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ADVOCATES FEDERAL CONTROL OF RACING. The strongest move yet to place American racing on a similar solid foundation to that existing in France before the Avar, is undoubtedly the one proposed by the now Liberty party if it shall succeed in making itself u factor in national politics. Naturally the plan of this exponent of New Americanism which it believes to be based on correct ecno-nomic, liberal and progressive principles to get the Government to create a system oi Federal racetracks is an idea in itself quite sufficient to make a sensation in the American horse world. That the movement will meet with general approval among liorsemen directly the first shock of astonishment is absorbed goes without saying, for it will give national sanction to a sport which in Europe lias long been sponsored by the heads of the greatest nations. Both as individuals and rulers they are fully alive to the fact that national fostering is the only practical method of developing the thoroughbred horse to its highest point of excellence and utility. So far ns the leasing of the proposed tracks under Federal supervision to a National Jockey Club representing a combination of the existing legitimate jockey clubs and racing associations of the conntry is concerned, that is a matter which is a logical sequence and can therefore bring forth no unfavorable criticism except perhaps in mere details. Obviously Federal supervision will include in its activities the extension along scientific lines of the interests of farms breeding horses for the United States army. Jreat as the improvement in the general management of American racing has been during the past decade, it should prove merely a promise of what m:iy- be reasonably expected to come when the great sport shall be authorized and endorsed by the Government; for then there will be the solid foundation necessary to build an enduring structure without the flaws which apparently have been unavoidable with the dread of hostile local legislation foreeer hovering on the near horizon. The many leading men prominently connected with American racing have always been a voucher beyond question as to the desired integrity of the sport, but they have hitherto worked with their hands tied. Federal supervision is the one blade calculated to cut the Gordian knot. Bcston Transcript.