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THIRTY LEADING AMERICAN WINNING OWNERS OF THE PRESENT YEAR i There lias been but little change in the relative standing of our thirty loading owners in the course of the last months racing. R. T. Wilson is still the leader, with A. Belmont second and II. G. Bedwell third, and there they will probably stand at the end of the year. Wilson and Bedwell are still engaged in Maryland racing, but Mr. Belmonts horses have been sent into retirement for the coining winter. John W. Schorr is fourth in the list and heads the western division of owners. James Butler is next with a stable return more than double that of 1915. For a long time it seemed that, despite his liberal outlay for horses, A. K. Macomber was destined to have a singularly unlucky year in racing, but after late in the turf campaign Dame Fortune began to smile on him and his stable earnings mounted upward so fast that lie is now tentli in the list, with every reason to expect a greater measure of success in 1917. At present the records of the thirty leading owners are: Won in Leading Winner Won in Leading Winner 1915. Owners. in 1915. 1st. 2d. 3d. 1910. in 1910. $ 11,8-15 R. T. Wilson Montresor 33 34 20 1,035 Campfire 50,343 A. Belmont Stromboli 39 42 29 70,950 Friar Rock 59,540 H. G. Bedwell Golden List 124 90 92 04,700 Manokin 20,233 J. W. Schorr Goldcrest Boy 45 30 35 55,508 Ed Crump 22,949 J. Butler High Noon 49 37 2i 50,045 Spur 104,100 II. P. Whitney Borrow 24 27 17 43,587 Borrow 14,797 Weber and Ward Dodge 20 14 11 35,818 Dodge 23,532 W. II. Baker Amazon 45 15 25 34,280 Lady Rotha 10,055 E. Ilerz Short Grass 42 29 20 34,130 Short Grass A. K. Macomber 21 22 0 30,412 Star Hawk 7,504 R. L. Baker Dr. Carmen 2S 28 33 28,904 Pif Jr. 32,070 J. Livingston Royal II 37 30 44 27,487 Othello 17,010 G. A. Cochran Pleione 40 41 40 27,255 Genesis 9,002 J. E. Seagram Sweet Colleen IS IS 14 24,475 Mandarin 13.0S1 J. Umensetter G rover Hughes IS IS 24 23,009 G rover Hughes 27,510 II. C. Hallenbeck The Finn 12 11 2 21,180 The Finn 15,220 J. O. Talbott Republican 30 24 17 20,750 Slumber II. 35,114 T. C. McDowell :Slar Jasmine 15 21 22 20,409 America 12.739 J. B. Respess Resign 20 18 14 19,914 Langden 2,520 Williams Bros Impressive 30 17 19 18,933 Impressive E. T. KolUcoucr 21 14 15 18,040 All Smiles 20,175 J. Arthur Water Lady 19 28 2S 18.3S0 Bondage 5,539 Marrone Stable Ambrose 2S 32 20 18,325 J. .7. Lillis Mirasol Stable 13 12 17 18,300 Runes 0,095 J. K. L. Ross Bryndown 14 13 11 17.597 Damrosch L. Wood IS 17 S 17,539 Chiclet 23,800 A. Miller Roamer 10 10 9 17,515 Ticket 13,727 G. M. Ilendrie Rancher 17 12 19 17.375 Rancher 17,585 Green tree Stable Gainer 10 8 S 17,120 Cherry Malotte 2,783 F. J. Pons Boneros First 2S 43 30 17,040 Miss Waters