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GENERAL NEWS NOTES OF THE DAY. British continue their advances along front between Cojeul and Scarpe rivers. Repented Cerman attacks in effort to recover ground lost to French are repulsed. British forces in Meso|mtamia have driven the Turks from the west hank of Shaft -el Adheiii to 17 miles north of its junction with the Tigris. The British forces in Macedonia have advanced TMtO yards along a mile front between Dai-ran lake and Dohlzcli. near Saloniki. Gilbert Reid, an American, editor of the Pekin Post, which has been printing German propaganda, was arrested today by an American consular officer and taken to Tien-Tsin. He is charged with having slandered President Wilson. Six hundred Americans attended a mass meeting at the Aiuerl -can legation today. A volunteer company of KKJ members was organized. Ipton Sinclair has written Minister of Justice Kerensky of Russia suggesting the ex-Czar be intrusted to the Inited States for safekeeping and that Catalina Island be made an island for ex-kings. He points "it is populated by sheep the proper subjects for autocracy. The estate of James J. Hill subject to probate in Minnesota is valued at 1.179.S89, the appraiser reported in Probate Court Wednesday. The _ largest inheritance tax ever levied in Minnesota. ■ ,489,370, was paid by the estate Thursday. Commercial Councillor Weyermann of Bamberg. Bavarian, has been sentenced to four months imprisonment and the payment of a fine of 43,200 for illicit dealings in malt. A nineteen year old girl has been condemned as a spy in Paris. She was found guilty of gathering military information at Lyons, Geneva and Paris. The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger says: "It can be stated that the report of the internment of Americana in Germany is untrue." Germany bas agreed to certain concessions with Spam over the sinking of Spanish vessels.