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MOUNT ROYAL PARK FORM CHART. MONTREAL, QUE.. Friday, July 21, 191C Mount Royal Park. Sixth Day. Back River Jeicke-y Clubs First Me-e-ting eif 7 days 14 lieioks em. Weather cloudy first six races, then showery. Pmsieling Jiulge-, Slie-ridan Clarke. Starter, William Murray. Racing Secretary, Charles Campeau. 279G8 First Race .1-4 Mile. Sept. 21, 1515 1:13 5 100. Purse: 00. 3-yc-ir-eilds anel upward. Feiale-el in Canada. Selling. Net value: to winner 00; si nil, 1916.sh5; third, 5. I lid. Horse:. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 2784!3Freiissart 105 1 II Gray 3-2 S-5 3-5 2784! Reel Post 305 22 AV Veiling 2i :, 1 2781! Sacal 305 33 N Feielen fi fi 2 277X2 Phil McCool lis li G .Corey C 7 2. 277X2 Otero 10.". r J Denuisonli 1 1-2 2 1 H:;:: Tlios. the RrlOO fi! J Cruise 8 10 :: 278!!Dr. Bnrnardo HI 7 AV Ricbey 15 15 C Time. 24, 49, 1:15. Track fast. Show odds Froissart. 1-3; Re-d Peist. 1-2: Sacal, 1; Phil Me Cool. 1; Otero, 1-3; Thomas the Rhymer, Ii-2: Dr. Barnarelo. :!. Winne-r G. Fine-hs b. g. 5 by Havoc Frou Frnu trained by G. Finch; bre-el by Mr. Joseph E. Se:a-gram. Went to post at 2:35. At post 1 minute. Start gooel :mel slow. Won driving; second and thirel the same. The winner was cntercel for 00; no bid. Overweights Reel Post, 2 pounds; Thomas the Rhymer, 2. 27SC9 Second Rae-e 5-S Mile. Se-pt. IS, 1515 1:002102. Purse 00. 2-year-edds. Al-lowane-e-s. Xe-t value te winner, 00; second, ,5; third, 5. lnd. Horse-. AVt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 277X3 Peisitnno 112 1" It Troxler 3-2 3-2 3-5 27850 Out 115 2 J Roemey 3 3 1 277X3 Hanan 10! 31. W Gargan fi N 3 27132 0111 Drurv 104 41 C Gross 4 5 2 27850Curls 105 5i II Chappell fi X 3 2i8.- I!c-.iut Laely 10 fi N Feielen 3 3 1 27783 Coincidence 101 71 .1 Acton 20 20 S 27554 .Teannc-tto 100 Si J Cruise 8 10 4 20551 Iiecorder 100 5 G AV Curl 10 10 4 Time, 24, 48, 1:01. Track fast. Show odds Peisitauo, 1-3; Out, 1-2; Hauan, 3-2; Old Drury, 1; Curls, 3-2; P.eaumeiiit Laely, 1-2; Cetine-ieleneo. 4: Jeanne-tte, 2; Re-coreh-r. 2. Winne-r E. J. McGraws b. g. 2. by Solitaire II. P.ri-ine-rhafe-n trained by S. Judge; bred by Mr. Aelolph B. Spre-ke-ls. Wi-nt te post at 3:00. At post 3 minutes. Start gemd and slow. Won driving; second anil third the same. Overweights Recorder, 3 pounds. 27970 -Third Race 5-S Mile:. Sept. IS. 1535 1:002 102. Purse 00. 3-year-olds anel upward. Selling. Ne-t value te winner 00; second, Sfi5; third, 5. lnd. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 27X52 ;Dcw Drop 113 1" AV Rosen li-5 fi-5 1-2 27X55 InelilTerent 113 2" AV Young G C 2 27X52 Sir Dyke 115 3 C Peak 2i 3 1 27014 Miss Krug 113 -1 C Creiss 10 15 C 22553 Test 105 53 C Miller 20 20 S 27852F:iwn 10S fii C Drlseoll fi fi 2 20505 AVilel Rone 113 7k AV Garjjan 8 8 4 23735 McClintock 115 Si II Chappoll 10 15 fi 27925 .1. D. Sugg 110 5 T Duckies 4 5 2 Time. 23, 48, 1:01 Track fast. Show eidels-Dcw.iDrop.. 1-4; Indifferent, 1: Sir Dyke, 1-2: Miss Krng, 3; Test, 4; Fawn, 1; AVild Rose?. 2 McClintock, 3; J. D. Sugg, 1. AViimcr A. Castins b. in, 0, by Planueles Sparkle Esher trained by A. Castiu; bred by Dr. C. AV. Crowley. AVent to post at 3:30. At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. AVem driving; seqonel anil thirel the same. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. 27971 Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. Sept. 24, 1515 1:33 5 100. AVi-sliiuint Handicap. Purse 00. 3-ye-ar-eilds and upward. Ne-t value: to winner, 00; second. 0; third, 0. Iml. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 27751 Fair Helen 112 lJ R Troxler 1 1 2-5 277!0Feixy GrilT 105 2i A Finley fi 8 3 27X553T. Busybody 102 3" G AV Carl 4 4 3-2 27754 Ne llie It. Ill 43 J Rooney 4 4 3-2 2778!.Tust. Gnebellll 5 C Peak 2 2 4-5 Time, 22, 47, 59, 1:13 equals track record. Track last. Show odds Fair Hcle.n, out; Foxy Griff, out; The Busybody, out; Nellio B., out; Justice Geu-be-1, out. Winiiir Mrs. J. Phillips eh. f. -1. by Broomstick Belle: eif Troy, trained by J. Phillips; bred by .Mr.. Harry Payne: .Whitney. AVent to post at 3:54. At post 0 minutes. Start good and slow. AVem driving; see-emel and thirel the- same. Overweights Justice Goebel, 2 pounds. 27972 Fiftli Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. July 15, P.tld 1:44 S 112. 00. 3-ye-ar-e.Ids and upwarel. Se-lling. Net value: to winner 00; se-e-ond, !5; third, 5. lnd. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 277!8 Regular 10S 1U AV Gargan 5 8 3 27850 Flying Foot 113 21 J Rooney fi fi 2 27757Yankcr 107 3 N Feielen 10 10 4 278!31hil Mohr 107 4i C Gross 2 2 4-5 2 7850 -Baby Sister 107 5"k II Laffertv 3 3 1 27533 Neville 105 fi T Cnmng.s fi 4 2 27850 Afterglow 3 Oil 7 G AV Carl fi 8 3 27757 The Rump 303 8 AV AVarel 30 15 fi 278!J::3 River King 110 ! J Doavpt 3 3 1 27X51 Megaphone ill 10 AV Rie-boy 20 20 S Time, 21. 49. 1:14, 1:40, 1:45. Track fast. Show oifds Re-gular. 3.-2; Firing Fe-e-t, 1: Yanki-r, 2: Phil Mohr. 2-5: Baby Sister, 1-2; Neville, 1: Afterglow, 3-2; The: Rump, 3; River King, 1-L; Me-gaphone, 4. Winner AV. Gargnns br. f. 4, by Bryu Mawr Consistent traineel by AV. Gargan; bmel by Mr. R. .1. Walili-ii. Went to post at 4:1S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second ami thirel elriv-ing. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. 27973 Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Sept. 25. 15115 3,:41 13 101. Purse 00. 4-ye-ar-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winne-r 00; si-e-onil, 1916.sh5; thiril. 5. Ind. Horse. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 278!i:3Patty Regan 113 V J D.-avpt 2A 3 1 27X50Coreops!S 307 2 .T Acton 7-107-lOout 27850 Insurce Man 107 N Foelen 20 20 S 27018 Luc. Morols 105 4 T Buckles 30 30 4 27X50 Ykshim Roy 10S 5 AV Levee 3 5 2 27051 Louise May 105 fi AV Young 15 15 fi 27757 John. Harris 112 73 II Watts 8 10 t 27850 Klla 105 8" C White .20 20 8 27850 Col. AshmelelOS 5 AV Gargan 20 C 2 Time, 24, 49, 1:15, 1:40, 1:41. Track fast. Show oelds Patty Regan, 1-2; Coreopsis", out; Insurance Man, 4; Lucille Moreiis, 2; Yorkshire Bey. 1; Louise May, 3; Johnny Harris, 2; Ella, 4; Colonel Ashme-ade, 1. r AVinner F. Harlans ch. g, by Stalwart Carrie .Tone-s trained by J. A. Stroele; breel by Mr. R. H. Amlerson. AVent to post at 4:45. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVem easily; see-ond ..anel third elriv-ing. The winner was entered feir 00; no bid. Overweights Colonel Ashmeaele, 1 pound; Yorkshire Boy, 1. 27974 Seventh Race 3-4 Mile. Sept. 21. 1915 l:13if. 5 100. Purse 00. 4-ye-ar-ohls and upward. Se-lling. Net value to winner 00; second, 1916.sh5; thirel, 5. Ind. Horse-. AAt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 27075 3IschgubibbIe 100 1 A Aoung 3 4 3-2 27755Mayme AV. 103 2i T Duckies 2 3 1 277X5 Zodiac 10S 3- G AV Carl 20 8 3 27070 Asama lOfi A- C Gross 2.V 2i 1 27853Carlavcroclc !3 52 II KeipmanlO 10 4 27X53 Amazement 111 fi- J.Roonesy 2 2 4-5 27754 Quie-k Start K.0 7 J Cruise fi fi 2 Time, 24, 49. 1:14. Track good. Show odds Ischgabiblile, 2-.T; Mnyme W., 1 2; Zoeliuc, 3-2; Asama, 1-; Carlavereie-k, 2; Amazement, 2-5; Quick Start. 1. AVinner -J. L. Bryans b. c, 4, by Giganteum Kerchief traineel by J. L. Bryan; breil by Mrs. L. A. Livingston. AVe-nt to post at 5:07. At post 1 minute. Start gooel and slow. AVon easily; see-emel and third driving. The winner was entered for 00; no bid. Overweights -Asama, 5 pounds; Amazement, 2; Quick Start, 1. 27975 Eighth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards. Sept. 25. 1515 1:41 13 101. Purse 00. 4 year-edels and upward. Se-lling. Net value to winner 00; see-ond, 1916.sh5; third. 5. lnd. Horse-. Wt.Fin. Jockey. Op. CI. PI. 27!3l Star Bird 1R1 3 T McCulh 4 4 3-2 27X50 lie 312 23 R Troxler fi-5 1 1-2 27X50 Otilo 111 3i J Rooney 5 5 2 27X503 London Girl 105 4 T Buckler. 3 4 3-2 27X50 Centauri 30s 5 G Corny 30 30 4 27K!l2Dromi 307 fii C Gross 5 S 4 27787 Ray R. Millerl02 72 AV Riehey S 30 4 278!Thos. Hare 312 S G AV Carl 30 30 4 277!0Peg 3IK ! J Cruise fi fi 2 27S!0 Raster Bov 30S 30 AV Gargan 20 20 S Time. 24. 50. 1:16, 1:43, 1:45. Track sloppy. Show eitlds Star Itinl, 2-55; 3!e. out; Otilo, I; London Girl. 2-3; Centauri. 2: Dreimi, 2; Ray R Milh-r, 2; Thomas Hum, 2; Pe-g, 1; Easter Roy, 4. AVinne-r X. R. Hursts ch. f. 4. by Star Ruby -AVater Rird trained by J. Hope; broil by Mr. James B. Haggin. AVent to post at 5:3S. At post 7 minutes. Start bad and slow. AVon easily; see-ond and third driving. The winner was e-nte-mel for 00; no bid. Overweights Otilo, 4 pounds; Centauri, 3; Easte-r Boy, 3.