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Aqueduct Entries and Past Performances for Thursday, September 18. "WEATHER CLEAR. TRACK FAST. o o Todays The figures under the heading "Rec. in the Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. entries below show the best time of each horse 43779 Dottas Best ...... 104.. 700 at the distance since January 1, 1917, no matter 43705 The Cock 0 100X700 where it finished. In cases where record was 422S7 liar One .104 l:47v3 4 108.. 700 made on other than a fast or good track, Third Riw 1 T,Tii abbreviations show track conditions. Handicap, o " Track record: July l, 191C 1:30 S 114. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time 1:30. 43.-.90 THUNDERCLAP ..101 1-37 1"0X7",0 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. 415712 War Kiss 10". l-iOs 103 710 Fair mud runner. M Maidens. Apprentice 43i;.j2 Bridesman 95 l-hvfi loV740 allowance. 43712 Ilerodias 100 l:38- 105X735 First Race 3-4 Mile. 43707s Blairgowrie 9.". l:371f, 100:1:735 Selling-Handicap. Yar IJocket .. ....105.1:37. ,102. .735 3-vear-olds and upward. 4,lii hasseur . ....... .104 1:3S ,p.;..730 13-73 100.. 725 Track record: July 0, 1910-1:11-3-110. "l WIf Todavs , Fourth Race 3-4 Mile. Ind. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIan. Eleventh Running Babylon. Handicap. S2.500 Added. Sl Tandvvr:::::mi!u SiwS 43Sacv7r,1: 0. 1-K.n 4377St Arral. Co On 121 1:12 4 114 X 745 2 -Vddam 43004t Right Angle 105 1:11 4 109 X 745 J.nK"j , Vtm Yz-U 41897 ritima Tlfule 117 1:12 4 115:1:740 .1p- Clark WVi? 43739 Panaman 109 1:11 4 114 X 740 4 . Vtx J:H$ JXil?. 42912 The Decision 118 1:13 0 90:;:740 .j "vid Harum 10.. 1:13 109 X 740 43797 Nightstick 1211:12 9 111X735 f,i.L r-.r , , .... J",0. 10 43002 Thunderstorm OS 1:12 3 110.. 735 Ioandi,t-11" k"CKrr -112 1:1216 in-"i:T- 43720 Toto 1111:11 3 104 0730 "t Service. Star M . . :,10...72o 43707 Osgood 1011:14 3 1020730 TW . L. toe entry. ,rn;. 42920 Star Class 105 1:13 4 110 X 730 Fifth Race 1 5-10 Miles. 43231 Turf 100 1:13 4 97.. 725 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. V " 43701 Sanberia 4 93X"25 Track record: July 5, 19182:12 1 102. tS. C. Hildreth entry. 43025 Ticket ..121 2:13 5 10SQ750 Kentucky Stable entry. 43759 Kasin .....104 2:15 0 108X745 second Racc-i i-i6 Miles. SMSiitac:::::::::: luandM 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 43723 Sunnvland 4 I0S..725 Track record: Sept. 10, 1918 1:44 4 109. Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 43777 Graphic 100 1:47 5 105X725 2-year-olds. Maidens. Special WeigliW. 43759 Koh-i-Xoor 115 1:40 5 105.. 720 Track record: July 0. 19101:113110. 437233 Frederick the Greatlll 1:47 4 108X715 4370S Fair G-iin 11" 7"T 43705 Coaler 109 1:40 3 104. .715 430S2 Servk-e Star"!" aiaTOl 43775 Miss Kruter 110 1:40 8 101X715 43082 Damask ......... -.111? 715 43023s Gleipner 102 1:40 0 103X710 43045 Ki gs Chami.ion ll7in 43759 Orderly 110 1:40 i 111. .710 4293S lie aumai . ; 12 710 43495 Hope 103 1:47 4 105X710 43323 Carnarvon . - -iL-llSL 710 43420 Kilkenny 109 1:40 5 115X710 43045 Eastern Glow 112 1:17. 109.. 710 4? 107 1:45 0 lUXjlO 43780 Indiscretion 109 X 705 43151 Paddy Dear 100 1:40 5 111X705 437S0 Bridge Plaver .... . .109705 43735 Sunningdale 10Jl:51sy 3 101705 43780 Tumbleweed .. 1117 700 43723 Dr. Rae : 90X705 4321S The Wagoner 112.1700 43091 Dragon Rock 103 1:47 4 108X705 43082 Devil Dog . .. . 1V 7H 43723 Rockport 105 l:4Sy3 5 111.. 700 43740 Dickie 109 "700 43775 Mackenzie 4 113X700 Ballvbell, ch. c, by " :i 437503 Salvatelle 91 1:50 4 100X700 Cvt Lady - 43777 Hickoryuut 10S 1:47 5 100.. 700 Isabel .. 11" FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling; Handicap. July 6, 19101:113116. Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St and Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish ASSUME, br. g, 6 112 Bv Disguise Chancery J. Leonard. 43319 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 5 111 G 6 4 4 l1 E Sande 10 O. the Way, Mid.Sun, Wvoming 43029 Auduct 3-4 l:12fast 12 115 11 11 11 11 751 L Fator 11 Housemaid. Youneed, O.theWny 41C0S Jefson 3-4 l:14fast 6 117 4 4 2 3 3! W J OBn OKil.ltoy, Ch.Uydecker, Glasstol 41527 F.Gnda 1 l:3H75fast 4 108 4 3 2 3 5 5" D Connlly 5 Buford, Bolster, Reveler 41506 F.Gnds 51 f l:07good 6 111 1 4 4 51 4SJ D Connlly 9 Franklin, O.Ledecker, K.Bright 14S0 F.Gnds 51 f l:0Shvy 2 111 6 4 2 21 2 W Obert 0 Mar.MIUer, B.Shannon, AVarldol 41334 F.Gnds 51 f l:07fast 18-E 109 4 3 5 61 8 D Connlly 9 C.Ldeckr, B.Daw, W.W.Utings 10980 F.Gnda 51 f l:CGfast 7 106 7 7 5 4H 4 L Stalker 10 B.sChoice, V.Bnnle. BonTromp 10874 F.Gnds 1 1:46 hvy 3-2 107 1 1 1 1 31 4SJ M Rowan 5 Douglass S.. Amalette, Sleetb OUT THE WAY, br. o, 4 12G By Peter Pan Swcepaway S. C. Hildreth. 42361 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 8 12S 6 8 9 9 9i L Ensor 9 Crank, Bel. Me Girls, Mid. Sun 43319 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 120 1 11 li 2 AV Knapp 10 Assume, MidnightSun. Wyoming 43210 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09good 13-5 140 7 6 6 8 9" L. Fator 10 Startling, Quietude. Ticklish 4143 Empire Ai3-4 l:09M;rust z 129 3 2 1 Is Is J Loftus 7 Quietude, Bill MeCloy, Bullylioy 43029 Affduct 3-4 l:12fast 10 120 4 2 2 21 3i J Loftus 11 Housemaid, youneed. Louise V. 42868 Jamaica 3-4 1:12fast 2-5 118 4 11 1 li J Loftus 7 Whimsy, Youneed, Roi Craig 42510 Jamaica 51 f l:00fust 7-5 124 4 2 2 2s 2s L Lyke 9 Pet.Piner, ImaFrank, MyFriend ARRAH GO ON, br. g, 4 114 By Sweep Ellangowan S. C. Hildreth. 43778 Arjduct 3-4 l:llfast 12-5 105 3 4 4 2 2i L Fator 4 Pickwick, Youneed, Housemaid 43735 Belmont 3-4 7-10 107 2 2 1 l3 l3 C Buxton S T.F.McMahon. Vogue, Surplice 43423 Saratoga 1 l:42j.slow 8 104 3 3 4 3 S5 S8 L Fator 9 Mat. Idol, TailorMaid, II. Valley 43343 Saratoga 3-4 1 :llfast 11-10 120 1 1 1 in 2 L Fator 10 Ballymooney, Sam Reh. Resist 43254 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 107 5 2 2 23 23 L Fator 11 Lion dOr, Sam Reh, Efficient 4314S .Empire Ab 3-4 l:09fast 3-5 115 4 4 3 21 ll L Fator 0 Joyful, Housemaid, Star Realm 42SS0 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 9-5 115 5 0 1 Ink 2 J Loftus 12 Tnderstorm. Pickwick. Mahony RIGHT ANGLE, br. g, 4 108 By Peter Quince Deceptive Anglo KentuckyStable. 43G04 Belmont 3-4 l:16mud 13-10 ICS 3 1 1 l1 2 C Kummer 5 Osgood, The Boy, Toto 43477 Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 11-5 111 2 3 2 2 2J L Fator 0 Bel. Me Girls, Audacious, Trite 433G1 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 12 10S 4 7 8 6 633 L Fator 9 Crank, Bel. Me Girls, Mid.Sun 42949 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast 1 108 8 7 3 1". 11 L Fator 15 Alvord. Ultra Gold. Ap. Jack II. 38598 Douglas 3-4 l:llfast 3-4 103 2 1 5 Bled. II Lunsfd 5 J.J.Mdck, B.M.Boys, St.Astlne 3S520 Douglas 3-4 1:11 fast 33-10 105 3 1 1 35 3J J Morys 4 Leocliares, B.MeBoys, Optunity 3S317 Churchl 3-4 l:12fast 7 96 3 1 1 1 Is H Lunsfd 5 P.ofComo. J.J.Mdk, Bsctchll. ULTIMA THULE, b. c. 4 115 By Ultimus Rubia Granda R. L. Bresler. 41897 Oaklwn 3-4 l:14hvy 9-5 118 3 2 2 2J 2 A J.ohnson 3 American Ace, Diversion 41818 Oaklwn 3-4 l:12fast 3 114 2 2 1 23 2i A Johnson 0 Enator, A.N.Akin, T.othMing 41751 Oaklwn 3-4 l:14tf;slow 12 1071 1 2 2 1 1. A Johnson 0 Top Coat, Kama. Valor 412S9 F.Gnds 51 f l:00fast 15 107 7 7 7 7 7 A Collins 7 W.W.Utings. Korblv V Bnnie 41178 K.QInds 51 f l:0Ggood 12 108 2 10 10 101 10i II Wakoff 11 R.Craig, W.W.Uastings W Hall -10939 F.Gnds 51 f liOSsSlow 4 116 1 5 7 7 7" F Stevens 7 Pickwick, Pepper, Bon Tromn 40S32 F.Gnds 51 f 1:07 fast 8 108 5 6 6 91 9 H Wakoff 12 Korbly, Assume, Bon Tromp PAHAMAN, b. g 4 114 By Magellan Pronta N. Turner. 4739 Belmont 1 l:38fast 0-5 ICG 1 1 1 1 1 1 J Frach 0 Ivry, H.Vallev, Snapdragon II 4S6S0 Belmont 1 l:3fast 25 961 3 4 4 4 4 4 J Pierce 7 Audacious, Valor, llolllster 43574 Belmont 3-4 l:10fast 50 113 5 4 6 7 713 J Frach 7 Lucullite, PterPiper FruitC-ike 43131 Aciduct 61 f l:20slop 13-5 101 1 13 2nt 3" G W Carl 5 Torclibearer, Kilts II. Cob Lass 43029 Aqduct . 3-4 l:12fast 20 117 5 6 6 71 10" L Lyke 11 Housemaid, Youneed. O.theWay 42413 Jamaica 3-4 l:12fast 10 120 6 2- 2 4 6B L Lyke 0 O. the Way, Whimsy Startiinir 42350 Jamaica 61 f l:05fast 8 103 4 9 0 5 l 5 R HoffmnlO Startling, ImaFrank, Bullylioy THE DECISION, b. gr, 6 86 By King James Verdict J. E. Davis. 42912 U.Hunts Ab3-4 fast 2 139 1 3 1 21 4J A Xicklus 4 Papp, Chimney Swift Elvsian 42S23 U. Hunts, Ab 1 fast 3 125 5 1 2 2 3 4;i A Nicklus 7 Papp, Lytle Pictor 42720 Belmont 1 l:42fast 4 152 1 2 2 1 2l l1 F Alpers 5 Lytle, Martian, Gex 42618 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 8 122 4 5 5 6 53i J Loftus 7 Arrah Go On Vague Subihd-ir 42545 Belmont 3-4 l:12fast 20 113 6 1 3 31 6! G Burns 10 OldRosebud. Crvs Ford Grimi er 42391 Pimlico 3-4 l:16hvy 33-10 120 5 1 1 11 l"i A Nicklus S Celto, AV. I.edotte Aniael ;-Yss hi 42328 Pimlico 3-4 l:14good 2 119 2 2 2 ll lh J Loftus 9 King Herod, Wood trap, Onico NIGHTSTICK, ch g, 9 111 By Broomstick Homespun Kentucky Stable. 43797 Aqduct 01 f l:19fast 1 113 3 1 2 2 41 C Kuiumer 8 Arnold. Tenons Bon Tronhv 43507 Saratoga 7-8 l:26mud 31 110 2 6 6 5 5 4" C Kummer 0 Rifle. Poacher Grundy 42973 Aqduct 1 l:40mud 7-5 101 2 2 2 2 2 13 L. Fator 7 D.Vdiver, Sndrgnll Gmnsnll 12895 Jamaica lm70yl:44fast 13-5 106 4 3 3 3 31 1 L Fator 10 Gatli, Daddys Choice Orderly 12781 Belmont Gl f l:18fast 3-5 110 3 11 1 1 A Schugr 9 Elected II., Bellriiiger Holiol-tw 12722 Belmont 61 f l:19fast 15 117 2 4 5 51 63 T Nolan 8 Out the Way. K. Bright Paddy 39883 Aqduct 61 f l:20slop 1-2 123 3 2 2 .2 2 F Robson 4 Currency, J. Mount, C. " V Mi lie THUNDERSTORM, ch. c. 3 110 By Olambala Nightfall R. T. Wilson 43C62 Belmont 1 5-S 2:47fast 10 116 4 2 4 4 4" 4 E Ambrse 5 O.There, Vexatious D unbnvno 43565 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05 fast 8-5 115 2 3 2 2 2 2 L Ensor 4 Tliuderclap, Athlone Tetluv 13334 Saratoga 1 l:37fast 12 100 13 14 13 11 61 553 E Sande 14 War Zone, Elmendorf Kashmir 43293 Saratoga 1 l:42sIow 8 117 1 5 7 7 0 4" W Knapp 7 Thunderclap. C.Gone Aud rcim s 4326S Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 12 115 15 15 15 13,3 L Ensor 15 Roulledge, Startling LFrr int 43004 Aqduct 1 l:37fast 4 102 5 4 3 3 4 4 J Callahan 5 Hollister. LErrant. Qtionni re 42952 Aqduct 1 l:37fast 9-5 1071 1 3 3 3 2" 2 L Ensor 5 Valor, AfricanArrow, FellSwoop TOTO. b. g, 3 104 By .Hippodrome Tripping Fl D. Weir 43720 Belmont 3-4 st l:13fast 5 115 3 3 4 4 4" J McCabe 10 JockScot. MadHtter EinnOnoen 43G01 Belmont 3-4 l:10mud 6 109 4 4 4 4 43i J McCabe 5 Osgood, Right An-Me The lit v 42941 Latonia 3-4 l:15mud 4-5 115 1 11 1 2 C VanDun 7 Jane Penhvbaker, Lancelot hn 42887 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 7-5 123 2 1 1 2 3" T Murray 7 Senn. Park. Joe Stahr. lllsolar OSGOOD, ch. g, 3 102 By Garry Herrmann Ostra L. F. Wauner 43707 Belmont, 1 l:3Sfast 15 107 3 4 5 G 6 61 H Hamtn 0 Adacious, Otionn-Tire B-owrie 43604 Belmont 3-4 l:16mud 8-5 101 2 3 3 33 1 H Hamtn 5 Right Angle" Tlio BoV Toto 43221 Empire Ab 3-4 1:09 fast 3 111 6 7 5 7 6 A Schugr .8 Ticklish. B.MCloy iothMinr? 43192 Empire Ab 3-4 l:14hvy 9-10 106 3 1 1 1 l H Hamtn 3 Startling, Housemaid 43177 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10mud 4 103 3 1 1 1 1 H HanifnlO Star Realm, Ballast T -a-I inir 42894 Jamaica 51 f l:05fast 30 103 5 7 7 7 7"! H Ham tn S Geo. Starr, PeterPiner St-irt i.iir 10166 Empire Ab3-4 l:09fast 41 102 2 3 3 33 2" H Ericksn 0 S. Realm, Birgowrie, T stledon STAR CLASS, ch. f, 4 110 By Star Shoot Lady Bedford F. Slocum 42920 Aqduct 1 1-8 l:49fast 25 97 3 6 10 11 12 12 H Ericksnl2 Eternal, Purchase QstionmirP 40167 Empire 1 1-4 2:0Sfast 7-10 100 1 3 3 2 11 ll L Ensor 4 G. Cock, Woodtran Kin-ttsher 40152 Empire 1 1-4 2:0S fast 2-5 .111 12 3 1 1 1 L Ensor 4 Irregular. Garbage Harwooall 4006O Jamaica 1 1-4 2:06fast 1G-5 108 2 2 2 2 2 1 L Ensor 4 B. Shannon. Pledri IrreWHr 39SS7 Aqduct 1 l:40slop 4 10S1 4 11 1 ll 1 T Rice 7 Bolster. Iliip. Valley B Peddler S9363 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast s 105 8 6 10 10 93 W Kelsay 14 Bolster. Mancha7 Bailymoouey TURF, ch. c, 4 , 97 By Star Shoot Blue Grass J. Butler 43234 Empire Ab 3-4 l:0Sfast 12 100 A 4 4 4 4" A Pickens 4 Ticklish, Quietude Va-ue 43213 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 8 116 11 9 13 13 1351 A Pickens 13 Ap.Jackll., Mahony Grimalkin 41201 Empire Ab3-4 l:09fast 8-5 10S 1 11 1 1 A Schugr 0 Our Nephew. Paddy lane M-.rv 39723 Aqduct 3-4 1:13. fast 12 106 6 2 2 U ll A SchugrlS Housemaid, Lively Miss iKrutS 38315 Jamaica 51 f 1:08 hvy 9-5 110 1 2 3 31 Gi A SchugrlO Sballymre, ODnovan JPnetite 38253 Jamaica 3-4 l:13fast 5 115 8 9 5 61 45 A Schugrlu T.Ptnguese, Coin iLaw Debidon 34946 Saratoga 3-4 l:14slow 15 106 S 0 C 71 S7 L Lykes 11 Sun llriar. katlcker itrhi 34907 Saratoga 3-4 l:14fast 12 112 13 13 13 13 14" L Lykes 10 Papp, Drastic Nulcracker 34742 Empire 51 f l:06faat 21 108 2 1 1 2 21 L Lykes 4 American. Fragouard. S?Sngled SANBERIA b. f, 4 93 By Santry Tiberia G. D. Widenor 43704 Belmont 11:41 fast 15 111 4 4 4 4 4 4 E Ambrse 4 Stepson, Kwpment War Pocket 43G05 Belmont 1 l:44mud 1 112 1 1 1 1 1 1 T Nolan 3 LEnjoleur. Miss SterlinV S8709 Jamaica lm70yl:4Gfast 7 110 0 4 4 4 6 7 C Mergler S Com. Law, Oenone Dublin M-.rv 38608 Belmont 3-4 l:14hvy 16-5 104 1 1 1 4 4 L Ensor 5 Elfinhurt. Helen Akin. Pazia SECOND RACE 1 1-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Sept. 16, 1913 l:44 4 109. GRAPHIC, b. m, 5 105 - By Glorio Picturesque J. D. Misick 43777 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 4 .10 5 4 4 4 4 2 L Fator 5 M. Belle D " V liver MissPrvn 436G3 Belmont 11:41 fast 8 111 1 4 4 4 4 3i T Rice 7 Mary e le IMctor uV iS. 43008 Belmont 1 l:42mud 10 108 3 3 3 3 2 3" C Kummer 5 John I. Day Lucius IWbv-SUter 43250 Emyire 1 1-10 l:47fast 8 110 7 6 5 5 4 3"! T Davics S Doleful, faclm Wilfre.H 43226 Empire lm70y l:45fast C 109 4 2 2 4 5 5" T 9 D.Vand ver, Kii.T-ine TmH Mal.l 43214 Empire lm70y 30 112 G 7 6 7 6 6 2 T Davits 8 Until, Hauberk Grwn Go Id 42351 Pimlico 1 l:40fast 17 102 G 6 6 5 4 41 AV Obert 0 Kilts II Waukea N K PmI 42167 H.deGce 11-16 l:4Sfast C 110 2 2 2 2 3 551 J Dreyer 10 Polroma, Bill . HunleyV Thrift ICOH-I-NOOR. blk, m, 6 105 By Dr. leggo Priceless Jewel E. Arlington 4:759 Aqduct 1 1:39 fast S 103 1 3 2 6 6 7 L McAtee 9 Whimsy, Chasseur Tenons Bon 43723 Belmont 1 l:40fast 4 1111 2 2 2 2 23 2 T Rice 10 Pictor. F.theGreat IDckorvnut 4223G Pimlico 1 1-10 l:47fast 5 106 1 1 1 1 41 4" M Rowan 5 Amalette. L. I Ierbert K Herod 42218 Pimlico 3-4 1:14 fast 45 115 9 10 11 111 10"1 M Rowan 13 O.theWay Dot Vandiver" hiie . 42152 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 8 10S 3 2 2 21 2 G Walls 5 J. Lea v. Flittergo 1,1 Etrusc u, 11970 Oaklwn 1 1-16 1:49 mud 15 107 3 1 1 2 G 6lB M Rowan 0 Har.King, S.ofPleasure Ohol s 41917 Oaklwn lm70y l:44fast 7 104 5 2 1 1 C 5SJ M Rowan 5 UnderFire, Drastic. Slip Elm FREDERICK THE GREAT, b. c. 4 103 By Fitz Herbert Miss Malaprop F. Houseman 43723 Belmont 1 l:40fa!-t 11-20 107 5 4 4 3 3 3 C KummerlO Pictor, Koh-i-Xcor IlicKnut 43679 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45fast S 114 3 2 3 3 4 4" C Kummer 0 Doleful, Snapdragon li I sfsiii 43086 Aqduct 11-16 1:47 fast 4 114 6 4 2 6 8 S3 L Fator 9 Ticket, Kilts II Dad Vs Choice 42S92 Jamaica 11-16 l:47fast 7-5 111 5 1 1 1 1 lj L Fator 12 N. K. Beal. King John Sasln 12342 Jamaica 1 1-16 1 :47fast 16-5 100 5 1 1 2 8 S3 L Fator 9 Damrosch. Kilts II. Rose dOr 42511 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:47fast 7-5 106 2 1 1 1 l3 1 L Fator 8 Holster, Paddy Whack Hubbub 42675 Belmont 61 f 1:18 fast 10 100 6 3 5 6 610 J Stapletn 0 Abadane. ArnihGoOn Wo odt" 11621 Jefson 1 1:40 fast 4 106 5 3 4 4 4" 41 W Crump 0 War Mask. Buford Fra kiln 41527 F.Gnds 1 l:39fast 8-5 109 3 1 3 5 4 4 H Ericksn 5 Buford. Bolster. Reveler I127G F.Gnds 1 1-16 1:48 fast 11-5 100 1 2 2 1 1 1 C Robson 5 S. of Pleasure. Buford. Hanovia GOALER, br. c, 3 104 By Duke Michael Gallow3 Hill M. J. Miles. 43705 Belmont 1 l:39fast 6 112 2 4 3 3 2 2i T Rice S Sundial II., F. Waters TlieCock 43139 Aqduct 1 l:40?kgood 6 111 4 5 6 4 11 23 J Butwell 10 Comme Ci. Gath, Court Gallant 430S5 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:40fast 7 109 4 2 3 3 2! 2nt T Rice 10 Ilarwood II., M.Rosell K John 42856 Jamaica lm70yl:47fast 8-5 115 1 2 3 7 33 11 T Rice 7 Wilfreda, S.LightlH. "in snri mr 42752 Belmont 1 l:43niud 11-5 115 5 4 5 2 2l 21 T Rice 9 Caddie, Wilfreda S LiSiit III 42623 Belmont 7-8 l:26fast 8 101 11 10 6 61 4s J Stapletnll Dendera. Wilfreda Musito 42410 Jamaica 3-4 l:14fast 13-10 106 3 3 3 21 23 R McCrnn 7 Hohokus. Ph ntare ie JliHce 40206 Empire 61 f l:06fast 20 114 11 9 3 8 CJ T Rice 13 Drummond. War Cry! Diff F.yes MISS KRUTER, b. m, 8 101 By Transvaal Lillie Kruter A. Goodin. 4?II? duct 3-4 1:13fast 16-5 110 1 4 4 2 2n C KummerW War Spirit; Hohokus Peasant 43703 BeJmont 61 f lOfcfast y-5 107 2 3 3 33 2"k C Kummer 7 Alvord. U. Lassie, T.F.McAIahon 43GS1 Belmont 1 l:40fast 12 103 2 1 1 1 1 2n L Fator 0 M. Belie, Miss Bryn, D VamUver 4356S Saratoga 3-4 l:13slow S 107 1 2 2 2 2 L Fator 10 Val.West, Elected II N Knoehr 435G0 Saratoga 1 l:41good 13-5 106 1 2 2 1 1 21 C Kummer 9 Rockport, tSarter. Dimitri ariltoa 3-4 l:llmud 8 102 5 7 S 10 10a R McCrnnl2 TheDesert. Backliav, B.IIensley 43313 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 20 107 2 3 C 0 53 C KummerlO Ballymooney, A.Gooli. Sam Reli GLEIPNER, b. g, 6 ,. . 108 By Giganteum Nil Desperandum J. J. Murphy. gemont 1 l:good 12-5 113 5 4 4 3 2 31 E Sando 5 Lucius. Capt. Hodge, Dr. Itae i? gem.nt 61 f 1:23 mud 9-5 115 4 5 5 31 21 T Nolan 7 F. Waters, Wawbeek, Ap.Wiske i Saratoga 1 l:40good 18-5 107 4 4 3 2 2 2b T Nolan 7 Wise Man, Capt.IIodge, Arravan aratOEa 1 l:mud 8 110 4 3 4 4 5 5" T Nolan 10 Poacher. Capt. Hodge, Starter Saratoga 1 1-S l:55slow 16-5 111 5 2 1 1 1 2 T Nolan 7 Kilkenny. Capt.Uodge. S.inTime 4334o Saratoga 1 1-S l:51fast 10 10S 11 G 6 6 63 6"! T Nolan 12 Benevolent, Q. of the Sea Ivry 43296 Saratoga 1 l:42slow 7 111 6 4 5 3 21 23 T Nolan 10 Kilkenny. Bob Hensley. Lottery 43249 Empire lm70y l:44fast 12 110 4 3 2 3 3 3 J Pitz. 8 Hbbub, D.Wliams, S.LightlH. ORDERLY, b. g, 6 111 Bv Broomstick Sweepaway J. Byer. 12"!luct 11:30 fast 40 H3 5 9 9 9 9 9 G W Carl 9 Whimsy, Chasseur, Tenons Bon 42C ?; niont 1 l:40fast 31 114 3 3 3 3 3 3 G "W Carl 4 Doleful. T.F.McMahon. L. Ward 43137 Aq duct 1 5-10 2:15good 10 109 1 1 1 l nj 2 J Wessler 9 Sasin, PoorButterlly, G.M Miller 43115 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 12 106 4 3 4 4 31 4" G W Carl 0 Ivry. King John, Q. of the Sea 4S0S4 Aqduct 61 f l:18fast 15 115 7 7 7 8s 8 G W CarHO Hsemaid. T.a-Ling, T.F.MMn 429;3 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 115 5 4 5 5 41 5 G W Carl 8 Ballast. Ting-a-Ling. Ivry . 12895 Jamaica lm70yl:44fast 10 107 2 1 1 l lj 4 G W CarHO Nightstick. Gath. Dad.s Choice HOPE. br. f. 4 105 3y Bryn Mawr Lintila M. Jones. 4349o Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 40 101 5 5 12 14 14 143 H Hamtn 11 Mary Belle, Dimitri. WaterWar 41C02 Jefson lm70y l:47good 12 107 5 5 5 7 9s 9 C Miller 10 Pluviada, S.Gatewood. Margery 415S2 Jefson 11-10 1:58 mud 5 105 3 3 6 5 5s G C Miller 7 Capt. Hodge. Plurenzi, Espano 4l5oo Jefson 1 1-16 l:54hvy 20 103 6 6 6 6 6 6" C Miller 0 DonDodge. B.Hampson, Rpgroso 41165 F.Gnds lm70y l:47slow 30 105 9 9 11 10 91 95 C Miller 11 Dioscoride, Lottery. Lib. Sands 41053 F.Gnds lm70y l:46good 15 104 8 8 8 8 8 S C Miller 8 Emanale. B. Fellow, B.McDwell 40778 Jefson 1 l:46good 5 107 7 4 5 3 1 1 M Buxton S Dervish. S.Brldge, Dr.Campbell KILKENNY, ch. g, 5 115 By Celt Fairy Sprite S. Judge. 43126 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:llslov 4 117 2 0 Pulled up. T Rowan 7 Ivry, Romeo, Queen of the Sea 433S8 Saratoga 1 1-S l:55sIow 41 117 1 5 4 2 21 1 T Rowan 7 Gleipner, Capt.IIodge, S.inTime 43345 Saratoga 1 1-8 l:51fast 12 111 8 9 7 7 71 8 T Rowan 12 Benevolent, Q. or the Sea, Ivry 4329G Saratoga 1 l:42slow 8 110 7 6 0 4 53 lj S Boyle 10 Gleipner. Bob Hensley. Lottery 43048 Latonla 1 1-2 2:32fast 41 10S 6 1 1 1 4 12" W Moore 32 Quito, Sandman II., Brynlimah 13012 Latonia 1 1-IG l:46fast 9 109 10 0 5 4 lb 1 S Boyle 12 Jackstraw, M. Maker. HulTaker 12S77 Latonia 1 1-8 l:52fast 61 109 3 6 6 3 3and 6J C Brown 12 Kxhorter, Kingfisher, Lucky R. 127SO Latonla 1 1-16 l:4Gandfast 48 10G 6 4 4 4 4 351 G Stack 12 This.Green, Dr.Samuel, Paula V. SASIN b. h, 6 111 Bv The Picket Queen 0. Buxton. 4S759 Aqduct 1 1:39 fast S 113 7 7 0 5 4 5" M Buxton 9 Whimsy, Chasseur, Tenons Bon 4S679 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45fast 13-10 107 5 G 5 3 3X M Buxton 0 Doleful, Sdragonll., F.theGreat 4355S Saratoga 1 l:39go?d 3 108 2 2 2 2 2 2n M Buxton 3 Thistledon, African Arrow 43476 Saratoga 1 l:39good 20 1101 4 4 4 4 4 3 M Buxton 4 Slipp. Elm. Warsaw, Frogtown 13137 Aqduct 1 6-16 2:15good 1S-5 101 9 9 G 3 2 1 S Wlda 9 Orderly. P.Butterlly. G.M.Miller 430SS Aqduct 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 115 5 9 9 9 93 7J J Metcalf 1C Johnl.Day. Sunnyllill. Millraee 42992 Auduct 1 l:39fast 3 113 9 9 8. 8 8 813 J Metcalf .10 Warsaw, Ivry, Lucius PADDY DEAR. ch. g, 6 111 By Celt Wyola W. C. Clancy. 43151 Empire 1 1-1G l:4SVfast S 117 1 3 3 G G5 Ct0 W Kelsay 15 Mount. Rose II., Lucius, Zinnia 430SS Aqduct 1 1-1G l:4Gandfast 15 113 S 4 C 4 5 J Loftun 10 .lohnl.Day, Simnyllill. Millrace 42040 Aqduct 1 1-HI l-AVandtnst 10 117 lu 10 11 11 11 11" W .1 OBnll JIarv ISelie, .lack .Mount, Lucius 42S34 Jamaica lm70yl:43fast 12 ltj 3 y 10 J 91 V 3 WllliamslO Dluivolent, O.Nepliew, AlbertA. 42795 Jamaica lm70yl:44fa3t 10 103 4 C 7 9 7 811 L Fator 12 Kilts II., Zenith, Our Nephew 42425 Jamaica 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 1C-5 11G 1 3 2 2 3l 4T1 W J OBn 5 Orderly, Bar of Phoenix, Zinnia 42414 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 1-3 113 12 2 1 1 14 W J OBn 3 Ivry, Jack Mount BTTNNINGDALE., b. c, 3 101 By Ormondalo Bouncer F. D. Weir. 4373i; Belmont 3-4 l:13f,fast CO 100?. 7 7 7 75 r3 J McCabo 8 A.GoOn, T.P.McMalion, Vacuo 42520 Belmont Gi f l:19fast 30 107 15 14 11 ll2 1018 J Dreyer 10 Tarascon, AlbertA., GoldenKing 42440 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:49slop 20 100J 6 G G 3 3s 3 J Dreyer 0 P.ISutterflr. J.ofArc. Ilntarede 423SI Jamaica lm70yl:43fast 20 10S 9 11 11 9 81 711 J Dreyer 11 Favour, Millrace, Mary Belle 42295 Pimlico 1 l:45hvy 98 10G 8 8 5 9 7 758 J Dreyer 9 Comme Ci, J. of Arc, F. Shannon 41S03 Havana 3-4 1:14 good 10 10SJ 6 6 G G B A Finley 8 Sen.James, F.Embrv. Mnsanese 41758 Havana 3-4 l:llfast S 110 9 10 10 10 10 H Thurberll Iron Boy, Duke Ruff, "Wey. Girl DR. RAE, b. g, 3 96 By Sea King Stake and Cap "W. Stockton. 43723 Belmont 1 l:40Msfast 15 93 9 6 5 4 4J Cci H Swart 10 Pictor. Koh-i-Noor, F.tlieGreat 43GG3 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 5 9G 5 G G C 7 4" H Swart 7 Mary Belle. Pictor, Graphic 43G23 Belmont 1 l:42good 20 98 2 2 3 4 5 48i H Swart 5 Lucius, Capt. IIodRe, Gleipner 43587 Belmont GJ f 1:23 mud 10 100 7 7 7 7 73 II Swart 7 F. "Waters, Gleipner, Wawbeek 42892 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:47M;iast 20 93 Left at the post. J Stapletnl2 F.tlieGreat, N.K.Beal, Klne-lolm 42189 Pimlico 3-4 1:15 slop 8 113 1 6 6 65 518 C Mergler 10 T. Desert. Ballyconnell, Sylvano DRAGON ROCK. br. g, 4 108 By Trap Rock Consuelo II. T. J. Carroll. 43G91 Aqduct 1 1-S 1:53 fast 15 101 C 7 5 7 7l 7 S Wida 10 L. Herbert, P.Butterlly, M.Bryn 43044 Aqduct 1 l:39fast 15 113 3 3 4 3 S1 S8 R McCrnnlS Tantalus. John 1. Day. Goldvale 42S79 Jamaica lm70yl :45f ast 30 10G 8 8 S 7 "t- S3 Q Preece 10 Ivry. Sol.deVenlun. T.Rousseau 42S41 Jamaica 1 1-1G l:4Sfast 20 10G 9 9 8 7 9J 715 J StapletnlO Q. of the Sea, Zenith, Kins John 4JSS5 Havana lm50y 1:42 fast 9-5 111 G 1 2 3 35 43J K Hileman 7 Fritz Ernst. P. to Point, Artist 41715 Havana lm50y l:42fast 12 104 1 1 1 1 Is lJ C Howard 8 Clark M., Kingfisher, Corydou 41G1G Havana 1 l:40andfast 6 103 7 5 4 5 Gs2 C Howard S Phedodcn, Circulate. Anlace ROCKPORT, ch. c. 6 111 By Trap Rock Retained II. W. O. Daly. 43723 Belmont 1 l:40Vbfast 20 10S C 7 S S 71 711 J Frach 10 Pictor, Koh-i-Xoor. F.tlieGreat 43G44 Belmont 1 l:41?5fast 15 104 4 4 4 4 3J 3 T Rowan 4 Happy Valley, Whimsy, Iiabette 435G0 Saratoga 1 l:41Rood 50 10G 7 8 G 5 4l li S Boyle ! Miss Kruter, Starter, Dimitri 43495 Saratoga 1 l:3Sifa?t 100 10G 9 10 S 11 ll1 8U S Boyld 14 Marv Belle, Dimitri, WatcrWar 4323T. Empire 1 1-1G 1 :47y3fast GO 109 7 8 8 S 8 8 A Collins 8 Conduit, Ellison. Hubbub 43137 Aqduct 1 5-1G 2:15,gaod 100 103 G 5 6 5 7l S:i A Collins 9 Sasin, Orderly, Poor Butterfly 43091 Aqduct 1 1-S 1:53 fast Co 10110 10 10 10 10 10" J StaptonlO L. Herbert, P.Butterfly, M.Bryn MACKENZIE, ch. g. 4 113 By Meelick Gay and Festive M. Williams. 43775 Aqduct 3-4 l:13fast 30 112 7 5 S S1 C5J Q Preece 14 WarSpirit, MissKruter, Hohokus 435CS Saratoga 3-1 l:13slow 20 11G S 10 9 8 718 L Lyke 10 Val.West, M. Kruter, Electedll. 427G9 Clksbg Ab5-S 58fast 119 1 J Connors 7 Marg.Ellen, Bunice. StillyNight 42G97 Clksbg Ab5-8 5Sfast 118 S J Connors 7 Blanchita. HazelDale. P.Bonero 42G51 Hagers. Ab5-8 59y5fast 120 IJ J Connors 9 Juanita III., Hazelnut, L. Pearl 42G3G Hagers. Ab7-S 1:22 fast 110 E Francis 10 Koran, General. Leoma 42561 Bait. Ab 7-8 llandmud 115 52 W Hinphy 5 S.Emblem. F.Shannon, Lazy Lou 421G4 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 45 105 14 14 14 14 14" J Dreyer 14. Thorn Bloom. Peasant, T.forTat SALVATELLE. b. f. 4 100 By Malamont Sal Volatile D. Raymond. 4375G Aqduct 1 l:40Vfast 30 113 2 1 2 3 3l 312 T Rice 7 Gex. P. G. King, Wilfreda 434G1 Saratoga 1 l:40good 25 100 3 3 5 5 51 G1C H Hamtn 7 AViseMan, Gleipner. Capt.FIodee 433G0 Saratoga 1 l:3Siifast 20 105 11 8 8 9 9l SJ R Romlli 14 Clara Martin, Dimitri. Alvdrd 431GG Empire Ab3-4 l:13Vfegood 20 110 5 3 7 95 53 A Tryon 10 Resist, IVyeonnell, J.P.Murphy 43027 Aqduct GJ f lOVfefast 30 100 15 13 13 13 13 S "Wida IS Valerie West, Trophy. Marinite 429GG Aqduct 1 1-16 l:48slow 50 91 1 1 1 2 7i 12 8 S Wida 13 Ticket, Sasin, N. K. Beat 42853 Jamaica 3-4 l:13andfast 20 111 3 5 6 6 7" T Rice 7 Electedll., KingHcrod, Marmite HICKORYNUT. b. m. 6 105 By Hessian Lychee Nut W. Cahill. 43777 Aqduct 1 l:3Jfast 30 107 4 a 5 5 5 515 J Callahan 5 MaryBelle. Graphic, D.Vandiver 43723 Belmont 1 l:403fast 30 100 4 5 0 5 5 l 4J J CallahanlO Pictor, Koh-i-Noor, F.tlieGreat 43GG3 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 40 10S 7 7 7 7 Gl G52 L Fator 7 Mary Belle. Pictor, Graphic 43C08 Belmont 1 l:12mud 30 10SJ 2 4 4 5 5 5 A Johnson r John I. Day, Lucius, Graphic 435G4 Saratoga 11:39 fast 40 107 3 5 5 5 G Gl: H Hamtn J Sedan, Harry Breivogel. Dorcas 43514 Saratoga 1 l:S9good 50 106 1 9 9 9 9 9" II Hamtn 9 Sun. Hill. S.W.Snson, Wat.War 43151 Empire 1 1-1G l:48Vsfast 30 110 8 5 10 11 10JIO18 A Johnsonl.T Mount. Rose II., Lucius. Zinnia 42785 Belmont 1 1-S l:53Mifast 30 102 2 5 5 4 4 45i H Hamtn 5 D.Choice, Benevolent, P.Btertly 42713 Belmont 1 l:39fast 40 104 5 6 4 6 51 ols H Hamtn 7 Poacher. St. in Time. Com. Law DOTTAS BEST, br. g. 3 104 B7 Setback La Dotta North Shore Stable. 43779 Aqduct 1 5-1G 2:16ifast 10 103 3 1 1 4 3 4 II Myers 4 J.I.Day, Moiionioy,- "apt. Ilodgu 43705 Belmont 1 l:39fast 30 100 7 8 8 7 73 711 G Apel 8 Sundial II., Coaler, F. Waters 434G0 Saratoga 1 l:41good 7 107 1 2 2 3 2l 1J II Myers . 5 P. G. King, Courcelles, Musket 433G0 Saratoga 1 l:3Stifast 23 93 10 9 9 10 10 9Ji A Richcrkl l Clara Martin, Dimitri, Alvord 43249 Empire lm70y l:44fast 12 94 2 1 1 5 G 6Di F Cltiletti 8 Hubbub, D. Williams, Gleipner 43209 Empire lm70y l:4Ggood 50 102 4 2 2 1 3 3 F Cltiletti 9 Millrace, Piedra. Alvord 41597 Jefson lm20y l:4Gslow 30 105 7 7 G 5 51 5 II Cassity S Pluviada, Wat.Willow, Plurenzi 40912 F.Gnds 1 l:17hvy 20 100 9 3 3 4 5l 8- H Wakoff 9 Silv. Ligiit, Antoinette. Astraea THE COCK, ch. h, 6 106 By Foussin Mare by "Volodyvoski Wise Saw M. Shea. 437C3 Belmont 1 l:39fast 0 10S G G G 5 5 4SJ A Johnson S Sundial II., Goaler, F. Waters 43475 Saratoga 1 1:40 good 30 11S 7 7 S 7 7s 7:i A Johnson 8 f.Sweepcr. ClenCone, Sen. Crow 39617 Belmont 1 l:40fast 10 112 G 4 3 3 b- 41 C Fbther 12 Valerius, Piedra, Grouse 31238 Sartoga 1 3-16 2:05slop 40 113 7 7 7 7 8 S5 W J OBn 8 N.K.Beal. L.Ncarer. Hanvoodll. 3920S Saratoga 1 1-S l:53Vf,fast 7 111 0 5 6 6 G G T Parton ! S.Rock. M.Hiniann, Col.Mmont 39172 Empire 1 l:40Vandfast 6 115 9 7 7 7 71 7 M Buxton 9 Daytoria. Valerius. Star Class 3S852 Aqduct 7-8 l:2Gfast 10 109 7 8 8 8 815 A Collins 9 KingWorth, Crmpsall, WiscMan BAR ONE, b. g, 4 108 By Radium Badoura II. H. Roseacher. 422S7 Pimlico 1 lMlmud 10 ICS 11 11 S 10 Sl o,u L Fator 13 J. of Arc, S. de Verdun. Sylvano 4213G ILdeGco 1 1-10 l:47M;fast 23-5 104 6 7 7 7 4J 21 A Richcrk 9 Crumpsall. Refugee, Polroma 42111 H.deGce lm70yl:49hvy 9 110 3 6 5 5 5i W RoVsn S Sibola, Zinnia, Simon Pure 42093 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 21-5 110 S 1 3 43 3 W" RobnlO O.Nepliew, LeotiFay, M.Conncll 42008 H.deGce 51 f l:09:fcslow 11 114 1 6 4 4 2n W Robsn 8 Crumpsall, Peasant. Sea Israeli 40554 Bowie 11-16 1:54 slow 15 103 S 5 5 4 2J 2 W Robsnll Virg.Yell, W.Bedotte. M.Fauuie THIRD RACE 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Handicap. July 1. 1916 1:30 8 114. THUNDERCLAP, blk. g, 3 126 By Vulcain Bandana S. C. Hildreth. 43590 Belmont 1 l:39mud 2 117 2 2 2 2 lh l1 L Fator ii Over There, Tetley, Athlone 43563 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:05 fast G-5 126 4 4 4 4 3J l1 C Kbther 4 Thunderstorm, Athlone, Tetley 43510 Saratoga 1 1-S l:52mud 13-10 107 1 2 2 1 li ll L McAtec 3 Spur, Fairy Wand 43400 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:02fast 12 115 6 4 4 4i 3lu C Fbther Hannibal, W. Pennant, W. Zone 43358 Saratoga 1 1:37 fast 7 114 6 4 5 4 41 31 C Fbther 9 Hannibal, W.Pennant. Chasseur 43293 Saratoga 1 l:42i;slow 41 117 5 4 3 1 l5 1 C Fbther 7 C.Gone, Audacious, Tnderstonn WAR KISS, b. f, 3 108 By Star Shoot Sweet Marjoram A. K. Macomber. 43712 Belmont 1 l:39slow 31 103 1 2 2 2 11 l1 T Rowan "1 R. dOr, Herodias, B. Dancer II. 43162 Saratoga 3-4 l:12good 6 1021 4 5 5 G 4"! D Sande 5 Ormonda, Fairy Wand, Ch.Swift 43397 Saratoga 3-4 1:12 last 5 110 o 1 1 l1 1 C Kummer 9 Joyful, Fill II., Merry Princess 43293 Saratoga 1 l:42slow 15 107 2 2 1 4 41 55 C Kummer 7 Thunderclap, C.Gone, Audacious 42G73 Belmont 1 l:39H;iast y-10 1141 1 3 2 4 3Jt 25 W Knapp 4 B.Dccrll., Hrodias, Mchcsall. 425S1 Belmont 3-4 st l:14faat 5 10b 3 2 2 31 21 M Buxton 0 Duchess Lace, Ophelia. Athlone 40187 Empire 51 f 1:00 fast 8 112 7 G G 7 714 M Buxton 7 Ophelia, Polygon, Herodias BRIDESMAN, b. c, 3 103 By Lonowand Fleur dOrange Wm, Martin. 43G12 Belmont 1 lMOVifast 5 100 2 11 1 l1 11 J Callahan 4 Qtionaaire, C. Swper, Kashmir 43535 Saratoga 3-4 l:13fast 15 115 11 10 10 9l 7 T Rice 12 Joyful, WarDrive, C. o theMain 43475 Saratoga 1 1:40 good 10 112 1 5 3 6 6l 631 J Callahan S C.Sweeper, ClenGone, Sen.Crow 43347 Saratoga 1 l:37M;fast 8 112 0 8 8 9 6l 6Ti J CallahanlO War Rocket, C.Gone, C.Sweeper 43031 Aqduct 11:38 fast 10 105 6 6 G 5 41 45i J Callahan 0 Fell Swoop, Canso, King Plaudit 42923 Aqduct 61 f l:lSfast 15 9S 4 5 5 5 5,u J Callanan 5 Old Koenig, llollister, Rodgers 426S9 Belmont 1 l:41fast G-5 112 1 5 5 3 2lJ l3 J Callahanl2 Doleful, War Rocket, Rhajes HERODIAS, gr. f, 3 105 By The Tetrarch Honora W. R. Coe. 43712 Belmont 1 l:39slov 31 loa 2 11 1 3s 3 L McAtee 5 WarKiss, R. dOr, P.. Dancer II. 43557 Saratoga 3-4 lUagood 4 116 2 1 3 32 414 C Fbther 5 Fairy Wand, Ormonda, Terentia 43374 Saratoga 1 l:42mud 9-5 114 2 1 1 3 4 4S0 C Fbther 4 Rose dOr, Ormonda, Tereutia 432SS Saratoga 3-4 l:14M;mud 7 113 1 1 1 Is 1 L McAtee 4 Fruitcake, Look.Up, M. Princess 43134 Aqduct 1 1:42 slop 8-5 10S 2 1 1 1 l1 1 L McAtee 4 B.DancerlL, Ph.Maid, Cromwell 43015 Aqduct 1 l:S8fast 10 106 2 1 1 1 l4 l4 L McAtee S Ph. Maid. B. Dancer II.. D.Lace 42673 Belmont 1 l:39fast 10 109 2 1 1 1 21 3s L McAtee 4 B.DuccrlL, W.Kiss. Mchesall. BLAIRGOWRIE, ch. c, 3 100 By Knight of tho Thistle Belle of Fcq.uest R. H. McC. Potter. 43707 Belmont 1 l:3SVfast 13 10G C G G 5 41 3" K Ambrse i Adacious, Qstionuaire, Ticklish 43358 Saratoga 1 1:37 fast 4 15 5 5 C C 5: 611 E Ambrse 9 Hnnibal, W.Pnuant, Tdcrclap 469 Saratoga 1 l:3Gfaat 20 95 3 5 5 5 4 411 A Richcrk 5 Valor, Leocliares, Enfilade 43185 Empire Ab 3-4 l:llmud 18-5 103 2 3 3 3 U 31 L Fator l Ticklish. Younecd, War Spirit 43087 Aqduct 1 1:39 fast 16-5 108 3 3 4 4 l3 Is E Ambrse 5 N. Bridge, Duch.Lace, Chasseur 428S1 Jamaica 1 l:3Sfast 20 97 4 4 4 4 4 41 H Erieksn 4 Purchase, Eternal, Ophelia WAR ROCKET, ch. c, 3 102 By Uncle Princess Orna W. T. Wilkinson. 43701 Belmont 1 1:41 fast 9-20 111 2 3 3 3 3s SI J Butwell 4 Stepson, Sweepinent. Sanberia 4:.680 Belmont 1 l:3Giifast 25 100 G 7 7 7 7 6 H Swart 7 Audacious, Valor, llollister 43475 Saratoga 1 1:40 good 1 112 5 3 5 4 5?. 4:3 C Robson S C.Sweeper, CleanGone, Sen,Crow 43400 Saratoga 1 1-4 2:02,fast 12 115 4 3 3 3 31 512 C Robson Hannibal, W.Pnnant, Tderclap 43347 Saratoga 1 l:37fnat 0 105 5 4 3 3 ll l4 C RobsonlO C. Gone. C. Sweeper, Htontrope 43277 Saratoga 1 l:37y5fast 10 115 G 5 5 4 44 313 J Eutwell 1.". Huttontrope, Vexatious. Forfar 42934 Aqduct 1 l:40fast 8 112 4 8 9 8 7 G C Merg-ler 13 TheY.Cavalier, L.Star, Sonjerled CHASSEUR, b. c, 3 95 By Light Brigade Panne Kentucky Stable. 43739 Aqduct 1 1:39 fast 21 101 2 5 3. 2 2 2 .1 Callahan . Whimsy, Tenon Bon, Grundy 43726 Belmont 3-4 st l:13fast 15 101 1 4 5 52 52 J CallahanlO JockScot. MadHatter. Elf.Quecn 4S511 Saratoga 1 l:40 11-20 11G1 111 2 in 2 W Knapp " Athlone, Joyful, Mormon Elder 4335S Saratoga 1 1:37 fast 25 104 2 6 7 5 6 4s L Fator 9 Hnnibal. W.Pnnant, Tderclap 430S7 Aqduct 11:39 fast 7 108 1 1 1 2 5 4 L Fator r Blairgowrie, N. Bridge, D. Lace 43042 Aqduct 3-4 l:llfast 4 105 2 7 5 6s 5 L Fator 7 Lead. Star, My Friend, Rodgers 43004 Aqduct 1 l:37andfast 20 98 3 3 5 6 5 518 L Fator .r llollister. LErrant. Qtionnaire LEADING STAR, b. c. 3 100 By Sweep Star of Runnymede J. Fitzsimmons. 42G27 Belmont 3-4 l:ll,Sgood 8 110 4 4 5 4 321 T Rice 7 WarMarvel, WarDrive, L.sLove 420112 Aqduct 7-8 l:24fast 10 9S 2 2 2 2 3 J Callahan : Naturalist. War Cloud, 420S7 Aqduct 1 1:39 fast 11-5 117 2 2 2 1 4l 5 G Walls u Bgowric, Nat.Bridge, Duch.Lace 43042 Aqduct 3-4 l:llfast 8 114 4 2 2 3l ll G "Walls 7 .My Friend, Rodgers, Ticklish 43O0G Aqduct 3-4 l:13,fcfast 21 115 2 11 Is 1" T Rice ir. Diff.Eycs. Jeweler. Pr. of India 42331 Aqduct 1 l:104fast 12 112 1 1 1 1 U 2 T Rice 13 T.Y.Cavalier, Smerled, Twiford FOURTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Babylon Handicap. 2-ycar-olds. July G, 19161:112110. NEDDAM, b. c. 2 119 By Ormondale Miss Kearney W. Booth. 43659 Belmont 5If st l:05ofast 9-10 112 1 11 l3 l3 W Kelsay S Padriac. Royal Duck, Armistice 4:5.111 Saratoga 5-S 59-sgood b 110 1 1112 l3 AV Kelsay 10 Violet Tip, Kallipolis, Roy.Daci 42931 Aqduct 6-8 l:01fast 2 110 3 111 ll T Nolan 5 Anzac, My Laddie, Sand Bed 42S44 Jamaica 5-S l:01Vsfast 4-5 120 1 6 4 41 42J M Buxton 9 Ira Wilson, Romany. Grayssian 427S6 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 4 115 1 1 1 Is 1 M Buxton 5 Tattle. D. of the Valley, Blazes 42714 Belmont 5-S st 59 fast 20 115 C 4 4 3 381 M Buxton 7 Man o War. Retrieve. DevilDog PILGRIM, b. g, 2 112 By Garry Herrmann Zoola J. E. Widener. 4727 Belmont 5.f st l:09yofast 9-10 IIS 1 2 1 li 1 C Fbther I! Evergay. Krewer, End Man 4SC91 Belmont 5-8 st 5Sfast 2 105 3 3 3 33 1 E Ambrse 7 Tliclnia E.. M.Dancir, Ro.v.Duck 43043 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll4,bfast 7 110 3 2 1 2" 21 E Sande S Johnl.Grier, Rouleau, Serv.Star 4579 IJclmont 51fstl:0j" fast 5 115 2 4 5 42 4h E Sande 7 Dav.Harum, SeaMint. Simpleton 43425 Saratoga 3-4 l:14s!ow 12 104 3 G 6 63 7" P Musgve S Blazes, Cleopatra, Kinnoul 433S4 Saratoga 51 f l:0Sy3slow 2 107 5 4 4 31 3 C Kummer C Shoot On, Kallipolis, Manana DR. CLARK, ch. c, 2 119 By Broomstick Fanasine H. F. Whitney. Formerly ran as Sammy. 43737 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast G 122 5 9 9 S4 S2 A JohnsonlO M.oWar. J.I.Grier. Dominique 4370G Belmont 3-4 st l:ll.f,fast 7 111 " 3 4 1A 11 T Rico Cleopatra, Capt.AUock. W.t ake 43661 Belmont 7-S st l:24ifefast 1 101 2 2 2 41 3" E Ambrse Cleopatra, Upset, David Harum 43570 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 slow 8 115 1 3 4 I- C" E Ambrse 8 M.oWar, Cleopatra, Constancy 43553 Saratoga 3-4 l:124,fast 5 115 2 4 6 4 33i W Knapp 8 Grayssian, Kinnoul, RoundRobin 43376 Saratoga 5-8 1 :014fcniud 7-5 1 3 2 C G G" C Kummer 9 B.Wrack, IraWilson, Plmn.Kair 43233 Sartoga 51 f l:0filfcfast G-5 115 G 5l 4 41 41 W Knapp 19 Evergay. MaskedDancor, Blazes 42607 Belmont 5-8 st 53fast 7-5 112 10 CCD 581 E AmbrsolO Bonnie Mary. On Watch, Upset PADRIAC. ch. c, 2 107 By Bolloc Anna Patricia J. MacManus. 437G3 Aqduct 3-4 4 109A 1 2 2 2 2 T Rice llWildair, Homely.. Gloria France 4370S Belmont 5f st l:03fast 7 122 2 2 1 l1 21 T Rice 5 John P. Grier, Genua, Fair Cain 43659 Belmont G?f st l:05,fast G 105 4 3 3 31 2s E Ambrse S Neddam, Royal Duck, Armistice 43573 Saratoga 5l. f l:07iislow 1 115 1 1 1 Is l4 E Ambrse RndRobin, Doub.Eye, TeaRoom 43561 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 good 6 115 2 2 2 lh 31 T Rice 12 P. Pennant, J.P.Grier. Serv.Star 4344S Saratoga 5-Sl:0mmud 5 115 1 3 3 3s 3 T Rice 9 The Trout, P.Pennant, D.llarnm 43359 Saratoga 51 f l:0Sslow 4 113 11 5 4 7 S8J T Rice 13 End Man, StarCourt, P.Pennant DAVID HARUM, b. c, 2 109 By Star Shoot Pantomime W. R. Coe. 43061 Belmont 7 8 Ht l:24isfast C-R 110 5 2 5 4"i C Fbther Cleopatra. Upset. Dr. Clark 4:,u7H Belmont andlfstl:06 fact E 115 7 6 t 2 1" L McAtee 7 Sea Mint. Simpleton, Pilgrim 4333 Ktir;itoga 3 4 l:124bfast 8 105 G C 7 8 51 1. McAteo 8 Grayssian, Kinnoul, Sammy 4344S Saratoga 5-S 1 :0lVimud 13-10 113 4 o G 4l 41 L McAtee 9 TheTroiit, PVilVnuant. Padriac- 43409 Saratoga 5. f l:0uy3mtld 8 10S G C 5 34 2J L McAtee 11 Sandy Ileal, Evergay, Ireland 4331S Saratoga l:05J6fast E 103 8 C 6 7 7M L M-cVtee 12 Blazes, Saudy Deal, Grayssian KREWER, b. c, 2 105 By Aldford Keadean II. -J. J. OToolo. 43757 Aqduct 5-8 l:00,f,fast 9-3 107 2 1 1 l2 l2 G W Oarl 9 End Man, Sugannint. Simpleton 43727 Belmont 51f st l:09landfast 41 10S 4 4 4 3i 33 G W Carl 0 Pilgrim, Evergay. End Man 43G94 Belmont 3-8 st 58fast 20 110 1 G 5 5 5s G W Carl 7 Pilgrim. Thelma E., Mask.Dancer 43236 Empire 51 f l:03fast 9-5 105 5 4 4 43 210 A Collins 7 Gloria France. Super, Allivan 43215 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 12 113 1 4 4 33 32 A Schugr 4 Miss Jemima, Feodor, Carmandle 4319S Empire 51 f mo-andhvy 12 100 3 2 2 22 2 G Vv" Carl r Carmandale, Lovely, Hnckamore 43150 Empire 51 f l:07;fast 18-5 109 2 11 42 51 T Nolan 5 Shoal. Romany, Lukes Pet CAPTAIN ALCOCK, ch c. 2 108 By Ogdon Mallard J. E. Madden. 43737 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 30 119 10 10 10 10 98 1, Ensor 10 M.oWar. J.P.Grier, Dominique 4370G Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 10 110 4 4 5 4. 32i W Kelsay Dr. Clark, Cleopatra, Wed. Cake 43661 Belmont 7-S st l:24fast 8 110 1 11 3"" G3 W Kelsay ! Cleopatra, Upset. Dr. Clark 43570 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 slow 13 115 3 8 8 8 8" P Musgvo 8 M.oWar, Cleopatra, Constancy 43512 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 mud 6 103 4 4 1 l2 l2 C Robson 4 Grayssian, Wildair, Mark West 43425 Saratoga 3-4 l:14slow 12 110 7 8 8 8 G C Robson 8 Blazes, Cleopatra, Kinnoul 43359 Saratoga 3-4 l:ltfast 100 112 7 7 7 6J 45i C Robson 7 Upset, Man o War. Gold.Broom 43311 Saratoga 5-3 59good SO 10410 10 10 10 10" T Murray 10 Neddam, Violet Tip, Kallipilis 43271 Saratoga 5-8 59fast 50 109 15 Pulled up. T Murray 13 TrulyRural, HastenOn. Ar.Point 43089 Anduct 3-4 l:14fast 10 115 12 12 11 9s 923 J Butwell 12 Gladiator. Furlough. LeGlorieur SERVICE STAR. b. c, 2 M 105 By Star Shoot Phew W. R. Coo. 43G15 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 18-5 110 1 12 3 4 L. McAtee 8 John P. Grier. Pilgrim, Rouleau 43561 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 ood 10 115 G 10 S 71 4J1 C Fbtherl2 P. Pennant, J.P.Grier, Padriac 42G07 Belmont 5-8 st 59fast 5 112 10 15 14 14l 1321 L. McAtee 15 Bonnie Mary. On Watch, Upset 42545 Belmont 41f st 53fast 41 115 4 11 4 21 C FbtherM Upset, KingsChmpion, Pilgrim 42454 Belmont 41f st 55y5slop 6 115 7 2 2 21 24 C Fbtherll Dominique, Pilgrim, Marianne 42415 Jamaica 5-8 l:01fast 31 115 4 3 4 32 33 C Fbther 9 Shndoah. M.Anfette. D.Hrum FIFTH RACE 1 5-16 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. July 5, 1918 2:12 4 102. TICKET, b. h, 6 108 By Ballot Princess Orna L. Waterbury. 43625 Belmont 1 1-16 l:47Sgood 31 112 2 5 4 4 4h 43i P Musgve 5 Ivrv, Recount. Thistledon 43559 Saratoga 1 1:40 good S 1051 G G G C 6 G91 P Musgve 7 RoyceRools, T.Witchet, Ticklish 43203 Empire 1 l:42slow J3-5 123 1 4 4 3 3 24 A Schugr 4 Came Cock, Woodtrap, Tetley 4315G Empire 1 l:33fast 20 108 4 4 4 4 3s 323 A Schugr 4 Bally, Lucullite, Mary Maud 430SO Aqduct 1 1-16 1:47 fast 15 116 3 9 8 7 3 ll A Schugr 9 Kilts II., Dad.Choice. Af.Arrow 43057 Aqduct 1 5-16 2:13. fast 13-5 121 2 2 2 2 2 21 A Schugr 3 African Arrow, Conduit 43030 Aqduct 1 1-16 l:44fast 15 110 5 5 5 6 5 G12 A SchuVr 5 MintoIL, Thunderclap, BeFrank SASIN, b. h, 6 108 Ey The Picket Queen C. Buxton. 43759 Aqduct 11:39 fast 8 113 7 7 G 5 4 5 M Buxton 9 Whimsy, Chasseur. Tenons Bon 43079 Belmont 1 1-16 l:45fast 13-10 107 5 G 5 5 32 3i M Buxton Doleful. Sdragon II.. F.tlieGreat 4355S Saratoga 1 l:39andgood 3 10S 2 2 2 2 22 2 M Buxton 3 Thistledon, African Arrow 43470 Saratoga 1 l:39good 20 1101 4 4 4 4 4 39 M Buxton 4 Slipp. Elm, Warsaw, Frogtown 43137 Aqtluct 1 5-1G 2:15y3good 18-5 104 9 9 5 3 2 l2 S Wida 9 Orderly. P.Butterfly. G.M.Miller 430SS Aqduct 1 1-16 l:46fast 5 115 5 9 9 9 93 76J J Metcalf 10 John I. Day. Sunnyllill, Millrace 42992 Aqduct 1 l:39M;fast 3 113 9 9 S 8 S S3 J Metcalf 10 Warsaw, Ivry, Lucius GEX, ch. g, 6 111 Bv Bachelors Button Genny R. Dwyer. 4375G Aqduct 1 l:40Vfast 7-10 116 6 2 1 1 Ill2 L Fator 7 P. G. King, Salvatelle, Wilfreda 43233 Empire lm70y 1:45 fast 3 110 3 3 6 9 6 6"! G Walls 1,8 Albert A.. King John, Iolite 42726 Belmont 1 l:42fast 7-10 150 4 4 5 5 43 431 T Wright 5 The Decision. Wyoming, Martian 42546 Belmont 1 l:374fast 8 106 12 12 12 12 12 11" A SchugrRi Columbine, Wyoming. Woodtrap 40497 Bowie 1 l:42fast 11 109 5 4 4 2 3nk 53 W Kelsay "1 Matinee Idol, Kashmir, Ballast 40457 Bowie 1 l:427fast 7 1031 6 3 2 2 52 513 G Walls 7 Minto II.. Deckmate. Mat. Idol CADILLAC ch. g. 5 105 By Toddington Winnie G. T. J. Carroll. 43725 Belmont 1 1-4 2:09fast 3 1071 1 1 2 2 2 W Lang 2 John I. Day 43560 Saratoga 1 l:41good 20 106 U 9 9 9 9 9" H Hamtn 9 Rockport, Miss Kruter. Starter 13302 Saratoga 1 l::wfeast 25 113 7 7 7 7 7l 7" C Robson 9 KingJolin. Wat.War, MaryBelle 43290 Saratoga 1 l:42mud 10 115 5 5 7 9 9 938 R Simpson 9 Hap. Valley, Q.of tlieSea. Celto 43264 Saratoga 1 l:40y5fast 9 118 1 .1 1 2 21 663 R Simpson 7 Katie Canal, Manoevrc, Umbala 42356 Pimlico 1 1-16 l:49fast 26 115 5 5 6 6 6 6" S Wida S Q.of tlieSea, Polroma. MissBryn SUNNYLAND, ch. g, 4 108 By Sunflower II. Fair Anna H. A. Bourne. 4?723 Belmont 1 l:40-ifast 30 106 7 S 7 7 G 51 T Rowan 10 Pictor, Koh-i-Xoor, F.tlieGreat 43673 U.Hunts Ab 1 fast 7 110 3 G 5 3 44 43 T Rowan Vague. Jim Dinney. Crumpsall 43604 Belmont 3-4 l-.lGandmud 40 97 5 G 5 5 5i J Wessler T, Osgood. Right Angle, The Boy 43595 U.Hnts Ab3-4 l:22good 31 120 1 2 3 4 2 5 8 T Rowan 7 Lads Love. Vague, Mil. Honours 40517 Bowie 1 1-16 l:50slow 29 107 3 1 2 3 32 31 J McTagt 8 Slip.Elm, Deckmate, O. There 40457 Bowie 1 l:42fast S 100 4 2 3 3 42 4" G PreeceJr 7 Minto II., Deckmate, Mat. Idol 40423 Bowie 1 1:44 good 37 10G 2 1 1 1 2"fc 2H J McTagt 0 Quietude, Kashmir. Game Cock SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. 2-ycar-olds. Maidens. Special Weights. July 6, 19161:113116. FAIR GAIN. ch. c. 2 M 112 By Vulcain Fairy Gold J. E. Widener. 4370S Belmont 51f st l:05fast 50 116 5 5 5 43 47 C Fbther 5 John P. Grier. Padriac, Genua SERVICE STAR, b. c. 2 M 112 B7 Star Shoot Phew W. R. Coe. -13G45 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 18-5 110 1 12 31 41 L McAtee 8 John P. Grier. Pilgrim, Rouleau 4S5G1 Saratoga 51 f 1:08. good 10 115 G 10 8 7i 471 C Fbtherl2 P. Pennant. J. P. Grier. Padriac 42G07 Belmont 5-S st 59fast 5 112 1G 15 14 14 132 L McAtee 1 Bonnie Mary. On Watch. Upset 4254S Belmont 4t st 53fast 41 115 4 1 1 4l 21 C Fbther 14 Upset, Kings Charm. Pilgrim 42451 Belmont 41f st 55;slop G 115 7- 2 2 21 2 C Fbtherll Dominique. Pilgrim. Marianne 42415 Jamaica 5-8 l:01fast 31 115 4 3 4 32 3s C Fbther 9 Shndoali, M.Antette, D.Hrum DAMASK, br. c, 2 M 112 By All Gold Crinoline II. H. P. Whitney. 4cGS2 Belmont 5-S st 1:00 fast 10 115 7 G 9 93 9" E AmbrsolO Game Chick, Georgie, Serv. Star KINGS CHAMPION, b. c. 2 M 112 Bv Uncle Continental A. K. Macomber. 4SG45 Belmont 3-4 st l:llfast 13 110 4 4 G C 5 C Kummer S John P. Crier, Pilgrim, Rouleau 43579 Belmont 51fstl:0G fast 6 113 3 2 3 6 68i C Kummer 7 Dav.Harum. SeaMint, Simpleton 43259 Saratoga 51 f l:06y3fast 10 115 12 8 12 15 1623 M Buxton 19 Evergay, MaskedDancer, Blazes 42643 Belmont 5-S st l:00yBfast 11-5 115 1 11 11 2J M Buxton 11 Leviathan, Armenus, Devil Dog 42548 Belmont 41f st 53fast 10 115 5 3 3 2 32 M Buxton 14 Upset, Service Star, Pilgrim HEADMAN, ch. c, 2 M 112 By The Manager Lina Holladay 0. J. Decker. 4293S Aqduct 5-8 OOiifar.t 15 103 it 3 4 32 22 A Johnson 8 E.Rkenbacher, Romany, D.Dog 42S70 Jamaica 5-S l:00fast 20 115 7 So 42 52 R McCrnn 9 Head Over Heels, Blazes, Alias 42796 Jamaica 51 f landfast 20 107 4 4 4 2J 35i A Johnson 5 Shoal, E. Rnbacher, St.Grmain 42543 Belmont 41f st 53fast 10 112 5 Bolted. J Metcalf 5 Flying Orb, Phan.Fair, OurMaid 42393 Jamaica 51 f l:08fast 20 110 4 4 4 41 41 R Hoffmn 5 E.Rbacher. Oleaster, Sgarmiut CARNARVON, b. c, 2 MV 112 By Llangibby Hemlock W. H. Congdon. 43323 Saratoga 51 f 1:07 fast G 102 2 1 G 9 31 J Callabanl4 Bullseye, Overcast, Who Cares 42233 Pimlico 41 f 56 fast 47 lit 7 7 9 8 Si J Williamsll Querca, Afternoon. Virginia L. EASTERN GLOW, ch. f, 2 M 109 By Aeronaut Sunrise G. Choos. 4SC45 Belmont 3-4 st l:ll4fast 100 110 8 7 7 78 7!e G Walls 8 John P. Grier, Pilgrim, Rouleau 4353G Saratbga 5-8 l:01good 12 107 5 5 G-51 4i C Kummer 0 FannyCook, L.Lanell., Betsinda 43213 Empire 51 f l:08fast 10 1071 4 4 4 42 vi G Walls 5 B. Water, MarcelleM., Punctual 432C6 Empire 51 f 1:09 slow 10 103 G 7 8 8 84 A Pickens 11 Penelope. Cormoran. Our Maid 4S089 Aqduct 3-4 l:14fast 15 112 1 4 4 7 76 L Ensor 12 Gladiator. Furlough, LeGlorieur 43058 Aqduct 5-S 1:01 fast 8 111 7 6 6 4l V E AmbrselS Ormbel, Toucanet, King George INDISCRETION, b. f, 2 M 109 - By Uncle Lady Anne R. L. Gerry. 437S0 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast G 113 5 2 2 52 5 C Kummerll Fly.Flower, RamblerRose, Liola 43722 Belmont 5-8 st l:01fast 5 103 4 3 2 2 23 C Kummer S Weary, Our Maid. Sngarmint 43593 U.Hnts Ab3-4 good G-5 103 2 3 3 22 Bolted.J Hler 4 SeaSerpent, BreadLine, Comique 43592 Belmont 5-8 st 1 :00y5mud 8 114 1 3 3 32 34i C Kummer 7 Val.ParkMaid, Swirl, MayAIley 4S445 Saratoga 5-8 l:03mud 41 107 G 12 12 11" 1083 C Kummerin Shlaglill., Cormoran, J.Bullant 433S9 Saratoga 51 f l:08slow 41 112 8 7 6 5l 651 C KummerlS End Man, StarCourt, P.Pennant 43297 Saratoga 51 f l:07slow 5 114 10 12 10 102 63 C Robsonl3 Cleopatra, HisChoice, LaRablee BRIDGE PLAYER, ch. f, 2 M 109 By Hanbridge Misplay M. H. Patterson. 43780 Aqduct 5-8 l:00fajit 63 110 7 7 5 4 4 J Eutwell 11 Fly.Flower, RamblerRose, Liola 43170 Empire 5-8 l:04Vfcgood 20 112 3 4 7 7s 6" C Kummerl2 Laughter, Ednaris, Ladylike 43014 Aqduct 5-8 59fast 50 98 6 6 G 6 6" 8 J Hoffler 1 Betsinda, Toucanet. Who Cares 42967 Aqduct 41 f 55slnw 50 1151 9 9 9 10 108 R Imes 12 Vio. Tip, Fly. Flower, HisChoice TUMBLEWEED, br. f, 2 M 109 By Zeus Miss Oertel Casco Stable. 43780 Aqduct 5-8 60 llo 10 11 11 11 ll4 T Davies 11 Fly.Flower. RamblerRose, Liola 42496 Belmont 4?.f st 53good 30 103 3 3 5 5 5 T Nolan Aerial, Peregrine, Hampden 42430 Jamaica 5-8 l:03V5slop 25 105 4 5 6 5 4 L ilcAtee 5 Mlle.Dazie. Aerial, Sandy Mac THE WAGONER, ch. c. 2 M 112 By McGee Stolen Moments E. M. Brown. 43218 Empire 51 f l:07fast 15 114 3 3 4 72 7 J Butwell 10 Sandy Deal, I.Dream, Spinaway 43188 Empire Ab 3-4 l:15mud 30 118 3 4 4 4 418 J Butwell 4 D.ofT.Vlley, Midian. LeGlieux DEVIL DOG, br. c, 2 M 112 By Darley Dale Mountain Fringe Quincy Stable. 436S2 Belmont 5-8 st 1:00 fast 25 115 9 9 7 7 78J T Rice 10 tame Chick, Georgie, Serv. Star 43G43 Bdflmont 3-4 st l:llandfast 15 110 5 6 5 6 C10 T Rice 8 John P. Grier, Pilgrim, Rouleau 43113 Aqduct 5-S l:00fast 8 113 8 7 7 51 4 T Rice 9 King Thrush, Evergay, Feodor 43003 Aqduct 5-8 1 :00 f ast 7 111 7 0 G E1 o33 T Rice 11 E.Rickenbacher, Romany, Alias 42938 Aqduct 5-8 l:00fast 7 110 4 o 5 G2 431 T Rice S E. Rnbacher, Hedman, Rmany 42714 Belmont 5-8 st 59 fast 4 115 5 6 5 52 4 G Walls 7 Man o War, Retrieve, Xeddam DICKIE, ch. f. 2 M 109 By Garry Herrmann Ambrosia E. D. Springer. 43740 Belmont 5-S st l:O0fagt 30 115 7 7 7 7 723 J ISutwell 7 Pontypridd, Swirl. North. Belle 4317G Empire 5-S l:03mud 40 99 6 6 6 G G20 J Stapletn B.andCall, BghtGold, S.IIelene 43133 Aqduct 5-8 l:01Vtgood 15 107 4 4 4 4 415 S Wida 4 FaisanDore, S.Apple, MrcelleM. BALLYBELL, ch. c, 2 M 112 By Colt Lady Isabel S. Ross. First start.