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STARS SENT TO LEXINGTON OMAR KHAYYAM AND TICKET TO RACE THERE IN PREPARATION FOR EIG RACE. Alexander a Huge Colt — Wickliffe Stables Two- Year-Mil Show a High Oriier of Speed — Horses Arrive from Hot Springs. By . A. Befgaa. Louisville. Ky.. April 33 — Oin:ir T h;yy:uii nnd Ticket, two of tin- ii.u.t Formidable Keatarky Derby candidates in In. ;il traiaiag, are about tn fedlow the lead nf in:i!iv of the other eligible*. 1liis morning both colts will be placed aboard the eara aad shipped to Lexington, where t!i y will eagage in ;i rare or taw i « tighten them op for the bruisteg coatest of May 12. Their departure wttl leave the raaks .r the totally trateed Derby eUgiblea pretty w II depleted. The niy oaea imanlalai; here will l»- the Cerrigaa 3 MeKhiney and A. K. Mi comber grasps, George J. Leaga Seaward, AI Baiters S..I Gilsey, i . .3. Nolans Crack . Day, 8. L. Paranas Koh-i-Koor, .1. 8. Wards Berlin. .!. K. It«-«im*»n*-- Jack Salmon and the three belonging to Middletoa 8: Jones. K. .!. KeUeys Peter Jay, aad Pearre Ac Henrys Geo. C. Lore hare already beea - ni to Lexington. It.. ih Uatar Khayyaai aad Ticket were given their falsi work-cuts yesterday un. ruing :t the Dow as. whea each arere asked to gaUop .;m- mil.-. Both colts acquitted themselves aritb credit :■ n l worked to the entire satisfarttea of their aad well wisher*, Pram i time staedpolat, the shim I at of Ttokel was the better of the two, he galloping the distaaee in 1:44 t.. Omar Khayyams 1:1.".. This. however, dare aol reflect aa the perfaraiaaee of the English-bred colt, which was nil that coald be desired. With Buxton aboard. Ticket hegaa at the stead aad, showing aa even pace aad running ctose t.. the ground, reeled aaT the smarter ia M%, the half in TA~.. :mii the thin wan Ins in 1:17. It araa ■ auritortoas move aad showed that the sun of Ballot is rapidly rounding t. racing form. Omar Khayyaai waa accompanied in his trial l y Bpear Leaee, ■ itahteasate, aad toaka equally as imposing as the Din by celt. The pair began from the barrier :it t!: - thro qaarters post aad. aader gentle restraint, they weal :it ■ ileadj gait, covering the aiUe in 1:45. Omar Khayyaai galloped in his usual aaprmire faahfea and coald easily have distanced his stable rompaatoa. Omar Khayyaai to Race on Saturday. The call is expected to auke ■ coed ihaalai «.;i the ateiiioa of nis first aahlic appearaao . which will l - in :i race for three-year-olds at aae inilf mid a sixteeath to be run Saturday, tlr- oj,. n inK day oi the Lexiagtoa nseetiaa;. Trabier Patter s..n is takiag fire others of the atahtos horses aloaat to sire theai ■ teste of racing before Btartiag at the Downs. Ticket will be shipped ia the hand thai traiacr . .1. Caaey is ng for Graad Hagh Browne. These raoaprtoe CraaapseU, Mystic Folly. I.iir Mae Bad three tw..ycar- d«is. btiag Herod, Jlr. Broaaci Derby arosped that raa a wiaaiag race at Harre «! ■ Grace last Tuesday, will be siii;i]ed direct to .exin»;toii. Tiaasfi !. flnldsboroaih will go to I ill I lag lua Saturday f-.r the opeaiag day. Tralaer Daa Lehaa had GaUant aad Gay Fortaae, the Pasthae Btehlea Derby eaadidatea, t.ut for sseae work yulfidsjr aMMrateg and sent tin-liair a mile. They raa dose together at aa e..:i pace and covered the mile in 1:44%, the beat per form. i nee they have sloun thus far in their Derby taafaaag. Jaba Whalea allowed some «.f the WiekliftTe Btabtea two-year-aids to %■ atoag at fall speed with the re salt that they showed the faatesl aasrtera of the year. tTlthaa Thale and Kaaaaair fairly baraed ap the track whea they raced a aaarter la i!:i.., while the aaarter displayed by High Pass aad The Wife was recorded hi a fifth of a or road slower time. Paddy Dear aad Pasaiag Paary, three-year ohls from the nuae stable, created a good im -jiressioii hy taraiag a mil.- !n l:li;.. Alexin. tor, ■ browa three rear-«4d call by Plaudit Meriterias. owaed by lr.d Good of Ciarlaaatl aad trained by "t"rii k" Dwyer, is aadawhti dly the larc-4-st hsrae-year-old in braiaiag in Keatacky. He stands over sixteen haada aad weighs aver l.llu poaadat. As ■ taw year -aU be rrew aa fast thai Daryer found ii adiiiahat to throw aba oal of traiaiag. Laal fall be was gelded aad taraed aal :ii Marphys farm. He is now in active traiaiag Miid is going atoag well in his w.rk at the Downs. Horses from Hot Springs Arrive. Diek Vestal arrived yesterday from Hot Springs with three horses. toctadfag the three-year-old Slight Cap, the property of Dr. I. i:. lark of S.hul-eaharg, Texas. The others are Paaette, ■ two-year-old by Bverett — Paallta , and ■ ysanjili i hy Slint. that Vestal boaght from 0. 1.. Campla li, the Oklahoma breeder. Noiireddin. Kazan and Droll are the only horses that J. D. Gnedasaa will ship to Lexiagtaa. They will go forward in a few days. Ij. A. Marshall has sliipped his stable, comprising fiv horses, lo the Base Crass track. .lake Holtman. fanaeHy well-known starter on the wi-steru tra.-ks. lias arrived from his hosae in California and will remain to witness the Derby. lie reaarta that many aatahtea from the Pacific eaaat will be here to view the bsg race. Col. Andrew Vennie. a barge stockholder in thurchill Downs, arrived yesterday from New York fay a brief visit. Ho will urban to the eastern metropolis, but will be back in time to see the Derby. Robert Slater, the colored trainer and steeplechase rider, is able to be out for the first time aaaea he broke a leg while galloping a horse at the Downs. He has decided to forsake steeplechase riding for good and will confiue his attention to 1 ruining the horses belonging to Geo. S. llrodic of Montreal. Siiearlene. one of the most valued of the imported two-year-olds, in the stable of Jefferson Livingston, in charge of Louis Tanner at the Downs, has been fired for ankle trouble. ]