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FIFTH RACE 1 Mile Enquirer Handicap 3yearolds and upward Nov 14 1918 13774 THE PORTER b c 4 124 12442M7 By Sweep Ballet Girl J F Schorr 42M7 l itonia 34 lllfaat 32 127 4 442CC8 2i 3J H Lunsfd 10 StItnard Courtsliip BlankDaw 42CC8 Latonia 1 116 l42 fnst 1310 129 G G42C15 li 2 H Lunsfd 0 Fretcutter Rancher VAmerica 42C15 Churchl Im70yl41fast 14 110 3 1 J 1s II Lunsfd 4 Stlonmrd Br Voter Spearlene 42500 Churchl 1 14 210 hvy 14 lJ9 4 44C301 3i 43 D Connlly 7 Midway Beaverkill Exrminator 4C301 Pimlico 1 12 231 fast 16 122 4 G 51 H LunsCd 15 G Smith OKyatn Externator 40269 Pimlico 1 14 205fast 135127 2 24019C 2 37 I Robson 5 Kxteruator Fground WCloud 4019C Laurel 31 l12fast 34 129 4 4400G5 3uk ih H Lunsfd G Crank Hulse Dr Johnson 400G5 Laurel 1 116 l41Vfast 1310 126 3 3TOMBOLO 21 21 C Kummer 4 Kxtcrnator SunSlope Tmbolo TOMBOLO b c 4 102 10248SS By Grey Log Bernina Nevada Stock Farm Farm5i 48SS Ijitonia 1 110 l45fast 175 109 3 342S17 5i 5 = 1 T Murray VAmerica RIVddlcr Br Voter 42S17 Latonia 1 139 fast 2G Kit G G42JUC r 4 = 1 C VanDunll TipiK Sahib Harv King Blaise 42JUC Churchl 34 l12fast CU 105 9 10 I0 M Garner 10 lUjickieDaw Kanclmr HighUost 40325 Bowie 1 l4lfast 15 lOul 4 C 0 C Kummer 5 Dorcas Fmnklin KohiNoor 40233 Laurel 1 18 l54livy 15 93 1 14022C 3 3o H Lunsfd t Midway Kxterminator 4022C Laurel 1 l39fast 910 107 3 3REGALO 2 2 L Knuor G RedSox Katellriglit JohnlDny REGALO b f 3 103 By Sweep Lady Strathmoro Gallaher Bros 4271 Latonia 1 12 2r7hvy S 117 3 342Cl 22 31 P Murphy 8 lie Frank Oniond Vnleanitc 42Cl Lalonla 1 13S fast G 101 C C402S 4 S3 F Murphy S ItlDnw JJr Voter lirPeddler 402S Cluirchl 1116145 fast 4i 117 8 G Gi L Gentry 9 LilKhaw Milkmaid DancSpray 42505 Churchl 34 l15hvy 1G5 103 4 51 4s R Troise G High Cost Green Grass WarUod 42305 Churchl 1 14 20Jnvy ti 117 7 9s 9 = F Murphy 12 Sirliartpn UillyKelly TJndlire 42227 Lexton 1 18 151 fast 6 117 1 1 1s F Murphy 7 UndcrPire SenPark AnierAce 42171 l ixton 1 l43hvy 1110 117 1 1GRUNDY 1 1s F Murphy 5 Delico Lillian Shaw Retta B BBy GRUNDY ch g 5 HO By Roquelauro Prudo Ogden Stable 42520 Chijrriri S4 lllfast 3310 110 2 2 3J C Ilobtion f lrofoiiio Ijuochares Joriee 42400 Clmrchl 34 114 slow S 5 110 5 5422U7 5 5 J M Garnor 7 Pr of Como Lucky 11 HighCost 422U7 Pimlico 34 115 clow 5 110 3 34U2C2 3 3 1C lAapaillo 3 Westy Hogin Ophelia 4U2C2 Latonia 1 l41slop 3310 110 3 340t3 1s I1 M Garner G FCakOi WMacliine Freecutter 40t3 Latonia 1 l37fast 2 I0a 1 13sy0 1 1s M Garner WMiiine SofPsure l MIdiey 3sy0 Douglas 34 lllfnst 285 111 5 5S90 11 1 J Kc leris 7 WWUastings Kama BTromp S90 l l itonia 34 l12fast 185 107 0 0S G G7i J Howard G Sedan Skiles Knob lion Trump S trG Lutonia 34 112 fast 32 10S 3 33hl02 2 2i II Lunsfd f KrultCake Itiifpnl VivaAmerica 3hl02 I itonia 34 lllfast S IOC 2 li 2 H Lunsfd G Boniface Buford Leochares LeocharesBy GREEN JONES b e 6 103 10342CSO By Handsel Floreal C E Baker 42CSO lntonli 1 l3S = fast 29 US 7 7i3 f3 N Itarrett 7 Old Rosebud Ituford Dodge 42332 Churchl 1 11G l44fast 34 Ki9 7 738C2I C2 C N JSarrett 7 Courtship Oinund VivaAmerica 38C2I Ixitiinta 1 11G I4iy5fast 33 105 G GaSfiSG 31 5 1 N Karrett 7 Rancher Arriet Kreecutter aSfiSG Douglas Im70yl41fast 125 115 4 4iS4Sl 4 3i N Barrett G Grundy U Voter W the Fourth iS4Sl DoxiKlas 1 14 203 fast 2S 103 C C3SI28 G C N Barrett 11 Cudgel Iif Jr Hollistsr 3SI28 UoiiKlaa Im70y l41fast G 109 1 1S52S7 2 2 N Uarrett 7 PifJr Midway AVm the Fonrth S52S7 Churchl Im70yl45mud 110 110 3 31 3J N Barrett 4 King Gorin llnford JJJIurdock JJJIurdockBy COURTSHIP b h 6 112 By Phoenix Courtisane G A Marshall 42S17 Latonia 34 lllfast 12 11010 1101042CGS 71 2 1 llanoverlO Stlternrd TPortcr JtlnrkDnw 42CGS Latonia 1 110 l 2 ifast 12 KO 2 5s 7ls R Simpson Fncciilter Tholortur Itanelier 42011 Churchl 34 l12 fa it 3 111 3 4i 43 K Sando 9 Maj Parkc Rancher 15IiekDaw 42107 Churchl 1116 l4slow iV 110 G 7 7 O Willis 7 Midway Vcavcrkill Hodge 423 Churchl 1 11G l41fast 135 110 2 2423U3 11 1i O Willia 7 Omond Viva America Hanoria 423U3 Churchl 5SriOShvy 24 121 G G4 C W Lilley 7 HigliCost AmAce KcwllCombs 41540 KGmls 1 14 205 = fast 4 112 1 1411CS 1 O Willis 5 Bondage Buford Douglass S 411CS KGnda 1 110 l53Vtnvy 4 114 2 2413tt 31 4 II Ericksn 4 Slip Elm Warsaw DouglassS 413tt KGiida 1 18 l52fast 95 116 1 1412M 2 2 W 1 OlJn 4 liondnge B Shannon llanovia 412M FGmls 1 11S l45fast 710 IIG 1 2s 28 G Molesth 4 Roycc Uools Itolster Diversion DiversionBr RANCHER b b 7 117 Br Galveston Sweet Lavender G M Hondrio 42750 Latouia 34 l12VSfast W10 117 3 342COS 31 2 1 Connlly 7 War CUid Skiles Knob Hasil 42COS Ultonla 1 11G lJ3Vifast 1S5 IIS 3 31 3T1 M Garner 9 Frcntter T Porter VAmerica 42014 Churchl 34 lJ2Vifuat 1910 117 7 iu 2 M Garner 9 Maj Parke ItlackDuw Courtship 42240 Churchl 34 l12fast 9 116 G 4 2i D ConnllylO isiackieDaw lllghUost MMiller 4 C1U Latonia 1 11G l44fast 75 119 2 239U4 2i 2 D Connlly 7 Itcnvcrkill Fruitcake Precious 39U4 Douglas lm0y I42y5fast 2310 119 3 339X73 21 3i L Mink G Krcecutter MimWaite Pit Jr 39X73 Douglas 1 138 fast 1 116 3 3 3 1 L Mink 5 VAmerica Fruitcake CLeader 29039 Latonia 1 11G 145 fast 2 129 4 21 21 L Mink 5 Freecutter Midway MarGoosbj MarGoosbjBy LINDEN b o 3 98 9842S73 By Martinet Lady Esther William Bros 42S73 l ttonia 34 lll fast 0 111 5 Z 3J J Mooney S Sway Joiiee lou Jour 42720 Latonia 1 110 l47hvy 1710 1 142CKI 3 3TJ J Mooney lleaverkill Viva America 42CKI Latonia 1 11C l44 fnst 7 110 1 1425SS 3J 43 J Mooney 8 Omond Vulcanite Pastoureau 425SS Churchl 1 l l51fast 11 112 1 4 ° 3 ° 1 J Howard G liullsolar Clennont Gen llaig 42531 Churchl 1129 11811110112 3 3423S5 31 31 T Howard 8 Joriee Clenuont linger 423S5 Churchl 34 111 mini C 10S 2 24231S 1 1 = J Howard 9 American Ace Mormon Ingo 4231S Churchl 34 l14 fast 710 115 1 1421DC in li J Howard 12 Joyful Texas Special Iellsilar 421DC Ixxton 34 l13rasit 1910 112 1 14211stLxtton 2J 2J J Howard 11 Ixgotal Mormon Docod 4211stLxtton F C l0l 7ifact 14 97 3 2i 2s T Slurrny D PufUiJiuo liasil Porto Drapeau SWAY b e 3 342S73 By Vulcain Buby Right J H Woodford 42S73 Latonia 34 lllfast 1C 103 1 2 I2 C VanDun 8 Jorico Linden Bon Jour 42770 I itonia 34 lllfast 33 111 7 7 7TJ C VanDun 9 lion Jour Toto Too Stahr 42717 Lutonia 31 115 hvy 20 110 3 34C417 3i 381 C VanDun 7 American Ace Toto Italarosa 4C417 Latcnia 1 l44hvy 4 101 31 71 6 J C VnDunlO Delico Cirrus Linden 40390 I itonia 34 116 mud 8 104 3 34034S 2 2i C VnDun 4 Toto GalllCnrci Moscowa 4034S Latonia 34 113 fast 31 109 8 Ih i c VnDunl2 Serbian Huntermann Tetlcr 10317 Latonia BJ f l00fast 75f 105J12 H 9 t c VnDunl2 Toto Col Lingston ColTavlor 39750 Lexton 51 f l08ROodl910 109 4 43DG93 li I c VanDunl2 BugleCall ETranter HiinPlatt 3DG93 Lexton 58 l01 ast 11 109 8 8BON 21 2 ° C VanDunlS Huntermanu Emnnalo Twiford BON JOUR ch f 3 102 10242S73 By Von Tromp Jourdaln J F Schorr 42S73 Latonia 34 lllfast 1110 113 2 242S17 4 4s II Lunsfd 8 Sway Joriee Linden 42S17 Latonia 34 lllfost 32 107 2 24277G 1 SSJ J Groth 10 St Bernard Courtship TPorter 4277G Latonia 34 lllfast 85 10S 3 2J lh II Lunsfd 9 Toto Joe Stahr Major Parke 42079 Latonia 34112 fast 2710 105 G 1 II Lunsfd 10 Legal L Fair Play GalliCurci 42503 Churchl 34115hvy 13 943 41 5 ° S Boylo G High Cost Green Grass WnrGod 2303 Churchl Cl f lOShvy 15 98 5 53SC76 41 4 J T Murray 7 HighCost AmAce SewllCouibs 3SC76 Latonia 58 lOOXfast 1G5 109 5 5OMOND 2 li W J QBn 8 Regalo Batter Cake Say When WhenBy OMOND ch o 3 101 10142S75 By Lomond Gatesbead K Qninn 42S75 Latonia 1 1S 152 fast 45 113 4 2 IJ Ih II Thurber 4 Clennont Ginger Texas Special 42779 Latonia 1 18 UWffast 7 9S 4 5 lV 11 S Boylo 5 LilShaw Freecutter Heavtrkill 42719 Latonia 1 12 237hvy 15 122 7 5 5420C9 3s 2 II Thurber 8 Be Frank Regalo Vulcanite 420C9 Iitonla 1 11G l44fast 123 ICG 2 5 2h lh n Thurber 8 Vulcanite Pastoureau Linden 42589 Churchl 34 l12fast 7 10S 8 4 3S K Rande 9 Arncri Ace Madge P Legal 42332 Churchl 1 11G l44fast 8 99 G 5 22 21 C Robson 7 Courtship V America Hmmvia 42304 Churchl Im70yl48 hvy 17 100 5 G 3 3 = 1 J Mclntyre G Drastic Jim Hollering Hanovia 42211 Lexton 1 1S 151 fast 25 99 4 3 3 11 C Robson 5 Hocnir Herald Harvest King 42115 I cxton Im70y l42fast 12 10S 7 7 51 0s M Garner 7 StISornard Stockwell SenPark 42009 Oaklwn 1 18 I52y5fast 6 102 3 4 3J 3 i H Cassity G KewONeil GreyEglo MPolly MPollyBy STV BERNARD ch g 3 113 By Ivan the Terrible Beatrice K B 3 Brannan 42S17 Latonia 34 lllfast 27 110 3 in It K Pool 11 Courtship T Porter BlackDaw 42719 Latonia 1 12 237hvy 11 119 4 2 71 8E Tool 8 Ito Frank Omond Regalo 42C15 Churchl Im70yl41fast 8 10TJ 1 1 25 2s B Pool 4 TliePorter Ur Voter Spearlene 42506 Churchl 1 14 210hvy 24 1011 1 1 C1 f E Pool 7 Midway Beaverkill Exrmiuator 42445 Churchl 34 l14hvy 1 109 3 1 l K Pool 9 Sam Key Mormon Legal 42305 Churchl 1 14 209fhvy 14 119 2 5 7 S B Pool 12 SirHarton BlllyKelly UndFIra 42227 Lexton 1 18 l51fast 65 122 3 2 Gi 71 E Pool 7 Regalo Under Fire Senn Park 42185 Lexton 1 116 l47hvy 35 105J 1 1 Il I1 B Pool 4 Under Fire Cerinus Sam Reh 42115 Lcxton Im70y l42fast 7 105 4 1 1 1 E Pool 7 Stockwell Snings Park Ginger GingerBy FREECUTTER b c 4 114 By Free Lanoe Cutter G J Long 42779 Latonia 1 18 l50fast 1310 114 3 1 2 4 J Groth 5 Omond LillianShaw Roavrrkill 42GG8 Latohla 1 11G l43fast 24 109 87 2 1S J Groth 9 TliePorter Rancher VAmerica 42432 Churchl 1 18 l54mud 10 113 1 1 4 4 J Groth 4 Under Fire Ginger Beuverkill 42317 Churchl 1 l39fast 45 109 1 1 1 J Groth 4 Hodge Spearlene Cerinus 42129 Lexton 1 139 fast 135 115 3 3 41 4li J Hanover G Diversion St Isidore llarKInz 40525 Xatonla 1 116 l50mud 20 109 6 8 8 8JI J Hanover 8 Externator Drastic WMchine 403G2 Latohla 1 l41slop 12 103 6 CJ 4 1 E Pool G Grundy Fruitcake WMachlne 40319 Latonia 1 116 l44fast 5 108 7 7 7 6 J Hanover 7 Beaverkill Rancher Fruitcake 32973 Churchl 1 lS9faat 1310 115 5 4 U li J Hanover 6 Herald Night Wind Amalette AmaletteBy BLACKIE DAW blk b 6 120 By Transvaal Mary Day A L Kirby 42817 Latonia 34 lllfast G 123 7 3h 42 L Gentry 10 St Iternard Courtsliip TPortor 42CS1 Latonia 1138 fast 1710 119 1 2 15 11 L Gentry 8 Br Voter Regalo Ur Prddler 42614 Churchl 34 l12fast 3110 118 5 2i 3J L Gentry 9 Major Parko Itancher Courtsliip 42529 Churchl 1 l39fast 2 112 1 1 li li li Gentry 5 15r Voter Diversion Pastoureau 42340 Churchl 34 l12fast 5 llli 1 3i af Gentry 10 Rancher HigliCost MarleMiller 41334 FGnda 51 f l07fast 4 110 3 3 2i t Gentry 9 CLecker WWHings MMuje 41C08 FGnds 51 f lllhvy 15 111 1 1 Is t Gentry 3 Marie Miller Kuklux 41210 FGndg BJ f lOShvy 4 111 1 3 31 L Gentry 4 Pickwick Korhly Top Coat CoatBy VULCANITE b g 3 M 97 By Vulcain Single Shot W F Poison 42835 Latonia 1 116 li45ROOd 195 102 3 4 2i 2J C Howard 5 Dodge Bribed Voter MouMaker 42S03 I atonla 1 116 l44fast 165103 43 2A 3Ji C Howard 7 Pastoureau Clermont TSpecial 42719 Latonia 1 12 237hvy 6 115 S 7 4 4 C Howard 8 Bo Frank Omond Regalo 42CC9 liatonla 1 116 l44fast 9 103 S 6 51 2 C Howard 8 Omond Pastourean Linden 42506 Churchl 1 14 210hvy 29 103 5 G 7 7 C Howard 7 Midway Beaverkill Exrminator 42339 Pimlico 118153 fast 39 114 7 7 gi 710 n Troxler 12 Sir Itarton Eternal Sweep On 42305 Churchl 1 14 209hvy 70 110 10 10 41 4T C Howard 12 SIrBarton BillyKclly UndTire 12227 Lexton 1 18 l51fast 40 122 7 7 7 GI C Howard 7 Regalo Under Fhe Sonn Park PASTOUREAU b c 3 100 By Flint Rock Prickly Pear F J Kolley 42S47 Latonia 1139 fast 5 100 It S 7i Kolley7i 7 2 S Boylo 11 Tippp Saliih Harv King Plnlso 42S03 Latonia 1 1lG 4 fa8t 7 ia5 2 1 1 lh S Boylo 7 Clermont Vlcanite TerSpecial 42719 Latonia 1 12 237hvy 29 122 1 8 8 7 T Murray 8 lo Frank Omond Kegalo 42609 Latonia 1 1lG l44fast 42 106 3 1 lh 3h N Uarrett 8 Omond Vulcanite Linden 42529 Churchl ll39fast 1C 99 3 4 G LindenG 4 Z Canfield 6 Bl Daw Br Voter Diversion 2409 Churchl 118154 slow 32 94 1 2 1 11 S Boyle 7 Mis Polly Redland Lottery 42349 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 7 105 4 1 3 2J M Garner 7 H C Itasch Bogart Mist Polly 42131 Lexton 1 l39fast 32 112 1 2 31 2J M Garner 7 Brimful Hopeful Cantilever CantileverBy BASIL ch b 5 102 By Voter Mintcake W F Poison 42S17 Latonia 34 lllfast 20 110 9 10 I0t C Howard 10 St Bernard Courtship TPorter 42756 Latonia 34 l12tffast 7 110 0 4h 42 C Howard 7 Wnr God Uanelier Skiles Knob 42C67 Latonia 34112 fast 57 103 G 31 1J C Howard 7 AmAce TothMrning II Cost 42614 Churchl 34 l12fast G7 101 9 8i 73C Howard 9 Maj Parke Rancher BlackDaw 42346 Churchl 34 l12fast 31 105 10 71 G l C HowardlO UlackieDaw Rancher HighCost 42112 Lexton F C l09fast 23 109 5 2j 3 1 C Howard 5 PofComo Linden Porte 7peaa 41634 Jefson 34 114 fast 5 4 iJ1 B Donhue 7 KIoy OLeydecker ILBgoyno 41539 FGnds 5i f lOGfast 6 108 5 4J 3 M Garner 5 MMiller C Leydecker Trollui DODGE b h 8 122 12242S25 By Jim Gaffney Flora Willoughby J B Respess 42S25 Latonia 111C l45ROOd 910 11C 2 1 1J in J Kcdoris r Vulcanite Urib Voter MMnker 42817 Latonia 34 lllfast 11 119 8 842GSO 8 55j J Kederis 10 StBcrnard Courtship TPorter 42GSO Latonia 1 l3Sfast 8 115 1 3 Z 3i II Thurber 7 Old Rosebud RiifonV SewCombs 42614 Churchl 34 l12 fast 21 123 G 9 9 i T Buckles 9 Maj Parke Rancher BlackDaw 35081 Saratoga 1316 202slow 910126 3 2 3 G J Loftus G Clematis II Crimper Ticket 35043 Saratoga 1 139 fast 8 126 3 2 ij L ftua 10 Tea Caddy Crimper DWillianu 29732 Latonia 1 116 l43fast 1710 122 2 2 lij 11 M Buxton 9 Rancher Hodge Vogue VogueBy GALLICURCI cb f 3 92 By Ivan the Terrible Foyer W W Dardon 42874 Latonia 34 l12fast 8 101 3 45 3J T Murray 8 Troilus Kiku IJon Tromp 42679 Latonia 34112 fast 3310 105 5 4f Tromp4f fn Mur iy 10 Bon Jour tesrt I ly Pair Play 42531 Churchl 1 l39fost 6 103 7 2 2424S1 71 ° 71 ° C Robson 8 Joriee Clermont Linden 424S1 ChurchU 314116hvy 1710 107 1 3s 31 C Robson 7 Jago Mormon General Halg 42420 Churchl 1 l38fast 12 108 1 1 3h 451C Robson 8 LillianShaw Bellsolar Flyaway 42345 Churchl 34 113 fast 9 110 6 1ITT Murray 9 Legotal Bellsolar Binding Tie 40505 Latonia 34 l13good 18 97 4 4404S5 7 41 H Lunsfd 7 Sedan Bon Trorap Skiles Knob 404S5 Latonia 3M 114 good14 107 1 6 6 J H Lunsfd 10 Toto Linden American Ace