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INCREASE TAX ON TORONTO TRACKS. From Tea to Tweety-Plea Cents Per Head Likely to E_» Made by Ontario Government. Toronto. Oat., April 23 Hon. T. W. MeC.iir.y. proviaeial treasurer, aaaoeaeed Tweaeay that in all 111 1 1 !io...l the- amusement tax on rare tracks in the proviace will be latwamd from ten to tweaty five-cents Ber head. He added that the goverameal had employ.-. I III Mil S. !■:. B. C. Cbirksoa and Sens, amli tors, to make an ladepVadeal audit of the books of ra lag corporations and from this the gesveraaseal hoiieel to be aide to make a pwhttc stat-iucnt eithe-r before or daring tin- session of tin- house-. The present provincial lice-nse fee of S1.2S8 pel-day was fixed by statute, but if the report of tie-auditor justified it and was recommended, an in t lease or adjustment would be proposed. This audit had been authorised by the house in the course of the last session, but as the gavernnient aaater existing lawn had no power to ehaage the lire aae fee-, they atepsaed to meet the immediate hy raising the- amusenient tax. He- believed it weabl be optraHve be-fore the Kings Plate, Whteh would lie run on May 19. Mr. Ml flail J added that no lice-nse hail as yet been applied for. and further questioned, said be cot;! 1 not add anything to what he had stated in the legislature- last session that legal aelvice was that he had no power to refuse to grant a lice-nse to a company operating under a Dominion charter. The Dominion authorities had dee-lined to put their information as to receipts and profits of rae-e companies at the disposal of the provincial authorities for this purpose, while their own was not suitable fen- the basis of taxation. Mr. McOarry Stated that he was proceeding e-arefully so as not to make a precedent which might be unsuitable to follow.