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+ + , RETURNS OF RACING FROM NORTH AMERICAN TRACKS IN THE I I COURSE OF A CONSIDERABLE NUMBER OF YEARS 4- + Inspection of the records reveals the interesting fact that in the last twelve years of racing in North America, the colossal total of 4,120.7*9 has been distributed among winning owners. Surely this makes racing a business of importance, of this big -um the racing organizations of the United States con-• ributed 5,011,039. In the course of the last eight years of racing in this country. Kentucky has given the greatest aggregate of money, its total of .1lii.9."i ••onsiderably owrshadow ing New Yorks ,844,825. However, it is only fair to point to the fact that there was no racing over the important New York tracks in 1911 and 1912. The following table shows the racing revenues of all the years named and alee the material loss resulting from the effucement of California, Florida, Itah ami oilier formerly important fields of action, from the racing map: United States Racing Revenues Since 1903. State. 1909. 1910. 1911. 1912. 1913. 1914. 1915. 1910. Totals. Kentucky 08,215 55,990 03,929 40,390 39,750 25,195 70,881 1917.sh70,439 .1*i.959 New York 839.893 790,050 10.900 30.290 402.003 580.800 539.170 050 459 3 844 825 Maryland 136,290 169.545 277.850 356.930 355.090 413.990 488 .374 578.725 2.830 444 California 053.465 254.810 73.085 47.595 1.982 495 Florida 129,900 469.100 310.885 909,88a Montana 68.220 65.130 74.145 91.6H 133.360 133,550 894.450 Louisiana 87,800 169.280 635.355 South Carolina 32.700 194.155 1*3.450 209.105 1.745 6-4 155 Ctah Ii9. 00 80.455 87,988 90.375 354 sgg Yirginia 19.7H 40.475 84.9*5 72.205 17.935 14.400 2.610 3.360 311730 Oklahoma 46.150 45.0H 11.2H 53.270 39.MH» 2.400 247,620 Idaho 72.690 113.3*0 11.880 197 070 Texas 159.7H 9.200 8,898 7.5H 183. HHI Nevada 13.575 40.150 7S.500 132.225 Colorado * 15.900 12.350 34.0H 43.095 106.848 Illinois 1.400 7.250 2.HM 57.0*5 07 735 Massachusetts 10.765 11,880 11.910 9.*35 7.040 9.135 60 045 Indiana 12.600 31.1H 43.700 Arkansas 42. 80S 42,888 Pennsylvania 2.940 0.025 1,015 928 9.605 8.895 29.105 Jeorgia 24.*50 24.850 Wyom ing 1 6.950 j 1; ;.-, New Jersey 4.68." 4.260 6H 1.700 1.525 12!765 Washington 11.430 11.430 D. of Columbia 3.950 7.205 11.215 Kansas 0,400 8,400 Michigan 5.200 5!2HI Missouri 5,200 5.200 Alabama 3,250 3.250 West Virginia 2.625 2.625 •lie turns unavailable. North American Racing Revenues Since 1904. II II! II III l.? lis Year. |g f~ f || | jpg =S I l i 8 g - 1905 $ 5.372.402 $ 229.155 . . . . 35 i;0l "1 1906 5.106.531 313.850 ... sVl/sM 1907 4,945,769 429.785 .. 5375 554 1908 3.812.151 439.510 $ l8.666 4:2i!Ui91 1909 2.469.558 488.667 $ 42.800 $ 145.670 24.000 3.170 095 1910 2,316.005 391.9*8 187.165 47 175 ° 94*» 333 1911 1.583.974 436.710 251.658 65 015 • 3SIVand1 1912 1.507.625 539.110 199.100 145.790 . 2*39l«25 1913 1.890.878 591.640 224.895 210.550 2»2o963 1914 1,989,848 888,843 240.270 145 050 "99Y5 "5 MM 1.792.765 688.652 228.420 143.200 2.853.037 1»1« 888,245 467.620 195.0*5 3.842.471 Totals for 12 Years Distribution. 5. 011. 039 1,127,687 ,841,928 $ 759.850 $ 380,285 4,120.7*9