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UNITED HUNTS ENTRIES The figures under the heading Rcc in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter whore it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Probabilities Weather wet track muddy muddyRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner J Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance First Race About 58 Mile MileAspirant Aspirant Purse 2yearolds Allowances Todays Ind Horse Horse42S91 AWtHan 42S91 Bettv J 109X725 428IJ5 Lovely M 104 720 4Liyo End Man M M42XS3 ilOS 100 107 715 42XS3 Limerick Lass UK 715 425082 Light Wine 109 715 42815 Roseland M 107 710 4247S Siigarmint M 104 710 42825 Frenzela M 101 705 Service Star M 112 103 103Armistice 107 70ri Armistice M 107 705 42857 Link Boy M 11U103 107 700 70042S2G 42S2G Salt Peter M 107 700 Cushion ch f by Nonpareil Has ¬ sock 101 101Betty Betty J is fast and good goodSecond Second Race About 2 Miles MilesBetween Steeplechase4yearolds Between the Flags Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Maidens Maidens42310s 42310s North Star 5 149 700 70042827s 42827s Sou Lord 8 152X5 5 42827 Decisive 4 142X6U5 42827 Full Cry 10 152 TOO 42827 Corps a Corps 4142WH 42559 Sauudersfoot 152flS5 42827 Piping Hot 8 152fiS5 42310 Pioneer 5 149 585 42748 Mohab 4 142 085 42827 Stradivarius 152 1580 1580427C1 427C1 Commodore Gaunt 5 149 080 42559 King Fortune 152X075 33935 Sintram 7 152 G75 G75Mademoiselle Mademoiselle Max ime b in by Golden Maxim Ivomurasakl 7150 North Star seems best here hereThird Third Race About 34 Mile North Shore Handicap 3yoarolds and upward upward42SOS 42SOS OUT THE AV AY 127 111 4 138 750 42828 Papp 120 110 4 1420740 42842 Woodtrap 115 111 5 128X740 42880 Jyjitee 121 112 4 132X740 132X74042022s 42022s Regal Lodge US 109 4 148X740 148X74040098s 40098s Lord Brighton 3 ISO 740 42828 The Decision 115 lllh C 1301735 42895 Thistledon 100114 3110X735 3110X73542SS2 42SS2 Tapagcur 115 110 3 110X735 110X735428IHI3 428IHI3 Syrdarya 3 112X730 112X73040282s 40282s Elyslaii 4 112 730 42278 Ballast 117111 4123X730 4123X73042414s 42414s Jack Mount 5 122 730 73042879s 42879s Teddy Rousseau 3 115 725 72542827s 42827s Decisive 110 l13sy 4 110X725 42882 Pictor 3 115 720 42710 Chimney Swift 100 113 3 110 715 42204 Blaireoni M 3 110 715 42831 Kwpiiesheo M 115 113 3 110 715 42831 Santa Fe M 12 110 710 42509 Sundial II 3 122 710 42831 Archdale 8122X700 8122X700Glory Glory maid ch f by Glorifier AVorkmaid 4 115 Lc Cypriii b g by Macdonald II Chrysbis 5 120 Out the Way should win winFourth Fourth Race About 212 Miles MilesGreat Great United limits Steeplechase Steeplechase4yearolds 4yearolds and upward upward42GS5 42GS5 Stonewood 7 143 700 42829 The Brook 0 174X K 5 54229G 4229G Duet tiste 7 140 095 09542S29sf 42S29sf Bnrklle G 139X 95 9542831s 42831s Brooks 1 150XC95 42372 Warlock 8 148X095 42019 JM Marsouiu 5 143 80 42580 Royal Arch V 4 139 90 9042829s 42829s Skibbereon 8 143X 90 133X090J27S2 42723 Pussy Willow 0 133X090 J27S2 J Turmoil 0 135 X 0 02521s 2521s Babeock 5 134 590 59042782s 42782s Doublet 7 142X085 42829 Hihler 30 139X085 42701 = Belle o the Sea 4 132 085 42723 Crest Hill 7 139X085 42829 0137X08542085s Triiinpator 0137X085 42085s Melodrama 5 1305SO Formerly ran as W F Knebelkamp Stonewood should win at the weights weightsFifth Fifth Race 1 14 Miles MilesMembers Members Purse 4ycarolds and upward Highweight Handicap 42828 Lytle 115205 5 5143X725 143X725 42805 Game Cock 105 200 4 145x 145X720 42042 Princeps 4 143X 143X42890s 143X715 42890s Crimper 0 0152X715 152X715 42725 Red Sox 4 145X715 42392 Toppy Nix M 5 148 710 42831 Anhdalc tlC5 221 22142827s S 147X705 42827s Decisive 4 145X705 42828 Prince Hal II M 8 152 700 42559 Saiitidersfoot M MfMade 0 152 700 fMade in gentleman riders race Lytle stays this distance well wellSixth Sixth Race About 2 Miles Westbury Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward upward42S30 42S30 Syosset 0 152X700 427il3 Wingold 5 144 595 42723 Crest Hill 7 155X090 42310s North Star M M38072s fi 141 190 38072s Big Four M 5 141 585 42S30 Bill Dudley 7 148X1585 42830 Rhomb 9 152 X 585 32771 = Toynlwe M 8 14S585 42S303 Garter ft 14RX5S5 40290 Antiseptic 7 13UXI585 42827 CorpsaCorps M 4 133 580 42748 Kintore 8 140 SO 42827 Piping Hot M 8 145 080 4259 King Fortune M 0 14CXC75 Syosset seems liest and is good