, Grosvenor, York Lad CASEY JONES, ch. g, 7 112 By Royal Flush III. Crimea J. B. Goodman. 27959 Htliorne 51 f 1:09 slow G-5 115 2 1 2 21 435 C Jones 7 Ponanza, HulTaker, Anita 27540 Hthorne lm70yl:45 fast 4 110 2 1 1 1 ll 4J F Murphy 5 AVilhite, HulTaker, Grov.Hughes 27GG1. Latonia 3-1 l:12fast 22-5 111 3 4 3 2i 21 J Brown 4 Pringliurst, Converse, S. Knob 27581 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 1-2 114 3 4 3 l1 l3 L? Gentry 5 Liberator, Skiles Knob, Polroma 27439 Latonia 34 l:12V4fast 19-10 111 1 2 1 Is 1 L Gentry 7 Un.IIart, FatherPiley, Liberator 272S3 Latonia 3-4 1:12 fast G-5 111 1 2 2 l1 l3 L Gentry 7 Shoddy, Nobleman, WndaPitzer 2G933 Latonia 3-4 l:124fast 37-5 108 4 6 3 3l 1 L Gentry 13 Nobleman, Liberator, Mnclellart 20S13 Latonia 3-4 l:13Afast 19-20 112 1 2 3 31 3 L Gentry and Mex, Carrie Orme. Chilton King 20G52 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 11-B 10G 1 11 1- ll L Gentry 1.: IMith AV., Colle. Acis 20242 Churchill 3-4 l:13brast 21 107 8 7 G Gl 7 L Gentry 0 T.Norman, Ollagan. Undaunted BONANZA, b. g. 7 103 Bv Broomstick Ophirdale M. Quinn. 27959 Hthorno 51 f 1:09 slow G 103 G 4 4 4G P AV Schorn 7 HulTaker, Anita. Casey Jones 278S1 Hthorne 21 105 111 1 21 SS S AVolsfm 5 OlgaStar, S. of Love, FloralPark 27S09 Hthorne 3-1 15 100 1 5 3 3 2U O Hunt 5 LeoSkolny. P.IackloPaw. Maryll. 27fif.4 Latonia 1 1-1G 1 Mifast 27 10C 3 2 2 2 5 51 R Guy fi Lady Kotlia, AVilhite. Gold. Poy 27C28 Latonia lni70y l:43fast 12 102 2 1 1 1 32 33i hi Martin i G 10. Hughes, Floral Park Syrian 272S7 Latonia 1 1-1C l:15fast 41 108 G 5 G 5 G G4 D Stirling C G. Hughes. Gobi. Poy, Wilhite 2714G Latonia lm70y 1:47 slow 29-5 IOC 1 4 3 4 4s 4J K Graves 5 Sosius. Goldcrest P.oy, Mary II. 270S2 Latonia lni70y l:50V,hvv 15 11C 3 S 7 7 G3i G Garner S II. Gardner, Christie, S. of Love 2G9S2 Latonia lm70y l:4S4imud fi 112 3 5 5 5 53 Gr-i D Stirling . Olga Star. Christie, Egmont 2GSG0 Douglas lm70y 1:43 fast 20 113 7 G 5 7 7 59i D Connlly S Votary, Pif Jr., Capt. Pees 2G7S9 Douglas 1 1-1G l:47Vf,good 30 103 9 S S 8 Gb 541 AV A CarIl ! Klebiirne. Pels, Guide Post SKILES KNOB, ch. g, 4 103 By Hurst Park Felicity Murrat W. Fouchter. 27990 Hthorno 3-1 G-5 107 3 4- 5 G" G14 W Schorn 7 AVund.Pitzer. Souvenir, Pillv.loe 27S11 Hthorno 5?. f l:0Crast C-5 110 3 3 3 2 4"i F Murphy 10 Hawthorn, Kinney, M.P.Bbanks 770 1111101-110 5?. f l:0fifast 3 103 2 2 2 11 W F Murphy 5 Sir Kdgar, P.hiekie Daw. Jungle 27fifil Latoni.i 3-4 l:12fast 1C 109 2 1 1 4 43 M Martin -I I.riiighurst, Ct-y.loiies, Converse 27581 Latonia 3-4 1:12fast 8 114 1 1 1 2l 31 1: Goose 5 Casey Jones. Liberator, Polroma 2733:: Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 4 112 3 2 3 31 44 F Murplry -l Julia L.. Korfhage, Port Light 27190 La onia 3-4 1:13 fast 11 114 2 2 3 G G31 G Garner 7 Droll. Mars Cassidy. Port Light 27121 Latonia 3-1 l:lSi.hvy 11-20 111 2 2 1 22 21 It Goose -I Sparkler. Patina, Primero 27003 Latonia 3-4 1 :14niud 13-10 113 1 1113 Is It Goose 8 Sparkler. Port Light. Sosius 2G.VJS Latonia 3-4 l:13rast 22 113 2 3 3 21 21 F Cooper 7 Othello, Port Light, Red Cloud FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furloncs. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. July 15, 1910 l:0Gf. 1105. MEX, b. g, 4 110 By Mexican Eastern Shore M. A. Colton. 2SG00 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 5 102 7 1 1 1 23 39 AV Hoag 15 Char. Francis. Typo, Fellowman 27920 Hthorne 3-4 l:lSmud 9-5 105 S 5 4 21 2" AV Hoag 11 Langhonie. Hapenny. Indianola 27S0G Hthorno 3-4 l:14ifast 4 105 9 Fell. AV Hoag P. Type. PPckPeanty. Shrewsbury 27771 Hthorno 3-4 l:14irast 4 110 4 2 1 23 21 AV Hoag 11 M.P.Thurmn. PoyalTea. EddieT. 27170 Latonia 3-4 l:13!ifast 13 101 3 12 5 S:2 K Davies 11 P.rklield. Lnghorne, Originator 270S1 Latonia 3-4 1:18 hvy 13 101 3 1 1 11 3i It Davies 8 J.C.Wsh, C.onDery, M.P.Tmau 27013 Latonia 3-4 1:20 mud 10 103 1 112 44i, K Davies 9 Tillotson. Morristown, Choctaw 2C742 Douglas 3-4 l:15yiSlow 12 105 9 S 9 9 93 R Davies 1 Martre, MissFannie, Morristown ROSEMARY, b. m. 6 103 By Marta Santa Country Fraud C. N. Freeman. 27995 Htliorne 3-4 l:15fast 4 103 2 1 1 l3 l1 AV SchornPl Canlome, Ralph S.. Lucille It. 27S77 Hthorno 3-4 1:14 last 10 105 5 2 2 Sl G AV" Schornlf PoyalTea, Orotund, .las.Doi-kery 27G23 FortKrie 3-4 l:134fast 48 10G 2 1 1 4 S AV Schorn ! P.Sight. Comensia, Brandy wine 27541 FortKrlo 5?. f 19 109 5 5 5 3 G5i AV Schornl2 Viley. Perpetual, Old Rob 27202 Delmler Al5-S 1:03 good 21 107 5 4 42 G31 AV SchornK Parette, Curious. Stubborn 2GS74 BlueMon. 3-1 l:14f,gool 23 1W 4 2 2 3i 7 3 AV Schorn ! Astrolger, L.London, Undanted 2G09I Plmlico 3-4 1:1G slow 15 107 2 1 1 2 43 AV Schorn 7 Pharaoh, P. Oakwood, MarJ. A. 259S1 Pimlico 3-4 l:15fast 4G-5 103 4 4 5 71 102u AV Schornl2 Golden Gate. Tactless, Fenrock 25742 H.deGce 51 f l:072ifast 19 107 3 1 2 42 481 AV Schorn ! Outlook, Marianao, Water Lily UTELUS. br. g, 4 110 By Bonnie Joe Effie M. H. Webb. 27811 Hthorno 51 f l:0fi"ifast 15 ins?. 4 1 2 5 5" D Stirling 10 Hawthorn, Kinney. M.P.Ebanks 27770 Hthorno G.V f 1 :0Cf ast 15 107 3 1 1 5 54 D Stirling 5 Sir Pilgar, S. Knob. PlackieDaw 24901 Juarez 2?. f 39 fast 5 10S 4 2J 33i W Urines 4 Joe Blair, Pank, Wilhite 217C2 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 7-5 103 3 1 1 1 l3 II Hunt J Originator. Carondolet. Mollcr 24740 Juarez 5-S l:01fast 8-5 100 5 1 1 l5 l8 C Hunt 1." Zenotek, Pel. Lachis 24G91 Juarez 5-S 1:06 hvy 5 102 2 1 1 1" 4 K Graves S S.Graine, Phachapi, L.P.Pcado 24G20 Juarez o-S 1:01 mud 21 105 5 1113 331 AT Ornies 7 P..A.Joias, ThelmaMarle. Willis 24571 Juarez 5-S l:00fast 15 10G 3 1113 54 W Ormes 8 Panhachapi. Coudulet. S.Graine 44SG Juarez 5-S 59fast 6 102 fi 4 2 22i 7" li Graves 10 S. Graine. Old Bob. K.ofPvthlas MI49 Juarez 5-8 59fast 7 112 3 1 1 2h 4s W Ormes 11 Little Jake. StcII.-iCraine. Moll. r BILLY CULBERTSON, br. g. 3 101 By Migraine Danceress S. M. Henderson. 27999 Hthorno 3-4 l:15fast 15 102 5 7 4 91 9" C Hunt 11 Pio Brazos. Jerrv. Luzzi 25130 Juarez 51 f 1:08 fast 7-10 102 1 4 2 l1 ll H Shilling 5 Lachis, Uh, Whispering Hope 253S5 Juarez 51 f 1:07 fast S-5 107 3 4 2 3i 2J II Shilling 7 Lola, Jennie Small, Wilis. Hope 25312 Juarez 3-1 1:13 fast 3 ICO 2 C 4 43 33 It AVillms ! Violet, Iloneycut, Circulate 25214 Juarez 7-S 1:26 fast 1 97 4 1 1 2 32?. 433 II Willms 5 Originator. Canteni, Vireo 251G7 Juarez 51 f l:07fast 21 101 3 2 2 23 If R AVillms 5 Lola. Aeldt. Lachis 25124 Juarez 7-S l:2Gfast 21 9G 4 3 G G 41 2" O Hunt 5 Lad. Ph. Antoinette. C.McFerran 25076 Juarez 51 f l:0Cfast 4 95 4 3 3 3l l3 C Hunt ! Nifty. PI Mahdi, Inez 25031 Juarez 3-4 l:13,fast 21 95 2 fi G fi 31 C Hunt 13 Vanllorn. Zenotek. PillikensW. 25003 Juarez 3-4 l:13fast 7-5 107 4 1 1 23 23 C Hunt fi G. Pickett, W.Ilope. Toastmastr 24217 Juarez 51 f l:0SVsfast 8-5 105 2 2 3 5t C1A" SchornlO Industry, Rap.May, .Meal Ticket tDcad heat. Purse divided. OROTUND, ch. m. 5 108 By Hippodrome Olcvia H. G. Bedwell 27S77 Hthorno 3-4 1:14 fast 4 10S 2 3 4 21 2 S AVolstnill Poyal Tea, Jas. Dnekprv. Tvpe 2732S Ilamton 51 f l:07,fast I2C 104 S 7 C C2 533 S AVolsfm S Astrologer. Mii-amichi. outlook 2G975 Connht 3-4 1 :22,hvv 12 10G fi 5 4 3l 45i S AVolsfm 7 Puterpe. Costmner. Dicks Pet 259S1 Pimlieo 3-4 l:15fast 71 113 10 S S 9 7s K Taplin 12 Gohlen Gate. Tactless. Feuro.-k 25913 Pimlico ,3-4 1:15 fast 71 110 9 7 S 71 54 K Taplin ! Aprisa, Laura, Freda Johnson 25S25 H.deGce 3-4 1 :142f,good71-10 1 05 9 5 7 52 G23 T Parton 13 M.sChoiee. L.London, Ptlection 2570S H.deGco 3-4 1:14 Ml ast 23-5 110 G 4 4 2 522 J Cruise 7 Tactless, Pres.Lynn, P.Pumann MATER, b. m. 5 108 By Fatherless Niola C. E. Deline. rS77 Hthorne 3-4 1:14 fast 20 103 11 It 11 11 ll27 AV Hoag 11 PoyalTea, Orotund. Jas.Dockery 27771 Htliorno 3-4 l:145fast 20 10S 3 4 5 Sl 92 AV Schorn 11 M.P.Thilrnian. Mex, Poval Tea 275S2 Latonia 3-1 l:13fast 41 10S 2 4 S S S34 L Gentry S Sis.Susie, P.rookfield. Lailghorne 274GG Latonia 3-4 l:13fast fid 109 9 S 10 ll2 ll3 R Goose 12 Busy Joe. Ardent. Jane Straith 25591 H.Spgs 51 f 1:07 fast 4 109 5 4 4 51 G J Dodd 7 Patina. Rev. James, Rubicon II. 255CG H.Spgs 55 f l:074,fast 4 10C 4 4 2 2 1 .1 Dodd 12 Lyndora, Detour. Rubicon II. 2553G H.Spgs 51 f l:0Sfast 11-5 10C G 4 1 ll ll J Dodd 0 Capt.llen, MuriePsPet. Toddling 25503 H.Spgs 51 f l:0Sfast 11-5 109 8 5 4 5l 51. H Stearns S Capt.Pen, YorkLad. MurielsPet 25152 H.Spgs 51 f l:0S4sfast 3-5 Hfi 2 1 1 ll ll F Murphy fi Sinai, Leialoha. Pula AVelsh 25301 N.Orlns 3-1 l:14fast 10 110 6 G 4 31 31 T Kocrner 0 Frisky, Capt. Pen, Ancon LADY JANE GREY, b. f. 4 113 By Watercress Sister Jeanie W. H. Harris. 27957 Hthorne 2-4 lMtVf.slow 12 IOC C 7 . G G8 fi C Hunt 7 Korfhage. Talebearer, Porax 27S79 Hthorne 1 5 10S 7 5 3 2 32 2s S AVolsfm 7 MissFannie. Rapids, LouisePaul 27774 Htliorne 3-4 5 1 05 7 G fi S S5 C AranDun S Pclellart. Liberator. Langhorne 27G31 Latonia 3-4 l:12-ifast 51-10 102 6 7 G 6 782 FJ Martin 7 Uncle Hart, Hawthorn, Shine 27405 Latonia 3-4 25 105 G fi fi fi G"1 F; Martin Impressive, PceAlbert, W.War 2GCG7 Douglas 3-4 l:12fast 53-10 101 2 2 3 2 ll E Martin 11 Nobleman. IJclellart. P.Peauty 2G53G Douglas 3-4 l:13;fast 13 109 C 4 5 71 7,;1 K Martin S Deliver, Droll. Miss Declare 2G40S Cliurchl 3-4 1:12 fast 34 1101 3 3 3 3" 4 T McTagt 7 P.os.Goose. Liberator. M.Declare 25319 N.Orlns 3-1 l:13fast 20 10C fi 3 7 92 9" F. AmbroselO Talebearer. Alston. Royal Tea 25317 N.Orlns 3-1 1:13 fast 1S-5 113 G 4 8 8 S14 T Kocrner 8 Scaramouch, Gabrio, Joe D. LADY MILDRED, ch. f. 3 09 By Dick Welles Incendiary H. J. Sargeant. 27995 Hthorno 3-4 S 95 9 fi 7 71 74 R Hack 1:5 Rosemary, anionic, Ralph S. 27917 Hthorne 2-4 l:17JimUl 7 100 2 2 2 23 22 II Stearns 7 Intention, liurcham. Dash 27519 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 52 92 12 12 12 12 129 J Brown 12 .1. Straith. Altamaha, C.onDvery 27504 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 22 95 2 fi 10 103 102 J Brown 14 Langhorne, M.P.TIuirman, Savino 2C9S3 Latonia 3-4 l:lCandmml 2G 100 4 2 5 5s a8 II Stearns ! WandaPitzer, Pillows, .I.Strailli 2531S N.Orlns 3-1 15 100 2 11 11 11 11" L McAtee 11 M. K niter. Pubiion II.. F.Away 25201 N.Orlns 3-1 l:14fast G 100 1 2 3 S S10 L MeAtee it Frisky, Capt. Ben. Mater 25237 N.Orlns 51 f l:0S,:,fast 3 105 5 5 4 32 3i F Pobhisiil." Servia, Frisky, Far Away 2512G N.Orlns 3-4 l:12fast 12 103 2 1 3 Gl G" C VanDun 7 P.Marian, Lucky R.. IanHandle REQUIRAM. b. m, 5 103 By Tony Faust Resignation II. J. Lowenstcin. 27C5I FortKrio 5?. f 1 fifast 9G 10G 7 7 10 10 105 .1 Dreyer 11 Outlook. Kooteuav. Yorkville 2G979 Latonia 3-4 l:llmuil 13 105 G 5 5 G PJ K Graves . May McGt e, P.IucCap, LucilleP. 210:. Latonia lm70y l:46mud 36-5 107 G G 5 5 4- 5lJ 1 Stirling !l L. Panchita. Allrdo, Allen Cain 2US29 Iitonia 1 1-lfi l:4G5fast C! 105 S S S 9 9 94?.J Brown 11 OlgaStar. Acis, Irish Gentleman 20126 Douglas lm70y l:45hvy 43-10 105 4 4 4 5 53 53 C Dishmon 7 Miss Thorpe. Paotil, L. Panchita -03C2 Churchill lm70.vl:4Gniud 14-5 101 4 2 2 5 5" 5"?.AV Median 7 Marshon, Tavolara. L. H. Adair 20312 Churchill 1 1-1G l:47fast 21 101 3 3 2 2 1 3.1 W Median 10 Irish Gentleman. Consoler. Goldv 20271 Churchill 1 1-1G IMStssIow 37-20 101 9 S 3 2 11 ll AV MeehanIO Impression, Loveland, Penally BLACKTHORN, b. g. 4 110 By Broomstick Margerique F. Gering, Jr. 27X01! Hthorne 3-1 l:14,f.faKt 15 109 3 S S fi1 783 AV Anilivssl.". Type. PlVkPe.iut v. Shrewsbury 27771 Htliorne 3-4 S 110 10 11 11 102 S" F Murphy 11 M. P. Thurman. Mex. Poyal Tea 27GG0 Latonia 1 1-1G 1 : 17fast 42 10C 2 3 4 0 S3 S13 G Scherrer 11 Lahore, Injury. Queen Apple 27414 Latonia 3-4 l:13rifast fid 103 .10 Lost rider. K Martin 11 Nobleman. Mristown. Itiression 2721K Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast fid 101 5 11 S Gl S3C Hunt 11 Uncle Hart. Nobleman, Sis.Susie 27170 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast 49 101 10 10 10 102 103 F Fuerst 11 P.rklield. Lnghorne. Originator 270S0 Latonia lm70y l:51hvy S 110 3 1 1 1 31 3 R Goose S Little Rigger. Pn. AVil. HelonM. 27013 Latonia 3-4 1:20 mud 9-5 IDS fi G 5 52 5 V Murphy !l lillelson. Morristown, Choctaw 2GS21 Douglas lm70y l:45fnst 24 107 1 1 3 S ll8 ll5 R Goose 12 Disturber, MissFannie, Harwood CG7II Douglas 3-4 1:15 slow S-5 10G 1 11 21 2i R Goose 7 L.Nephew, Celebrity, Originator TILLOTSON. br. g. 4 115 By Marta Santa Black Banner W. E. Applogate. 279iit Hthorne GA f l:10"slow 5 112 3 0 S S S1 AV SehoniPJ .Martie. Kddie T., 278:18 Hthorne 2-4 1:15 fast G 10S 5 2 3 5 5 4 2 AV Schorn 13 PoraX. Esther L.. Luzzi 27771 Hthorne 2-4 l:11, 10 115 fi 7 7 TA 5" L Hartwllll M.P.TIiurmaii. Mex, Poval Tea 27519 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 11 111 10 8 9 10 1018 D Connllyl2 J.Straith, Altamaha. C.diiDvery 27112 Latonia 3-4 l:lfi slow 41-5111 4 2 7 Ch S8 G Garner 8 Nleman, HaPeuny. O.onDvery 27043 Latonia 3-41:20 mud 3G-5 10S 2 2 2 Ill2 R Goose ! Morristown. Choctaw, Mex 26742 Douglas 3-4 l:15slow 12 IOC S 9 S S3 S2 D Connlly 9 Martre. MissFannie, Morristown 2G517 Douglas 3-4 1:11 fast 23 107 3 1 1 li 2" F Cooper 11 Prin, Mikifula. York Lad 2K5 Cliurchl 3-4 14 112 7 2 2 31 35l T MeTagt U Klebume. Grosvenor, Pigtodo 2G207 Cliurchl 3-4 l:14fast 81 113 2 3 1 1 3i T McTagtK Pooker Pill. Jerry, A. C. Haley TIP DAWDELL, b. f. 4 ins By Modred Zirl L. A. Broaddus. 19217 N.Orlns 3-1 l:lChvy 0 107 11 9 .0 122123K; Turner LS Pret.Dale, Leialoha, G. Favorite 19161 N.Orlns 51 f l:07,rast 20 105 G S S 7 ffi P Smith P! Miss Frances. Nimbus. P. Pird 1S9SG N.Orlns 51 f lifast 20 uvi 10 5 3 72 7"!; F Crooper 12 Colors. Blue .lav. Light Knight 1S954 N.Orlns 5?. f l:o7good 12 107 5 5 7 7 7- K Smith 7 Jes. Louise. Montcalm. Crisco ISSSfi .N.Orlns 51 f l:07good 8 105 3 2 1 32 3 K Smith 8 Gahrio. Pine .lav. Okoloua 17S92 Hthorne 5-S 1:05 slop 7-5 11:2 22 P. AVood 7 Gin Pickev. Cheeky. P. Williams 17SCG Hthorne 5-S l:01fast 4 10S 23 P Wood ! Mod. Poy, L.Jake. L.desCognets CHE1IAULT, b. h. 8 HO By Marta Santa Catherine H. 17Sfifi Hthorno 5-S l:01?.fast 1 102 7J B Hall ! Mod. Poy. TipDawdell. Lit.Jake 14S54 Mlboro Al5-S l:02itfast fi IDS II Hanmcr 8 D.Five, DanvillelL. Remarkable 14S02 Mlboro fil f 1:24 fast fi 10S Ss AV Doylo 8 H.Pose. Auto Maid, Jim Caffroy 11724 Mlboro Ab5-Sl:02 fast 15 1071 fi3 C Knight 7 Ami Till v. Pharaoh. Montcalm 1I5G2 Electric AbGl f l:220fast 12 10S 7n J Bauer 7 L.Knglaml. Col.Ashmde, A.Tilly GIN RICKEY, b. g, G 110 Bv Royal Flush III. Roman Belle W.C.DuBrock. 27960 Hthorno 5? f l:10slow. 20 112 1 2 2 2 G R Feeney 12 Martre. Kddie T., Lukemae 27S77 Htliorno 3-4 1:11 fast 40 110 1 11 5h S5 R Feeney 14 BoynlTea. Orotund, Jas.Dockerv 27771 Hthorne 3-4 l:14fast 30 110 9 G 9 11 G R Feeney 11 M.B.Tlmrman, Mex, Poyal Tea 19329 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13fast 100 109 11 11 It 12 122njB Parger 12 York Lad, Serenata, O Tls Trlia 19120 N.Orlns 3-4 1:1 5s fast 30 109 C 12 11 12J 11 13 Parger 14 AVryneek, Jezail. York Lad 1791S Hthorne 1-2 50sgood 1-5 110 I2 P Barger 3 Harebell. Col. McDougall 17S92 Hthorne 5-S 1:05 slop 2 . 104 l2 K Barger 7 TipDawdell. Cheekv. B. Williams 17S64 Hthorne 3-4 1:15 fast C 101 1J R Barger 7 Duchess Daffy, Puck. Old Jordau JUNGLE, b. m. 9 10S By Thicket Flossie A. J. M. Leavitt. 27920 Hthorne 3-4 l:lSmud 25 103 3 1 2 32 5c II Stearns ! Langhorne. Mex. HaPennv 27770 Hthorne 51 f l:0G2fast 20 100 4 4 5 4 2 4J H Stearns 5 Sir Edgar. S. Knob. PlackieDaw 27223 Latonia 3-4 l:13fast fid 111 4 4 3 311 43 AV Hoag 13 J. C. AVelch, Shine, Pooker Pill 2C979 Latonia 3-4 l:lGmud 13 110 8 7 7 7s 73 AV Median 9 May MeGec, PlutC.ip. LucilleP. 20C33 Delmicr Ab5-S l:02?sfast 3 115 48 Canies S Pinl Man, Iulan. Velie Forty 20597 Delmier AbG-S l:03rast 3 10s 5 112 Carnes 10 Scn.James, N. Grand. Leialoha 20511 Delniier Aba-S 1:04 good 15 110 5 3 3 5s riunkett C Rosemary. LuckyGeorge. U.Dick SIXTH RACE I Mile and 70 Yards. 3-ycar-olds and upward. Selling. Oct. C, 1S99 1:41. 6 101. WATtWOOD. ch. g, 5 mi? Bv Frontenac Boetio H. L. Crain. 27956 Hthorne 1 l:45slow 4 115 7 5 2 2 11 23 H Stearns 11 Thanksgiving. Dartworth. Dehra 27S10 Hthorno lm70yl:47 fast 3 110 3 3 3 3 54 4 II Stearns S ILHorse. L.AVfngton, A.Lrence 27552 Titonia 3-4 l;13Vtfast 24 110 13 7 C Gl 43i D ConnllylS Luzzi. Deliver. Harwood 27077 Latonia lm70y 1 tfShvy S3-10112 5 5 4 3 41 42J H Stearns 7 L.AVorthington. P. Bill. Q.Apple 269X0 Latonia lm70y l:49Vf,mud 1G-5109 C 5 4 3 3 3J II Stearns 8 P.orgo. White Crown. Gold Color 2GS5C Douglas 1 l:40Afast 22 108 fi 6 fi 5 31 3 II Stearns S Perugino, Brooklield. M. Fannie 26S21 Douglas lm70v l:45rast fid 108 7 7 G 4 2i 31 TI Stearns 12 Disturber. Miss Fannie. Amulet 26704 Douglas lm70y l:4Sif.mud 83 107 S 7 S G 5l 4"! H Stearns 10 Reno, Julieti Porgo 2C517 Douglas 3-4 1:14 fast fid 109 10 10 9 9J 73J H Stearna 11 Eriu, Tillotson, Mikifula 5FiS.i 8 113 By Hermis Braw Lass W. H. Armstrong. V-rh . u,orne ?"?C 1:49 fast 2 111 4 2 2 3 f r, D Stirling 7 Just Rod. Geo. Roeseh, Marj. D. Vaion a ll-J0 l:47fast 13 115 2 0 S 5 4U 4i J McCabe 10 Lahore, Injury, Queen Apple -afonja 1 1-S l:53fast 30-5 ICS 5 11 4 3 3 F Fuerst ? H. Howdy. L-ihore, Conflagration wiir lion a J st 23 103 8 8 S C 41 47 F Fuerst S BookerBill, Reno, Alm.Lawrence t Jon a I 1-16 l:4Cfast 3 111 C 4 C 7 7 717 D Connlly 7 L.Higger, Disturber, S.R.Mcyer Si,,? t ton,a 1 1"1G l:5C?shvy 9 110 9 9 9 6 1 1 F Fuerst 9 Tnksgiving, Il.IIorse. W.Crown Jruan-z 1 l:3Sfast 3-5 105 2 1 1 1 l3 1" C Hunt J Transparent, Moonlight, F. Star SXt arez 1 1-S l:52fast 2 105 1 1 1 1 1 21 C Hunt S John Graham, Unbrook. Marcus rXZZ iuarez 1 l:3Sfast 5 102 2 1 1 1 1 l3 H Shilling 7 Alda. Transparent, Moonlight J493G Juarez ll:40fast 8 110 3 2 2 4 G 62 W Ormcs 7 Cordie F.. Gano. Ccos 21??F5GIVING b 3 107 By Migraine Busy Girl G. Knelbelkamp . Z-uun . , lorno 1 l:45slow S 102 2 S 4 4 2l I3 AV Schornll Harwood. Dartworth, Dolira i;,l,horno 1 3-10 2:01fast 20 102 7 7 7 5 G3 6S AVolstm 7 High Horse, Amulet, Impression ..7MQ II thorne lm70yl:47 fast 10 101 7 S S 8 73 C C VanDun 8 II. Horse, L.AYington, A.Lronce 2.1 Latonia 1 1-2 2:22fast 39 13 S S 8 S C3 C-J R Hack S Conflagration, Billows, A.Brazel 2Lv , ton,a 1 31C 2:00 fast rl--r100 10 S C 5 10ii 10 F Murphy 12 High Horse. AV.s Last, Q.Apple oiVor i:ltonia- 1 1-1C l:4Cfast 73-10 107 9 10 8 10 71 G R Goose 11 Anna Brazel, Trappoid, Q.Apple Iatonia 1 1-10 l:0nhvy 9 100 2 5 C 5 3i 2 K Lapaille 9 Husky Lad. II. Horse, W.Crown Douglas 1 l:42good 2 109 4 3 0 3 3 33 C Hunt 0 Jerry. I.igtodo, Ralph S. 5.0UB,as 1 l:-7fnst 11-5 94 1 5 C G 31 31 V Louder 7 Billows, L. Rigger. Comanretta ..GUI Church 1 1 l:40good 20 IOC 3 2 2 2 2 23 C Hunt C Impressive, ll.Grdner, A.slas9 Ii?Ty?RTH ch 8 103 By Stalwart Domino Noiro T. Burns. 2.9;G II thorno 1 l:45slow 12 115 1 1 1 1 33 3 J McCabe 11 Thanksgiving, Harwood, Dehra 2iS3S Hthorne 3-4 1:15 rust 12 110 2 5 ! S1 S13 .1 McCabe 13 Borax, Esther L.. Luzzi 270M Latonia lm70y l:51hvy 8 113 1 3 2 2 5 7" W W Tlor S Lit.Higger, ITn.Will. lilarkthorn -C93S Latonia 1 1-1G 1:1S fast 52 1092 5 G 7 9 1013 W W Tlorll 1". Albert, Itrookfield, LH. Adair 2G7SS Douglas lm70y l:45good fid 10S 12 13 11 10 11s ll18 D Stirling 13 Flylloine. L.Paul. L.AVthington 20521 Douglas lni70y l:44fast. 2C 111 C C 0 7 7 733 AV AV Tlor 7 Hell I!oy, Kels. St. Oharleote 255o7 H.Spg.s 1 1-1G l:4S4good 7 104 3 1 4 1 4 C" K Burns 7 Linlirook, Rirka. Kilday 25551 H.Spjjs lm70y l:51mud 13-5 10S 4 11 1 4s 4s R Burns C StnloyS., AV.AV.Clark, Transprt rBi "-Spss 3-4 l:13fast 10 109 C C G 7 711 E Burns 7 Hilly Joe, Yallaha, Goodwood 24979 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:4Cfast 21 109 1 1 1 1 1J 33J J Metcalf 8 Aristocrat. M.UuIweber, Vodelej JAMES DOCKERY, br. h. 7 10G By Bannocklmrn Revoke C. R. Richards. IiJjO Hthorne 1 l:45s!ow 2 IIS 4 4 5 5 53 715 C Hunt 11 Tnksgiving. IIaiwoi,d. IVtlvorth 27S7 Hthorno 3-4 1:14 fast 10 113 7 G 5 4J :: C Hunt 14 Roval Tea, Orotund, Type 27G00 Jitonia 1 1-1G l:47fast 114 111 f, 2 2 1 3J 55 W W TlorKi Lahore, Injury, Queen Apple 2C701 Douglas lin70y l:4SVimud 2i 110 5 3 3 4 S3 S L Gentry 10 Reno, Juliet, I.orgo G4il Douglas 3-4 1:13111 45 110 S 4 3 4J 4"J L Gentry S Skiles Knob, Hilly Joe. Sosius 1andS77 iVOrlns 3-4 l:I5mud 4 110 2 1 2 2;- lJ C Dishmon 7 Salon. Dicks Iet, Anavri 1S2SG Ixtonia 1 1-1G 1:4G fast 4G-5 110 7 7 5 11 11 11?.F Murphy 12 Sun Queen. Hcrmuda, Ceo. StoII 1S2I3 Iitonla 2-4 1:13 fast 93-10 115 11 5 5 55 ri$"0 Canz 12 Coy, T. M. fireen. The Heach 1SI2I U-itonia 1 1-S l:52andrast 39-20 110 5 1 1 1 2k 33 G DishmonlO Ceo. StoII. M. Ann K.. 1hilMolir ISOli Lutonia linTOy l:43fast S3-10 107 3 3 3 3 3- 3J C Dishmon S Lilt her. Yenghee. Honne Chance 1999 C hurchl 3-1 l:lCihvy 47-10 112 5 G G 4l 32 C Dishnionll Royal Tea. Sureget. Sleepland FE LL O WM AN, h. g, C 108 Bv Oddfellow Ferrol G. Henze. S Hthorne 1 l:42vfast 3-5 111 10 0 5 3 53 4" W Anclressl5 Charles Francis, Type, Mex 27921 Hthorne lmOyl :53muil S 110 1 1 1 1 3s 3i W Andrews S ..Francis. Ceo.Hoesch. Marj.D. 27S0S Hthorne lni70yl:4Crast 10 110 Loft at the post. J McCabe ! Amulet, Roy, Louise Ianl 27471 Laloniu 1 1-N; l:45fast 55 111 4 4 4 5 7C 71S D Connlly S Yenghee, M. Fannie. Surpassing 27171 Latonia lni70y 1:45 fast 4t 110 G G S S S 8" U Goose S S.R.Mever, H.llowdy, Disturber 2G9S0 Latonia lm70y l:49f.mud 2S-5 105 7 C S S S S34 It Goose S I.orgo. White Crown. Harwood 23755 Lutonia 1 1-1G l:4r,fast fid 107 5 10 11 11 10 10" J Haiiover 13 Miss ICruler, Coldv, Joe Finn 2:;f.G7 Latonia 1 3-1G 2:03Vmml CI 10G 1 2 iulled up. 1 Connelly S Transit. Any Iort. Reno 234S5 hurchl 3-t l:13fast 235 112 G G G 7l G! D ConnellylO Grecian, Chilla, Chartier 221S4 Douglas lm70y l:44fast 9 10S 2 5 4 7 5 5ci F ICeogh 9 Hirka. Consoler. Chilla ALTAMAHA, b..p. 8 103 Bv Plaudit Fassan R. J. Powers. 27S77 Hthorne 3-4 1:11 fast 3 111 4 S 11 ll1 112 L Gaugel M RoyalTca. Orotund, J.iK.Dockory 27SOG Hthorne 3-4 2i 110 6 2 5 4 4 O Byrne 13 Type. HlckHeautv. Shrewsbury 27519 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 11-5 110.1 2 2 21 2n IC Lapaillel2 J. Straith, C.onDelivory. Rapids 27101 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 14 111 G 4 3 41 2 F Cooper 13 Shine, l.lack I.eauty. Martre 0595 Douglas lm70y l:454andfast 17 110 2 4 4 5 4 510 D Connlly S Hrookfleld, York Lad, Flitaway 2C15G Churchl lni70yl:44!ifast 35 115 9 7 G 7 Sh S11 IC LapaillelO Guich; Fost. Hillows, Hrookfleld 25491 H.Spgs 1 l:41fast 3 109 1 1 1 2 33 3Gi "V Kelsay Ataboy, Hirka, Consoler 25412 H.Spgs 3-4 l:llrast 8 IIS 1 2 2 21 21 F Cooper 7 Itio Hrazos, Lackrose, Dryad TYPE. h. g. 4 110 By Singleton Typical F. D. Weir. 2X000 Hthorne 1 l:42fast 5 ms 7 7 7 G 3l 23 II Gray 15 Char. Francis, Mex. Fcllowman 27877 Hthorne 2-11:14 fast 5 113 10 7 0 0 4 L Ilarlwlli UoyalTea, Orotund, Jas.Dockerv 27S00 Hthorne 3-1 l:14f;iKt 20 105 5 4 3 ll l3 V Schorni:; U.Heautv, Sewsbury, Altamaha 27118 Latonia 1 3-10 2:00 fast IS 109 12 12 10 10 S1 83 D Connlly12 High Horse. W.s Last, Q.Apple 27101 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast 21 110 13 13 13 101 J- W AndressKt Shine, Altamaha, Black Reality 27:110 Latonia 1 1-1G l:48fast 53-10 109 5 9 9 0 75 532 D Connllyll llermuda, QueonApple. II. Horse 27224 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47Vbfast 29-5 1071 2 5 3 3 3 31 It Goose 10 Yallaha. Howdv Howdv, Juliet 2C9S0 Latonia lm70y l:49mud 13 102 S 8 C 6 r.i 581 Ij Mink 8 Horgo. White Crown. Harwood 2G933 U-itonia 3-4 l:12fast Fid 101 11 13 13 ll1 11 B Marco 13 Cascy.Toncs, Nobleman. Liberator 2GS55 Douglas 3-4 l:12fcfast 01 109 12 10 9 71 7 F Murphy irj Uncle Hart. Luzzi. Grosvenor 2C821 Douglas lm70y l:15fast 3 1 04 11 10 7 7 51 55i F Murphy 12 Disturber. MissFannie, Harwood 20403 Churchl 3-4 l:14fast 11 1101 9 9 9 9 SIS L Hartwel! 9 C.Orme. Sauti.relle. J.H.Maylow IiADY VORTHINGTON. b. f. 3 101 By Magazine Marcie W. J. Weber. 2"SS2 Hthorne 1 3-10 5 S3 5 0 5 0. 53 5r T Hunt 7 High Horse. Amulet. Impression 27K10 Hthorne lni70yl:47 fast 0 103 4 0 0 5 4 2 C Hunt S Il.IIorse. A.Lawrenee. Harwood 275SG Latonia 1 1-S 1 :52fa st 24 S7 5 0 5 5 51 534 T Hunt S Gold.ISoy. Hook.Hill, I.Gtleinan 27402 Latonia lm70y 20 9GJ. G 5 4 5 5 51" C Hunt ! Disturber, Guide Host, S.ofLove 2":K!5 Latonia 1 1-10 l:403.flfast 14 S5 4 5 4 4 I 43 THunt 7 L.Higger, Disturber, S.R.Meyer 27145 Latonia 1 1-1G l:49-"islov 10 95 2 G G 5 3l 2l" C Hunt S Reno, Hooker Hill, Col. McNab 27077 Latonia lm70 l:53"r,hvy 17-10 97 3 G 7 4 !J C Hunt 7 RookorBill, QenApple, Harwood 20999 Iatonia lm70v- l:473iniud 24 95 S S 7 4 2" 21 C Hunt ! II. Gardner. Geo.Roesch. H.Hall 2G93S Latonia 1 1-1G 1:4S fast 25 9510 10 8 4 4 l 4r C Hunt 11 1. Albert, Hrookfleld, L II. Adair 2CSCI Douglas 1 1-S 1S-5 tH 4 5 3 3 4 4r P Lowder i Ipression, Werproof, G.Rocsch 2G7SS Douglas lm70y lUSvigood fid 90110 8 4 3 3 31 P Lowder 13 Flyllome, Lonisel.uil, Flitaway VOLANT, ch. g, 4 10G Bv Canard Estimation H. G. Bedwell. 7!99 Hthorne 3-1 l:15lfnst G His 7 5 5 7 7 1 1 Gray 11 Rio Hrazos. Jerry. Luzzi 27771 Hthorne 3-4 15 mi 3 5 4 Cl 714 S AVolstm S i:-lellart. Liberator, Langborne 20112 AVdbme lni20yl:45-slop 73-10 103 4 1 1 2 0" 7:l L McAtce 7 HenQuiiice, I.atwa, Counterpart 20350 AVdbino 3-1 1:11 fast 2G-r. 110 0 5 2 lk 4" C Jones 11 Rondel, Garnet, Lady London 20017 Iimlico 3-4 9 102 G 3 2 2 33 V Ward 11 Humiliation. Kootenay, Casaba 25t::G Havana 3-4 1:15 fast 4-5 110 4 2 1 li ll 12 Tajdin S Yellow F.yos, Unity, Argument 25199 Havana lm50v l:Wandfast 3 100" 0 3 3 5 5 S37 M Mountn 0 Mer.Jnbilee, RayoLight. Malik 2.VI52 Havana 3-4 1:13 fast 4 10S1 7 3 3 3"k il T McCullh S Altamalia. H. First. Tamerlane 24933 Havana 1 l:41igood 7 109 5 3 3 3 4 3 5SJ T McCullh 0 Luther. Tamerlane. Aldebaran 2190S Havana 1 1-10 l:47good 4 101 4 2 2 4 4 A Schugr 4 Snehenge, Aldebaran, H.Quince BEAN SPILLER. b. g. 4 10G Bv Canard Dorset Flower M. Qainnl. 27v77 Hthorne 3-1 1:11 fast 50 10S 12 9 7 7 5" C YanDunl 1 RoyalTei. Orotund. Jas.Dockerv 27552 Latonia 3-4 fid 10S S 11 11 10 10i C YanDun13 Luzzi. Deliver. King Box 27224 Latonia 1 1-10 1 :47,bfa,st 29 9S S S 7 7 01 Gs J Brown 10 Yallaha. Howdy Howdy. Type 27043 Latonia 3-4 1:20 mud 72 103 7 7 7 C3 Ci B Graves 9 Tillotson. Morristown. Choctaw 20305 Churchl 3-4 l:13" 170 110 10 9 9 9l 9ui D Stirling 10 Martre. Theodorita, Ratina 2G219 Churchl 3-4 l:14and!nud 127 111 5 4 5 5 53 D Stirling 8 Hilly Joe. Morristown. Mex 25972 Lexton 3-4 120 10S 8 8 8 7l 713 C Hunt 11 Droll. Brizz. Uncle Hart 25425 Juarez 7-S lrJCifast 5 100 7 4 4 3 31 2 1Z Willms 9 Engraver, Marcus, Leduc SHREWSBURY, b. c. 4 109 By Ossary Latona L. A. Broaddus. 2S000 Hthorno 1 l:42-7sfast 15 110 2 3 4 7 7- ll8 L Gaugel 15 Charles Francis, Type. Mex 27921 Hthorno lm70vl :53,niud S 112 2 3 4 7 7s 70 L Gaugel S C.Krancis, G.Roesch, Fellowmau 27S00 Hthorno 2-4 l:14Vf,fast 40 111 1 1 2 2- 33J. L Gaugel 13 Type, l.lack Beauty, Altamaha 25509 H.Spgs lm70y 1:15 fast 10 10S 3 5 7 7 C3 C10 J Dodd 7 Hirka. I, of Shelby, Hedge Rose 25512 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14fast 35 111 2 2 3 3 3s L Gentry ! Celebrity, Rubicon II., StolclifC 2551S H.Spgs 1 l:41f,fast 2 110 2 1 1 2 in li li Cooper 0 Bwoiser, D.or.Solby, L.V.Zandt 25500 H.Spgs lm70y l:4Gfast CO 112 1 1 1 1 23 33J Tj Jaugel S Blonde, Chad Buford, Toynbee 254S7 H.Spgs 3-4 l:14f,rast 00 110 5 4 C G 7 J Metcalf 7 Intone, Seronala. Rubicon II. 26191 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13fast 50 10S 7 C 12 111 1015 U McDott 13 Glint. Joe D.. Sir L. Joe 250SO N.Orlns 3-4 l:14andfast 20 107 7 3 4 S" C5i R McDott 12 Ireston Lvnn. Scrapper. C.Krtgf 25029 N.Orlns lm70y 1:45 fast 20 10S 5 2 2 4 S S W Lilley S Kelsetta. Nigadoo. Misa Waters 24712 N.Orlns 1 1-10 1:49 good 25 1 00 5 5 4 5 7" 7J R McDott 9 ChadHuford, Kncelet, Chll.King RALPH S., b. g, 3 93 By Frontenac Idle Fancy J. Griffin. 27995 Hthorno 3-4 l:15fast 7 102 10 9 0 43 3 II Stearns 13 Rosemary. Canbsme. Lucille B. 27SOS Hthorno lm70yl:10fcfast 4 100 5 2 2 2 31 42 C Hunt 9 Amulet, Roy. Louise Haul 27549 Latonia 3-4 1:13 fast fid 99 3 0 7 7 5Ji C Hunt V2 .l.Str.iith. Altamalia, C.onDvery 27331 Latonia 3-4 l:ll4fast fid 107 9 7 10 S3 0 C Hunt 12 A.Getz. M.R.Thurman, J.Straitli 20S50 Douglas 1 1-40f.rast 4S 92 2 4 4 0 G 0s T Henry 8 Ierugino. I.rooklield, Harwood 2G7S4 Douglas 1 l:427tgood 20 101 5 0 0 G 53 4 F Fuerst i Jerry, I.igtodo, Thanksgiving 20591 Douglas 3-4 l:13fefast 104 97 0 C G 73 714 F Fuerst 10 1prcssivo. Mistown, U.Jimmie 25517 H.Spgs 1 1:42fast 18-5 112 2 111 31 21 F Keogh 7 Falls City, Narmar, Maudie 25475 H.Spgs 5 f l:0Sfast 2 1021 1 1 1 1 F Cooper 5 Miss Ihilbin, Mug, LadyMeelick W. W. CLARK, b. p. 8 108 By Wadsworth Venota W. P. Johnson. 27SI2 Hthorno 1 1-10 1:49 fast 15 1 05 0 3 5 4 7 7R1, It Guy 7 Just Red. 5eo.Ri.esch, Marj.D. 27S0S Hthorno 2 110 0 7 5 5 G 5:, It Guy 9 Amulet, Roy. Louise Haul 27553 litonia 1 1-10 1 : fid 101 5 5 5 5 5 Ccl K Graves 10 C.Mhmoiit. M. Fannie. A.Lrence 274IS Latonia 1 3-10 2:00 Tast 25 100 9 5 5 4 4 53., 10 Graves 12 High Horse. W.s Last, Q.Apple 27330 Latonia 1 1-10 l:4S3f.rast fid 10S 9 5 7 9 93 91U 10 Graves 11 llermuda, QueenApple. Il.IIorse 27221 Latonia 1 1-10 l:47,fnst 25 107 C 4 5 G 5 5 It Guy 10 Yallaha. Howdv Howdv, Type 2G090 Churchl lm70v l:47mud OS 111 2 5 7 7 f.1 C 11 Guy 9 Commauretta, Dolina. HardHall 25S72 Lexton 1 1-10 l:53inud 10 107 G GO C C 5IC R Guy ! M.Dulweber. H.llowdy, Choctaw VTRGIF.DOT. br. f. 4 104 Bv Golf Ball Tfanlne Noland J. N. Monnce. 27995 Hthorno 3-4 l:151fast 20 100 13 13 13 13 13s A flavor 13 Rosemary, Cardome. Ralph S. 2CS30 Douglas 11-10 1:19 mud 39 105 7 7 S S S S3S K Lapaille S Lindly. Queen Apple. .Tawbono 207SS Douglas IniVOy l:45f.good fid 9S 9 0 5 9 9 9" W Hoag 13 Flyllome. L.Raul. L.Wthington 20703 Douglas lni70y 1 :47-f,Jimd 42-5 105 2 4 4 5 5 1 518 II Shilling 8 Impression, Intone, Galaway 2C032 Douglas 1 1-10 1 : 174f.rast S2 1011 2 2 4 4 5 5 W A Carll 7 Hillows, L.Higger, Tnksgiving 20107 ChinvhI 2-4 1:13 fast 92 100 2 5 0 51 52 "V A Car I 7 F. Roberts. C. on Deli!ry. Luzzi 25C00 H.Spgs lm70y l:lGslov 20 K9 .". 3 3 7 71 7:J K lnpaille S M. Dulwober, Fairly, Scallywag 25554 H.Spgs 1 l:43Vsgood 8 1 05 4 4 4 3 01 5"i D Stirling 10 II. Rose, Consoler, D. Mgomery 254CS H.Spgs 1 l:434fast 10 1101 0 4 3 4 3l 2l IS MclCwon : ill lato. Consoler, Hedge Rosa