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LEXINGTON FORM CH_a.RT. LEXINGTON, KY., SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1917.— Sc ninth lay. Kentucky Association. Spring Meeting of , 11 days. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, T. J. Clay. Associate Judges. G. 1 . Wilson and AV. II. Shelley. Starter, Hurry Morrissey. ______ Secretary. W. H. Shelley. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time 2:15 p. m.. Indicates apprentice allowance. 0 0*TQ/I_ FIRST RACK— 3-4 Mile. May fl, 1911—1 :12— G— 115. Purse 1917.sh00. 3-year-olds and O _j I __j J upward. Claiming Handicap. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. lad. x_ Hoists AWtSt _j % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners" Ki|iiiv7odda~Strt ~ 3265.V STEPHEN R. wn 4 106 2 X» 11 I3 1« C DishmonF J Kellev SB-MI StCtS * RRDLAND vv -b I Ml 4 :!- 2= 2" 1" «5 Sch.-rrerAlame.ia Stable 1350-100 S2d£3*LANGHORNE wttMl I ; ■_ 58 ::. L Lvkes V L Drak*- 910-100 326553SI.EHTH vn 8 111 I W 41 3 4 ROOM Adair and Maker 160-100 i 32080 SANS v. All Ni W 4 111 :: 45 :i 4 f AV Crump . I Livingston 525-100 IMI SLEEPER wn "104 8 7 7 7 G- B Kl-eger C.alluh -r Pros 2*75-100 32081 UM.MlTRf wi.m i |k r.i t;?. 7 ] ConneltyF S Fogg MI-MI 32080-KINNEY w 4*106 7 Pulled up. H Shilling.! B Goodman IMI IM ■lime. 23%, 48%, 1:15%. Track heavy. |2 mntucN DM id. Stephen R.. 2.50 straight. place, .S s!n,w; Redl.ind. 0.00 place. show: I-ingltorne, .00 show. i: |iiival. lit bioking odds— Stephen R.. 525 to 100 straight. 206 to 100 place. 90 to 100 sliow; Redl.ind. 400 to 101 Blac«, 245 to TOO Show; Lnughorne. 150 to 100 show. Winner -Rr. g. by Disguise — Sadie S. drained by T. I.. Tierce; bred by Mr. George Starr. Meat to post at 2:1S. At pool 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but SLEEPER Won easily; second and third driving. STEPHEN R. began well and. running well in the going, drew away in the stretch and won in a canter. REDLANB was a forward contender from the start and stood a hard stretch drive gamely. LANGHOBNE was cut off soon after the start and closed a big gap. SLEETH ran well and was gaining fast in ti:e last |Uarter. BAN8YMTNG showed speed, bat tired. KINNEY refused to extend himself fully in the going and was eased up after going a quarter. DIMITRI quit and probably dislikes such stiff going. Overweights Sleeper. _ 9 7 7 SECOND HACK-4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. 1911 — _»%- 2—1 15. 00 Added. O _S I _9 I 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. Net value to winner M; second, 5: third. _____ Index Horses _ AWtSt 4 L "- Str Fin Jo kcy.i Owners Odds Strt EBONY wl!- :; 1- 1- 1- E Martin T C McDowell S45~loo :;• ««« -LADY LONGFELLOW w 112 4 24 I* 24 . Howard P.-v.-rwvcl; stable 170-100 :;»««!» NOONTIDE walll E :: ::j 1* B Kleeger WieklKfe Stable 450-100 :..««! BUND BEAUTY vvn 112 I 4!. 4* 4,! P Lowder K It Bradley 2105-100 STRIPES w MI li R«l 5 1 " 1 W CarHA L Kirbv 6210-1 on .",2018 EDA HERRMANN will 7 6 I Ij R Ooaaa M Bowaaaa i:.::.r.-liO 32706 GEORGIA KELLY will 1 Ill" 7- F Murphy J W Schorr 29*5-100 BALVBOTRA w 112 x fsG S- X- W Crump J O c - Q H Keene MS-MI S2CM SWIFT shot wlU I !* I 9 .T DntntckJobnsoa * Avers II Ml ■lime. 24%. 49y5. 5C%. Track heavy. |2 inutnels paid, Ebony. Sis. 90 straight. .99 place. |4.M s!iov : I.ady Longfellow. .20 place, .70 show; Noontide. .S3. 50 show. Equivalent booking adds Rhoajr, M5 to loo straight. 2s to loo place, 100 la loo show; Lady Lang- fellow. 110 to IW place. 35 to 11MI show: Noontide. 75 to 10O show. Wiaaer Blk. f. by Sain l.ady Anne trained by K. Brooks; bred by Mr. T. C. McDowell. Went to post at 2:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. W as:l.v; s. road and third driving. EBONY, away forwardly. moved into a good lead at once and easily held the others safe throughout. LADY LONGFELLOW had to be hard ridden through the stretch, bilt stood the linal drive gamclv NOONTIDE raced well an all the wajr. BLIND BEAUTY was awaj slowly and ran s good race but tired mar the end. EDA HERRMANN was far back all the way. GEORGIA KELLY ran as if disliking the going. O £ *7 O O T1IIKD BACK 3-4 Mile. May 0. 1911 1:12—0-115. Leonard Hotel O m 5 I — i O Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upvvard. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. Index Horses AWtSt U ],L. ■ Str fill Jockeys Owners _____ v. Odds Strt 32 i««.l.i;s CA88IDY w :. 114 I 2= 2 li 1 L Lykea R .I Anderson 2U-MI StB4S fCHALMERS wi: f. 11". 1 1= 1 Z 2 . F Murphv J 8 Hawkins so leu M13B*K~ING GORIN w 4 104 I I* :t8 2s 3» C Dishim.nR L Baker Kki 27337 HEATHER MOON W 1MB I 4 4 4 4 C XanDuDFb.nan Stable Mfi-IM fpisqaaliaed for foul and placed last. Time. 23*;, 4835, 1:1423. Track heavy. inutnels paid. Mars Cassbtjr, M.SQ straight, .7» pl.ue; King Goria, .80 place; no show mutuels sold. Epiivaleiit booking odds — Mars C.issidy, 215 to 100 straight. 2.5 to 100 place; King Corin SO to 100 place. Winner Blk. g. bv Dgdon Ivory Bells trained by R. Holcoaib; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. Weal to post :,t 2:22. At pool I minute. Start good and slow. Wen casilv: seeond and third driving. UARH CASSIDY. favored by the still" going, followed CHALMERS closely until straightened awav in the stretch, where be drew oat, but had to !«• ridden hard near the end. CHALMERS showed the most early speed and finished well, but interfered with KING CORIN. for which be was disqaaliSed. KINC GORIN was raciag gamely In the stretch when interfered with l.adlv bv CHALMER8 and would have been a dangerous __?Bd_ bat for the interference. HEATHER MOON raced fairly well. OiT4_ Q rOURTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles! May 1. 1915 2.03-. 4 99. 1 Bfehth Running Cam- O _S 9 _S KJ uen Handicap. S1.9M Added. S-jnear-oMl and upward. Net value to winner second. ______ third. 35 50. Index Horses AWtSt L % % Str Fla Jockeys Owners Eijuiv. Odds strt I SSM7 1COLONEL VENNIE w 4 122 1 ::■.. 2" 8* 1» W Crump J Livingston 11:.-1im 3-;««7- EM BROIDERY WSandM9 3 I* 1* I»l 2» 1* .1 Morya A B Haacock MO-MO Kt9C9: WATER WITCH wa IMI 4 4 ::- V V* V* D ConneUyW J Young itr.o-ioo •.!77!! MEDITATION WB4MI I 2»1 4 4 4 4 1 Lowder H II Hewitt 32K-1M Tim.. 2435. •%. 1:WH, 1:412 . 2:07/3. Track heavj-. n.utuels paid, Colonel onnio. .S4.30 straight. .50 place; Embroidery. .30 place; no show inutuel- sold. E.pnvabnt bookjag od.L -Colonel Vennie, 115 t . 1IMi straight, 15 to 100 place; Embroidery, 15 to DM place. AVinn.i B. c. by Pi. ton Shy Missie trained by M. b.ldblatt; bred in England bv Mr. R. AYhit-worta 1 Went to post at 3:53. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; SOCOad and third the same. COLONEL VENNIE gained steadilj after Koiaa the first half mile, but had to be hard ridden in the stretch to overhaul EMBROIDRKY. The latter was rushed into a long lead soon after the start and finished gamel.v . but could not withstand t lie winners .hallenge. WATER WITCH raced gamely, but lost ground after going three ,01 rt.-s MEDITATION qait badly. Scratched- 3204C.-Harry Kelly, 107; S2M7*Macija Goosby, 109; S1848Pif Jr.. 119: 32«!7 Daddys Choice. KIN: 30134 apt. Rees. Ills. Overweights Meditation. 1 pound. 3 "7 Q/" IHTII RACK 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. Rill -53%— 2- 115.1 Cynthiana Purse. -2 I O" 0» Added. 2-yenr-olds. Colts and .eldings. Allowances. Net value to winner 00; second. »;_tliird. 0. _Indcx Horses AWtSt . __ :t Str Fin Jo keys Owner" E-iuiv. Odds Strt SM44KORBLY will 2 2:1 1] » K LapailleWilllaBM Bros TrTlod StSItNEPE w 107 1 ink i _4 D Coiinellyi: J Brannon Clio bio 32C65MAS. T. CLARK m Ml 4 :;• V V F Murphv J AV Schorr M6 SIMON PURE wMS i # 4] 4 A Claver ; H Browne TjM Ml CMS1 BUTCHER BOY WMC i i J E| AV Crump Ross ,* Looney M0-1M 32051 CARL BLLWANGER w Ml I r.A V •; R Goose A 11 Baker 4010P1. Thae, 245. 505. 57"5. Track heavv. miitmls paid. Korbty, .50 straight. .70 ptace, .20 show; Nepe. .30 iilace, S2.S0 show; .las. T. Clark. .80 show. Bqairaleal bookiag odds — Korbly, 75 to 100 straight. 35 to 100 place. 10 to KM show; Nepe, 05 to 100 plaee. 40 to KM show: .las. T. Clark. 25 to KM show. Winner B. c, by Martinet l.ady Iran trained by R. D. AVilliams: bred by Alessrs. AAilliams Bros.. AVciit to pool at 4:25. At post I minutes. Start good and slow. W..11 driving: lift nail and third the same. KORBLY ran well in the galas, but bad to be ridden to his utmost to outstav NEPE at the end. The hitter et a fast pace for nearly the entire distal", e and only tired in the last seventv tarda. JAS. T. CLARK ran a good race and iinished gamely. The others were always outpaced, but SIMON PURE showed speed. i _____________ Carl Ellvvaiiger. 2 pounds. 3 k _7 O 1 SINTH BACK 1 Mile. May 11. 1911--1 :37-.-,- 5— MB. Spring Station Purse. Purse — J I O A. .*r.00. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. SlltO: third. 0. Index Horses AWtSt % _j s4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. Odds Strt 32709 BOB HENSLEY waClH I 1 i 1 i 1 i T P| F Murphv H Perkins 290-100 StSM "EAGLE w SIM 1 21 2» 2-! 2- 2* II Shilling E Hera Ki.-pH. 32711 ••SYRIAN WfiMI 4 4" :.l I* V 24 AV Crump .f Livingston MS-MI 3248! FAIR MAC WBThM I I i I 4s 4-u A Claver G II Brown.. MK-M8 oOlOl LENA M1SHA vv 4 1m. I V 4" 4 I I J Howard P.ev rvvyck Stable Mb-IM Time. 24*;,. 4835. l:15»/5. 1:4125. Track heavy. mutuels paid, Rob Heasley, . SO straight. .10 place, .30 show; Kagle. .20 place, .10 show; Syrian. .38 show. ■oaivaleal booking odds -Rob Heasley, 290 to loo straight. 105 to km place, 15 to 100 show; Eagle. t;o to KMi place, 5 to 100 show: Byriaa, lo to kmi show. Wiaaer li. g. by Raald Water- Mae Erwta trained by H. Perkins; bred by Mr. J. R. Hensley. Went to lost at 4:5*. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won casilv; second and third driving. BOB HENSLEY, favored by the going, moved into the lead at once and easily held swav throughout. EAGLE was hard ridden all the way and ran a good race. SYRIAN raced gamely, but tired. LENA M1SHA showed speed, but tired badly in the last piarter. Scratched 32007 l.ady ______ 107. QillOkl SEYKNTIl RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. .May 1. 1910 -1 : 14-., 5 - KMI. Purse 1917.sh00. 3 -year - O dflj s O _W olds aad upward. Claiming. Net value to wianer 50; second, 00; third. 0. Judex Horses AAVtSt4 ].L- % Str Fin Jock-ys Owners ~ Eipiiv~dds~Strt 732089 I EN ROD am SMS I S I 71 21. 1| F Murphv J W Schorr 270~-100 8*7Il*TDRCO wi: 4 107 :; M 2" l1 1*1 V W Crump J M Goode lso-100 SM7t*GUlDE POST wa 7 110 7 V 41 41 4- .!» AV Kelsay 1. H Dickinson 735-100 32C5C*CouD COlNSEL wb 4 1._ G « 0 G- SI 4* R Bolton H Neusteter 2SUS-1M ;,271 1-srccESS walttt E I» 3l 33 El Bl H Shilling E Herz OB-MI 32670*.M1SS FANNIE WB S 10!l 2 1- 1 21 Gl G1 R AVingfldK H Kane 2505-100 32G49 LITTLE STRING Wl 117 4 41 5* 5J 71 7l Scherr.rAV A McKinney 5.S0-10O SIMS FAIR ORIENT w 11 4 112 1 T J* I 8 I C DishmonR L Baker IMS-MI Time. 24?5, 48%, 1:15%, 1:42%, 1:49%. Track heavy. miitnels paid, reared, .40 straight. .00 place, . SO show; Turco. .10 place, .10 show: Cuide Post. . SO show. Equivalent booking odds— Penrod. 270 to KM straight, 100 to 100 place, 40 to KM show; Turco, 55 to KM place. 21 to 100 show; iiui.le Post. 90 to KMI show. Wlaner — Br. c. by Helmet- Ounwad trained by O. Land: bred by Mr. V. E. Oots. AScnt to jiost at 5:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AY011 driving; second and third the same. PENROD. after being away last and badly outrun for the lirst half, gained steadily and. finishing with a rush, wore TURCO down in ihe last twenty yards and won drawing clear. TURCO raced into the lead on the last turn and made a game linish. GUIDE POST stood a hard drive and finished fast. COOD COUNSEL was going fast at the end. MISS FANNIE set the pace to the far turn and tired badly. UTILE STRING unit. Sl ESS raced w. 11 to the stretch.