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Tijuana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday. February 11. WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. c — o The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse ! at the distance, since January 1, 1911, no matter I where it linished. In cases where record was I made on other than a fast or good track, abbre-! viations show track conditions. 0 : o Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 4:00. /Huns well in mud. ©Superior mud runner. Ml awtaena. Apprentice allowance. First Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. t-yeai ohls and upward. Selling. Traek leeerd: Nov. 15, 1818—1:45—8—188. Todays Ind. norse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. :U72li Plume 1W 1:4 » 11 MM X 708 S18443 McAlaa 188 1:48% 8 1O8XH80 »808 Dav- Meatgaaaery.. 183 1:41 18 188X888 31IM8 .lennie Sin. .11 4 10lX«*« S14M9H Dr. 8. P. Tate ...118 1:471 7 108X685 S18811 Cot Nlatt KiJ 1:54% •* 8BX«80 :;i7ihi Cooater 107l:4s i 8 1O8X880 31BS7 Handy Andy 4 188. .878 31272 Slalhria 8 108. .878 1 luine lias deed well mi occasions. Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. :; year alda and upward. Selling. record: Sane 28, 1818 — l : »."«.-. — 8— 118.1 S1718 Bittle lake 118 1:8811 7 188X722 31585 Rag 188 1 M* -. ." HHi. .7211 :;i7l»i Delaney 108 1*6% 8 108x715 S10K! INtimal.le 104 1*8% 5 108. .710 81444 Bnbicon II 1111*6% N111/.7HI 81372 Santiago White . .110 1*8% 4 104X706 :i!.,17 Ann Till.v S86 1*8% 108X706 31181 Baaeaa Mf 1*7% 8 108.. 788 31448 Miami .lim 116 1*8% 6 108x708 U047 The Feller 108 1*8% 8 lus . 7 M ::lMM» Brow list 112 1:07.. 0 lOV .«»rj Little Jake N in good form. Third Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year .Li and upward. Handicap. Track record: Her. 28, 1810 -1:11%— 8— IML BOM* Conning Tower ...118 1:13 5 11.SX750 Todays Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 307001 Scarlet Oaks 112 1:12 Ills .4.. 31121 Shell Do 104 1:13 4 KM!. .7111 31685 Grapeabot 115 1:18 B 108.. 740 31!2 ; Clicks 188 1:18% 4 92X73.-, 810S39 RedUnd r.. 105 1:13% 5 108X780 •8672* Palhu 112 103% 6 188X788 Should be close finish here. Fourth Race — 1 Mile. Spreckels Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-vear-olds and upward. Track record: lane 17. 1610—1*8—8—86. 81321 Slippery Elm 87 1*8% 4 IIS x 750 81886 Ed Cadlkee 1111*6% 4 llsx74._i 31.-.70 Mar of Lore 102 1*8% 5 113 740 81064 Did Bream 117 1:40% 5 105X785 81084 llo.nir 108 1:88% 6 1OS073O •8886* Lahore 108 1*8% 6 1069725 Pest heraia at tbe track in this race. Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year aids and upward, claiming. Tra.k record: Nov. 18, 1888—1:46 6 188. 81668* Louise Paul 186 1:46% 7 186X736 810883 Traaapareat 108 1 :4" 8 112x720 31648 Gift 102 1:48% i?112x7ir. 3liii o Zaageree 186 1:45% :. H2x7io 81008 Baak 110 1:44% ! 112X705 81814 Dovie 8 .it: 81528* Dtik- of Shelby ...188 1:49 « 112X700 Bmise Paul- last race was g 1. Sixth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. 8-year l ls and upward. Handicap. Track rocetd: lane 24. 1816—1:45—8—110. 81068 ZKIKTIC 187 1:47% 5 112. .138 CI1711I First Degree 166 1:46 6 113. .715 61868* Injury 188 1:46 11 mx7ir. 3!ii.".s Chief Itrown 108 1:47% 4 9SX710 31068* Zamloch 118 1:47% 5 186. .718 81868 Bigtoda 63 1:48% 1 67X705 3170!. Executor 60 1:45% C. 10 i®7o.-. 81088 Brand* IB? 1:48% I 1oox7ihi Zete tics last race was won in a canter.