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GOSSIP OF JEFFERSON PARK ! Success of Kentucky Horses a Surprising Feature to Date. Layers Having a Hard Time Many Coming Two-Year-Olds WiH Be on Hand. NEW ORLEANS, La., December 0. Previous race meetings at Jefferson Iark fade into insignificance when compared with Hie one now under way at the Shrewsbury track. Each day this year has shown nil increase in attendance over the corresponding days of former years, and as the meeting progresses the daily crowds are becoming larger than ever. A favorable break in the weather has helped conditions considerably, as the track proper has now readied ;i better stage than ever and the high grade horses will have numerous opportunities to get Into action. The surprise of the meeting here to date has been the excellent showing of the horses which came from Kentucky, as they have triumphed over their rivals from other sections time after time. Had the stake horses In the Rlue Crass State been able lo hold their own in the rich events in their native land last spring and fall just one-half as well as the inferior ones from there have done here, there might iave been a different tale to tell in their decisions. lathering horses together which came from all parts of the country played havoc with form the first part of the meeting, but the followers are getting si good line on the ability of the various performers now- The heavy track .which prevailed, the first Tew; diiys likewise mitigated against "formful racing, s many of tiie fields were made up of the cheapest grade of horses, and the thoroughbreds of this grade have always been noted for pulling the unexpected, by beating one another regardless of conditions. Most of the layers report a deficit to date, as some of the winners were unusually well backed and nil say tlint laying odds to nice goers at a winter track is anything but a snap. Some of the best students of racing in the country are gathered here, and they overlook nothing. At that the layers have taken undue liberties with several horses from Kentucky, much to their sorrow, hut they, like many other persons from the east, always hold the blue grass horses in light esteem, unless in a race where one of them stands out as a probable winner. YOUNGSTERS BEING SCHOOLED. One weeks schooling lias been given the coming two-year-olds at the Fair Grounds to date, and between twenty-five and forty of the youngsters are at the barrier each morning to receive their lessons. Thus far their early education lias consisted in lining them up in close proximity to one another at the starting gate so as to get them, accustomed to being together in numbers, and to demonstrate to them that the barrier will not hurt them. Later the tape will" be sprung on them as they advance in their training and schooling. The remainder of tills month will be devoted to getting the juveniles in shape to go to the post from Janu-nry 1 on, and, according to James Osborne, who is schooling them, there will be close to 300 ready to race at the Fair Grounds. If jockey F. Coltiletti keeps up at the rate lie is going now he is destined to be the sensation of the winter here. This little sixteen-year-old lad. Who is under contract to the J. . Talbott stable, is riding in rare form and he was the first jockey here to ride three winners iu a single afternoon. Horsemen predict a bright future for him and lie has all the earmarks of a high-class rider. It was only last spring at Hot Springs that he had his first mount and his development has been rapid. Coltiletti is a product of New York, his home being im Lexington avenue, not far from the celebrated horse market. It was there that he obtained his early knowledge of horses, and nothing would do him but that he become a jockey. He was not long iu realizing his ambition. Atta Hoy II., which won the Juvenile Stakes at Churchill Downs last spring, seems to have benefited considerably by his rest this autumn, as one of his first feats here was to win an all-aged race iind defeat some good sprinters. The diminutive gelding has regained his speed, which deserted him after a hard campaign . in Kentucky last spring. When he is good he is a j-oungster of no mean ability. Atta Boy II. was brought here last winter by ilose Goldhlatt for Harry layne Whitney, but the hitter sold Kim to II. Neusteter. The latter won the Juvenile Stakes with him and disposed of hint to C. K. Patterson. He was a dismal failure in Pattersons hands and he finally sold him at auction. .1. W. Schorr purchasing him for J. O. Talbott. He was shipped east to trainer S. A. Clopton, who evidently had a winter campaign in view for him. It seems he Is going to be a steady purse winner here :it both trucks. "CANADA JACK" ADKINS STABLE. .Eight horses comprise the stable brought here frum Kentucky by .1. I. "Canada Jack" Adkins, Jtiid with the exception of Woodpile they are owned Jointly by him and Rod J. Mackenzie, a wealthy Canadian railroad magnate and siwrtsmaii. Woodpile is the exclusive property of Adkins. The others in his bam are Iiedra. winner of the 5.000 udded Ixington Cup last fall; Huiiteriuaun, Rnek-lalde. Powder Flask, Itees Wing. Zenncr and St. Jillieu. The latter is a yearling bay colt by Ilicje ami lie will have an opportunity to show ills wortli at the Fair Grounds meeting. Mackenzie and Adkins made a powerful combination in racing at one time, when they had ISuck-Jiorn. Helen Uarbee, Melton Street and many other Kood horses, but at the outbreak of the war the Jormer forsook the siort for the time being because of pressing business. He had only a few horses i-uirying his colors while the conflict was on, but last summer lie became more interested than ever and again joined fortes with his old trainer. G. 11. Rryson lias one of the largest stables here, with the exception of those whose mainstay is yearlings. He has fourteen under his care, and they are the property or E. C. Griffiths, K. K. liryson and W. T. Owens. The horses of this establishment are Harwood, Celto, Baby Sister, Sky Pilot. Indian Chant. Enerinite. Oh Yes, Bellringer, Buekboard, Dancing Carnival, Vim, Kimpalong, Ouvan Hoy ami Eddie MclJride. This is a rather useful outfit and all of the horses are going along well in their training. Trainer Hal Farrell. who brought fifteen yearlings hero .for Edward Cebriun of California, has two two-year-old in his stable which he will race at .Jefferson Park. They are Anna Hegina. a two- Continued on fourth page. GOSSIP OF JEFFERSON PARK Continued from first page. year-old bay; filly, by Von Tromp Genna half-sister to Back Bny. and Old, Sinner, a two-year-old bay gelding, by Von Tromi La Sinolva. Both were bred by Mr. Cebrian and the latter is still owned by him. Anna Regina belongs to George Underbill. Farrell says that the Cebrian yearlings are doing finely and they will all be ready for early racing at the Fair Grounds. Having decided to campaign all of the older horses under bis care at Jefferson Park, trainer William Hurley has moved his entire E. R. Bradley stable from the Fair Grounds over to the Shrewsbury track.. The ten thoroughbreds over two years old that make up the establishment here of the master of Idle Hour, Farm will be seen in action often, and Hurley figured that the loading and unloading them on and off the motor vans would be too irksome a task, especially when he has several entered on one day. Ttie Bradley horses are partial to a fast track, and the improved Jefferson course will well suit them in this respect. Judge Francis J. Nelson, who is serving in the stewards stand with judges Joseph A. Murphy and Herman P. Conkling, is well versed in all branches of sport, with the exception of golf. He gained his knowledge of the various sports through active participation in his native city of Toronto, Ont. In addition to this he was for many years sporting editor of a Toronto newspaper. As evidence of the esteem in which he is held by the sport-loving people in his section he was made chairman of the Canadian Olympic committee, chairman of the Canadian Amateur Oarsman Association and chairman of the A. A. U. Of Canada, He also has served upon numerous occasions -as an official in footbali games, baseball, hockey and lacrosse, but his first and last love in the sporting world is the thoroughbred horse. "Im too young yet for golf," was the judges comment in discussing his lack of knowledge and interest in that sport. He lias the distinction of having had a son who is said to have been the youngest major in the British army, he being only twenty-one years of age. He died in battle. Another son, Harry, who is spending the winter here, and who lias been employed in various capacities at race tracks in this country and Canada for several years, had a number of close calls from meeting a similar fate while a member of the American marines; On the way to France the ship that lie was on caught fire, and after being transferred to another vessel it was torpedoed. He arrived 011 the French shore with a life belt on and went with the marines through the Argonne and several other famous battles. As was expected there has been considerable claiming of horses since the Jefferson meeting opened, as it 4s possible to claim at a much lower figure here than was the case in the east and Kentucky, because the: purse, values are not so large. Cheap horses that can win are much in demaud, even though there is an overflow of them here, and some of the owners are adoptins the claiming method in an effort .to bolster up .their stables for the coming Fair Grounds meeting. It would have cost anywhere from ,400 to ,000 to obtain the same horses in Kentucky and Maryland which are being claimed here duily for 00, as the purses in those two states ranged from ,000 upward, while in no claiming race was the entrance price less than 00. This price seems to be a standard figure here, no matter w1iaf a horses real worth may Starter A. B. Dade, who will send the fields away at the Fair Grounds, got in Thursday from his. home in Henderson, Ky. Mr. Dade came down early in order to put, in several weeks fishing and hunting, and he is especially fond of these two sports.