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Jamaica Entries and Past Performances for Saturday June 21 1THEE WET TRACK MtTDDY The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each Horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was mado on other than a fast or good tracK abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 0 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirsl Firsl Race 1 11C Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track records June 18 1017 l4r 5 123 Ind Horse Wt Rec AWlHan AWlHan4Jh8 4Jh8 Kiir Plaudit 1 1 5 1 li 3 lirX7rO lirX7rO4y 4y Ov r There 110 150 U 3110X745 illii Jl 4 IJJXWO1jrSS 5a Mat 10 Idol 101 IMfiif I IJJXWO 1jrSS = SmipdmRon II 10S lr h 4 nU73 nU7342S42 42S42 Wood I nip 112115 r 117X7 J2i70 Mormon Elder r 14 1 103X7IMJ 103X7IMJ4JS2r 4JS2r Wviidovir 107 1 5 107i2 42SOS5 CrvKtiil 1ord I 107V7KO 107V7KO42S5lt 42S5lt Alma B n71Jf r KKIX710 KKIX710428jrt 428jrt Tailor Maid 101 151 Hi J J5710 J5710tG tG W Atkinson entry entryKing King Plaudit should prove best here hereSecond Second Race 1 18 Miles 4yiarolds and upward Selling SellingTrack Track record Oct 12 1918 1T1 1 11 4iKtS Torehliearer ri H 2X 2 428ia Queen of Ihe Sea lor 151 5 1020720 I272f GV lii 113151 151 15 U77U4271M J77ir 127M Belle Mahone fi 5102X715 10 X71 K K42SVI 42SVI Beievolent 110 lr3 i 7 107 715 715UlTilC UlTilC L rl Herbert lrfi 4 UIX715 UIX7154L5S8 4L5S8 = Sntpdnigon II 10S 151 4 110 710 7104178riS 4178riS J r Butterfly 10 i 15J 4 liriX710 liriX71042S4H 42S4H Wodtrip Ill 15 U fi lirX71 4JSI2 = N 1C Peal Ill 15TJS 5 1100710 42S7 Zenith 4 KM 701 427tr Pieilra 108153 4107X700 4107X700Tor Tor hlJ4ari r Is fast and lightly weighted weightedThird Third Race 5 12 Furlongs Seventh Running Youthful Stakes Guaranteed GuaranteedValue Value 5000 50002yearolds 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record May 10 191SI l0r 1 122 42750 MAN O WAK 11O750 11O750428C5 428C5 Lady Brunimel 1181OCJ UC740 108X74042SS3 427r0 = On Watch 11G 107 108X740 42SS3 St Allan 113 108 105X720 105X720Man Man o War is a star twoyearold Fourth Ra e 1 11G Miles Eight Running long Beach Handicap Guaranteed GuaranteedValue Value 5000 50003yearolds 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record June IS 1917 141 G 123 42823 Roamer 12C 144 8 110x750 42823 Stnr Master n j 145 5 122X745 42784 = Natural Bridge 103 144 3 110X745 42KHI2 straight Forward 11 1 145 5 103i745 42823 Naturalist 120 144 5 1280740 4211 Recount Ill 14 4 070735 428 Laiiius 113 14 4 115X730 KHIX73042S43 311141 Bally 105 147A 5 KHIX730 42S43 Orestes 102 14573 4 105X725 105X725i i Uoinier is lightly weighted for him himFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Mile3ycarolds HandicapTrack 3ycarolds ind upward Handicap Track record June ll Ill l3Sf 3 120 120M27M M27M 75042X80 Minto II 101 138 5 101 750 42X80 Thunderstorm 117 141 3 3 100 745 745127JIS 127JIS Aliadiine 4 110X715 427114 African Arrow 111 1371 4 Shi X 740 41 ll Woodtrap 105138 5100X740 40117 118X71042SI3 Cirrus 122 141 3 118X710 42SI3 Camoiifleur OS ltS 3 1020735 102073542H13 42H13 Orestes 101 138 4 107X725 107X725Minto Minto II is fst and lightly weighted weightedSixth Sixth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Oct 13 118 lU 3 120 42374 Pride of India 112 l13f 118 72 42W s Doleful 110 114 Ife iH303 War Note 237 Different Eyes 115 112 2821 Triumphant 112 113A 2 Jne J 108 117 IS 2201 s o m i w here in inFrance France 110 lirif 2221 Courcelles 1 U1U 2571 Kapld Day 115 111 2SS2 Raddle ISnck 115 118 1182SSO 2SSO Sinn Keiner 13 110 f 2831 Kwonechee 115118 2201 Somerled Nanette Flack 2218 Assumption UIO 115 115Sweet Sweet Tooth b c by Sir Martin Sugar Prido of India la easily best