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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF. Thomas Murphy will train the horses of Oscar and Frederick Lewisohn during the season of 1917. The roof of the grandstand at Jamaica, which was wrecked by storms of a year ago. will be replaced by a i,ew one before the opening of the spring meeting. The two-year -old filly Koriu has raced four times at Tij ua ni as Koran in Daily Racing Forms charts. Koran by Hilariaat — Common Sue. is in R. D. Williams" stable at Louisville and was never started. Korin is by Hilarious — Lacene, aud is owned and raced by A. Williams. Sixteen horses arc t o many for one race at the Fair Grounds as it makes accidents liable to occur. especially going to the first turn in a mile race, and twelve should be the limit by all means. This will be realized all too late after some rider has been injured because of crowding on the turn — New-Orleans Times - Picayune.