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Latonia Entries and Past Performances for Saturday June 21 21WEATHEB WEATHEB CLEAR TRACE PAST Tho figurei under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each hone at tho distance since January 1 1917 no matter whcro it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 215 p m Chicago time 215 0 Suiicrior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 27 1914 111 5 110 110Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan AWtHan42S133 42S133 Bullion 122 112 5 112X745 112X74542X45 42X45 AV W Hastings 100 112 4 109740 10974042SI 42SI A N Akin 122111 7112740 711274042S712 42S712 J J Murdock 108 111 G 112X740 42803 B B Johnson 113 112 4 113X733 42715 Firing Line 115 l15s 5 110X730 110X73042X473 42X473 Blaise 100113 51100735 5110073542S32 42S32 Bagpipe 100 l14s 3 95 730 42303 M Bert Thurmaul01 112 0 107X730 42758 McVex 00 114 3 100 725 42715 Lancelot 107 113 3 104X725 42578 Jiffy 109114 4107X715 4107X715Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of tlie above be scratched scratched42S74 42S74 Tim McGee M 108114 5112X715 428 Fifi II 103 112 3 102 750 75042Stt 42Stt KpcnrlciU 101112 4 105 715 42834 Madras Gingham 100 113 3 03X733 03X7332S74 2S74 Subalidiir 10S 112 4 115X745 115X7452S7i 2S7i Foster Embry 00 113 J 03X 30 30Fifi Fifi II should take this one oneSecond Second Race 4 12 Furlongs Furlongsyearolds yearolds Maidens Fillies Special Weights Track record June 10 1019 52 2 107 10742S4 42S4 s Alsace 115 54 115X725 4281 1 Maynise 115 57 115 720 72042SK 42811 Anna Sweep 112 57 115 715 71542S4I 71542S4t 42S4t MZI 112 57 115 710 71042S 71042S 42S Perfect Lady 100 ri3 115 705 42451 Anna Gallup 115 58m 115 705 42012 Clintonvillu 115 50 115X700 115X70042SS3 115X70042SS3 42SS3 Great Hawk 107 57 115 700 42741 Spencer Lady t 115 700 42743 Kurna r 115 700 700Keep Keep br f by Pa laud Possession 115 Miss Nell b f by Dick Finnell Miss Thompson 115 Also eligible to start in order named should any ot the above bu scratched scratched42S14 42S14 Emma J 115 705 42840 High Wind 112 58 115 700 420123 Iris 115 54if 115 715 42780 Benecia 100 55 115 715 42830 Barenka 103 50 115 700 700Orlova Orlova b f by Free Iancc Vic ¬ toria B 115 Alsace has been racing well wellThird Third Furlongs2yearolds Race 4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record June 10 1919 52 2 107 42815 = SAM FREEDHAN115 54S 118 750 42833 By Gully 115 5ls 112 740 74042S151 42S151 Mickey Moore 111 53 115 740 7404283fi3 4283fi3 Sterling Ill 51 112 733 73342SJO 42SJO Miss Patty M105J 50 103 730 42872 Sweep Jr M 108 730 730Sam Sam Freedmans last race would win here MileKcutoii Fourth Race 34 Mile Kcutoii Handicap3yearolds County Handicap 3yearolds and upward upwardIrack Irack record June 27 1914 111 5 116 v 105 112J 3 101730 Viva vViva America 120111 4 103X745 High Cost 102112 4 115X745 War God 107112 4 112X740 103 111 4 112X740 00113 3 9GX735 102112 4 102X735 Grecn Grass H8112 4 4107X730 107X730 42874 0108X725Jorice Ucndrie 110113 0 0108X725 10SX725 Jorice showed great speed on Thursday Slf Race 1 Mile bccond Running Added3yearolds Enquirer Handicap 5000 Added 3yearolds and upward Track record Nov 14 1918 137 J 105 j r Vortcr 118 137 4 124X7r 1HIS 124X7r1HIS Tonl nlle ° Io 3 1 3G 4 10274 Lil1 10274Lil1 Kcgalo 104138 3103X74 ir 3103X74ir 110X744JI80 Jl Urumly 100 137 5 110X74 4JI80 Green Jones 08 130 5 103X71 1r 103X711r J7 c ° urtship 112138 5112X74 iHSla 5112X74iHSla ljlncller 110130 7 117 74 1n 741n Lil len 112140 3 08X74 1HSoi 08X741HSoi Sway 101 l45h 3 100X7i 100X7i4J873J 4J873J Bon Jour 3102 74 1 TiJ Omoll 1 101Jl42h 3100X74 42817 St Bernard 3113X74 42770 = Freecntter 105 1 37 4 114 X 7 42817 Blackie Daw 110138 G 1OX7 42835 = t Vulcanite M 104130 3 07X7J 742S17f liTofL 07X7JliTofL J Jasoureau asoureau 112140 3 100 7 42S17f Basil 5 10X7 1220742S743 42835 Dodge 115130 G 12207 42S743 GalliCurci 108130 3 027 tW 027tW F Poison entry JJ F Schorr entry The Porter seems best bestSixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles ClaimingTrack 4yearolds Miles4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 20 1014 150 3 105 42700 Guy Fortune 108 150 5 105X750 42721 Fair Orient 100 152 G 105X745 42838 Sandman II 114 152 8 105X745 42810 Bourbon Lad 107 l55m 4 110X745 105X74042819s 428183 Quito 105 152 4 105X740 42819s Corydou 103 152 4 107X740 4280 Gibby M 4 105 735 42578 Hondo 101 l5Gin 5 115X735 42500 Irregular 100 1 52 5 1070725 42810 Philistine 100 152 0 118X725 42030 8110X71042SSO Brickley 110152 8110X710 42SSO Redstart M 101 1515 4 105 705 705Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched 42880 Rhymer 107 1 53 5 105 X 725 42804 Contestaut 115 153 5 113 720 42877 110X72542S77 Aztec 100 153 4 110X725 42S77 Kingfisher 100 152 5 105X740 705428SO 42871 Duke of LatonaM 4 105 705 428SO 5110X720Guy Lottery 100152 5110X720 Guy Fortune has a great chance chanceSeventh Seventh Race 1 18 Miles ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 20 1014 150 3 105 42S003 Harv Burgoyuo 109 201rn 4 111 725 42745 111X7204133G Nominee 100 151 4 111X720 4133G 104X715428154s Sansyming 107 154 104X715 114071542fiS2 428154s Dick Williams 114 151 G 1140715 42fiS2 Luckawanna 3 041710 041710428ti43 428ti43 Misstress Polly 107 152 4 111X710 35909 Chesterfield M 4 103 700 42847 William S Culbert Culbertson son M 4 113 700 700Harry Harry Burgoyue is fast and iu good form