Second Race [2nd New Orleans, Daily Racing Form, 1917-02-11

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SECOND RACE — 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. "Feb. 19, 1916 — 1:05"-. — 1—129. PATAPSCO, b. jr. 3 M 109 By The Commoner— Flora Handsome T. Clyde. 31637 N.Orlna 5i f l:tt%fast S 111 1 1 ■- :* V L McAtee 15 Sir Oliver. Rag. Man. Miss Shot SUM N.Orlns 3-4 1:22 hvy 8 104 1 2 3 71 S2" W Collins S Sleepy Sam. Velvet. Out .M4S1 N.Orlns H f l:15%hvy 15 IM 4 3 4 4l e9 W Collina 6 Hasty Cora. Mico Girl, Rhrmer 31243 N.Orlns 51 f l:ll%mud 21 108 7 3 3 3- 4«J L McAt-e 8 Waller Duncan. Velvet Dan 30247 1imlifo 3-4 l:15%fast 18 110 3 11 31 f.6J F Robsonlo Precise, Bright Star. Tvnint MOSS Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast fid 109 8 5 12 I2 12*» W Collins 14 Sargon II.. Al Hudson, "b. Star M9M Laurel 3-4 l:14%fast 43 109 6 2 3 51 7" R Ball 10 L.Byron, N. K. Beal, S.T.Sugar 29456 H.deOce 6-8 1:03 mud 52 115 3 2 3 4* 42 E Haynes 5 Kilts, Storm Nvmph. Supernal 29286 H.deGce 5-8 l:02%slow 100 115 4 3 4 62 614 E Haynes 8 Battle. Deckmate. Friendless EX-SHERIFF, br. c, 3 M 114 By Contestor— Fannie W. Fon-o W. C. Overton. 31712 N.orlns 3-4 l:18Hhvy 4 111 3 2 3 42 41S J Hanover 8 Beaverkill, SandvLad, MiaaSbot SMS7 N.Orlna 51 t l:10fast 10 115 12 11 11 S* 5-i J Hanon rl5 Sir Oliver. Patapsco. Rag. Man 31525 N.Orlna ?.5 f 1:15 hvy 20 110 11 6 7 4" 7G:j J Hanoverll May Star. Dan. Cuneo .740S Ijatonia 61 f l:08fast 50 112 11 12 12 10l 9" J Brown 12 lerseus, Monotony, MilesFinlen 26315 Churchl 6-8 l:01%fast 393 112 13 12 12 12l 1212 F Cooper 14 Lit. Spider. Money, SweetHelen BOY BROWN, b. c. 3 M 114 By King Cobalt— Tender and True G. H. Browne 3MS7 N.Orlns 5." - f 1 :M% f at t 40 lir. 11 15 15 la ].".-• T Rice 1." Sir Oliver. Iatapseo. Bag Man SMS N.Orfna 51 f 1:15 hvy 30 112 10 7 5 10- Wx- T Rice 11 May Star. Dan. Cuneo SANBORNF. blk g. 3 M 114 By Radford— Kansas Dove R. Gatewood. 21637 N.Orlns 51 f l:10%faat 40 HI 12 7 13 13il3-" P Lowder 15 Sir Oliver, Iatapseo. Rag. Man ::1436 N.Orlns 1 l:50%hvy 30 101 6 4 6 6 6 649 L McAtee 7 Handmar, ClassA.. M.Uepresent :.1S67 N.Orlns ?,-4 1:23 hvv 30 106 S 9 11 12 VI"* L M.Atee 12 Bluebannock, Velvet, Casluip ::1243 N.Orlns 61 f l:ll"5mud 8 1M| 6 7 8 S 8-7 W Doyle S Walter Duncan, Velvet, Dan MISS REPRESENT, br. f, 3 M 109 By Migraine— Sabir.a E. Lutz. 3MSS N.Orlna 1 l:44V4«Ood 7 :7?. 7 I 4 2 21 2*1 W Cramp 8 Dan. Fleuron II.. Ill Savin 3M37 N.Orln.s : f l:M%£aat 20 110 15 10 10 10 8 ■; J Dodd 15 SirOliver, Patapsco, RaEredyMaa S1526 N.Orlns 5i f 1:15 hvy 20 M8j I 11 M 8- 45 .1 Dodd 11 -Ma.v Star. Dan, Cuneo SUM N.Orlna 1 l:50hvy 10 1« 7 7 3 3 2- 34 R McUott 7 Handiemar, Class A.. Ill Savin N.Orlna 3-4 l:20%hvy 50 loSJ 9 8 7 6" 6:" J Dod.l B Moaaaaoy. Miss Shot. Nepotism 31243 N.Orlns 61 f l:ll,mud 10 p 7 I 5 4 4 5"S J Dodd S Walter Duncan. Velvet, Dan 31K.S N.Orlns 3-4 10S%faat 100 li/7 8 C 7 6- 613 J Dodd 8 Whirling Dun. Kultur, Tioga SIMS N.Orlns 3-4 l:18V:.mud 60 110 8 8 S 8 7!iJ Dodd .8 The Duke. Class A., Monomoy 2*449 Kempton 5-8 1:07 mud 6 110 3 7 o* 6« J Dodd I M. Maguirc. L.Betty. N.K.Bea 2SSM Kemptaa 5-8 1:05 slow 20 109 11 8 61 9»J J Dodd 13 Belle C. Gratitude, Lady Betty HESTER SMITH, ch. f. 3 M 104 Ey Ben Trovato— Estimation H. Neusteter. 51674 N.Orlna i l:42%mud 4i :-:: 4 5 7 5 ."."• 5i it Kopmn 7 Oat, Dr. Prather, Molly Maanire 31S37 N.Orlna 51 f 1 :I0,fast 7 105 2 4 7 51 J* W lloag IS Sir diver. Iatapseo. Baa. -Mai SUM N.Orlna :.-4 1 :22*shw 10 90 8 4 4 5- 7-H Jeff ott 12 Margery. GarL Tootsie 31525 N.Orlns 51 f 1:13 hvy 41 101 2- 3 3 31 t»| L Lvkcs 11 May Star, Dan, Cuneo S14S7 N.Orina 64 f l:13%hTy 6 Ml 2 1 1 23 2» L. Lykes 9 Ash Can, C.Buford, OoLMeNak 21146 Latnnia 51- f 12 9S S 7 7 91 7«1 L Lykes 11 Solveig. Little iord. Pollyauua M774 l atonla 61 f l:08kfast 20 105 M 10 7 6 S« W Hoag 12 L. Kithern. Blue Blum. Arrow 2M54 Churchl 11:42 fast 23-5 105 3 4 5 4 4« 451 J Kederis C liaaUina, Pierce W., IronMaster 2956s Churchl 1 l:424/3fast 7J 1141 3 4 4 4 2" 2- J Kederis 5 May W.. Deckhand, Feint 19435 Churchl 54 f l:09%mud 87-10 110 8 11 9 91 913 J Kederis 13 Kbelkamp, L.Khern, B.Hnsoo I VELVET, ch. f, 3 M 104 By Transvaal — Fair Alien G. Knebelkamp. :i5Mi N.Orlna S-4 1:22 hvy 31 99 3 3 2 2* 24 W Crump 8 Sleepy Sam, Out, El Roy 31526 N.Orlna 5s f 1:15 hvy 5 Nil 3 4 4 5" ML McAtee 11 May Star. Dan. Cuneo 21423 N.Orlns 51 f l:12%hvy 1G-5 101 2 S 7 6l 69i I Lowder I Kdna Kenna, Jabot, Supernal 21SC7 N.Orlns :;-4 1:23 hvv 12 101 5 3 3 2 2 I Lowder 12 Bluebannock. Caslmp. H. Cora 31243 N.Orlns 51 f l:U%mud 3 91 4 12 2* 23 J Dursch 8 Walter Duncan. Dan, Patapsco 31942 N.Orlna 3-4 l:18smud 44 110 6 4 5 7= S« .1 Dursch 8 The Duke. Class A.. Monomov 36146 Latonla 5! f LOSVifast 33-5 9913 2 3 3:4 4 T Buckles 11 Solveig. Little Ford, Pollyanna SMS! Latcnia 6* f 14 %faat 33 DO 2 3 2 » 21 L Gantry 11 Bell Cow. Immense. May Stai l.atot.ia 5-8 l:06:Khvy 36 104 9 6 6 3- 3* L Lykes 32 Alert, 0.uin, A. Weisenbich 29890 Latot.ia 64 f 1 :087:;fast 26 110 7 6 6 7i 7" O Gentry 11 Blue Plum, Pollyanna, B. Spot PLUNGER, br. f, 3 M 109 By Ben Trovato— Sweet Marjoram J. W. Foreman 3137 N.Orlna 5J f l:M%faat 12 Ho S 0 4 12 U" II Buxton IS Sir Oliver, Iatapseo. Bag, m.,u 21092 N.Orlns A- l:14;,r,tasc M MI •» I t s" 86 F Murphy 9 Kultur. Tioga, Grundv 8M72 Latnnia 5 f 1 :0S*5f ast 21-10 11 9 7 9 72 7J R Goose 11 Taxi, 1ollyanna, Mav Star 30021 Latonla 51 f 1:11 hvy 22 11015 2 6 8s 8=- R Goose 10 Penrod. F. of Steel." Hazelnut 2M90 Latoni.t 6J f l:08?.-,fast 4 Ho 5 5 4 41 45 R Goose 11 Blue Plum, Pollyanna, B. Spnt Mflt Latonla 51 f l:07%fast 13 110 10 11 11 11 11=« R Goote 11 J. Errant. Arrow. Miladi Anne DAHLIA, b. f, 3 M 104 By Semproniui— Florika fW. C. Smith. 31674 N.Orlna 1 l:48%mud 41 M 7 7 6 7 C* 6M H Jeffcotl T Out. Dr. Prather, Matty Magulre 21637 N.Orlna Ei I l:10%fast 7 M7 7 12 5 4i. W A Car1115 Sir Oliver. Patapaco, Rag. Man 313D3 N.Orlna 3-4 la%hvy 10 109 3 3 5 4 8" W Doyle • Monomov. Jliss Shot. Nepotism 30131 Latonia 5J f 1 :0 2r.f ast 43-5 1 lJ 4 6 M M 9»J L Lykcs 11 Bell Cow, Velvet, Immense 2 .•: LatonU 5i f l."08%faat 9-5 110 4 3 3 ."1 4S1 D Conn ilylO M. Anne, Lightfoot. Snowdrift 2JM98 Churchl Q f 1:10 slow 36-5 112 I 4 5 41 4«4 D Connlly 9 E.Ryan. Snowdrift. MiladiAnnt 21251 Douglas 54 f l:07*4fast 60 97 6 6 6 6 6-« J Dur. ch 6 Sisaga, Fan G., Sunflaslj V.r00DLY. blk. c, 3 Ml . 114 Ey Patriot— Sue II. J.-Kern. first start.

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Local Identifier: drf1917021101_4_3
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