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WINNERS AT THE GREAT ASCOT MEETING By Jingo Victorious in the Famous Ascot Gold Cup Sarchedons Coventry Stakes The one absolutely greatest meeting of English raving that held at Royal Ascot took place on Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday of this week the last previous meeting there being that of 1I4 It is a peculiarity of Ascot and one con ¬ tributing to the splendor and highly fashionable character of its meeting that every race run there is a valuable stake race The king and his family attend daily in great state and his example Is followed by the wealth and fashion of all Eng ¬ land Longdistance racing is an especial feature of the meeting Sonic of the results have reached thitf country but not all allOn On the oiicning day the Ascot Stakes at two miles was won by W M Cazalets brown horse Haki by Rabelais Hassaki with It W Parrs bay or brown filly Silver Bridge by Bridge of Earn Queen Silver II second and C AV Christensons bay colt Laiigdou Ilills by Troulbeck Proud Beauty third thirdTlio Tlio Sold Vase also at two miles was won by C K Howards fouryearold bay colt Isouyx by AVillonyx Isotta with P I Harrisons threeyear old bay colt Itoyal Welsh second and Major 1 A de Rothschilds chestnut filly Kaboodles by Sarda nairilc Mrs Kendal third thirdThe The Prince of Wales Stakes for threeyearolds at a mile and fiveeighths was won by Lord dandys bay colt Dominion by Polymclus Osyrua with J Buchanans bay colt Splendid Spur by Prince Palatine Lady Jess second and Sir G Mur ¬ rays brown colt Coriolanus third thirdOn On the second day the Itoyal Hunt Cup at seven eighlhs of a mile and 1C yards was won by It 15 Thorburns fast fouryearold colt Irish Ele ¬ gance by Sir Archibald Sweet Clorane at 7 to 1 Ixird Jerseys fouryearold chestnut colt Ariou by Valens Post Horn was second and Sir Hedworth Metiss fiveyearold brown horse Dansellon third This was formerly one of the greatest betting races ill England The Coventry Stakes for twoyearolds and at fiveeighths of a mile the main race of the meet ¬ ing for horses of that age was won by J Buchan ¬ ans flue gray colt Sarchedon by The Tetrarch Perfect Peach with W Hapbaels gray colt Pol ¬ tava by Polymelus Tagale second anil Lord Sef tons chestnut colt Marshal Neil by Neil Gow May Lily third thirdlie lie jrjratest weight foragf race of tlw world tlie AscotGold Cup at twa and a half miles was run 011 the third daj with only four starters and was won by W T de Pledges fiveyearold chest ¬ nut horse By Jingo by Aquasctitum Minnesota with AV M Cazalets fouryearold bay or brown volt Air Raid by Willonyx Ayrslavc second and Major J A de Kothschilds threeyearold chestnut colt Roaiuer by Predicateur Cross as Two Sticks third