untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1916-07-23


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BUZZ AROUND . 380-100 WON A. N. AKIN .... 340-100 WON KING G0RIN. .. 295-100 WON DIGNITY 245-100 WON one second, two thirds and two losers, were my only wires from Canada so far. I know of several shipped from Kentucky that will get the money at Hamilton. I will also handle Fort Erie and Windsor. Terms, Fivo Dollars each meeting of seveu days. Subscribers for Hamilton will get an Occasional at Hawthorne free. EX-JOCKEY MARSHALL Initials E. J. Room 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg., Chicago, 111. CINCH PARLAY SYSTEM. Picks one or two parlays daily, never more. It is simple. All you require is Daily Racing Form. Parlays are Big Money winners. Cinch System picks them. July 10, to and including July 20, Cinch System picked 11 parlays; 7 won, 4 lost. Cinch System is consistent; can prove this by Racing Form; go as far back as you wish to. Price of this system is 00 cash. Address RICH WILLIS, 1414 Pirtle Street :: :: Louisville, Ky. NATIONAL RACING REVIEW MONDAYS SPECIAL: No. 48. . Yesterdays Special lost. Room 801, 538 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. IF WINNERS are what you want, get The Standard. For sale at all news-stands at 2 cents per copy. Cant beat it. Yesterdays Form Special ran third. Mondays: No. 9, middle page of Book 480. THE STANDARD TURF GUIDE. : Room 403, 22 Wet Quincy Street, Chicago, Illinois. , HAMILTON The Place Whero the Kentuckians Clean Up Annually. OPENS JULY 26. My connections went direct from Latonia to Hamilton, and they are ready. Dont confuse this information with so-called tips. BARGAIN OFFER. Entire Hamilton Meeting, INCLUDING Big Opening Day Special for the nominal sum of .00. Covington office closed temporarily. LALLY COLLYER 311 OXFORD BUILDING, 118 N. La Salle St. :: :: Chicago, 111. WEDNESDAY. JULY 26, FIFTH RACE at Hawthorne, got another one. Last f Wednesday it was Hawthorn, 2-1, ZwteA won; High Horse, 5-1, won. Price HMgH4 for information is . If it dont V tn2W V!vn- an1 vrin 0,llv we Avi11 wiro you V YS rco Fridays Fourth Race X yjfy Special. Nuf said. Jet Busy. Mondays Special: No. 5, Book 607. THE TURF REPORTER. R. 509 Baltimore Bldg.. 22 W. Quincy St.. Chicago. FRIDAYS WIRE WON. Better get in on our Chicago Dailies; for 6 starters. Get some real information. MONDAYS BEST: Gone-North-Ate-Sat-Get-Put, Book 263. American Thoroughbred, Baltimore Bldg., Chicago. SUBSCRIBE FOR DAILY RACING FORM. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO.. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT :: CHICAGO. ILL. 74 EXCHANGE STREET :: BUFFALO, V. Y.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1916072301/drf1916072301_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1916072301_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800