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FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Jan. 11. 191C— 1:374.-.— 5— 106. CLEDERE, b. m, 5 M 103 By Deering— Clever C. F. Smith. :;1714 N.Orlns 1 1:4S hvy S 181 I 0 6 C I" 6-- W Koag 7 Thnv.d. Col.McNab. Ilsl-rotlier : 18S2 N.Orina 3-4 l:14Vsgood 12 107 7 7 7 4 ."- W Hoas 12 R. Queen, Betterton. Noynim SUM N.Orina 3-4 l:20hvy 15 102 3 2 3 "I 4~ W Hoag 8 Rhymer, Zin Del. Thos. Callaway 31 ,".49 N.Orina 3-4 l:22%hvy M 104 6 2 2 3- HWHoai 12 Margery, Garl, Tootsie ;;14;:: N.Orina 3-4 1:21 hvy 30 110 3 3 4 3= 417 .1 Brown 7 Anxiety. Run. Queen, Irrawaddy 29;""6 Ohurchl 1 1-16 l:48«;tast 1-0 113 8 6 9 9 9 9!0 W Meehan 9 Meditation, Roy. Pierce W. 29353 Douglas 3-4 LlSfast fid 111 12 10 11 IP 101 W Meehan 13 lurdey, Sayonarra, Pierce W. 28056 Hthorne 1 l:4t%gOOd 2S 113 13 12 13 13 13 134* J McCabe 13 Dehra. Jim Wakely, Fieuron II. 27660 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%fast 51 Ml 10 8 10 10 10 10:» F Fuerst 10 Iihore, Injury. Queen Apple 27547 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%fast fid 107 14 14 12 13 121 12" C Hunt 15 Norvic, Fieuron II., Solid Rock RAGGEDY MAN, ch. c, 3 M 97 By Cyclades — Yuletree J. Walters. 31712 N.Orina J-4 l:18Vtf»vv 3 111 4 7 7 7- 754 W Crump S Beaverkill, SandyLad, MiaaShot 31C37 N.Orina 51 f 1 :10-5fast 8 110 9 8 6 31 Vi W "rump 18 Sir Oliver, Patapsco, Miss Shot M8M Latonla 51 f 1:09 good fid 112 6 5 5 71 781 H Jeffcott 11 R. U. Anderson. Schedule, Fizer 30045 Latonia 51 f l:09%slow 33 107 I 6 3 3 M H Jeffcott St Kenward. Iluto, Quin 27222 Latonia 5-8 LOlifast 36 110 8 9 9 9» 91" J Brown 10 Trusty, Rhyme. Bluebannock MANIOC, br. g, 5 116 Bv Mase4to— Ousel fR. L. Baker. 31882 N.Orina 3-4 1 :lligood 6 117 12 11 11 9i 74 F Robaonl2 Ran. Queen. Betterton. Cledere 31482 N.Orina 3-4 l:23%hvy 2 115 8 6 6 6,u 3;i F KotisonlO Superintendent, S. Night, I.Savin 30147 Latonia 3-4 113%fast 51 108 13 13 9 91 9s % T Rice 13 M. Declare, R. Queen. Lukemae 29775 Latonia 3-4 55 110 9 9 9 9 713 F Cooper 9 Hwthorn, Minstrel, SmeReacb 23695 Latonia lm70y l:4S4fcalOW 42-5 97 6 5 4 3 61 6S1 K Lapaille ! Fels, Erin. Acis 23623 Latonia lm70v l:47%mad 93-10 107 11 11 10 10 91 10-* J Hanover 11 Bromsedge, Transport. JoeSteic 23504 Latonia lm70y l:44?5fast 19 104 3 12 10 9 91* 8" A Mott 13 Christie, Joe Finn. Orange 234.".". Church 1 lm70y l:45%slow 23 103 8 7 7 7 6U 53J A Mott S Resign, Disillusion, LittleStrinp 23363 Church 1 11:43 mud 53-10 107 3 6 5 4 3l 3131A Mott 8 Christie. Bckthorn. A. Lawrence 23261 Douglas lm70y l:45Vsfast 10 112 10 6 5 4 2 4i R Goose 13 Commauretta. Obelus. Dengro FLEURON II., ch. m, 7 M 98 By Transvaal — Fieuron J. H. Woodford. EMM N.Orlns 1 l:44Hs"OOd 1 185 5 7 6 5 3; 21 W A Caill 8 Dan. Miss Beprescnt. Ill Savin 31142 N.Orlns 1 l:42%fast 6 105 10 9 9 8 41 21 N Barrett 18 Mikifula, Cimeo. Handiemar 30246 Devshire 1 1-4 2:053~,fast 19 104 3 5 5 5 21 2- W A Carll 9 Harden, Budweiser, Joe Finn S021S Devshire 1 1-16 1 :4745fast 20 103 9 9 9 6 52 331 G MolesthlO Marianao. Joe Finn, Star Bird 2S604 Windsor 1 21 105 9 7 6 3 4a 41 F Robsonlo Fair Orient. Spadix, Galawuy 28056 Hthorne 1 l:42%good 6 113 6 9 5 3 3s 37 R Guy IS Dehra. Jim Wakely, LouiseGreeD 27547 Latonia 1 1-16 l:47%fast fid 102 11 8 8 6 31 21 E Graves 15 Norvic, Solid Rock, Dehra 272S2 Latonia 1 1-16 1 :47*£fast 10 107 13 9 8 9 91 9" F Cooper 13 Margaret E., Santo. P. Connelly 23315 Douglas 1 l:43%mud 25 106 1112 1 l1. II3 11" K WUHaataU Dorcris. Galawaj. 1rospect 22978 Lex gt on lm70yl:43%fast 102 102 8 8 7 9 9 8»»iF Willms 11 Broom Flower. OlgaStar. Fldgel BEST BIB AND TUCKER, ch. m, 5 106 By Cunard — Miss Bessie H. D. Holmes. 31714 N.OrTna 1 1 :48 hvy 6 103 2 13 4 5- 5-1 F Mun.hy I TYnwd. Ci.l.McNab. 11sDrother 21596 N.Orina 1 l:51%hvy 16-5 99 1 1 2 1 V 341 W Crump B S.forScandal. Leialoha, 111 Savin 31828 N.Orlns 1 l:G2%hvy 7 1:01 4 5 5 5 5 519 J Hanover 5 CJara Morgan, C. Buford. Joe D. 31485 N.Orlns 1 1-10 l:59hvy 15 101 3 2 2 2 V 2° F Murphy • letelus. leialoha. Toots:" 31440 N.Orlns 1 l:51M hvy 10 103 4 6 5 I 4" 4"! L Lykes 8 Kneelet. Disturber, Mayme W. 31343 N.Orlns 3-4 l:19%hvy 6 107 7 4 6 710 713 M Buxton 8 W.Y.Step, R.Queen. Irrawaddy 31244 N.Orlns 3-4 l:17%mud 20 107 3 3 8 6l 715 M Buxton 18 Kl Pato, Anxiety, Tootsie 31095 N.Orlns 3-4 l:13%fast 20 112 4 .4 5 62 o1- E Haynes 8 Recluse. Brian, Steleiiff 25359 N.Orlns lm20y l:42%fast 20 102 4 6 6 7 41 21 A Collins 11 Lynn, Celebrity, Juliet 25351 N.Orlns lm20v 1:42 fast 20 105 10 10 9 9 4* 471 F RobinsnlO Dr. Kendall, Paymaster, M. Jay 8% 25240 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1:48 fast 20 103 5 7 6 7 71 91T M Garner 13 Hedge Rose. Nigadoo. Toyubee 20028 N.Orlns lm70y l:44%fast 8 1021 4 5 6 4 41 613 W Obert S M.Warren. F-uta;;enet, Toynbe 24976 N.Orlns lm20v l:41,fast 15 103 6 6 4 6 6l 614 W Obert 1C BellBoy. Kelsetla. LuckvGeorg* 24924 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:48%fast 10 102 1 2 1 1 21 24 W Obert 7 W.W.Crk, L.oKcdy, M.WreD SMUGGLER, b. m, 5 M 103 By Marchmont II.— Tariff V. Gallo. .-,1714 N.Orlns 11:48 hvy 20 loo 7 7 7 7 7 73: R McDott 7 Tnawd, CoLMeNab. HaBrotacr 21663 N.Orina 1 l:44y5good 15 110 4 5 7 6 68 6!S E Haynes 8 Dan. Fb-unm II.. MissRei rcsent M 500 N.Orlns ll:49%hvy 20 103 9 8 7 7 61 7-u F Murphy 8 L. Ward, High Horse. CarltonG. 21463 N.Orlns 3-4 1:21 hvy 15 110 4 7 7 6- d" L McAtee 7 Anxiety. Run. Queen, Irrawaddy 31318 N.Orlns 1 l:49%hvy 12 110 4 7 6 6 67 621 M Buxton 7 Tioga. Cimeo. Handiemar 2127S N.Orlns 11:50 mud 8 101 7 7 6 5 4h 410 S Pelser 10 Ch:l. King, 111 Savin. Leialoha 21191 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 :48%fast 10 M8 4 5 5 I 34 3 ° F Murphy 8 R.oLight. Prallarry. MaymeW. 21128 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 :49"5fast 20 110 5 6 5 5 2" 3«1 W Schorn 8 Yoluspa. Petelus, S.forScandal MMS N Orlns l l:K-,hw 16 112 9 9 8 7 7e 7"1 J Williams 9 K. Mart, E. Greetings, P.Harry 36245 Devshire lm20yl:42%fast fid 102 11 11 9 9 ll«lll:!H Stearns 12 Perugino, Old Charter, A.Nigbl 30207 Devshire 3-4 1:14 fast fid 123 3 7 8l 6«1 J Rooney 12 King Tuscan. Asama. Dash MU9 Devshire 3-4 l:13%fast fid 105 6 8 91 910 B Smith 12 Al Court, Anxiety. Souvenir 29970 Kenilwh 51 f 1 :12%slop 230 114 10 9 7 6" H Dennler 11 Important, Tom Cnro. Anxiety 29230 Dufferin Abtilf 1:27 fast 6 116 2 8 6 6 6»1 H Dennler 7 MissKrug. Borel. MissGnevieve 29136 Dufferin Ab6if l:2644fast 3 11-J 6» H Dennler 8 Chilt. Chief. MonaG., BlueRock COL. McNAB, b. g. 4 101 By Hasting-i — Falomacita R. Porter. "1714 N.Orina 1 1:48 hw 5 98 4 2 1 1 21 2tt F Meridsee 7 Tnorawd, Hs Brother. P. Raefe : 1622 N.Orlns 1 l:«S%hvy 10 VCy :: 1 1 1 4- :3 F Murphy IS Mayme W.. Plaudito. BrianUorii 31548 N.Orina 2-4 1 :22--hvy 8 1"7 5 5 5 4l 4°i F Murphy 12 Margery, Garl. Tootsie 31437 N.Orlns 5 t l:l:;.-hvy 6-5 112 5 3 2 33 4i F Murphy 8 Aaa Can. H. Smith. Chad Buford 21347 N.Orlns 1 1-16 1 :55*5hvy 8 103 1 1 1 2 M 4,u F Murphy 6 Bil. Baker, Chivator, E. 4reetiags ;1247 N.Orlns 1 l:45%mud 8 110 111 1 31 4i F Murphy 8 Perseus. IrimHarry. Thornwood 21172 N.Orlns 1 l:41:ifast 15 MS 4 11 5 6 6]i F Murphy 6 Ietlar. letelus. Anxiety 31094 N Ortna 3-4 l:14V,fast 20 115 I 5 I 7" 7» F Murphy 8 Langliorne. Mikifula. Tribolo 30000 Latonia 1 1-8 l:C9«ihvy 11 98 6 7 7 7 7 734 J Callahan 7 L.Wi thingtun. F.Star. Cu.Will 29817 Latonia lm70v l:4635fast 57-10 1031 3 4 7 9 9 8« K Lapaille 9 Rigtodo. Retlar. Mikifula 29763 Latonia lm7ov 1 :48V5hvy 4 105 1 3 3 3 21 4;J K Lapaillell Marg. X.. Fair Orient. Bigtodo 1QC14 Church 1 1 1-16 l:4S%faat 4-5 105 1 3 4 3 4" 4"j J Callahan 5 L. Stone. Mikifula. L.WhingtOD 29503 Churehl 1 l:42%slow 13 100 1 1 1 2 21 2and J Callahanll White Crown. Roy. Bigtodo IRRAWADDY, ch. f. 4 106 Bv Hilarious — Druid J. M. Boolter. 31862 N.Orin4" :;-4 1 :141-fcood 15 1M 1 I 8 11- ll-1. J Williamsl2 Baa. Queen. Betterton, Cledcte N.Orlns :-4 1:21 "hvy 4 U1J a 4 :"» 5° 3 " J Williams 7 Anxieiy. Baa. Queen Cledere 31397 N.Orina 1 1-16 l:57%lnrjr 12 K 2 12 4 6 6-s B Kopmn ! Keao. [atpreasioa, Carlton G. 11343 N.Orina 2-4 1:192ihvy 10 Mand 1 6 3 31 3-l J Williams 8 W.Y.Step. R.Queen. Energetic 31247 N Ortna 1 l:4S4fcmnd 20 MBi 6 6 6 6 6* 6:u J Williams 8 Perse, is. PrimHarry. Thornwood 21095 N Ortna 3-4 l:13 /sfast 12 llo 8 8 8 8 8-2 J Williams 8 Recluse, Brian, Steleiiff 31016 N Orlns lm70yl:50 mud 20 l-« 4 12 4 6l 7-° J Williams 9 Orange, Valas, Prim Harry : 47", Bowie 7-8 1:29 fast fid 109 5 11 1 7 8" J WUlfaUBSll B. Redfield. Y. Emblem, P.Stai 5526 H Spgs lm70y 1 :46Hfast 10 961 6 6 6 6 63 6* H Stearns 7 Toynbee, Hedge Rose, Fairly 25502 H.Spgs 3-4 l:15fast 12 105 4 5 5 53 4-J H Stearns 8 Ingot, Donner, Ther. McMakiP "Ht li Spga 2-4 l:15fctaat 30 107 9 6 10 81 6*1 H Stearns 11 Far Away, Clara Morgan, lngoi 251.8 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:46 jfast 20 99 5 4 6 7 6l 834 M Garner 9 Yenghee. Lynn. Cliff Edge STAR PEARL, ch. g. 10 M 108 By Peep oDay — Long Maid W. Birnie. 31S84 N Ortna 3 1 ! 2l!-.hvv 20 107 8 8 7 710 6-° B Kopmn 8 Rhymer. ZinDel. Thos. Callaway I7MS ivimier Ab6Jf 1 :264jfast 20 112 11 11 11 10«J J Deavptll Tyro. Beach Sand. Molly O. 2"0"3 Mneuve Ao5-S 1 :091ihvy 12 127 7 6 6» 5:s J Daniels 7 Nobletirand, Styx 2701 : Mneuve Ab-S 1:07 "slop 10 113 5 7 7 72 T McCullh 7 Miss Krng. SantaAnna, LadyDal 26906 Mneuve Ab61f lJS%COOd 10 115 3 8 8 8* J Daniels 8 L.Mon-is. Tze-Lsi. A.Bgewate WAP, b. g, 12 116 By Watercress — Orange Leaf, by Kingston C. S. Thompson. SUM N.Orina lmTdvl :."i.-hvy 30 Ul 4 3 6 C 6-:C Brown 8 Kilday, Horse. Toatala 31482 N.Orina 3-4 1:234/5hvv 20 115 5 7 4 5- 6,:-C Brown 10 Superintendt. S.Xiglit. Manioc 21478 Denver 11:41 fast 6 10S S 5 6 7 .- 9-nw Brazil 10 Deunis Stafford, Gano, Obliviou nut Denver : l:41%fast 51 106 4 6 6 4 31 2 W Brazel 10 Amity. laabelU V.ille, Moilk-Cad 21083 Denver 7-8 l:28%fast fid 108 12 12 12 12 ll4 9"1W Brazel 13 Bey. Cans, Balcllif 19974 Juarez ■ 1 l:29%fast 6 107 10 10 10 10 S- 7- W Braze! io John Louis. Cloud Chief. Ceos 19847 Inarea 1 l:40V,fast 21 112 2 6 6 6 7J 7!0 J Howard •• Wise Masou, Jofaa Louis, Ceos 19926 Juarez 1 l:4tHfcfaat 7-5 113 6 4 3 3 2*1 2*1 D Boland S Cottdatlon, Electwan. B. Buck 19M9 Juarez I l:39Vfefast 4 107 6 11 9 S 3- 2=1 W Brazel 13 Sam Connor. Roscas. C. CnieJ 1981: Juarez 3-4 1 :14%fast 6 110 8 10 9 6-1 2:1 W Brazel 10 Concba., Ft. Johnson 19783 Juarez 1 l:W%fa?t 7 112 5 5 8 7 2= 3 J Murphy •» BaJaton, OhHvion. Pee rowan 19781 Juarez 7-s l:27*ifast 10 107 9 9 10 9 84 5- V Braad *3 Tonfmaa, Burnt Candle. Falcada 19872 Juarez 1 4 l:13%faat 60 107 9 10 10 85 4:h V Brozel 12 ProBealia, Ancestors. M.Cbau cr 37980 Vcouver 3-4 1 :17:£slow 9 112 2 5 5 4 8«| A Pi--kens 5 Sorrowful. Triste. Mollie Cad CLASS A., ch. g 3 M 100 By Solvation— Colonia 0. Cupler. 31712 N.Orina S-4 l:18,»hvy 10 114 7 6 E B 6-- r HcTajrt 8 BeaverkUl, l..-.d. MissShol 31 :T N.Orina 51 I 1:10 fast 10 115 10 6 8 n io- F Rob son 15 Sir Oliver. Patapaco, Rag. Man 31 1-. N.Orina 1 1-18 hWiw 8 97 4 6 I 8 I 6" V Crump » Petehm. B.B.andTker. Leialoha 31434 N.Orina 1 l:50%hvy 6 l"i 3 11 1 3 " 2" F Murphy 7 Hnndiniir. M. Represent. I.Savin 3MS7 N.Orina 3 4 1:2" hvy 8 106 7 5 5 7- I !■ Murphy 12 BJuebaunock. Velvet. Caahan .1142 N.Orlns 1 l:48%faat 6 M9 15 4 7 S» 8" v Crump 10 Miklfnla, Flearoa II., Cuneo 31842 N.Orina 3 : 1 lS.-.mud 13 115 2 I 2 2- 2* J Williams 8 The Duke. Monoinoy, Miss Shot 29189 Latonla i| f l:18%hvy fid 109 «; 7 8 Bft I" M Buxton 11 Apple Jack, lienliampson. Quin 29425 Churcbl 61fl:09«imud fid 110 5 4 6 81 84 Z ShannonL. Kl-elkanip. L.Khern. B.npson 27185 Latonia 5-s 1 JJlfast fid 101 8 9 9 9* 9" .1 Brown 11 Peachie. Kagura. S. Gatewood SUM Latonia 8-8 l:06:Shvy H 114 5 6 7 7- 7;lC Hunt 8 Peter Jay. Tom Manson, K.Dick VERENA, br. g. 7 116 Bv St. Simonian II. — Tormenna W. Kimmick. .... v or]-] s 3-4 1:14%8 L 30 117 11 10 !• 8j B,4J C Brown 12 Kan. Queen. Betterton. Cledere N.Orina 3 4 1 :2i-«5hvy 12 115 T 4 7 7- 1-- F Fu-t-t 10 Superintendt. S. Night, Manioc hurchl 1 1-16 l:47*4rood rid 103 10 13 II 14 14 1441 F Fuerst 1. Mockery, Croftvenor. Flitaway #i Douslna lm70y l:44%faat 26 101 7 7 7 7 7 I" It Droabrt 7 Jeo.Geddea. GdePoat, Flitaway latonia 11 M 1:47 fast 23 187 8 10 10 M 10 10« W I OBnlO IrisliCntlernnn. Mo kerv. nbolus *-*7 Latonia 3-4 l:16%hvy 37 MB 1 7 6 5: 5 B LrquhrtlO Freeman. Sure-et. Ratins Douglas 1 1-16 l:48«atmud 10 101 r. i i 3 5« 5"1U Cr.juhrt 7 Marabou. Acis. Bard Ball . Churchill lm78yl:48%mud 37-10 Mi 3 4 6 6 6= 610 R Urquhrt 9 Baoul. Boha*na, Transit PERTH ROCK, blk. g, 6 111 By Rockton— Perth G. H. AbbottL 31714 N.Orina 1 1 :M h y M 10411 4 5 :. 4- 4* W A Carll 7 Tkawd. CoLMeNab. HaBrotber 31640 N.Orina 1 1 M 150 fast 30 i: 18 8 8 5- »• P Lowder 8 Meeeowa, Petlar. Minda 21616 N Ortna 2-4 l:17%hvy 30 113 5 8 7 75 0" T McTaa/t 8 VBey. MinatreL Broiaa Cam 81279 N.Orina 1 l:48*imud 30 113 6 4 5 5 6: 6-4 R McDott 7 Stonehenge. T*nspert, Hndiemar 3B28 N.Orina 1 1-16 149ifast 20 1!6| 8 5 6 6 6 6l; .i: Bariiam 8 Voluspa. Petelus. Smuggler BVMS N.Orina 8-4 l:17Vifast 20 160 7 6 4 6l 4IK Willms » Oabrlo, Dr. Keudall, Insur.Man MM2 N.Orina 1 1 16 l:48/;fast 20 109 8 7 7 7 71 7HF Adams 8 HeleiiM.. L.BulrltneUe. Leialoha 24924 N.Orina 1 1-16 1 :4Sfast 6 105 6 3 3 4 64 6:J J McTagt 7 W.W.Crk. P..B. andTkerL.oKcdy 84889 N.Orina laaMy i:47%hvy 15 no i s 6 9 81 8" F Keogh n Pleaaarevllte, chi. King. Intone 24S14 N.Orlns 3-4 1:16 good 10 110 10 7 7 61 4« F Keogh 11 Cliilla. Ancon, Dew Drop M878 N.Orina 1 1-16 l:53%mud 12 113 2 12 3 3« V* V Keogh 4 Kneelet, El Pato. K. Radford 24630 N.Orlns 1 1-16 l:51%bvy 10 113 4 3 3 3 S* P* F Keogh 8 Bus.Agent, HeleuM., RiverKing LEO RAY. ch. h. 5 111 By Electioneer— Aayday J. T. Loone7. 28897 Lezgton l 1-16 l:48%faat 3-2 107 C 8 6 .". 8* .". M darner , Yenejuee. Sekay, I. Geatleniaa 26211 Churehl 1 1-16 1 :45-5fast 27 MS 11 9 :i 8 E» 5 P Lowder] 1 Hodge. Bd Cnunti. Dr. Carmen M101 Churehl 1 1-8 l:56tmud 41-5 100 4 4 4 3 34 33 p Lowder 4 B. Candle. Brvniimah. L. Botha 26022 Lex ton 1 1-8 l:50V»fast 21-5 111 4 3 3 3 3* 3SJ C VanDn 4 One Step, indolence, Brynlimah 25962 Lex ton 1 1-4 2:04ifast 7 108 8 7 6 6 61 8*| C VanDu n 8 Water Witch. B. Candle. O.Step 21096 Latonia 1 1:29 good 30 100 4 5 3 3 21 11 M Garner 5 P. Hermis, F.Degree, T.Normau 2092S Latonia 1 1-2 2:22 fast 26-5 122 7 7 7 7 54 43J V Keogh 7 Roval II.. Tetau. Dortefe 20S36 Latonia lm70y 1:42 fast 31-20 100 6 6 5 4 2l l3 M Garner 0 Bul.Hcnsley. F.Degree, Liberator TREND, b. g, 4 M 106 By Fair Play— Queen of Trent E. Lutz. 161.2 N.Orlns 3-4 l:14,-,good 50 115 0 9 8 61 51- J Dodd 12 Run. Queen, Betterton. Cledere 31561 N.Orlns 1 l:55%hvy 40 111 2 8 4 7 7° 7-1 J Dodd JS Grundy. Dramaturge Dau 31318 N.Orlns 1 l:49%hvy 30 115 5 6 7 7 7 7-J J Dodd 7 Tioga. Cuneo. Handiemar 31277 N.Orlns 1 l:47andmud 60 1071 3 5 6 6 6 637 J Dodd 0 Gainer, Benllampson. WoodatOM 31068 N.Orlns 3-4 l:16 6slow 40 111 4 6 7 7s 7»3 .1 Dodd 8 White Crown. Jungle III Savin 26803 H.deGce 3-4 l:15M;Slow 10 106 4 7 6 6* 3» E Graves 9 Jacklet, LaBeteNoire E Smyth 25784 H.deGce 51 f LlOhvy 31-10 106 1 4 4 4* 55 F Keogh 8 Juliet, La Bete Noire. Jacklet 26721 H.deGce 3-4 l:15M fast 18-5 107 7 6 6 5l 2l F Keogh 10 Piquette, Billy Oliver Juliet 25695 H.deGce 6-8 l:02y5good 11 99 2 3 5 31 4" E Graves 12 Virginia W., Casco, Life 25685 H.deGce 3-4 l:15%good 12 98 4 5 5 610 4=1 E Graves 6 R. Strickland. Bendel, Monocacv 25674 Bowie 1 l:43isfa3t 3 106 4 2 3 3 4« 44i E Graves 6 G. Counsel, Typogphy. Pmaster 25635 Bowie «1 f l:22ttfaat 6 108 11 8 6 4J 3i F Keogh 13 Collector. Q. of Paradise. Juliet ETTAS CHARM, b. g, 6 M 108 By Lucky Charm— Etta M. G. L. Shughart. 2171 : N.Orlns 51 f 1:13 hvy 15 K 9 9 9 8 7i a° f i-owder 1» Med.Miaa, /in Del BlueGr Belle 31663 N.Orina 1 l:44Hpood 15 115 6 4 5 7 73 7-" C Brown S Dan. Fieuron II., Miss Represent 31549 N.Orlns 3-4 1 :22rshvy 20 109 7 7 7 7i 610 J Hanover 12? Margery, Garl. Tootsie 31463 N.Orlns 3-4 1:21 hvy 40 115 7 5 3 42 5,T J Hanover 7 Anxiety, Run. Queen, Irrawaddy JIM WINN, b. g, 5 M 108 By Handsel— Mattie Haley C. T. Worthington ::1679 N.Orina 1 l:44%annd 50 Mi 7 7 7 7 7 J*" O M rrian 7 MMaKrnter, Pacadehoo, Moawaaoy FIRST WIND, ch. g, 8 M 108 By North Wind— Barrica C. M. Woolery. 31622 N.Orlns 1 l:45«invy 30 M2 4 9 8 8 12- 22-4 W Hoag IS Mayme W., Plaudito. BriaaBora 314C2 N.Orlns 3-4 l:23Vihvy 15 1U 10 10 10 10 8-7 F Murphy 10 Superintendt, S.Nigut, Manioc