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SARATOGA READING ROOMS TO OPEN. New York. July 22. The Saratoga reading rooms will be maintained by visiting horsemen in the Grand Union Hotel at Saratoga Springs during the meeting about to open there, as usual. Rooms have been engaged on the ground floor adjoining the pergola, where all club privilges will In: offered to members, including library, private: restaurant, cafe. etc. The: Saratoga reading rooms, organized feir the purpose: eif establishing a meeting place, where all club privileges will be eiffereel anel te facilitate-inntte-rs feir visitors te Sarateiga, will open on Tueselay, July 2."i. Me-mborship entitles; a miin-bor to boe-emie a suhscribe-r te the- Sarateiga Racing Asseie-ialion anil the: Saratoga Gold anel Tenuis Cluli without further intreieluctiem. The club menus are: ein the: gmiutd fhieir of the Grand Union lleite-1, anel as the ieleas fill a long fe-lt want, especially in the dull meirning anil ewening hours, the mailing rooms have: iue-t with most gratifying suce-e-ss. The- dime-tors eif tin: rooms are: August Be-lmemt, F. R. Hitchcock, Thomas Iliteheoik. J. Sanford. II. P. Whitney. R. T. Wilson, 11. K. Knapp, Andrew Miller and Se-huyler L. Parsons. A. Me-L. Earlocke-r is see-rotary to the board, and Charles G. Logan, the manager, re-ports an increase in the: membership as compame with pmvions years.