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SIXTH RACE 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming June 20 1914 l50Ji 3 105 GUY FORTUNE ch h 5 105 By Transvaal Cerina R D Williams 42790 Latonia 31 lllfast 36 111 C C G 51 512 J Groth G ORbnd Tothiling B Pdler 2S4S1 Douglas 1 14 203 fast 34 10S 10 10 9 8 6 G 3X Connllyll Cudgel Pit Jr Hollister 38327 Churchl 118 152 fast 12 112 4332 2 1 SiJ F Smith R Hollister Capt Rees Beaverkill 38201 Churchl 1 1lG l4Smud 14 114 7 8 9 9 8S S D Connlly 9 Bcavorkill Fruit Cake Midway 30H7 Latonia 1316157 fast 11 109 3 343 41 4 D Connlly 8 Rancher Arriet Cudgel 3C3SS Latonia 1 116 l44fast 710 111 G 4 4 2 2 ink D Connlly G Warsaw Opportunity Valor 3G3GO Latonia 1 1S l50faat 11 108 4 5 5 4 2i 21 D Connlly G Cudgel Dorothy Dean Rancher 36333 Latonia Im70y l41 fcfast 7 108 5 G 4 5 43 4i D Connlly 5 Cudgel Col Vennie Ladyltotha EC2G7 Latonia 1 14 203hvy 9 111 2 1 2 2 2 21 D Connlly G Arravan Moscowa Dr Samuel SamuelBy FAIR ORIENT ch g 6 105 By Fair Play Orients R L Baker 42721 Latonia 1 18 1 53hvy 3 110 G C T B 5 0 M Garner 8 M Polly SofPleasiire Hanovia 42070 Lutonia 1 1lG l4Wfefast 8 112 1 4 5 5 51 3 M Garner 8 Hocnir Merchant Cheer Leader 42T4 Churchl 1 lSl52fast 4 109 3 4 2 2 1 ° M Garner 11 Parr Sungold Benefactor 42250 Lexton 1 18 l52faat 165107 1443 2s 2k M Garner R HMcDwell CIJrkley LString 40507 Iatonla 1 1S l54good 135 112 4 G 5 5 4 21 J Mooney 5 Solid Rock Grumpy Brynllmali 404G3 Latonia Im70y 147 slow 1110 110 5861 1 1s J Mooney 10 Grumpy LCochran Dublalill 40419 Latohla 1 1S l5Stfhvy 41 109 1 5 5 4 2i 2i M Garner Sleeth Gmmpy Baby Lynch 10376 Latonia 1 1S l50slop 3 107 1 7 6 4 3 2s M Garner 8 Sleeth Cracow Wads I ist 40332 Latonia 1 116 l4Gfast 8 1051111 9 8 4 2nk M Garner 12 MaryHelle F of Steel Yermak YermakBy SANDMAN n b g 8 105 10542S By Broomstick Sandria C Phillips 42S Latonia 1 110 I47v5fcood 12f 110 4 4 G 9 9 9IC C Robsonlt Dickmate Emaiialn Olmlus 42519 Latonia 118154 mud 9 112111011 12 12 12 H J Iurkcl2 SMcMeekin UourLad Corydon 42744 Latonia 1 l40slow 75 114 8968 SI 21 II Lunsfd 12 S McMeekin SJames SOliver 4270S Latonia 1 1S l52J4fast 115 114 5 G G 4 21 2 k O Holjson 9 lolite Quito J C Stone 42C30 Churchl 1 1S l52ftst 1710 109 9533 li ink it Lunsfd 10 Jack Hill Corydon Philistine 42520 Ohurchl 34 114 fast 2 111 10 87 41 47 IT LunsCd 12 Dance McVex Harry D 423S3 Churchl 34 l14mud 1S5 100 It 11 11 10s 8 II Lunsfdll 1515 Johnson Circulate Sjames 42315 Churchl 34 l13fast G 109 11 11 9 71 41 II Lunsfdll John Jr King Belle Sen James 4039S Bowie 1 116 l53Mhvy 7 115 3 4 4 5 Gi 5li R Sharp 7 Goldcrest Boy Ind Chant Kpbo KpboBy BOURBON LAD b g 4 110 11042S19 By Transvaal Lassie Gallaher Bros 42S19 Latonia 1 18154 mud 75 107 4 1 1 1 2 HI Robsonl2 SMiMeekin Corjdon Philistine 42202 Lexton 1 1lG l52hvy 75 110 1 3 3 3 25 5 MurPhy SH C liastIi Sungold Corson 40527 Latonia 1 116 l52mud 125107 1232 2J lh F Murphy 8 TilTy Redmon Don Dodge 40133 Latonia 1 110 l52hvy 7 107 1 4 3 2 l 1 P Murphy 8 Quito Redmon Starry ISanner 40374 Latonia Im70y l4Xslop 11 105 133 2 2 2s F Murphy 8 Kedmon 11 McDawell JackUill 39194 Churchl Im70yl45 fast G 105 2 2 3 3 5 G F Munhy 7 Sungold Clairvoyant Tally 39S92 Douglas 1 116 l4C fast 7 104 1111 1 li F Murphy 7 Buuefactor FOrient JWKlein 39755 Lexton 1 116 l47eood 5 103 2 1 2 2 4 J5 5F Murphy 8 KewONeil ChickBfkley Aztec AztecBy QUITO b c 4 105 10542S1S By Free Lance Mytilcne T C Ferrlss 42S1S Latonia 1 316 200 fast 235 100 3323 2i 22 W WrlRht 10 Prynlimah GHuss ll C Barklev 42744 Latonia 1 l10slow 10 IOC 1 G G 5 41 71 W AVriKhtl2 SMeMkiu Slidniaiili S Jimert 4270S Latonia 1 1S l52fast G 105 2 4 2 2 Si 35iW Wright 9 lolite Sandman II J C Stone 42590 Churchl 112233 fast 65102 3553 2 i W Wright 7 Kl Key Chick Barkloy lirickley 42574 Churchl 1 18 l5Shvy 12 10S G G G G 41 41 W WrlKht 8 Raider Nominee Rhymer 41959 Oaklwn 1 1lG l4715fast 10 101 7 7 7 7 7 71 W WriBht 7 Jtovelor lolite Parr 41277 FGnds Im70y 146 fast 20 106 10 9 9 7 Cl B3 G MolesthlO Graphic Orderly Sybil 41105 FGnds Im70y l17slow 15 104 7 11 10 9 8s Sil G Molesthll Dioscoride Jittery Lib Sands SandsBy CORYDON ch e 4 107 By Hamburg Sylvan Baxter Myers 42819 Latonia 1 1S 151 mud 23 107 1 4 4 3 3 3 W Wright 12 KMcMkin BoiirKid Philistine 42630 ChUTChl 11S l52fast 15 103 3244 4J 33T Murray 10 Sandmanll J Hill Philistine 42402 Church 1 1 1S l58mud G 10S 5 5 C C Gi 5 R lYoise 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 423SI Churchl 1 110 l49 imud ISf 104 4977 0 414 C Rohsonlt High Low Mnnokiii Raider 42210 I jxton 1 11C l55ilivy 1710 104 2 2 3 2 2 1J C Robson R St Jude Ambuscade Visnolii 41795 Havana Im50y l45hvy 3 92 1 4 3 3 2 2k I Fator 8 Fritz Krnst Bulger Honilook 41715 Havana Im50y l42fast G 1031 2223 4 451 U Troise 8 Drag Rock ClarkM Kin fishrr 41477 Havana ImWy l50lthvy 75 104 G 4 3 3 35 2 T Murray G Galaway Egmont Austral 41435 Havana Im50y l42fast G 105 3 4 5 3 2 I R Troiso 7 SenJames Werford RLOwen 41351 Havana Im50y l G slow 8 103 2 4 4 4 3nk 21 R Troise 8 Ballad King Trovato Yenghee GIBB7 br g 4 M 105 10542SO1 By YengheeBy Llangibby Roundelay J Livingston 42SO1 Latonia 1 lSS fast 19 110 6 12 12 10 Si G T Murray 12 Legal Harvest King Mint Cat 42745 Latonia 1110140 slow ri 107 5314 43 431 H Lunsfd G Raider Bribed Voter Hocnir 42700 Latonia 1 11 G lM5fast 4910 0 3 2 3 3 3 21 2i T Murray R II llurgoyne Nominee Lively 42117 Churchl Im70yl44fast 12 113 444 5 3s 251 T Murray 12 Jorice Porte Drapeau Hopeful 3S5C7 Belmont 1 l41slop 40 109 4 G G 6 6 61 T Davles G Hen Gow Salvestra Priuceps 3S4S4 lelmont 1 l40slow 15 114 2444 4 3l ° T Davles 4 LdyGertrude Nominee I5ub tte 3S292 Jamaica Im7flyl4r7fgood 20 11215 G G 4 4 4 C Peak 7 Johren Snapdragonll Jaultout 38112 Pimlico ImKOy 147 fast 2f 102 9 C C 4 31 3 A Collins 15 Claquer Feucer Uncle Sand SandBy HONDO blk g 6 115 By Plaudit Blue Jacket Dealy Bros 42575 Churchl 1 110 119 hvy 17 109 2113 0 CIG II Thurber 7 Flyaway High Low Prospector 42369 Churchl 1 110 l47fast 6 115 2 1 1 1 lk L Gentry 12 Bon Toss Sea Urchin Lucile P 42272 Lcxton 1 18 l5G mud 2110 101 1111 1i son Waterproof Bogart BOII Toss 421SS Loxton 1110 l51hvy 3110 107 3111 2t 3 VS Tol Boyle 11 LitString Hondo ChickHarkley 421CO Lexton 1 1lG l49mud 40 IOS 2 2 2 4 31 2 R Davles 11 Itedland Fr Monroe LitStriug 42010 Oaklwn 1 l4tfast 15 112 G 3 4 4 6s GJ H Hamtn 7 lolite Sayonarra Eulogy 41971 Oaklwn 34 l15Vfmud 12 1101 6 Gto CJ L Stalker 8 Discussion Bob A Kuklux 41777 Oaklwn 3 3 II J Uurke 7 Baby Cnl Eulogy Chris Holt on 41722 Oaklwn 1116148 fast 12 IOS 2111 11 II Cassity 8 BabyCal Gleipuer LittleHtring 41649 Oaklwn 1 116 149 good 6 113 3 2 2 3 G CSJW Wright 7 Leta BabyCal Pan Comilly IRREGULAR br h 5 107 10742fK By Hastings Armilda F Dunno 42fK Churchl 1 12 233 fart 17 KiO 7 7 7 7 7 7 H J IJurkc 7 Kl Key Quito Chick Bnrkley 42574 Churchl 1 1S l53hvy 7 115 7 7 7 7 54 5J 13 Sando S Haider Nominee Rhymer 4250S Churchl 1 14 212hvy 61 107 7 7 G G 51 G II J Burke 7 Flapper 15ajazet Baby Lynch 42435 Churchl 1 14 2llmud 125 103 6 G G 3 So 3 H J Burke G SazyNamy El Key Dr Samuel 42109 Churchl 1 18 154 slow 26 107 7 7 7 7 7 5 C Erown 7 Pastourcau Mis Polly Ilcdlaml 42321 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 43 107 13 12 12 12 10i joss c Brown 12 Lively High Ix w Bogart 42244 Lexton 1 14 200faat G 107 9 9 9 9 72 7n H J Burke Uajazet Jtiicfactor DofSlulby 42202 I exton 1 116 l52hvy 195 107 S 8 7 G G421KS G2 5 II J Burke S II C ISasclu Sungold ItourIml 421KS Lexton 1 1lG 151 hvy 4310 110 10 10 9 9 5 2 II J Burkcll LltString Hondo CBarkioy 42145 Loxton 1 l39fast 1C IOC 8 8 8 8 8 8Jl C Robson 8 Cheer Leader Seafarer Herald PHILISTINE cb g 6 118 By Samson Flower T F Boraman Boraman4i 42819 Latnnia 118154 mud 10 112 S 0 C 1 4i lls S Rnylw 12 SMirMookiii ISonrLad Corydon 42707 Latonia 1110140 fast 1S5 115 1111 li lk n Thurbcrl2 Jack Hill Son James CrysDay 42030 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 16 109 G 1 1 1 3 4i II ThurherlO Sandmanll Jackllill C rydou 42574 Churchl 1 18 l5Shvy 4910 KI7 4 1 1 G 7 714 w Rldenr S Raider Nominee Rhymer 42102 Churchl 1 18 l5Smud 175 IOC 11 7 4 3 31 3 S Boyle 11 Tito Grumpy Itnjazct 42309 Church 1 1 110 l47fast 19 111 3 2 2 3 G S 3 M Garner 12 Hondo Itonule Tcss Sea ITrchln 42321 Churchl 1 116 l15fast llf 109 S 444 444422G9 Ci 9 M Garner 12 Lively High Low Kogart 422G9 Lcxton 1 1S lrCJtmud G 1CK V44 3 3 2 21 M Gamer 8 KMcMockin llofartor iregroso 42160 Lexton 1 116 llJmud 5 113 5 8 8 8 11 11st M Garner 11 Kedlaud Hoiido Frauk Mburoe BRICKLEY D t 8 110 BrOrt Wells The Scold Romer Brmnflejd 42630 Chufchl 1 18 l52J fast 71 110 1 S 8 6 GJ 6fi H Garner 10 Saiidmarill Jackllill Corydon 42190 Bnrkley424S5 Churchl 1 12223 fast ni 1C 6 6 6 6 4J 4 O Wills 7 El Rvy Quito Chick Bnrkley 424S5 Churchl 1 116 l53hvy 137 IWILJH 10 8 3i 5 i H Garner 11 M Rose II Smifold Dioscoride 42349 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 130 109 2 6 7 7 7 7 II Garner 7 HCBnsch Pnstourcau Bogart 42063 Oaklkn 1 l42fast 15 112101010 6 41 3 O Willis 12 SUrchln LCocIiran TheopleV 42024 Oaklwn 1 18 l55Afast 30 103 5 98 9 7 7 O Willis 12 Tnksglving BLevy Aldcbnran 41984 Oaklwn 1 144 fast 41 110 11 8 6 5 41 4f A JohnsonlU Examiner Brando kLidy Leona 41819 Oaklwn Im70y l47tast 30 108 13 11 11 11 10 10 J Groth 13 SWJhuson Lukeniae Vcrnul 41610 Jef son Tl16 l49fast 30 113151313 9 9 7 S WolstmlG Regreso Dundreary EBamann EBamannREDSTAKT REDSTAKT Bryant42S59 ch g 4 M 105 By St Volma Phoenix Rose 1 Bryant 42S59 Latonia 1 116 l46fast 27f 115 1443 31 3i R Davies 11 Paris Maid Stevenson Sauer 41623 Churchl 1 116 U473 faSt 30 HTJIOlllO 10 9 9 I Gentry lli SayWhin Brunettell Thirteen Thirteen424SO 424SO Churchl Ilrl6 153 hvy 38 113111111 12 12 12 W Wiley 1U Prospector ParMald DHogan 40045 Churchl 1 18 l54fast 36 101 G 6 5 7 61 Gi O Willis 7 Alliuiia DIadi John W Klein Klein2S989 2S989 Churchl 1 116 l475 faat C9 107 9 7 6 7 10 10 L Gentry 10 Glasstol UBreivogel Exhorter 39869 Douglas Im70yl45fast 34f 107 9 8 8 10 10 10 J Hanoverl2 Amalette Exhorter Lucky Day 39795 Lexton 1 116 l47itfast 50 106101010 9 101 S11 J Howard 12 Sasonra GreatGull CaptHodge 39634 Indpolls 1 l40Vtfast 99 6 C Miller 8 Grasmere Sordello Schemer SchemerJ9593 J9593 Indpolls 1 144 fast 101 21 J Mooney 5 F C Cole Sordello Nashville NashvilleAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched scratchedRHYMEK RHYMEK ch 6 105 BY Salvation la Poeta J J Trader Trader42SS9 42SS9 Latonia 1 116 146 fast 66 111 91010 10 11 II1 n SinipKonii TScvelcr Modtisa Sunflash 42574 Churchl 1 18 l5Shvy 8 107 3 2 4l 2 2 Z T Murray 8 Raider Nominee Quito Quito422SO 422SO Lextoh 34 117 mud 25 11119 8 G 4l 2 U Simpson 9 WoWisdom LMosn EGrson EGrson421S8 421S8 Lexton 1 l16l51hvy 14 101 9 876 6s 7 T Murray 11 Little String Irregular Hondo 4206 Oaklwn 1116 l48slow 15 110 888 7 8 8 W Crump 8 Tito Mab Ninety Simplex 41983 Oaklwn 1 l43fagt 12 115 676 5 DH Cl W Crump 7 DRerts FofSteel SWJnson 41583 JePson 1 18 205 mud 8 112 4 2 2 3 4s 410 R Troxler G Bombast BIIumpson SBdericli SBdericli41EG7 41EG7 Jefaon 1 110 l51slow 126111 1333 4le t 4 n Troxler 5 PaulConnelly BIloek Bombail BombailCONTESTANT CONTESTANT ch jr 5 113 Br Hastings Monarda Shulcr Ward Ward42SI14 42SI14 Uatonia 1 1S l51fast 19 11 12 10 6 3 2h 1 D Coiinllyl2 Starkey The Gallant Exhorter 42715 Untonia 34 l15 hvy Glf HIS J 10 10 95 U15 J Bobbins 10 Ilaise Star liby Orenzo 42677 La tonla 34 l13fast 26f 116 9 S 8 SJ G5J II Lunsfrt li HGoLncky B Joe Impressive ImpressiveS6SOS S6SOS Jefson 34 l20ihvy 2s 110 6 6 G Cl 2 W Kelsay 8 Sandy Lhd Petrograd Billetta Billetta3C2G8 3C2G8 Latonia 1 115 l49hvy 33 1058 7788 8 W Kelsay S Dr Barlow Jocular Reureso Reureso3G21 3G21 9 Latonia 1 116 l47slpw llf 104 10 10 9 9 9 91S W Kelsay 10 M Fannie Dolina Broom Sweep SweepCC204 CC204 Latonla Im70y l44Afast 43f 1079 911 11 10 3 W Kelsay 11 Jaqk Snipe Clare Rhymer Rhymer3C643 3C643 Douglas IntfOylMSsfast 14 106 11 9 9 8 81 G E Martin 11 Lightfoot Prospector Waterblue Waterblue354C5 354C5 Lexton 34 l14fast 7 1071 9 3 2 2 3 13 Martin 12 Busy Alice Busy Joe Clark M MAZTEC AZTEC br g 4 110 BT Garry Herrmann Miss O H Field 12S77 Latonia 1 18 l52 fast 15f 109 S 4 2 4 O 43 W Wright 11 Exhorter Kingfisher Lucky R 42S1S Ltttonia 1 3 16 200 ifist 15 111 987 7 Gi 6 K Pool 10 Brynliiiiah Quito Gord Russell 42746 Latonia 1 116 l46slow S3 Ii9 11 S 5 G 2l 3 II TljurbcrlU CaptBurns GorRussell Thrills 42591 Churchl 1 116 l4Gfast 99 10S 753 4 5s C7S K Pool 12 Baudymo Tanlac Bonnie TCSS 42462 Churchl 1 18 l5Smud 47 10710 9 7 9 9 8 O Willis 11 Tito Grumpy Philistine 42057 Oaklwn 1116 l4S slow 10 110 8 9 9 9 8 8 G W CarM 9 SGatewoc1 Parrish LltStrlng 41972 Oaklwn 1 316 203mud 10 107 3 2 2 2 3J 3s O Willis 9 Wrproof Tnksgiving IString IString41SJ9 41SJ9 Oaklwn 1 316 201 fast 12 107 7 8 8 8 10 105 N Barrett 10 BofPhenix Willdo Tksgiving TksgivingKINGFISHER KINGFISHER ch g 6 105 By Sea King Ida B T E Crist Crist42S77 42S77 Latonia 1 18 U52fast 15f 109 9997 2V 2J T Murray 12 Exhorter Lucky R Aztec Aztec42S3S 42S3S Latonia 1 116 l47jiood 44 110 S 7 7 S 8 S R Davies 11 Deckmate Emanale Obolus 427 Latonia 1116 l465fast S 10 91010 7 91 9 R Davies 1U Th Green DrSamuel Kilkenny Kilkenny412t 412t H doGce 1 18 156 good 45 105 8 7 6 4 4 3 L Fator 9 Luther Slccth Royit RoyitOmildeCce OmildeCce Im70yl45fast G 10110 8 5 5 Gi 3J S Wida 12 Ind Chant SlmonPure AlmnB AlmnB4iir7 4iir7 H lIdeGce deGce lm7iyl51 hvy 6 107 8 81010 10 10 8 5l 2 S Wida 11 Comacho Vir Yell G M Miller 4VI23 Havana 1 14 2OG fast 4 113 3 3 2 2 22 1s A Finley 8 Johri W Klein Bac Diadl 41901 Havana 1 1140 140 fast 1 110 110DUKE 3 G C 4 41 2J1 H Thurber 7 FostEmbry Vocabulary Petlar DUKE OF LATONA b c 4 1C 105 By Dnke of Ormonde Latona Woodland Park ParkStable Stable 34 X12fact nrf 111 9 9 10 I01 10la J Hanovorl2 DrCarmen JJjMnrdock Breeze 42S13 Latonia IJif 11110 11 11 H5H8i W Waronl2 A N Akin DavidCraig Bullion 41C1J Jefson 34 116 fast 15 11G S 9 7 612 J Mooney 10 Plureen Speedster Notate NotateG 4100S Jefson 34 l14V fast 200 105 C G G G1 H J Burko 0 KilBoy ChLeydecker Assume 41553 Jcfson 34117 hvy 40 106 3 333 3 II J Burke 3 Cobalt Lass Dan Bright LOTTERY br g B 110 By Garry Herrmann Dovecote Marshall Bros 42 i Ultonla 1116143 fast 15 11111 8 7 5 4JI J Hanoverll Rovoier Medusa Snhflasli 42319 Churchl 1 18 l52fast 45 107 7 56 6 GJ G10 O WiUla 7 H C Basch Pastoureau Bogart 42321 Churchl 1 116 l45fast 42 100 10 8 8 10 11 11 O Willis 12 Wvcly IlUrli Low offjft 41530 FGnds 1110143 fast 15 112 81111 10 10J 1018 R Simpsonl1 Uonltoy Sts Bridge Philistine